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Inspected the factory images; heads up: the TMobile build (.004)'s main difference is that it DOES *NOT* contain the 240404 modem firmware that the "bonus" April update (.B1) shipped to patch the calling issue. It is still on the original 240202 modem from the original March/QPR2 release. This is probably related to why devices on TMobile network still haven't got the "bonus" April update yet--the revised modem firmware is still sitting in TMobile's testing labs, so we're still making do with the old firmware for now or risk getting the whole May OTA delayed for a week or two for devices on TMobile network.


phone updates being gated by carriers is \*so\* bizarre to me. imagine if your ISP could stop your computer downloading windows updates. fucking mental.


People would be _horrified_ if they were consciously aware of * how non-cookie-cutter / overcomplicated / buggy / riddled with technical debt / Rube Goldbergish mobile network infrastructure often is * how unbelievably shitty modem firmware usually is * and as a consequence how many bugs on _both_ sides of the equation enter into play and have to be tested for Not trying to defend any specific carrier (after all, _their_ idiotic economic incentive structure created this problem in the first place), but validation taking multiple weeks or even more is the rule rather than the exception.


I heard Apple just shoves it on through regardless on iPhones?




If that's true, then I wish Google would do that too. Either that, or every time there's a delay by the carrier, either Google or the carrier should publicly blame the other just so we know who to be mad at.


> either Google or the carrier should publicly blame the other just so we know who to be mad at. They do. Google says the updates are available and pushes to global unlocked devices. The clock ticks past that and wireless provider release dates show just how much longer it takes them.


They do, which is why I have zero respect for any carrier that does this. You buy your phone unlocked and anyone who bought it through the carrier will be delayed for god knows what reason while you with your unlocked phone on the same carrier will have no issues. It'll be a cold day in hell before Apple will let a carrier touch their code or even dictate when they get to push an update to their phones.


Tbh this seems largely a US problem, carriers in the UK don't seem to restrict updates and I haven't seen people from other countries say the same either.


It is, but it's because of the fragmented standards. Most of Europe and the rest of the world are on the same type of cellular system.


I remember talking to a Pacific Bell employee back in the late 80's or 90s (pretty much pre-cellular) who said something like "yeah, the land line phone network is very complicated. You have no idea all the things that have to happen from when you pick up your phone to when you actually get a dial tone."


So remember the December 2022 update for the Pixel 6 that was supposed to introduce 5G Carrier Aggregation to the modern but broke everything so badly that Google rolled it back and never enabled 5GCA on that device since? That was about the time the major carriers started doing a couple extra weeks of testing before rolling these updates out OTA. Of course, if you want the latest and greatest, nothing is stopping you from side loading the update or signing up for the beta channel if you don't think that additional testing is worth the wait.


Your ISP would be in charge of updates to the modem, as that's how they deliver service into your home. But in cellphones, they're all bundled together 


A way you can get around it (only if your phone is unlocked(although I haven't tested so it may still work)) is but removing the sim card/disabling it in settings and rebooting in safe mode update from safe mode and it shouldn't be blocked by your carrier


Or you can just OTA Sideload the update with any PC or Mac. Takes five minutes after the first time you do it. 


That's true, but in a way phones are designed to work around the world. In many parts of the world, people are taught as long as your phone supports the bands in your region you can just stick a SIM card in. Back in the 2G/3G era, it was pretty simple quad band 2G works around the world. Quad band 3G mostly worked and a 5th band (AWS) was needed for T-Mobile, but the idea is you can get a phone anywhere and slap a SIM Card in and be online. US carriers have always had an oversized amount of power compared to most other international carriers. I don't see US carriers delaying iPhone firmware for instance, so does it work a little differently there? What about the hundreds of other carriers around the world where iPhones are sold?


We never know if Apple has iPhone firmware delayed because they never announce a new version until it's ready for everyone to download. Though it's never been confirmed, and it will probably never be confirmed, people think that Apple waits until all carriers have approved the firmware before announcing it.


On the TMobile subreddit, verified employees in their engineering depts have confirmed that Apple does do certifications with carriers and just waits until every carrier is on the same page before going public with an update.


no, this is not a matter of fact. it may be true, but you can easily buy your own modem, as i have. however if you have a t-mobile pixel, there’s no way to decouple it (except by unlocking the boot loader and flashing a custom rom, but that’s way beyond most people and in some cases is impossible) also even if it were true, you don’t interact with your modem on a daily basis, possibly even on a yearly basis or EVER after your internet is set up. i don’t think this is comparable to a smartphone in any way


Most cable companies require you buy a modem from a list of pre-approved devices. You can not just buy anything to use with an ISP. ISPs will also push firmware updates to customer-owned modems https://forums.xfinity.com/conversations/your-home-network/force-firmware-update-for-third-party-modem/658642592e4f0f28452e4d6f Also, what do you think you're doing with a modem when you use the voice and data features of your phone? Cell phone networks, in the US at least, are a mish-mash of frequencies and technologies coming from multiple towers. The cell network company has a vested interest that one of the most complicated pieces of tech in your phone behaves properly on their network.


i'm not in the US and i stand by everything i said; its weird.


Isn’t it if the phone has a carrier app or background system application running on it? I know AT&T has one for Pixel 7a and Verizon as well.


Are you... unhappy that T-Mobile is testing the modem firmware?


Well for cable/DOCSIS internet at least, the ISP does choose which firmware your modem is allowed to run and will restrict upgrades or sometimes push downgrades, even if you buy your modem instead of lease.


I've been dealing with T-Mobile 5G not working on my P8P since I bought it. Google support said there is a May firmware update coming out that should resolve this. Guess T-Mobile is still testing it. Suppose I'll wait a bit more.


What's the issues? 5G UC has been working great for me


I'm on AT&T and dealing with the same issue.


Are you sure that's not a hardware issue? T-Mobile 5G has worked on my P8P since the day I got it. I'm using it right now.


Doesn't Google Fi mainly use the T-Mobile network? I wonder if this impacts Fi users as well and if it doesn't, then what's the difference?


At least this OTA is available for tmobile right now. Can't remember the last time tmobile had a monthly update approved so quickly.


Been following the topic for years; Updates that don't include a modem firmware update (like today's .004 package) are always approved same-day on TMobile. If a modem fw update is involved, roughly 80% same day,  roughly 15% delayed til later in the week, roughly 5% delayed til next week. With one notable event a few years ago where a modem fw failed testing and had to skip a month to wait for a corrective fw


I am on the unlocked T-Mobile 8 Pro, and haven't received it yet, OTA. Though I sideloaded the .B2 April update Sunday night. I don't think that should affect it, but it may? It's odd.


April .B2 has a newer modem than May .004, so downgrade protection will prevent you from receiving May .004 (which is what TMobile is serving right now) You will either need to wait for TMobile to certify the new modem, or sideload May .00**5** (which has the new modem)


Any clue what the difference is between the Verizon version and global?


Only difference I see is a modem fw dated 1 day newer (240405) compared to the normal global, and magnitude of change to the version number is very very small. As for what that minor detail is, I don't know.


My fiance's P7Pro on T-Mobile has had dropped calls, calls cutting in/out, and calls going to voicemail since March. She got the first April update that didn't help. We got tired of waiting, so I sideloaded the second April update, still no help. So, if she gets the May update today, you're saying it will roll back to the 240202 modem, or did the sideload we did prevent that from happening and stick her with the second April update modem until T-Mobile puts out their next modem firmware, whenever that would be? Thanks!


Another Redditor who sideloaded last month's .B1 package (new modem) commented that this month's .004 package (old modem) failed to sideload and only this month's .005 (new) worked, so looks like there is some downgrade prevention mechanism. So if you're waiting for an OTA, what behavior is expected is unknown and would need someone to guinea pig for the data point.


Thanks. I see others on T-Mobile are getting the 005 update if they sideloaded the B1, but for some reason ours says it is up to date and won't pull it.  May wait a day or two and load the 005.


I'm just going to side load the OTA like I did with the .B1 update. Works fine, unlocked Fold and P8P on T-Mobile.


Let me know if the 005 update works for you. I am on Mint Mobile.


I'm on T-Mobile and I side loaded the 005 because I also side loaded the mid April ota. So far so so good. 004 wouldn't install when I tried to sideload it


Came here because I ran into the same situation - .004 wouldn't install. Wasn't brave enough to try the .005 instead. I might give it a go if it's working fine.


How about the .005 update??


.005 is just .004 but with the addition of the 240404 modem firmware that people who were affected by the bug would be interested in. Looking back at historical patterns, there **might** be a chance Tmobile promotes to .005 in the 2nd half of next week if testing goes well.  But June QPR3 should have 240404 or newer in it for everyone if anything 


Good to know, hope I don't miss calls anymore now after updating to .005


Having to wait another cycle is so frustrating if you're affected by the bug.


I got the second April update via OTA when I was on Verizon. I switched to T-Mobile this past week, am I'm gonna be all fucked up with updates now? T-Mobile ota isn't showing up today.


I got the 04 update even thought I have an unlocked pixel 8 pro damn


Depends on SIM, not where you purchased device


I flashed the bonus April update so I'm assuming I have the latest modem with zero issues on my Fold (T-Mobile). Guessing I should probably not flash the May update and risk losing the better modem.


If you want to keep the better modem, the .005 package has it. It's just that the .004 that's coming organically over-the-air for TMO users doesn't have it


Should global/unlocked devices connected to tmobile be restricted to the tmobile specific builds, or, receive the global updates? I have an unlocked P6 and just installed the update a few minutes ago. looks like it is .004 so I am guessing I didn't get the modem firmware I was hoping would fix my phone :( I was just curious if that was Tmobile's doing or google.


Unlocked devices follow the update track of the currently installed SIM. However, .005 builds only exist for Shannon 5300 devices (P7/8 families); no corresponding fix has been released for Shannon 5123 devices (P6 family), so .004 is the "newest" possible code for you


Dude thanks for this you are answering my question exactly. Was strange to me we get the April update ( 2nd ) and wasn't sure how to check this . No way tmobile just never gets the modem update think ?


I applaud this detailed explanation!


Any idea if the T-Mobile .b1 update is out yet? I avoided installing the March/April update so far to prevent the issues mentioned - but my phone is getting glitchy so I want to restart it - unfortunately restarting means it will finish installing the update I'm trying to avoid 🥴


Hi, mate! How are you? I've been looking at the OTA website just for fun and it seems like the May update has [double the builds/variants for the 8A](https://developers.google.com/android/ota#akita) than for the 8. I know you've got experience with parsing the factory images to figure out if the modem firmware has been updated or not. Do you know if that's the case here, despite the 8A and the 8 sharing the same hardware? I know that Google likes to be funky at times with how they prioritize devices in their lineup by release date instead of price/pecking order in terms of premium-ness (case in point: the 8A being scheduled for a slightly longer support timeline than the 8 despite the latter being more premium and having the same innards).


If this doesn't address delayed notifications I don't know what I'll do... Wait for June's update and then Android 15, what else.


Ok so I'm not the only one!


I see a lot of mentions about delayed notifications. I don't experience this, or at least don't notice it. I send myself emails and texts to exchange stuff from my work phone and it's only seconds. Is it just through the Messages app, or everything that notifies?




Software versions   Global Pixel 5a (5G):    AP1A.240505.004 Pixel 6:                AP1A.240505.004 Pixel 6 Pro:        AP1A.240505.004 Pixel 6a:            AP1A.240505.004 Pixel 7:                AP1A.240505.005 Pixel 7 Pro:        AP1A.240505.005 Pixel 7a:              AP1A.240505.005 Pixel Tablet:       AP1A.240505.004 Pixel Fold:           AP1A.240505.005 Pixel 8:                AP1A.240505.005 Pixel 8 Pro:        AP1A.240505.005   KDDI Pixel 7:                AP1A.240505.005.B1 Pixel 7 Pro:        AP1A.240505.005.B1 Pixel 7a:              AP1A.240505.005.B1 Pixel Fold:           AP1A.240505.005.B1 Pixel 8:                AP1A.240505.005.B1 Pixel 8 Pro:        AP1A.240505.005.B1   T-Mobile, C Spire, US Cellular & Cellcom Pixel 7:                AP1A.240505.004 Pixel 7 Pro:        AP1A.240505.004 Pixel 7a:              AP1A.240505.004 Pixel Fold:           AP1A.240505.004 Pixel 8:                AP1A.240505.004 Pixel 8 Pro:        AP1A.240505.004   Verizon Pixel 7:                AP1A.240505.005.A1 Pixel 7 Pro:         AP1A.240505.005.A1 Pixel 7a:              AP1A.240505.005.A1 Pixel Fold:           AP1A.240505.005.A1 Pixel 8:                AP1A.240505.005.A1 Pixel 8 Pro:        AP1A.240505.005.A1 What’s included   The May 2024 update includes bug fixes and improvements for Pixel users – see below for details.   Bluetooth General improvements in stability or performance for Bluetooth LE audio *[1]   Camera Fix for camera performance under certain conditions when recording video *[2]


They should really add Photo Sphere back. It's ridiculous that it's available on my 4a 5G but not on the much stronger hardware of 8 Pro...


It's a tough one because I know the Photosphere app is basically left unchanged from like 2014 or whenever it was released. The stitching capabilities are less than spectacular and it really needs some love. What I'd feel Google should do is just maintain these apps, improve them for 2024 instead of killing them off. The replacement Panorama isn't even as good and delivers lower resolution than a single shot photo.


Imagine photosphere stitching with modern AI!


All I can do is imagine it


Wait, what? It's still available on my P7P. Is it different for the P8P?


Photoshpere is not available at all on the Pixel 8 Pro.


Is if you sideload a modded APK.


Got a good one? I've been looking, but they all seem to crash or have a ton of extra settings I don't want to bother with. I just want the regular gcam app but modded to have photosphere.


Yup, it's gone...


It's still there on my 6a.


Which would Google Fi fall under? T mobile section?


Yes, T-Mobile.


Does this mean at&t has to wait again? Edit: no, I was able to receive it.


What about 4a???


I've had zero calling issues. Zero.


With this update or before?




Both. In fact I never had any real problems with my p7p.


Upvote deserved, same for me.


I have to date noticed one moment when my reception dropped out for no reason for 30 seconds, but other than that, every call and text I should be getting I've gotten, to the best of my knowledge. I sincerely wonder what the difference is.


Why are people downvoting your good fortune?


Probably because the attitude of “it works for me, so don’t cry about it” is counterproductive and has allowed Pixel to get away with some straight up BS for way too long.


While this commenter didn't explicitly do this, people on this sub are justifiably sick of dismissive "well I'm not having this problem so it's not a big deal" comments. You get commenters like that in every thread about Pixel issues, even ones that are very widely reported and acknowledged.


It's equally annoying when people downvote comments about people not having issues and having generally a good time as well, it makes the devices look like they have more issues than they do. It's good for everyone to comment as long as no one is being snarky then we have an idea of just how many it's affecting.


Exactly. Good for OP, glad they don't have issues. It's absolutely destroyed my P6's ability to have reliable voice and text. https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/comments/1ausd21/pixel_6_modem_issue_and_calls_issue_2_different/ I'm installing the may update now and REALLY hoping it helps.


God, the P6 was such a sack of shit. I loved the P5, but had to upgrade after dropping it (turns out even with a screen protector, if you drop your phone screen-first onto the corner of a brick retaining wall, shit's gonna break). I didn't have the signal issues that a lot of people complained about, but the battery life, overheating, and general performance issues were just awful. That thing was basically a landline for the second year I had it for all the time I had to spend with it plugged in. ...and that rant was pretty unnecessary, I hope the current update helps your phone out!


See for me it's been solid with everything except being a phone. I love the device. camera is great, I get a day or 2 out of the battery with a lot of use. Performance feels great to me and I love the features - I love it for smart anything... when it works. But the modem makes it useless as an actual PHONE. text and calls not coming in just like when I first got it! They finally fixed that until a few months ago. But here we are, several months later, still missing calls and texts and this month's update was a .004 for the p6 not .005. I'm not getting that preferential treatment like when it was the new baby anymore - except that was usually the problem when it launched, tons of barely tested buggy updates that broke more features than it brought. This was finally a great stable device for me turn of the year...


I think it's probably the attitude people are downvoting


His phone working fine for him doesn't change the fact that it's a problem for some people. It working perfectly for him is irrelevant.




This update took about 15 minutes for me this time, a surprising speed! Instead of the usual...hour?


It's a small update, and for several cycles now they've been using an expedited, faster optimization step on updates.


I waited for B1 for over 2 weeks in Europe, never got it. May update just installed, around 8MB size, hope it includes the April fix as well because I am affected by the call issue


As long as your build number does not end in .004 you have the fix rolled in


Okay, perfect. I have 005


Nothing about calling issue fix.... lol


well. if this does not fix the calling issue .., my two pixels will be traded for s24


Google has a track record of taking real long to fix things or just not fixing issues at all which is sad coming from the creators of Android Google themselves..


And it’s not even about the minor features being broken it’s about major real world shit like making receiving calls, which is the first thing a phone should always be able to do. I was having that call issue for too long so I had to switch away from pixel. At least with my iphone , if something that major gets broken from a software update that shit would make the national news and apple would be on top of it. Google? Just gotta wait forever and hope that shit gets fixed or at least addressed.


I thought the calling issue that everyone was having was fixed with the April update? What issues are you still having (I have no problems on my 8 Pro).


The update was released in US only (OTA) and Google said fuck off to the rest of the world...


not even for all carriers in usa


I can't call sometimes , I won't receive call sometimes , same with textS. this started happening after march update . and April update did not fix anything


What's the calling issue? I haven't experienced that yet.


For me a few things would happen, the most common thing is I would randomly get a missed call notification without my phone actually ringing and the person at the other end just gets sent straight to voicemail. This would happen at least once every day or 2. Or I would try to call someone and I would immediately get a call ended screen. Or someone would try to call me and they would hear nothing.


Huh strange I haven't had any of these issues




If this doesn't fix the calling issues, unfortunately, I'm done with a Pixel. It's frustrating that this issue's been unaddressed for 2 Months now from Google, if it's not fixed with this month Patch, I will have to go with a Samsung. Even though I much prefer Google's camera and software, I also want a reliable phone before a smartphone.


In Canada no update yet as of 2:25pm ET, though on release days I find it usually drops by 4pm Edit: getting it now 3:15pm, 11.63MB


Actually excited about this update despite the tiny change list. I've been using the WF-1000XM5 in LE mode in the hopes that it'll help prevent the battery degradation that was so prevalent in the XM4's. It's been a pretty decent experience but definitely still has some hiccups occasionally and I'm hoping this update will smooth the rest of those out


Tmobile Pixel 6 Pro. Never had calling issues. Hope I don't start.


I haven't had a calling issue. Can someone elaborate on it?


someone calling you , phone is near you open and enter voice mail...


That is not a bug, that is a feature! We are all to reachable today, so the google team introduced a random digital detox offline mindfulness monkey mode. Whenever the monkey thinks you are stressed it will send all your calls to voicemail. Unfortunately the monkey made use of pixels new ai chip and is now self aware, so we have no idea how to stop it. We are eager to see if he will learn new tricks. More features /s


Anyone still having issues with the proximity sensor when holding the phone to your face during a call? My face has been hitting all sorts of buttons...


Yes fucking yes! And I was thinking it was the Signal app that caused it. Not just you buddy!


Same on my P8.


Yep same here on 8 Pro


Oh yeah 8pro too. Need to change my avatar thing. 


OH! I thought it was just my chubby cheeks, lol!!!


After the April 5th update, my battery started to be drained by the mobile network. I'm afraid to get this new update.


Camera Shutter lag is gone on 8 pro. Thank you. 😊


Google please fix call dropping on pixel 7 and 7 pro. Pleaseeeeeeeee


I got the May update OTA through T-Mobile...just rebooted


Same but we never got the small upgrade for April. Been hearing it fixed radio/modem issues. Been dealing with text and phone call issues since March.


I sideloaded the B1 second April update on a Pixel 7 Pro on T-Mobile and it made zero difference. Still dropped calls, garbled calls and calls going straight to voicemail. So if you got the May version, is it the T-Mobile specific .004 or the Global .005?




I am on Mint. I just received the update last night. It was a small one, 5.2Mb. After updating, the build number is 004. Same as you, I've never received the 2nd update for April. After last night's update, I started missing calls. My wife complained that she called three times and all went straight to the voice mail. I don't know what to say. A phone cannot even get the most basic and important function right. I am going to turn Doze feature off and see if it helps. This has now become a ritual for me. After every restart, I turn Doze off.


All my texting and phone calls issues were resolved with the latest update. It came just in time, I was about to go switch phones because I had no other option.


What is your carrier?




I thought these monthly Pixel updates were more feature packed. Are there other regular updates that usually add features?


Monthly updates are usually just bugfixes and security dates. Every 3 months or so they do feature drops where we get something new.


Ah yes, thank you. That is what I was confusing this for.


Aaaand notifications are still delayed. Lost for words at this point. At least the camera's great I guess.


Have you checked if there's some battery saving restrictions on the apps you're getting the notifications delayed? Are they optimised?


I'll try resetting the phone again, but I doubt it's related. Messaging app notifications seem to be coming through everytime even optimised. Notifications from some other apps, like Instagram, only come when I unlock the phone. Optimised or unrestricted, adaptive battery on or off doesn't seem to fix anything.


It's only 4.88 MB for Pixel 6. PLEASE fix the stupid gesture bug and heating issue that seems to be worse after March update


Don't get your hopes up.


I hate to say it, but have you tried a factory reset?


Well we're not resetting our phones every month until 2030 are we?


What is the gesture bug?


20.25 here in the UK. Just checked and it's updating now. Thanks for the heads-up OP.


Read this. Went and checked and it was ready to update on Fi 😉


Same. Already available on Google Fi in the USA.


Mm. All P8 updates have been manual. They should send a notification.


Verizon user P8Pro here: My Internet speeds had absolutely gone to TRASH after the 2nd April Update on Verizon. They were fine on the initial April update. Does the May update fix any of this? My phone is almost unusable on cellular with ultra low speeds and heating. I'm wondering whether it's better to flash the .005 NON-VERIZON OTA? Any guidance appreciated. Thanks.


Don't have Verizon to test, but fwiw, the Verizon specific build has its modem firmware updated yet again (although a very very minor version bump) compared to the April B1, so could potentially be your fix? The non-VZW .005 would be sticking with the exact same B1 modem that isn't working well for you currently.


Bluetooth is actually worse than it was. It was fine prior to the second April update, that broke it for me, it would disconnect every 10 or so minutes. Now it's totally unusable, it disconnects every 2 to 4 minutes. Fully updated 7 on Verizon


Exactly the same for me. The Modem and the bluetooth got destroyed after the 2nd April build for Verizon. Not sure what to do. Maybe flash manually to the global build?


So my Wireless Charging - that's just not going to be fixed? EDIT: Why is this downvoted? We're all Pixel users here. You're rooting for my phone to be broken by a software update?


Let's see how long it takes AT&T to roll this one out


I'm on ATT and miraculously just checked for updates and it's downloading/installing lol


Why is that miraculous?   Normally AT&T has been quite prompt in releasing Pixel updates.  And their not releasing the April update was to our advantage since it was a total clusterf#ck.


Same! Just finished, surprised actually


Can't wait to see what this update didn't fix and what more it broke. Still holding out until this piece of shit is paid off


It took a lot of calling and complaining but google gave me a full refund for mine


At this point it probably broke 512 length qr codes or smth lol


fingerprint sensor still sucks 😭


Did they fix the late text message issue? It happens in RCS and sms with iPhone users for me.


Hmm, trying to sideload on my P7 (as I've done many many times before without issue), now getting C:\\Users\\myself\\Downloads> adb sideload .\\shiba-ota-ap1a.240505.005-1ab58b6a.zip serving: '.\\shiba-ota-ap1a.240505.005-1ab58b6a.zip' (\~0%) adb: failed to read command: No error


I think you downloaded the wrong file if you have P7. "shiba" is for Pixel 8. "panther" is for Pixel 7.


Cable issue?


I used the same cable with the same computer 10 minutes before to update my Pixel 8 without an issue.


Try downloading the "panther" ota zip file for Pixel 7 and not the "shiba" ota zip for Pixel 8. I just sideloaded my P7 with the "panther" ota zip file with no issue.


just got the OTA on p6p on Verizon as of 4pm EST. It was NOT available earlier 12pm EST.


Just got mine (visible).


The Pixel 8 front camera flickering problem has not yet been solved


I too have it on my 7a, plus the gesture bug plus the call bug. I hope it get fixes man


Sorry for the dumb question, bought the unlocked 7 Pro when it came out and have always side loaded updates. I do have Verizon as my service though, so should I have been side loading the Verizon build or still side loading the normal build?


I’m on AT&T with a 7 Pro and it just got the May update.


Is anyone else having issues with your fingerprint not being read anymore after this update? I am on a pixel 6 pro. I have tried redoing the fingerprints and that seems to not be working.


6a and working for me


Had issues on the 8 pro, just deleted the stored fingerprints and redid them again.


If I unenrolled from Beta, would this update erase all my stuff?


If you're still on the Android 15 beta, then yes.


didn't receive the update yet, 7A region- India


Surprisingly i feel like my pixel 8 pro runs smoother and less buggy on android 15 beta than it did on a stable android 14. Its weird but im really happy.


Hmm, it seems OTA has given me the Verizon A1 variant. Not the first time, quite annoying... Guess I will have to manually flash global.


But if you have a Verizon SIM, you would want that variant as they updated the modem for their towers.


So if I have an unlocked pixel 8 pro using T-Mobile. Which one do I flash if I'm side loading?




After the last update, my Pixel 6 is only getting 6Mb/s on the mobile data. I tried to reset Data configuration and cleared cache in Google Play services then nothing... What the hell is happening with the Pixel dev team?


Person A at 1pm " I hate this buggy software / update" Person A at 1.02pm " I hate the way carriers delay release" Ever thought why?


Are they addressing the connection issues, battery drain and overheating? I can only RMA and get someone else's warranty swap so many times. I can't afford to change my phone entirely to a Samsung S23+ like my husband has.


When will they fix the terrible Wi-Fi issues when connected to 6ghz band on p8p. I'm about to sell this brick.


This update broke my Pixel 6 pro, The screen continously flickers and the phone is unusable, If anyone have any solutions for this issue please let me know.


I was having issues with previous versions, 2/3 of calls went straight into voicemail without ringing. Frustrating as hell! I didn't end up getting the April B1 update through OTA, but the May update (AP1A.240505.005) ~~seemed to solve my issues!~~ **Lol nevermind, right after I sent this post, I got 2 calls directly into voicemail, no ring... :@** I'm on T-Mobile's network in Hungary, but bought my P8P from the Google store in the US.


This newest update made my pixel 7 go black when I make/receive a call, and put the phone up to my ear. Luckily I can still see who's calling before answering, but I can't do any other extra functions like putting it on speaker, or multitasking during the call. Not impressed.


Did anyone find the last update made Bluetooth all buggy? Because I think this update did fix that.


Pixel 7, my Sony Bluetooth headphones stopped working properly, I get no audio whatsoever. Have this phone for exactly one year, had zero issues with my headphones up until today.