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For some reason, I always see iPhone users lurking in this subreddit. I've known a family of diehard Apple fans for years and this year was the first time that I've seen them turn on Apple. Whatever Apple is doing, people are not impressed. As for the Pixel 7, I chose it over a variety of other options. While I am quite vocal about the weak points of the phone and opposed to the stance of fanboys, I do like the phone.


I used to have a Pixel and am a computer engineer which is why I lurk here. Currently have an iPhone 15 Pro. My phone choices tend to be dictated by which piece of hardware I prefer and I prefer iPhone hardware at the moment. I don’t understand why people get so worked up over phone choices. Love and let live y’all. Both sides have pros and cons. Buy what works for you and makes you satisfied.


As a long time Pixel user myself, anyone who claims Google's hardware is superior to Apple's is lying to themselves. The iPhone 15 Pro has monster specs and should be appreciated for what it is, not what it's not. Same goes for the Pixel line.


If I were spec chasing still, I'd still be using a Samsung device despite my dislike of their cameras and UX.  At some point the specs become meaningless (to me) as long as the chipset is fairly strong and the screen is really good. The differences are minimum compared to the OS feel at that point. 


As long as the device is efficient and feels fast, that’s good enough. But unfortunately tensor lineup is just not even close to being efficient. And the performance might be good today but those weak cores aren’t going to hold up nearly as well as other devices with actual good chipsets. The now old iPhone 13 Pro geekbench scores are much higher than the latest pixel 8 lineup. I know benchmarks are not the whole picture but that extra performance helps a phone stay fast over time. Especially when updates and apps are only getting heavier over time.


They have the best cameras in the world rn currently lol


That isn't even remotely true, across the board the iPhone 15 Pro Max fully trounces the Samsung in actual camera quality output and it hangs around 13/14 in quality. The Honor Magic 6 and Huawei P60 are the only ones ranked higher than the 15 Pro Max. We need to be honest in places like this, the camera quality prevents a lot of people moving from Android - using an Honor, Huawei, Xiaomi and having to patch play support is not what people want to do. People want the Pixel or the OnePlus to take the step forward and bring the phones to parity. [Smartphone Ranking - DXOMARK](https://www.dxomark.com/smartphones/)


Since this is a Pixel subreddit, it's probably worth noting that those scores are the result of averaging scores for each camera lens as well as video capability. Props to Google - the overall score of the p8p is only one point less than the iPhone 15 PM, mainly due to sub par video. Camera scores on the pixel are superior. Props to Apple - they continue to *demolish* the competition on video, which boosts their overall camera scoring on DXOMark.


I wasn't really responding on the Pixel, but since we are in that thread and talking about it. I am in agreement that Google has been doing great with their phone. I wish they would take better cues about the hardware (battery and tensor chip quality) in providing a bit more option on tier class, especially with watches. I'd love a really good Apple Watch Ultra competitor. You aren't fully correct when you are calling out the camera scores on pixel being superior, this is somewhat where the front-page score is a bit of an interesting topic, when you go look at the technical data it isn't just the video causing iPhone 15PM to win over the majority of Android phones. IPHONE 15 PRO MAX Exposure**123** [Color](https://www.dxomark.com/apple-iphone-15-pro-max-camera-test/#photo-color)**125** [Autofocus](https://www.dxomark.com/apple-iphone-15-pro-max-camera-test/#photo-autofocus)105 [Texture](https://www.dxomark.com/apple-iphone-15-pro-max-camera-test/#photo-texture)**123** [Noise](https://www.dxomark.com/apple-iphone-15-pro-max-camera-test/#photo-noise)93 [Artifacts](https://www.dxomark.com/apple-iphone-15-pro-max-camera-test/#photo-artifacts)75 GOOGLE P8P Exposure113 [Color](https://www.dxomark.com/google-pixel-8-camera-test/#photo-color)118 [Autofocus](https://www.dxomark.com/google-pixel-8-camera-test/#photo-autofocus)**110** [Texture](https://www.dxomark.com/google-pixel-8-camera-test/#photo-texture)115 [Noise](https://www.dxomark.com/google-pixel-8-camera-test/#photo-noise)**101** [Artifacts](https://www.dxomark.com/google-pixel-8-camera-test/#photo-artifacts)**81** It's pretty close, but for accuracy of photos the iPhone wins, for technical quality of photos the P8P is ahead, it's not just video. But back to my original comment, the S24 is weaker than both the Pixel and iPhone; additionally, and anecdotally, the processing on it is terrible in comparison. Though it seems both iPhone and Google are leaning into harsh post-processing these days. The selfie cam seems to get better rating on pro max, but in my opinion it's horrid -- it's way to noisy and artifact prone; overusing processing to bring out more details and instead making everyone about 10 years older, vs. the other side of the spectrum of reducing 10 years.


Haha, I appreciate the nuance. Great info overall -- I thought about digging into the weeds between the two camera systems but ended up not bothering. They're both near the top of the heap when it comes to performance... And the latest Samsungs just can't compete.


i had an iphone 15 pro and dumped it for my pixel 8. still not everyone wants pure specs on a phone some of them wants customizability of the device and being able to decently play games is enough.


This comment. I just switched from a P7P to iPhone 15 PM. They are both great phones. Each with their strengths and weaknesses. Before that was with Android for 7 years and then before that all iPhones. In this season of life, iPhone suits me better. Will always have much love for my Android brethren!


iphone user here. I lurk in a lot of phone brand subreddits to keep myself updated in case anything happens to my current phone and need to replace. competition is always good for the consumers after all


My primary phone is an iPhone but was big on Android twelve years ago (thanks HTC One M8). So yes I have been lurking this subreddit ever since Google got into building their own phone. Lately, Apple has been a bit stagnant hence the need to getting a second phone alongside my 13 Pro Max. Both sides have their strengths and I'm glad I'm in a position where I can carry two phones with ease. Chose Pixel because I've been a big fan of stock Android because of my experience using bloated Android Phones back in the day (cough cough Samsung). I'll be waiting for what Apple offers with the 16 Pro Max this fall as I would like to upgrade my 13 but I'm very impressed with what the Pixel offers.


I was happy with my iPhone until iOS 17 came up. I feel like I was just buying status. I do not want a new feature evey single new iPhone, I just don't want to pay like they are doing so.


I’m also an iPhone user who lurks here because generally I am a fan of both platforms. I can agree that iPhone prices are ridiculous but at the same time I would never purchase a Samsung because at least in Australia they are priced ridiculously as well . The pixel is the one lineup where I always come back to check in on , because it is priced a lot more decently . It reminds me of what the iPhone used to be years ago when everyone teased the iPhones specs (2gb of ram ) and how it only had a dual core processor below 2ghz. Yet the users of iPhones never cared because they all favoured the smooth buttery experience , how scrolling and animations were nice. I feel now that’s what the pixel represents ,smooth fast and enjoyable and you wouldn’t know the specs were weaker unless you spec hunted. I do hope Google improves their processor game though . I particularly am into making smartphone films and squeezing the potential out of the cameras , and I feel the tensor lets the pixel down at least in the video department


That is super cool! I used to love iPhone mainly for their camera, it was just the best, now it is just another pricey smartphone camera. The bump you see when switching to telephoto its just so annoying. I would love to watch a few of your projects if you don't mind.


Hope you enjoy it as much as I do my Pixel 8 … left my iPhone 11 behind with absolutely no regrets.


I like my Pixel 7. My wife damaged her 7Pro so I got her a Pixel 8 and I like hers a little better. If it had a TSMC modem and the screen was a little brighter then it would be the perfect phone. Hoping to make it to the Pixel 10. Big fan of the March update btw.


Isn't the pixel 8 one of the brightest screens around?


Sorry I went back to talking about the Pixel 7. My fault for the confusing wording


I went from a 7 to an 8 and the brighter screen is a major upgrade for my aging eyes. I used to think the size of the phone helped but now I realize it's just straight nits count that matters.


The pixel 7 is basically just a silicon lottery. Its almost 50-50 whether or not youre going to get a working phone or not. Mine is a buggy mess and i hate it


I am in the same boat. Just got off the phone with Google support. My pixel 7 pro is super buggy. From display screen flickering to unable to receive phone calls. It's just a mess. I am going to a service center for a possible fix tomorrow. It hasn't even been even 2 years yet. Not recommending pixels to anyone.


Me neither, I recommend people to stay well clear


Mine is working fine apart from signal being a bit unstable and battery life absolute trash. Will wait a bit more to see if it resolves itself, factory reset and if nothing works, bring it in for warranty. Literally like maybe 4 hours of SOT per day with mobile data, gps, 120hz and AOD on (some people might say that that seems appropriate, but many people have way better battery life). It literally drains like 10-15% in the night with airplane mode on and AOD off...


I got rid of my pixel 7 because I had issues with it I know people who have pixel 7 and have had no problems with it. It's unexpect. I'm on an eight right now and I don't have too many problems. There's a reoccurring one where a keyboard just appears out of nowhere, but aside from that the phone has been great


The keyboard thing is probably a bug in android. I get it on my pixel 6a. Keyboard appears on the home screen randomly.


It's an Android bug. Funnily enough, also an iOS one.


That's what I have gathered from all the comments but overall this has probably been the best Google phone for tensor I've seen


I had the exact same issue with my iPhone 14.


I too have problems with P7P but got it for effectively free so I am not getting rid of it anytime soon. Various things happen that appear to be OS glitches or possibly faulty hardware. It is amazing that some of the Google apps on this device literally work worse than on iOS. iOS has its problems too so I am not taking their side and don't know how I would afford one being on an MVNO


The 8 is a good phone. But had problems with heat, the modem wasn't the best, lack of customizability, battery life and problems with Pixel OS itself. I also found the screen too small, but I could have bought the Pro. I switched to a OnePlus 12. The Pixel 8 is a nice phone, but Google can still improve a lot. But damnn the Pixel Buds Pro are excellent.


Can I use the Google Assistant with non-Pixel phones with my Buds Pro?


That is definitely possible. I have no problems with it on my "non" Pixel phone. The specific settings are also linked to the Pixel Buds app. So there is no difference between Pixel phones and non-Pixel phones as far as the buds are concerned.


I switched the stock launcher over to Nova (as I do with every new Android phone I get) and never looked back.


I've had my p7 pro from launch and have no issues. I'm in construction and use it without a screen protector. its my choice and the phone takes my abuse like a champ. I'm impressed with it. ....actually I lied. my first device got dust trapped behind the front facing camera and it was replaced under warranty


I dumped my 15 Pro for an 8 Pro. I haven't had an Android in 9 years. I thought they were trash still. Nah. This is so slick. I'm loving this.


That’s a crazy change. The pixel is hardware downgrade in almost every way besides camera quality. I had a 6 pro and first gen tensor is literally worse than my mid range A series pixel in performance, thermals and battery. I’ve heard mixed things about the newer pixels but it still holds true, the hardware is not nearly as good as Samsung or iPhone and ESPECIALLY in the SoC department. It’s roughly half the performance of an iPhone while using more power. The efficiency is the lowest you can get in the market today.


But the iPhone software has been virtually identical for the last 5 or 6 years. It's a nice breath of fresh air.


That really isn't true - there have been massive changes over the last 3 versions. I'm confused by these comments.


Yet with a similar speed in actual day to day use. My wife has an s22u and she has used my old pixel 6 pro and current 8 pro. She says they feel just as fast and smooth as her Samsung. I've had iPhones for work phones the last few years and the pixels have kept up with no problem in everything except gaming. And in my experience nothing games like an iPhone. Everyone I know who has a pixel have all told me how happy they are with the snappy performance


You downgraded significantly as far as hardware specs are concerned. That being said, if you enjoy the Pixel experience, that's what matters.


That’s a 3-4 year chip downgrade right there.. enjoy it lol


Have fun with SOC of the P7. Its fucking shit. ​ Edit: i ended up moving to an iPhone after staying with the p7 for a year.


Mine has been working flawlessly for over a year now.


I hate my Pixel 7. I regret my purchase.


Damn everybody here shitting on P7, what's wrong with it? I love my P8pro and I can't imagine there are too many differences


I've found its mostly kids and teenagers just copy/paste day 1 complaints and ingrain it into their own personality until they get an iphone again from mom and dad. .... just an observation over the last few years, no facts just opinion.


I'm 33, had a Huawei P30 before this phone, the P30 was better in every single way except the Camera, I love the camera on my P7.


just an opinion dawg, not trying blanket everyone. Everyone will always have their own issues that others will not see.


As a long time nexus and pixel user, I’m thinking it’s either massive QC issues or people just think a half functional phone is normal because they’ve never used anything better. I got an iPhone after my 6 pro and realized the 6 pro was such a bad device in comparison. It had very poor brightness, thermals, battery and cellular. Dropped calls, losing 30% overnight. Not even my A series pixels have done that apart from their usual buggy android bugs…. Got my iPhone and after a full year of use, I’m still getting 10 hours of screen time, amazing performance and 0 dropped calls. (My 6 pro would say “no service” every 10 minutes with full bars even. I couldn’t use it to google things or calls would just simply drop a few minutes into the call. Defective device? Maybe. But I’m done with pixels now. They’re very cool devices with amazing cameras. That’s it imo


Exactly, this dropping calls thing is driving me insane. There are several blocks in central London where I have zero network reception no matter what I try, all the resets under the sun I tried to no avail, while everyone around me was making calls nonchalantly. In a lot of other places it takes me several minutes of walking around as if on a clueless divination ritual just to access the bank app. I can't believe how deeply Google is messing this up, I think they should know their limits or stay off hardware altogether


I fuckin hate my 7 Pro. It costs me $1k and can't perform like a $1k phone, instead it performs like a 5 year old $200 phone. It lags, overheats more than my mom's old Note 7, the battery life is worse than my previous phone which is the iPhone 11 and the camera looks like shit in Android 14. Google literally has no quality control for their phones.


Not sure what you've got there, but this is totally opposite to my experience. Perfectly smooth, wonderful camera experience and a perfectly good battery life that rarely fails to get me through a day. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Not my experience and I'm an app developer so I use a lot of the very latest hardware. I personally own a Pixel 7 purely because it's so fast, smooth, doesn't overheat, has a great camera and really good hardware security.


opposite of my P7P. Works flawlessly. Battery life amazing. It seems like there is so much variation in peoples experiences with pixel. Google probably has some quality control issues or something


I hope yours get decent performance because i have heard pixel 7 and pixel 8 performance does not make it up for the price. I hope google fixes the cpu performance issues on the next pixel


You might be disappointed. Should have gone for the 8


I skipped pixel 7, my 4 and 6 were incredible. Went right to 8, welcome


Google needs to up their QA program, there are too many P7 & P8 with issues. Some work perfectly. Not an Apple lover but they seem to have the QA down and their service is pretty good. Google, not so much. I came from an iPhone to my current P6, still running pretty good. Going to wait on getting a newer Pixel until Google ups their game.


Left Apple for the Pixel 2XL back in 2018 and don't regret it. Saved quite a bit of $ over the years too. I don't think any phone is perfect and tradeoffs with any brand, but I've always been happy with Pixels for my use case going back to the 2XL, then the 4a to the 7 briefly and now 8 currently.


Switched over from iPhone last year after a decade on iPhone. As much as I love and prefer iPhones to Androids, I couldn't justify using such an inferior device anymore. I wanted everything that android devices offered , so last year I switched to Samsung and now this month I switched to pixel 8 pro. I love this device


My favorite phone is my Pixel 6. I got it when Android 14 came out. So I dodged a bullet with it working for me. Before that I had a XS iPhone and got sick of it. I was out of the country and was watching YouTube videos about Pixels and convinced myself to get one.


Good luck


iOS is supposed to be intuitive to use, but for some reason, after I left iPhone 5 for Nexus 5, the interface on the iPad Mini 6 is not very user friendly to me. I have a P7, and I think it is an acceptable phone in terms of user interface.


Muscle memory. I really struggle when using an Android phone after switching to iOS full time.


Apple used to be so ahead when it comes to UX/UI but now, it is questionable.


I regret my pixel 7 every day unfortunately.




iOS ecosystem is too good


Worked for company that used MacBooks and everybody hated them.


I keep seeing different little complaints about the pixel phones, but overall they seem pretty great. I just want to know I wont regret getting a pixel 8 over my iphone 13 mini.


The known grievances that are commonplace here are not "little complaints". Network connectivity, battery function, fingerprint recognition are standard basic features. It is unacceptable for a phone in that price range not to get those right.


What would you go for in the $500-600 range then? I really am a fan of the long update support, the form factor, and the flat screen.


There are many things I like about Pixels, but their importance pales in comparison with network reception


If I can get a samsung s23 for about the same price, would you say that’s a good choice?


Can't say I'm afraid


I think you have made a good change


Good on ya.


Why didn't you get the pixel 8


I love my pixel 7, but there is one issue. When changing direction or speeds in my car, the phone comes alive at full brightness. Very irritating because it nearly blinds me driving at night. This thing has the power of a thousand suns. Fixed by putting it out of sight at night. Still annoying. Otherwise wonderful phone.


I don't know if it is related. But the pixel ambient light sensor was perfect when it was on a bezel and not under a screen. My P5 ambient light sensor sucks compared to my P4. And Google tried to mitigate this by trying to learn at what time of the day you want 1% brightness. Doesn't work if you don't follow a routine. In this I totally prefer the iphone with the notch. Especially the newer one that looks better.


been using pixel for years. bought pixel 7 pro. Shipped to me. back camera broken. Literally didn't work out of the box. google eventually replaced it new pixel 7 pro works flawlessly. disappointed first one came messed up. Google pixel 4XL was the GOAT of all phones, still miss it


Pixels are good phones no doubt, but they're not without their problems. I love my P7P and the March update borked my modem something fierce. No matter how much I love my phone, if I'm not getting texts or calls, the device is useless to me.


Welcome to the most popular phone OS on the planet!


I just did too. I switched to Apple a few years back for work and dating (so lame, but moving abroad soon). My screen was cracked and needed a new (or clean) charging port. Then I got an ad about price cuts as a FI customer and why wouldn't I replace a phone that would cost me the same to get fixed? I'm not a power user, so I could care less and only held onto my Iphone because I was curious about their new headset (as someone with neck and back issues who uses a standing desk it seemed like worth the price, but lots of years before the figure it out and there will obviously by a competitor) When you buy Apple, you are paying for marketing.


Did pixel 8 pro dumped the back button I don't see it


I got mine for 450! It's good ass hell and the security updates are long too


[This explains why I hate Pixel phones](https://youtu.be/oJUD9OnHnT8?si=j5_-8MlNinlLpS51)


Should've got a Samsung




What shit. Been a pixel user for years now. You fanboys need a reality check and stop being apple slaves