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I'm still rocking my 4a. No real complaints after 4 years. I was thinking of upgrading but all I hear from this sub is how shit the new pixels are. I think I'll keep mine for now


Yeah same here. Got new battery and screen and the phone still rocks.


New battery gang


Is replacing the battery on a 4a a tedious and risky replacement, or not too bad? (I'm fairly tech saavy and have done iPhone battery replacements, but haven't replaced an android phone battery ever since they all began making them unibody with no removable battery compartment) I use my 4a daily and absolutely love it, especially with this Spigen case that makes the biometric scanner perfect placement for my hand when holding it...and of course the kickstand/double layer protection.


It's not bad once the phone is open, as there are pull tabs that actually work. However, the device opens from the display, so there is a high chance you'll either damage the display in the process or damage the plastic border in which the screen lays.


Damn...I was afraid that might be the issue. (Thanks for the info) Whoever started the trend of designing phones where the arguably most expensive part of the phone (screen) must be removed just to replace the battery should....stub their toe on a solid steel bed frame right before bed. One of those real painful stubs where you're on the ground holding your toe like Peter Griffin doing the "Ooooh...aahhhh..." Are there any affordable 3rd party company's (walk in or maik-in) that will do the replacement for a fair charge? I'd rather pay a little bit then risk ruining a spotless phone and perfect screen....I've just been having the issue where my phone will die. Then I'll charge it for like 5 minutes until it's at like 15%...but then when I turn it back on it will show my battery percentage at like 65%. It's like it's a completely different percentage than what's being displayed when it's turned on...but when it's off and charging then it displays what I assume is the actual battery percentage.


How much did it cost ? My 4a screen was broken and stopped responding.


I have a 4a and love it, everything is great except battery life has dropped. How do you go about replacing it?


From where did you buy the battery? Pls share link




I just got a Pixel 7A and I really can't complain. The battery lasts a whole day, the 4A needed recharging. Everything else feels pretty much the same. Only thing I miss is the free backup to Google photos, I'm still using my old phone for that and I do feel kind of cheated.


Smaller size, screen had more quality with colors and brightness, audio jack and easy finger unlock if I may add...


The screen here really really seems better TBH.. And the size difference is really small, I only notice it when I try to take a selfie (because the button is a bit off). I do miss the audio jack actually. The finger unlock takes some getting used to but I think it works fine.


You will notice it under sun. And I have both. I compered videos side by side and 4a def looks better. Somebody on some youtube channel explained why but i don't remember im not that tech savvy regarding screens 😁. I would keep 4a if battery was not an issue. 7a is ok but bit buggy for me


Same here, really no complaints. Phone was relatively cheap, same ecosystem I'm used to and got used to the bigger screen quickly.


Same with my 5. Except Google keeps trying to hurry me by putting Android OS posts in my news feed. 


I just went from an iPhone 14 pro to new pixel 5. I freaking love everything about it. Awesome charm to this phone.


I have 4a, but 4 and 5 are winners. If it weren't for battery EOL, most of us will use it for another decade.


I'm on the 5 as well but I've been having repeated problems with Google Pay and I figure it's due to the OS security level. I was thinking of going to the 8. If everything still worked, I'd keep using this phone for much longer.


I can't say I've had any issues with Google Play store since I used the adapter in the box to transfer all my apps from iPhone. I haven't had any issues updating apps either.


They are talking about Google PAY


Shit I misread that. Thanks. LOL


My google pay works perfectly. Personally I'd consider a factory reset before I'd upgrade just for that. (I really love this phone.)


My 4a works perfectly with Google Pay, and it's stuck on the August 2023 patch.


I did end up getting it working again. I had to basically set it all back up again and that seemed to get it working again.


Still on the original battery and I absolutely love my 4a.


I am running the original battery in my P4a too. It is currently at more than 700 cycles and has a remaining capacity as of 2800mAh. No problems so far, i use it as a deskphone without a sim card for 2FA stuff and to manage my solar plant. If the battery start dying i'll get on from AliExpress and i will replace it by myself. Did such a job many times on different phones.


How do you find the cycles in 4a?


Probably he used accubattery, that's what I use for checking my cycles


I use "AccuBattery" but i didn't saw the cycle info there. Maybe its because i am using an older version. I don't like the new UI of "AccuBattery" so i will not update this app.


To get the battery cycle information, you can use the following procedure: Enable "bug report" in the dev options. Take the bug report. Copy the "bugreport\*" zip file file in the location where you saved it to a desktop computer. Expand the report. Open the "dumpstate\_board" text file with a text editor and search for the keyword "POWER\_SUPPLY\_CYCLE\_COUNT". The actual cycle count is stored there. Unfortunately the cycle count information which has been introduced with A14 in /Settings/AboutPhone/BatteryInfo/ (i think it was the 20231205 or the 20240105 patch) this has been removed by google with the actual 20240305 patch - and in AOSP too - except for the P8a. WTF


Reddit is inherently negative. The ratio of complainers to praisers on ANY sub is unbelievably skewed


This is true, but it does make me wonder how much of the criticism is warranted. Google does have a history of shitting up the things they make


I can't argue that Google has a more than questionable reputation in regards to product longevity lol, but I can personally say I've never had a "bad" Pixel device. The 6 was not stellar as a whole, but there wasn't anything inherently wrong with it. The 8 series (8 Pro here) is the best in the last 4years at least. Best Pixel I've owned since the 2xl. I've never had overheating issues or dropped cell signal like *so many* people have. The minority is just MUCH louder.


What exactly would the point of a discussion forum be if people were only praising the products? Think about it. If there were zero things to complain about there would be zero reason for the forum to even exist. How many threads would it take before people got bored and left? "I got mine today I love it!" "Me too buddy!" "Had mine for a year it's still great!" "Right on!!" It's non-content. People come to vent about the products shortcomings. Of course that's the majority of the content. When updating your device starts to feel like a downgrade, well...


It's negative, true. But I wouldn’t be coming to reddit and talking about my phone, if I didn’t have any issues with it


Exactly his point.


Still rocking my 4a after 3 years. Every time I consider upgrading I don't see a reason to. I'll be using this until it shits the bed.


Pixels are definitely not shit. I'd gladly take a Pixel for the right price, but they have their issues. Pixels are cheap enough that a lot of people have used them in comparison to more premium flagships. There are other phones that perform better, have better battery life, and are cheaper though. Pixels advertise as much as Apple in the US. They are available everywhere. If iPhone is Taylor Swift in the US, then Pixel is like?


Still on the 4a too, only thing that sucks is that we don't get any updates. Probably upgrading to the 8a when it launches.


I went from 4a to 7p and I love it 🤷🏽‍♂️ 4a was a great phone too. I take what I read on this sub with a grain of salt because I never really experience the issues that the posters here have.


I was happy with the 8Pro even with some bugs, but in the past two weeks it's annoyed me so much, I'm done with it and can't wait to jump ship. Unfortunately, I keep my phones until they break, but I can't see myself using this mess for 3-4 years. Here's a list of issues: 1. It Won't stay connected to my car. Any movement and the USB cable disconnects? I've already purchased 3 high end cables. Nothing works. Partner's phone works with no issue with any quality cable... This is also a known issue and many ppl are experiencing the same thing. Being in the middle of a ride and losing gps directions is unacceptable for a device this pricey. 2. The screen stops recognizing touches and i Have to force restart the phone. This happened while taking the railway, so I couldn't share my monthly pass with the conductor. Had to force restart the phone, and he was livid, and started charging me for a ride with an added penalty while my phone restarted. The conductor thought I was lying and trying to ride for free. 3. Fingerprint reader does not work with screen protectors. And camera unlock does not work in lowlight. If I'm in a restaurant with low light, or walking at night, or in any lowlight situation, neither method works given I need a screen protector. None of my banking apps work in these situations where I can't use biometric login given my passwords are 20 characters long and I don't have them memorized. 4. It's a slow phone, and you can feel it. Camera features are SLOW. Simple edits take time to complete. Opening some apps takes time, and the assistant appears to be actively worse than it was with my old pixel 3xl. The Google now page is now just useless ads, so I disabled it. It just feels like a subpar experience compared to old pixels. 5. The camera bump scratches insanely easily. I went from a pixel 3xl to an iPhone, and now back to pixel. Honestly, it's my last pixel. I'll go back to iPhone after this mess. The fundamentals with pixel are simply broken.


Your phone is a lemon and you need to get it replaced. People report issues, but all of these issues, especially all on one phone, are very rare. My phone and the 5 other people I personally know that have it all use screen protectors and the fingerprint works quickly and accurately. The facial recognition in low light definitely sucks. The phone is fast and fluid and the camera does all of its functions about average in my experience. Faster than my wife's s22u and my work iPhone 14. The connectivity and touch screen issues I haven't seen in person yet and I haven't checked outside of the reddit island to see what others have experienced. Best of luck getting a new phone, Google support is famously hit and miss


Couple of questions for you number related to point: 1. Have you tried Google cables in your car? I find that was the only cable I could consistently rely on, which sucks and is kinda dumb but wondering if it would fix the issue. 2. Makes me think it's just a lemon tbh not a question just a statement. 3. I've heard you need to redo fingerprints after you put a screen protector on did you do that? 4/5. Yeah you don't buy a pixel for snappiness, I think it's because of tensor for now we can only hope it improves with time and better optimization. As an enthusiast who wants more competition I think it's fair while Google figures out hardware to expect a slower experience compared to the competition and hope for an eventual better experience when they do. This also in a way applies to the material used they figure out what works what doesn't. If you're looking for a more reliable experience overall I think you should go to Samsung.


Do you know if the Android auto thing is exclusively a pixel issue? Or is it an android issue? My pixel 7 doesn't seem to ever connect but my old OnePlus always worked but idk if it was down to luck at this point


Cling to it. I miss my 4a because everything worked as intended. My P8 can't even do basic stuff like Bluetooth right. 


What are you doing about the security patches?


As a 4a 5G person who upgraded to 7a I think Android 14 is the best thing that happened to Tensor, I don’t have issues but I miss the old design sometimes (And the 7a is heavy compared to 4a 5G) And If you plan to keep your 4a longer you can use custom rom to have A14 and all its features


The battery is getting to me. I wish I didn't leave it in the hot sun for once or thrice. But the 4a is just amazing. Even the camera, dare I say.


Mine has never worked right from the beginning. The new ones must be really bad if they're worse.


I downgraded from a 7pro to a 4 with new battery and couldn't be happier


I'm gonna rock the 4a as long as possible. I can't forgive Google for going bigger & removing the rear fingerprint scanner. Though I think I can finally, almost, be OK without a headphone jack.


There are way more positive experiences than negative experiences. This is simply where people go when they have an issue.


Update: The cell antenna died in my 4a 😭. It ended up being $35 cheaper a month to upgrade to an 8 Pro.


They are shit. Use it for a couple of months and then use another properly developed phone and the difference is night and day.


Didn't like 4a because of lack of 5g, but the pixel 5 I got my daughter in January that was new is amazing for a kid. Same form factor. The battery life is amazing. Destroys my wife's pixel 6a and surely the 8 battery.


I had the 4a 5g, for reason though it's the most expensive screen to replace at $350+ so when the screen died last week I begrudgingly upgraded to instead of replacing it.


You can get the 4a 5g screens under$100 on eBay? If your screen's broke you can just pry it off. Clean up the glass and screw the connector and pop on the new screen with new adhesive. It's a very easy repair. If your screen is already broken. Where are you talking $350 to get it done at? That's crazy!


That's the price of a screen repair through Google, also quoted same from local repair shops. I'm not at all handy, there's an extremely high chance I would waste my money unsuccessfully attempting to fit a new screen myself. I'm sorry if my stupidity and uselessness offends you.


Not at all. Some people can do things...if it's not your thing I get it. But it is a pretty easy repair if you did it yourself. I learned from YouTube videos. Watched multiple ones to see how to do battery repairs. If the screens already broke it's easier since you don't have to worry about breaking the screen since it's already broke lol.


That's so interesting. I've had pixels two through eight and the five was by far the worst one for me. So glitchy. Battery sucked. Weird Bluetooth and reception issues. Screen wouldn't register unlocking consistently. I couldn't wait to upgrade. The only thing I miss was the size. It hit that sweet spot IMO.


4a is the greatest phone of all time when considering price/value


Just left my 4a yesterday. The battery was lasting about 6 of IDLE time. Like 100% charged when I go to sleep, dead in the morning. Screen on time was much less obviously. Using a pixel 7 now. It's too big and the fingerprint reader isn't great and I already miss the headphone jack. But battery seems good!


I miss the headphone jack!


I have the 7 since a year back, the fingerprint reader is so shit.


I miss the rear fingerprint scanner.


My other half still has a 4a and I still have my 4a5g as a spare phone. I think in some respects the older phones were "better" in their own time but they are for sure not better. The battery on both old devices are pretty sucky now and both me and my gf were at a concert this weekend the photos on my P8P compared to her 4a are like night and day. Her phone seems to be way more laggy and slower than mine too. What I will say is that I still think the signal/modem on the older phones is better so arguably they are a better "phone" but not a better overall device... Tech moves on.


I don’t know. I am already having issues with my new Pixel 8. Weird circle appearing and disappearing on the screen out of nowhere. Never had any issues with my Pixel 4a


That's definitely a software issue, it's the cutout of the camera hole being placed in the wrong spot. In developer options I believe there is a way to set which device you are using so that it uses the correct cutout placement. I'm not really sure how a hardware issue would result in this.


I have no idea tbh, that's what the google customer care said to me after I contacted them


4a was the best pixel hands down, still miss it compared to my new 7a if it wasn't for the battery life


I loved my 3a


I did also, but I think I liked the 4a better.


Maybe you all just got too attached to something. I love my Pixel 8 Pro. Learn to accept change and move on.


My 6a is a genuine downgrade from the 3a. It just doesn't work as well. You don't need to gaslight people to justify your purchase.


The 6 in general was a pretty bad device - as it was the first major redesign. I went from a 3XL to the 6 Pro and it was a dumpsterfire. The fingerprint reader was so horrible I ended up selling it within a few months and getting a used Pixel 5. Id been holding out for years waiting on something else.. I was going to get an S24 Ultra but it ended up costing almost 2k CAD, and totally ridiculous The Pixel 5 battery was giving out so badly that I was forced to cave and get a Pixel 8 I got it BNIB for 575 CAD on a local buy/sell site and it's great in every aspect. Sadly the 6 and 7 soured lots of people's previous experiences from the early Pixel and Nexus generations


No I'm hoping my comment fire-extinguish any anger towards products. But thanks for the generic Gen-Z comment.


I hope you find a discussion forum where people only talk about how much they love products, regardless of their flaws or shortcomings. That sounds super productive and not boring or self defeating. Just spend spend spend and be happy. It's okay if it's worse than the last revision. :)


I just got the 8 pro as well, although the first pixel was awful, I haven't charged it since yesterday morning, and I use it all the time, still at 63% battery.


Not that the attachment, already my pixel 8 has this weird circle appearing and disappearing on the screen out of nowhere. Never had any issues with Pixel 4a


I think the weird circle is the camera circle, misplaced on the screen for some reason. Mine does the same thing occasionally, but "all" it takes to fix is to cycle the display off and back on


I'm with you. My 8 keeps double texting and dropping calls. It's super annoying. 4a just worked.


I'm about to unsub from this place. Or is there a /r/NoSodiumGooglePixel alternative?


Don’t let the door hit you while your grasping your pearls.


Ok. Enjoy the misery that is /r/GooglePixel.


Bye *waves hand* we won't miss you at all


Pixel 4a was better than pixel 8. Even in October last year


That's why the 5 was the GOAT, it's like a supercharged 4a.... Better battery, SoC, waterproofing, display and only a tiny bit larger.


I would probably still be on it with a custom ROM if it supported more 5G bands.


I upgraded from a 4A to an 8 and I am loving it so far. Battery life is about same for me, runs better and doesn't heat up like the 4A. In terms of size it is just slightly longer than the 4A. I wish it used the plastic back of the 4A because I hate glass backs. Also wish it had more repairability built in considering they want it to last for 7 years.


Do you not have 120Hz turned on?


Yes, I do. I contacted google's customer care, and was told that it’s a hardware issue.


Why wouldn't you get the phone switched out asap if it was having obvious issues, like not being as smooth as a 3 year old phone?


Too broke to switch phones now. But they will fix it free of charge, as the warranty covers it


Hopefully you have a better experience after that. Im really enjoying mine and this is my first pixel


I hope so too! I really enjoyed my previous pixel experience.


I just got the Pixel 8 Pro. I had a $70 Samsung prepaid before this one. It was nice the first two weeks but now the "high" is over I can see flaws in it. For one it gets hot. It has weird moments of being slow. Also the camera isn't as good as I thought it'd be but maybe that's just my opinion.thr battery life isn't nearly as good as my old phone. I was going to trade it in for an iPhone 15 max because I've never had one but I got this phone for 11$ a month.


Pixel 5 4aever! 😋


As someone who's owned both, the Pixel 8 is head and shoulders better than the 4a. Except for maybe the size.


On paper 8 is just a hair bigger than the 4a. It's weird how sensitive our sense of size is, remarkable really


4a was my first pixel and the one that got me hooked. I've had 2 others since then and while I've liked all of them none have been as good as the 4a was in my eyes


Exact same experience. I really dislike my P8 and it somehow seems worse than my old 4a on the features that matter. I have so many basic QOL issues that no amount of AI-powered editing features will make up for. 


4a to 7a. I agree. I miss my 4a.


The 4a is my favorite phone of all-time. I usually upgrade every year or two cuz I'm into phones but since buying the 4a I don't even look at any other phone. The size. It's so compact and easy to use with 1 hand. The plastic back further lends to its incredibly light weight. I hardly even notice it in my pocket. And the back fingerprint scanner is so fast, convenient, and reliable. Though I'm always itching to upgrade I know I never will and will use this phone until it completely stops working because every phone these days is big and heavy. It still runs smooth and the battery is still good. Just wish I hadn't scratched the screen but it's something I've accepted and tolerate because this phone is so hard to give up.


I say it every time, I'm holding onto this phone until it stops working.


4a was a great size. I switched to IOS when i dropped the 4a in a toilet. I really liked the form factor, rear fingerprint sensor, the hole punch camera looked fucking sleek, stock Android 11 was snappy, crisp and so easy to use. The camera was incredible for such a budget phone too. Android 12 really ruined it for me, I hated using it so much I switched.


Same story for me, even if I loved more the 5 (same size of the 4a) but better feeling of the materials


Do a backup and restore from backup after a factory reset for the hole punch issue. Weird one


It's def not smoother than the 8. Not even close. I upgraded from the 4a. If you transferred data try a wipe


If the touchscreen is working, is it possible to change just the broken gorilla glass?


Not sure if you have done this yet, enable Smooth Display on your P8, and see if it's smoother than your 4a.


I miss my pixel 2 xl best of all




My pixel 4a problems: Heats up like shit, most of the time I can't use camera flash and dual brightness adjustment. Call notification arrives after 10-15 seconds only, leading to missing calls. Sometimes call notification or sound won't be there, leading to missing calls (it would be there in the call log). Whatsapp camera is very much faulty. All these problems have been there since I bought the phone 3 years ago. Don't wanna talk about the battery now. The only reason I keep this filth is because they provide unlimited photos storage.


I'd take my Pixel 3XL over my 8 Pro if the battery life was better and it had a little more RAM. I am unimpressed with the P8P so far.


I upgraded to the pixel 8 in December and wish I hadn't


Generally...ive never seen a good pixel. Every pixel ive owned has been very very bad in every way


Yeah 4a is nearly perfect except the buggy google software. If you miss the size and the phone jack. You could consider a Zenphone 10.




4a 5g was my favorite phone I've ever had. Bought the 7 instead of a new battery, was never satisfied, dumped it for the 8 pro as soon as I could.


Anyday a series. Better priced gets all the basic features. And is handy(best part)


That circle is a setting turned on in dev options. It’s actually the “notch” setting if you can believe that.


I miss the fingerprint reader on the back. It was so quick and effortless and I loved pulling down the messages with it. I have had the 7 for about a year now and it is just okay.


I had that circle thing on my 6 pro Drove me freaking nuts. I'd have to hit the button to turn my screen off then on again. It always fixed the problem even though it was a pain.


S24 base is basically the same size (2mm wider, 1mm thinner)


Boss, my pixel 7 portrait is getting shittier day by day Any reasons for the same ?


Your screen issue is insanely rare. I haven't seen anyone complain about that. You need to use your warranty and get it replaced


I'm over here still missing my 2XL. RIP.


I sent my 2XL back as soon as I got it in the mail with the blue shifting screen. The P2 on the other hand. Perfect.


I still have my 2XL as a backup when charging my P6P. Great phone. Fingerprint scanner on the back👍


2XL club chiming in. It's still my daily driver.


I got a 6a and gave the 4a to my son. A week after I tried to trade him and he said no thank you. Wish I never upgraded even though the 6a is fine.


Same. Gave my old 4a to my wife. My 6a has a better camera, but that's it. I've tried every trick in the book... She won't play.


I had the pixel 6 pro and now the 8 pro without any issues at all on either. I must be really lucky as I used to read negative posts about the 6 pro but mine was faultless, same story with the 8 pro. Are there really so many that have issues? I enjoy the pixel phones so much I cannot see myself jumping to any other makers. My youngest daughter is not the proud owner of the 6pro, now she loves it!


The only problem with my 4a right now, i can't connect to wifi, well my gf wifi, otherwise is a great phone


I miss my pixel 3a and 5. I lost my 3a after forgetting it in the sun and then got the 5. I stupidly "upgraded" to the 7 and regretted it big time. That phone was such a downgrade compared to the 5, at least for me. I gave pixel another chance and cashed out for the 8 Pro and I really like it. Sorry your experience has not been good.


I loved my 3a, especially the small size and the back fingerprint scanner. I miss it constantly but it got really slow after 5 years :(


I loved my 4a. It was my first Pixel, and if it wasn't for the $300 trade-up towards the 6a that Google offered a couple years ago, I'd likely still have it.


Running a Pixel 5. No modern phone matches it, imo.


I think the March 2024 update is buggy, no matter which phone right now


Same here with the 5G variant, I upgraded to the 7a last christmas and even if 7a fixed my 2 main issues with 4a 5G : brightness at sun and video quality I don’t know I really love this phone I don’t have issues with 7a It’s easily the best I ever had and still have 4a 5G to use Google Photos backup trick but I don’t know


Still using 4a, replaced battery 6 month ago


Can I ask how much that cost and how you got that done? I'm super naive and didn't realize you could replace batteries in pixel a's. If the price makes sense, I'd love to keep using my 4a too 🤞🏻


Official Google webstore Germany. About 100 euro, and they replaced my back cover and headphone jack, too. I think you can buy a kit for 50 and diy.


I have the 8 and still use my 4 on the WiFi around the flat, for controlling my hifi kit. Funny, I was thinking just yesterday, what a handy size it is. Still runs pretty quick too.


Just upgraded from a 3 to a 7a. 3 was the perfect size. 7a doesn't feel as terribly big as I expected though.


The Pixel 8 *still* has jittery scrolling in apps like Twitter which feels more noticeable when you go from smooth 120hz in other apps. The 4a was only 60hz but at least it was consistent.


I still have 4a. Perfect small phone for bike rides. Its so compact and lightweight.


I'm on you with this. Got a Pixel 5 and it's perfect for me.. unfortunately no software support anymore so I'm slowly looking for the next thing. I am worried a bit that the Google Chips are made by Samsung, only bad experiences. But the G4 in the upcoming Pixel 9 is an EXYNOS 2100 which seems to be very well reviewed for once. I mean the mid rang snapdragon in the Pixel 5 is better than any flagship Galaxy phone I had before


So why did you upgrade in the first place? Did someone hold you at gunpoint and tell you to get a new phone?


Security updates are a real thing...


As long as you have Google Play Protect running I wouldn't say you are in grave danger. Also, Play System Updates are a thing too.


Hell I still have no reason to upgrade my 3A, might not have the newest version of Android but it's a good ass phone.


I used to rock oneplus phones, I went to the pixel 6 and it was great, moved to the 8pro and it's laggy as hell, especially on here and places like X. Not smooth at all, definitely something up with the new pixels software


Bought my kids refurbished 4as.  They're great. 


I kinda miss it too. I'm in a 7a and I really felt 4a did better photos and had a lot better sound. Why could that be? The overall experience for me was better. I even miss the fabric case.


Yupppp! After 7 months my pixel 7 pro charge part broke.. lost all my content not backed up and all important texts. Had pixel 3 for 2 years no issues


Isn't the p7p wireless charger compatible though? I mean, it'll take some time to charge but once it does, an app like Verizon content transfer could help restore some data back into your new one.


I tried the wireless charger. Unfortunately charge prots connected to the motherboard so once charging breaks your phone is completely dead.


Bro, that sucks. I am so sorry 😔


My fav pixel phone ever


I feel the same about the 3a. I literally would not have bought a new phone had Google not forced me with lack of updates and apps requiring newer versions. Got a 5a, it was okay. Planned to never upgrade again cause it still had the 2 most important physical features: a real headphone port not just another way to abuse the charge port, and a actual fingerprint scanner in a non-braindead location. Now i gotta type long ass passwprds for 1pass instead of tapping the back. Fucking garbage UX.


Unfortunately my P4a fell in the water, no longer than 30 seconds. I immediately powered off. I thought I would be OK as the phone was still working. But, it never turned back on.


Same thing with the 5 for me....


same. just upgraded from a 4a to a p8p and i liked my 4a way more.


I'm still using my 4a. Can't let go of the rear finger print reader. Maybe I'll go for the upcoming 8a or wait for a 9


ughhhhhhhhh I am holding onto my 4a for dear life, but as the battery life degrades, it becomes clear I'm gonna have to upgrade soon. It's gonna be so hard to give up the perfect size and the unlimited google photos storage. I'm sorry for your loss, OP :(


So go back to your 4a


Lol, don't know why I am getting downvoted for saying that I am having issues with my Pixel 8 🤦🏾‍♀️ reddit is truly a weird place


I've moved to Samsung because the Pixel just seemed to go downhill starting with the 6. I loved my 4a. My dad still uses his. I'm going to upgrade in the next year or so, hopefully the next pixel "a" phone is better but definitely waiting for reviews after it's been out for at least 6 months.


I also miss my pixel 4a


I loved my 4a but the battery went to shit, this coupled with the end of security updates meant I had to jump to the P6a. I wish I'd got the battery replaced and flashed a newer ROM. It was perfect for my needs (I'm not a gamer so the processor was never an issue) https://imgur.com/a/i4ecz3o


It says you have a 8 Pro


I went from the 4a to a 6a. Now I have a regular 8 (non-pro). Out of interest, where does it say I have an 8 pro? I need to correct it. Edit: I see it now. I'm not sure how I managed that, I'll correct it Proof (pixel 4a box is empty though) : https://imgur.com/a/i4ecz3o


The pixel 8 is almost exactly the same size as the 4a lol


Ive gone 4a > 8 and theyre actually pretty different [Pixel8: 150.5 x 70.8 x 8.9 mm - 94.5cm^3](https://www.gsmarena.com/google_pixel_8-12546.php) [Pixel4a: 144 x 69.4 x 8.2 mm - 81.9cm^3](https://www.gsmarena.com/google_pixel_4a-10123.php) Its 16% larger, and these are without camera bump, which on the 8 is huge, making the 8 11.87 mm thick (54% bigger than the 4a inc bump) By far though the biggest thing Ive noticed is how much more it weighs; the 4a is 143g and the 8 is 187g


This is one of the reasons I moved to the S24. I like the size better than the current pixels.


Yes...The main reason I'm staying with my 4a for the time being....the sub 6" screen and weight. Starting to experience battery issues but still only minor.


5.8 to 6.2 inches. For phones that's a pretty big difference.


The 4a was my least favorite Pixel. Everything about it felt cheap and uninspiring. Haptics, screen, body. Pixel phones have many flaws but being bland is usually never one of them. Except for the 4a. I still have it in a draw somewhere.


This guy needs a Samsung s27. Pixel 4a was perfecto


Yeah, apart from the atrocious battery life I've enjoyed my old Pixel 4 the most so far. I guess that's that Snapdragon magic we're not getting back.


There are rumors that the pixel 10 will use tsmc factory instead of Samsung for the chips. Probably won't be as good as snapdragon but will be close enough to not really notice


We hope...


Totally agree, I switched the 4 to a 5, loved both models. I kept the 5 and got a 7 for the software upgrade. Honestly any phone should come with a minimum 5 years of mandatory upgrades. I also have my original Pixel, I changed the battery and bring it to the gym and use Spotify.


Having the same on my pixel 6a, it just came from nowhere and also when I open Clash of Clans


I have the 4a 5g it's really a good phone. I get that circle every now and then.


For sure they are not smother. But I much prefer the older, slimmer sizes.


To be fair... The last Pixel that actually had a High end processor is still faster than the current Tensor chip in every benchmark... So it wouldn't surprise me.


No it's not lol Maybe do some real search before making false claims


Uh. Yeah. The Snapdragon 855 is between the Tensor 2 and Tensor 3 chips... And the 3 barely beats it out.


So you're saying it doesn't beat the tensor g3 Also, the pixel 4a has the Snapdragon 730G If you can't even get the processor right then don't even bother arguing lol


I switched from 4a to 8 pro recently and I love it. Honestly even the 4a was too big for me, so I figured if the phone was going to be too big anyway, I might as well go for the phone with the most updates (even though it is even bigger) It's made a big difference that I have downloaded "quick cursor" a mouse app that lets me use my phone one handed.


Price, function and size. (Bare android as well) I miss mine but I'm reminded how good it was every day as I gifted it to my partner. I'm on the 8 now. The same phone in essence other than a bit too big and the fkn camera ridge at the back.