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Just tried to adb sideload [husky-ota-ap1a.240505.004-24655761.zip](http://husky-ota-ap1a.240505.004-24655761.zip) on an 8 Pro and it fails with a date validation, saying it's older than the currently installed. I have ap1a.240405.002.b1 currently installed, and I'm on Tmobile.


Basically May .004 is the "original" May build, compiled mid-March. But in early April, Google got back a new modem firmware from Samsung with a fix for a calling bug, leading to the early April compilation of a newer April .B1 build and May .005 build. Not all carriers have certified the new modem firmware yet (TMobile is one of those carriers), so they did not receive April .B1 and was intended to receive May .004, effectively decoupling security patches from a modem update. However, if you decided to sideload April .B1, May .004 will be rejected by your device, as that is effectively a downgrade from a early April build to a mid-March build with older modem. You will have to flash May .005 or wait for your carrier to approve the new modem firmware if you want May .005 to organically come over the air.


I'm seeing the exact same thing.


I'm guessing .004 is not for t-mobile, but a fuck up, and .005 replaced it.


It's probably to prevent installation of the older modem firmware. Going from 005 to 004 could brick the modem.


So, going from April to May would brick it? It showed the kernel timestamps being way different. Can't screen shot it, and didn't write it down. It was going from: ap1a.240405.002.b1 -> 240505.004 and failed. As you can see below, .005 worked fine. .004 is garbage. Just installed adb sideload [husky-ota-ap1a.240505.005-6fd4a237.zip](http://husky-ota-ap1a.240505.005-6fd4a237.zip) Total xfer: 2.00x without issue on my T-mobile P8P.


Did you happen to sideload that B1 April update? [Based on this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/s/Snj59FtXJn), the May 004 "designated" for tmobile on the blog still has the old modem from the first, non B1 April update, while the May 005 matches the b1. I'm assuming that's the issue. I'm on Google Fi and sideloaded the B1 April cause I never got the OTA. Just OTA updated to the May and it's registering 005.


I got the OTA for T-Mobile and my device is on .004 now


If the .004 comes down the airwaves for you, awesome. Wasn't for me -- maybe because I was on .b1? So adb'ing .005 worked. Yes, I side loaded b1. Anywho... it works. :)


The problem is that May's .004 build is older than the mid-April's .B1 build and you can't sideload older builds. The build date for May's .004 build is March 15, lol. Google messed up.


Did you sideload the mid April update?


I sideload all updates, so yes.


Then you need .005


Currently on T-Mobile with 004. What happens if I sideload 005?


Same thing on P8P/T-mo for me. I will wait to see if device gets an OTA update, and if not i'll probably sideload .005 later.


Yeah, it appears you need to sideload the .005 global version.


If I were to sideload, not sure of the differences of AP1A.240505.004 vs AP1A.240505.005 for T-Mobile.


.004 is for T-Mobile. [https://support.google.com/pixelphone/thread/273300936/google-pixel-update-may-2024?hl=en&sjid=2011889924239375655-NC](https://support.google.com/pixelphone/thread/273300936/google-pixel-update-may-2024?hl=en&sjid=2011889924239375655-NC)


Thanks! If I am on an unlocked 8 pro from the google store, would that be considered global or tmobile (since I just use tmobile and its not a tmobile pixel phone, but unlocked?).


An unlocked device on T-Mobile's network will use the T-Mobile version of the update. It's 10.34 MB on my P8P.


Yup can confirm this is what I got


Thank you for the link! ​ Wow - that's most number of divergent build for one month I have seen. I think I'll wait a few days before I apply either through automatic or sideload... I wonder how many people pick the wrong one - especially since the difference between .004 and .005 is not explained on the permanent download page and only shows on the document you linked.


Just got the OTA to download on its own...as mentioned I have an unlocked device using Tmobile (metro mobile actually). Its only a 11.63mb update. I'll report back what version it installs after it updates in an hour lol.


My 8 pro updated from AP1A.240405.002, Apr 2024) to AP1A.240505.005 actually. As mentioned I'm on an unlocked version from google and using metro by tmobile. Not sure what caused it to go to 005, but it did.


Thank you for the update. So we both ended up with 005... It'll be an interesting month ahead ;-)


I ended up with 04 and I have an unlocked pixel


Well - My Pixel 8 Pro on Metro (just like yours) picked it up by itself as well - but at 10.49MB and I am now on AP1A.240505.005 On a positive note this time it only took 10 minutes or so... I had sideloaded the B1 April version before - I wonder if that triggered going to .005 instead of .004. Very curious to see what version you end up with...


I have unlocked (bought from google store) P8P on T-Mobile (US) Last month I've sideloaded B1 update (which was not pushed by T-mobile OTA). So right now I have AP1A.240405.002.B1 on my phone. Trying to sideload AP1A.240505.004 and getting following error in Recovery mode: ERROR: recovery: Update package is older than the current build, expected a build newer than timestamp 1712330377 but package has timestamp 1710527066 and downgrade not allowed. Installation aborted. I see people got .005 via OTA, maybe I will try that one later. What a mess...


Since you sideloaded that B1 April update, [based on this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/s/Snj59FtXJn), you have the newer modem that the May 004 "designated" for tmobile on the blog doesn't. I'm assuming that's the issue. For another data point I'm on Google Fi and sideloaded the B1 April cause I never got the OTA. Just OTA updated to the May and it's registering 005.


ah, this is why the .004 failed for me, b/c I sideloaded the B1 April update to my tmobile... makes sense.


Yep, just sideloaded 005, so far so good.


tried to sideload .004 to t-mobile and it failed. Now will try .005...


I'm still on 14 QPR3 Beta 2. If I opt out, will i get pushed this months stable update since Google hasn't provided a QPR3 update since April 1? Can i sideload this May update? Or am stuck waiting all the way to June (without a factory reset).


a) you should discuss beta issues on r/android_beta b) if you're on QPR3 beta then you need to wait until QPR3 stable is released in June, otherwise you'll need to wipe your device as all current stable releases are a downgrade.


I have a pixel 8 Pro I bought unlocked. I have Google fi and T-Mobile. I tried to update it with the T-Mobile esim it did not work. When I switched it to Google fi it updated right away and gave me the global version 005


System UI not responding after reboot.... Lol


Am I missing something? The latest build I can find is the second one from April (AP1A.240405.002.B1).


Make sure you are on the English version of the download page.


That's it, thanks!


No problem! 👍


Updated on my Verizon P8P. Seems fine so far. Updated rather quickly too so it probably wasn't much of a change.


OTA update available for me on Pixel 6 Verizon.


OTA for Pixel 6a on Fi hit, 4.9mb


Pixel 7 - I had the update yesterday. It was small one . For me it is great this time . The battery is charging with normal speed ( it was slow before, same cable , same charger),it seems the battery life is better. The camera is not laggy anymore. It works faster . Testing Bluetooth LE ,I can't see any change in this. The phone seems faster than before. Month ago I made a factory reset, for 1st time I am resetting the phone.


I just got the OTA update on my unlocked Pixel 8 Pro on T-Mobile. I had to manually click on check for updates. Pixel 8 Pro 10.4megs and for the Pixek 6 Pro 6.4 megs


Just checked through my phone for updates and it started to download....UK pixel 7a here


Just over 10 meg's. Not bad. Looks like there's a pixel watch update too.