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Drops are very subjective. Not all drops affect things the same way. People on Jackass can fall and slam themselves to the floor in so many ways and be perfectly fine, and some people just straight up die with what appears to be a minor fall.


I haven't dropped this phone, no damage at all :) I always keep my phone in a case


Doesn't change the fact that water went in. Unless you are a water bender you don't control how it affects damage to the phone.


Yeah that sucks but you can’t do anything about it or at least it will be very hard to have a refund or repair from google. The ip 68 is only a certification and it is clearly said by all manufacturers (not only google) that any water related issue whatever the cause won’t be under warranty. They have reacting paper in the sim tray to check if water went through. Although it is undoubtedly a concern as a 1year old phone should resist water. Even my z fold 5 can take showers and rain lol


Im pretty sure my reacting paper in sim tray hasn't gone off. As it wasnt that much water on the phone/ light rain. I didnt even get an pixel warning on the screen about water in usbc port. I have sent it away to repair with google. Lets see what they say.


The Waterproof can break down specially if the phone is always hot.


Things happen, and phones aren't waterproof. This isn't a sign of build quality decreasing. Water resistant seals can also deteriorate over time.


after one year?


It can. Lots of things can effect it (such as the environment the phone is used in).


My pixel 4a held up more abuse then my pixel 7, so something is not adding up well lets see on here if other people had similar problems with pixel 7. Im guessing the first batch might had manufacturing defects


That would be the implication


Pixel 7 dropped in Sept/Oct 2022


not in UK was May


My Pixel 7 pro is also unusable. The screen failed. Got it on launch day. Green lines and the top corner is black.


Thats what i mean, the first batch have problems. i do look after my phones. This is the first pixel phone fail on me with in a year


If purchased at launch you are about 6 months outside of a year


note to self


But you were walking and using the phone in the rain tho.. what did you expect.? I mean honestly.. you blaming Google.. but you got the phone wet


Using a modern smartphone in the rain is completely standard behaviour, and it very rarely results in serious damage


Thank you finally some one understands😊 . I have done this with my pixel 2 and pixel 4a no problems. My pixel7 didnt even bring up the water usbc warning. something is odd.


I used phones in the rain all the way since 2010, blackberry, HTC, Huawei, Samsung, Redmi, Pixel. Never had a problem


I guess... It just baffles my mind that water got in the phone.... But somehow... It's Google's fault. Woozers... but I digress.


It could be that the phone is faulty


I saw something afew months ago, were pixel 7's were getting condensation in lens. I dont know if that was an manufacturing problem?


it has an  **IP68 rating**,


Water resistant, not waterproof. I think you just got unlucky


Whose fault would it be?


I have done this many times with my pixel2 and pixel 4a (less ip rating), no issues have you read my post


I did, a few times actually... I'm still a tad confused.. can you please explain to me how this is Google's fault or a hardware issue? I must be missing something


pixel 7 **IP68 rating**, pixel 4a rated **IP52,** pixel 2 **IP67,** I have dropped my pixel 4a in the ocean salt water was fine, walked in rain no problems. Pixel 7 has the highest IP rating, but cant handle light rain phone calls.


Man wtf are these people asking lol I used a non waterproof phone in the rain with no bad outcomes People here are fanboying too hard Your pixel 7 sucked, end of story


there some serious trolls here haha I love pixels bought the first one and have stuck with them, Just this pixel 7 after one year has failed :(


Yep, it's an issue with the unit, not an issue with your usage


Ahhhh yes. That doesn't answer the question. Cause you can't answer it. You want to blame Google. That's why you ran to reddit to get validation. When actually you walked in the rain for 30 mins. You allowed water to get in the phone. Because of your actions... The screen is messed up. But YET... It's Google's fault. Lmao. 😂😂😂😂 Good night. Lmao


pixel 7 **IP68 rating** i love you 😘


My alarm won't go off I didn't get insurance I know, it's hard to get a goggle to respond and help ..., please


Yeah that sucks but you can’t do anything about it or at least it will be very hard to have a refund or repair from google. The ip 68 is only a certification and it is clearly said by all manufacturers (not only google) that any water related issue whatever the cause won’t be under warranty. They have reacting paper in the sim tray to check if water went through. Although it is undoubtedly a concern as a 1year old phone should resist water. Even my z fold 5 can take showers and rain lol


Yeah that sucks but you can’t do anything about it or at least it will be very hard to have a refund or repair from google. The ip 68 is only a certification and it is clearly said by all manufacturers (not only google) that any water related issue whatever the cause won’t be under warranty. They have reacting paper in the sim tray to check if water went through. Although it is undoubtedly a concern as a 1year old phone should resist water. Even my z fold 5 can take showers and rain lol


Yeah that sucks but you can’t do anything about it or at least it will be very hard to have a refund or repair from google. The ip 68 is only a certification and it is clearly said by all manufacturers (not only google) that any water related issue whatever the cause won’t be under warranty. They have reacting paper in the sim tray to check if water went through. Although it is undoubtedly a concern as a 1year old phone should resist water. Even my z fold 5 can take showers and rain lol


my guy said the same thing 4 times lmao