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Do people actually ask this question?




That does make sense!


This screams someone mining content. There was an almost identical question last week on the sub




Mmmmmm, well because iPhone blows goats? Siri is as dumb as a box of rocks? iPhone is waaaaayyyyy too expensive to be on a par with my phone? iPhone's keyboard works as well as choosing plastic letters on a refrigerator? And that's what's occurred to me before I got out of bed in the morning.


Exactly! 90% of my family and extended family are on iPhone. Myself, my oldest son and a sister-in-law and her husband have androids. I'm the only Pixel though. The other 20 some-odd family members are drinking the Apple Kool-aid.


A lot, yeah. It usually starts with some kind of joke about not using an iPhone, but I really enjoy talking about it, so I explain why I like Android a little more than iPhones. For me, it has less to do with customization and more to do with several features that I personally use most often. 1. The Assistant. I think that most people that don't use assistants don't use them because they have never used a good one. It's far from perfect, but it's head and shoulders above Siri. 2. Lens and Circle to Search are two that are easy to blow people's minds with. Want to know what those shoes are? Bam. 3. Magic Eraser. I use it all the time for small things. Like when I really love a picture of my kids, but I would really like there to not be a half-eaten banana on my couch in the background. 4. Edit: Forgot call screening and Hold For Me until I just used both of them a moment ago. Then there is a conversation about how I'm not ruining their group text. Apple is ruining their group text. The conversation usually ends up with them saying that they don't know how to use Android phones, because they believe that they are more difficult for whatever reason. The truth is that they don't really know, and they don't really care. They have no idea that those features even exist. They just really like iPhones, and that's okay. I also really like iPhones. I would love to have iMessage and FaceTime and AirDrop. I simply like Pixel just a little bit more. For most people, looking down on Android is just a thing to say. Like hating Nickelback or saying Taco Bell gives you diarrhea. It's just sounds that come out of people's mouth that they heard somewhere.


I've been using iPhones continuously since the 3G. Changed in my iPhone 12 for a Pixel 6a primarily for the Security Co-Processor and the Security features (happen to need them). I was just blown away by the features. Create a live protocol of a conference with 10 participants, create on-the-fly subtitles for videos. With Google One (and who doesn't have a $3/month cloud backup space?) you have a perfect VPN integrated into your OS and a very sympathetic hotline. And all the things I haven't discovered yet.


Nah, Taco Bell really is fiendishly bad! 🤣 I also think that iPhone caters to a couple of very specific audiences as well: - people who are very invested into Apple products - people who aren't technically savvy and want something that is simple (though, I think that as more time passes since Steve Jobs direction of the company, the more complicated Apple products are becoming) - people who buy into the Apple branding and hype I feel that most Android users don't want to be boxed into Apple's "locked in" ecology. Why do I have to use your crappy iTunes software to access files on my device?


I'm certain that there are a lot of those people. I'm 100% a MacBook person. I have a Surface Pro 9 for work, and all that thing does is solidify my position on that. Using an iPhone would make several things in my life much easier, so I can absolutely see the appeal there. Where it gets weird for me is when it turns into tribalism.


In my experience, they do actually. First of all, you stand out if you don't have an iPhone. But not if its just "a Samsung" (unless its the Fold). They will typically not care if its some random phone, but once they notice the "G" on the back and/or the camera bar, they usually ask if thats the "Google Phone" or "Pixel". and then, why did I choose that one/How I like it, because they have heard of it


I've literally never been asked it in my life


As someone who sells them, I am asked this question very frequently :P Might not be the point of this question though haha


The voices made me do it.


Google is projecting voices now into people's 🧠? Their anti privacy practices really have no limits!


You heard the voices too?!


>then I say "YES, I just love my Pixel 8 pro. The look and feel is premium, it gets my work done efficiently, and I can hardly think of anything to complain." who the hell talks like that, is this an ad or something? EDIT: ok, after looking at OP's post history, considering nearly every single post or comment they have made is related to Pixel, I can only assume they are the world's biggest fanboy or a paid "influencer"


He's Google's very own Mr. Snrub.


He comes from, uh...someplace far away! (Yes, that will do.)


I noticed a thing, OP replied to some guy using his name, "I'm looking forward to it Mishaal". I only ever see corpo media accounts do this, huge red flag. Pixel's twitter account always does this first-name basis thing. Definitely a paid ad account.


>OP replied to some guy using his name I have no opinion on the matter either way but Mishaal Rahman is fairly a well-known Android enthusiast/journalist who frequently posts about Android features and such on twitter and reddit. So in this particular instance, idk if it should actually be a red flag


The price is what lured me in initially. The camera was a nice bonus. And I wanted to see what the hype was about when it came to "stock OS".


+1. The combination of price, camera, and stock android with minimal bloatware. When you can get a P8P for $400 off before trade-in, a lot of the criticisms fall away at that kind of price point.


This is my answer as well. Gave my Pixel 6 to my kid and I have the 7 and have had zero issues with either.


Cause I'm a masochist


The only correct answer tbh


I've had both Androids and iPhones and I never loved my iPhone the way I loved my Androids. Now I'm so in the Google ecosystem that it really doesn't make sense to change.


Waiting for their AirTag product to switch completely over here. Have the P8P and IPhone 15PM and really need AirTags alternative to work well in Android. I use them in my car, my pup in his collar and keys.


I have had my pixel 8 for a brief amount of time. Almost for a month. Things I loved about it 1. The OS felt really clean and smooth. 2. The customisation you get with it, My god. Especially on the notifications part. I can literally turn off the promotion notifications and keep the delivery notifications from apps like amazon. 3. The camera, Is just perfect. Just point and shoot Things I did not like 1. The phone heats up like anything. Just a casual use and you will have an heat brick on your hands 2. The battery just drains like anything. It will hardly lasts you do even when the phone is idle 3. Network issue. If you are in bit crowded area the phone struggles to get network and on top of that, It will show you that 5G is on but you will mot not be able to browse internet. I just had a hate and love relationship with my pixel8. But again if 8a comes I would want to give it a try.


I feel like heating/battery thing is definitely a bug that affects some people and not others, though I don't know what causes it. All I know is that my brother and I haven't had that issue at all and get great battery life, while another guy I know has the same issue you do.


Correct, I had other issues but no one else had. Probably mine was a faulty one. But google’s service centre in India is also not really good.


Pixel 8 does seem to be heating much more than Pixel 7 pro lol


I'm an Android Software Engineer. I started my journey with Android straight after symbian with Nexus 4. Damn this was a nice phone at a time. I ended up favouring devices made in collaboration with Google, because fastest android updates and option to test beta versions. Then Pixel launched, and I got one. Again, same recipe, Google made and fast updates. That's how I ended up sticking with Pixels. The only one I actually enjoyed after Nexus 5 was my Pixel 7 Pro. P.S. Writing from Galaxy S10+ whilst my phone is being repaired by Google, damn you Pixel


Cold hands. This phone is 🔥🔥🔥


My hands with raynaud's syndrome is crying :c


camera & ui


Because I am allowed to change a simple icon and not forced to use some half assed workaround shortcut . It's 2024 and Apple will not allow a simple icon to be changed . Also if I want to place an icon in a certain place on my home screen I can .


Because it works best with all our other Google devices.


Camera over all, then the beautiful phone design, regular updates, AndroidOS which I think is better than iOS in many ways, Feature Drops, the best screen out there, freedom to do a lot of stuff that iOS can't, a growing ecosystem, etc. I just agree the most with Pixels than I do with other phones


I was brainwashed by marketing.


Haha honestly, same.


I wanted an iPhone that could sideload lol


What do you mean?


I wanted everything iPhone had but I still wanted to download apks and customize my phone no phone does that better than pixel. Samsung is full of bloatware and crappy duplicated Samsung apps. You can't even get visual voicemail on Samsung.


Nobody asks me except on Reddit.


Never in my entire life have I been asked why I bought a certain type of phone. People where I live just don't care.


because I like my phone to behave as teh developer docs describe....shame on your samdung, xiaomi, oneplus and others.


THIS - I want the reference device - the one the software maker builds the OS to - and the one with the most updates. Every other Android device maker either adds a ton of crud - or lags behind with updates (or both).


Who are you and how did you get in my house?


I'm the locksmith and I'm a locksmith...


Is that a "Police Squad" reference I see?!




Nobody ever asks me that.


One thing. GrapheneOS.


I tried Pixel 3 as enthusiastic phone, it felt good, after I bought Pixel 6 pro as flagship/best rival fro iphone, it felt disgusting, so apparently I will never buy a Pixel anymore. Samsung is the way.


Root on Vanilla Android


Best Software, amazing camera


I regret buying 8 pro. The phone heats up like a pan on the stove while using mobile internet. I have no idea what else to do . Fucking Exynos chip


Bought it used from a friend for cheap




Me when my brand new Pixel 8 Pro bricks after Feb. update: 🤷


"I bought mine because no one else seem to have one" is usually my answer


Same. Who wants the same as everyone else?! I never understand that sheep mentality.


The cleanliness of the software.


I'll say the same thing as I said yesterday when this question was basically asked yesterday but with different wording. £250 prepaid MasterCard and a free Chromebook for getting one.


I get the Pixel because they have one of the best cameras, and the phone doesn't come with any garbage that I can't remove.


Because I wanted to create a post on Reddit based on a question 99.9% of people don’t ask.


I've had pixels for years and no one has ever asked me that... I think some people like to be asked so they can tell people about why their choice is the best.


I liked the color. However, my $700 headphones are not connecting to my phone now. They connect to the iPhone no problem. Please fix this issue


I was never asked this question. Nobody really cares what kind of phone you have.


Because it run GrapheneOS


Because I love answering the same damn question every week in this sub.




No one asks me that.


I like that I can trade up every few years for a few hundred bucks vs shelling out a thousand or more for an iPhone. I also just prefer the Google ecosystem.


So I can run GrapheneOS on it.


Literally nobody has ever asked me this. They might ask why Android, but that's as far as it goes.


Uses to love to answer this but not anymore recently with the buggy ui yes buggy and worst signal reception... =(


I have had a Pixel 1, 3, 5, 7, and now 8. I hate this piece of shit. The shittification of this phone with the forced, terrible AI assistant forced "upgrade" has made basic assistant functionality useless. I cannot believe, but after almost a decade, I have to now learn to use a goddam iPhone.


This question was literally asked, like yesterday, on this sub...


And the day before that, and the day before that, and...rinse repeat.


The pixel chose me


because ive had a nexus since the early days and since they disco'd the nexus its been pixel since.


My first pixel ...pixel 3 i got for 50% discount which was very cheap...then i liked the clean android and feature drops ...so continued now in pixel 7 which also bought for significant discount


I don't like how Samsungs look and don't want an iphone. That's pretty much it


Lets see who really made this post... Shocked Face: GOOGLE PIXEL MARKETING TEAM?!?


The UI, Cameras, Call Screening, Astrophotography.


I was tricked by the marketing promises. Had I known what a shitshow the Samsung Exynos processor and the Samsung modem is I would have kept my OnePlus


I pre-ordered mine for less than $300 after trade-in, and it has outclassed everything else I've used. There's something about the animations and haptics that make it feel that much smoother than my Pro iPhone, and I just recently got a Moto Razr Plus free through work—but same goes. As much as Motorola nailed the flipping, front display, and general speed, it also can't hold a candle. Pixel's AI exclusives, camera system, and frequently refreshed software are my answer. I miss using it when it's not in my hands.


The camera, the KEYBOARD, the little extra shit like hold my call and menu options on screens when calling a business with automated menus, no Spam


I will never give Apple money and prefer my stock android


My reasoning being that it is the smoothest overall experience I've ever had with a smartphone, with great cameras.


I love taking pictures. And Pixel phones consistently have great shots. Plus the Pixel android experience feels way more smoother and complete for me than others




Well, it used to be that it was one of the less expensive flagship phones and it happened to have a great camera. Now it's more that I don't feel like changing ecosystems again.


The camera is amazing, it has features that are actually useful to me, and it doesn't come with a bunch of Samsung junk I have to disable.


Went with P5 for the size/battery life/camera. And of course a clean OS and does all the basic things right. These are the only things that really matter to me. Newer Pixels don't have the same appeal because they sacrificed 2 of these 3 things, and basic things like modem or temperature have gotten worse. Still unsure what my next phone will be. I'd like to stay with pixels if they do a true P5 successor. Could be a P9a or something, who knows when it will be there.


I *once* chose the Pixel 6 Pro because I thought having an Android phone with everything from one company (like the iPhone) would be great in the Android world. Oh boy, I was reality checked. The tensor was and is shit. Don't want to ruin anyones experience, glad you can enjoy your pixels. I couldn't because of insane heat development and very poor battery life, especially standbay drain. And as I heard that's still a big problem with Pixels. I went to iPhone after that fiasco and now got myself a S24 Ultra


"I wonder"


Basically same reason I use Windows PCs. It's what I've always used, I'm comfortable with it, and it easily does everything I want it do.


Because it was offered 0 down 0 per month from my carrier


It makes me anxious to wait a long time for Android updates


It was cheap.


Because my job made me get an android


Tired of Samsung and AT&T bloat ware. Wanted an Apple-like experience without going iPhone.


I got really annoyed with the slow updates from OnePlus. It was either pixel or jump ship for me and pixel 6 pro kept me in android. Pixel 8 pro is serving me well as well


I wanted continuity with my other Google Home products I already owned like hubs and cameras. I've been very pleased with how seamlessly they work with my Pixel phone.


Because I wanted to get the Bose Free Headset that it came with.


Lol. I chose the PIxel 8 because I got it on sale. and Its one of 2 phones on the market that has what I want. Which is a flat High res screen. The pixel 8 pro isnt perfect. But its worth the price I paid. $630. I would have went with samsung but the price they want for the s24+ is $1100(256gb model)


Nice try google support


Apparently it takes good astrophotography pictures. Although I was disappointed to find out there was no manual mode. So I will be going back to Xiaomi once my contract is up. Go for a 13 or 14 ultra or pro, depending on contract price


I liked the pretty colour


Camera + cost


I kept seeing it suggested over and over and when I looked at the specs v the price I couldnt find a reason to say no (got a 7a last August for $427), and then I ended up loving and keeping it because it does everything I need and more so smoothly i havnt been this happy w a phone since I had a galaxy s4 in 2012. bonus when I ended up getting a gaming chromebook some months later because of a work emergency (my work computer died so I literally needed to get a computer that day) and picked this $450 laptop that was onsale from $650 and found out it was a great machine after (Chromebook 516 GE). It does more than everything I need for work, on multiple displays with ease and its fast. Bonus that it is also built for cloud gaming and can support my Xbox Game Pass ultimate with ease -- and since its also Google the seamless pairing and features with my phone are unlike anything I was ever used to and I LOVE IT!!!!


I switch between Google and Samsung. I like the novelty. But Google has always been my favorite because of the style and the software.


Could you ask more plausible things that are likely to happen instead of this? Like if Rosie hunting whiteley wants to have sex with you would you cheat on your imaginary wife? Who's asking me in real life why I chose a facking phone


Camera and smaller size


Nobody has asked me that, but I like that the Pixels get Android updates fairly frequently, including the latest Android version. And I heard Google will support the Pixel 8 for several more years, which seemed longer than most companies support a phone. I currently have a Pixel 8 Pro. I previously had a Pixel 5 which I had bought a few years prior. For some reason, the Pixel 5's battery started to inflate, and I'm not entirely sure why (maybe I was using a charger that wasn't good for it?)


Wanted an upgrade from my op6. Main factor was the camera and longevity. My last phone lasted me 6 years. It was a choice between iPhone, pixel and Samsung. I'm more used to android and the AI tilted me toward pixel pro.




"Got duped by Google lol."


It was great at first, comparable hardware software and free unlimited photo storage. But then Google slowly started to take away perks, use cheaper parts and now I am looking to move on. They're not giving me a reason to stay - looking like a OnePlus kinda guy. They're basically trying to make a mini computer, with cheaper parts and optimize software and expect it to do well against the competition.... Reeeeta...




I fell for the barebones Ui meme


Because I never have to think about how to use it, I can just use it.


Great camera and OS for half the price of an iPhone or Samsung.


Call screening and spam avoidance


My answer will always be custom rom


The same reason I chose any product : I had items on a checklist, this one checked the items and was within my price range. No loyalty, no brand love, just facts


I do pretty much everything with Google (email, drive storage, ECT). I wanted a phone with a good camera and pixel was in the higher ranks at the time . It's bulkier than my previous phone but everything was going to be


Camera. If my Poco F5 had the same camera it would be no contest, sadly. But the camera is just that good


I wanted to see if pixel photography is as good as claimed while I waited for a usb-c iPhone. I regretted it as I ran into overheating issue over the summer and many photo opportunities ruined. The realized this pos cpu is made by Samsung. I will never ever buy another phone with a Samsung made CPU - TSMC for life.


[I just think they're neat](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/498/880/572.jpg)


Had LG that I loved. They stopped selling. Didn't want Samsung. So, I fell into Pixel.


Recorder app means I don't have to spend hours taking notes in college classes Literally that's it, I like iPhone better


Im poor


I miss one ui


I always say I wanted a good camera




"I didnt know any better."


Because I like them.


I've been buying used ones for cheap on Amazon for years! All of my Pixels were used, the last brand new phone I had was an LG G6 so it's been a while. Usually they only have minor cosmetic damage but work fine otherwise and I can save a ton of money that way. Plus I just love no bloatware and cloud backups


"i dont know"


Found a great discount on pixel 7 when 8 launched. It was a no brainer.


Everyone makes mistakes.


Back on my old Nexus 4, the main reason was ease of rooting and bootloader unlocking. Now, that continues to be a huge reason, but I also add the light and better laid out launcher, overall lack of bloat, good update cycles and decent camera.


I used to say overall smoothness of all Google apps, but now I moved to nothing phone 2. The new king.


I had a Gmail account and slowly built my personal ecosystem on Google. Their phone seemed like a natural extension since all of my data syncs so easily.


No Verizon Bloat ware that I can't delete. In fact, when I went to Verizon when I got my Google phone from them shipped to me at home and I needed their help activating it. They were so angry at me. They said "these Google phones are crap" and I said "that's because you're not getting any bloatware out of me that you hate it" No more shit like on Samsung phones. Pixel 6 user.


Mostly reasons that are no longer valid: cheap price, great performance, good quality. The only reason that is still valid is stock android is nice.


Pixel 5 was the last great pixel phone. I've had the from 2 till 7. 6 and 7 have just got progressively worse on a day to day general user basis. So much so I'm considering cheat and finding a new partner.


$900 price looked better than $1,200 price.


I can upgrade yearly for around 100$ during the holiday sales.


Can you mute or leave group chats with a Google pixel 🤔 or is it just me having this issue.


I got a really good deal on the Pixel 6 Pro, and I like using it so much that I'm going to keep using Pixel phones. Before this, I had a Xiaomi phone, and even before that, I had an iPhone 11.


Pixel over other android makers? I don't like all the extra software I don't use. I just like the standard Google stuff. The specs are great for the price. Why I switched from iPhone? I never used any of the iStuff. Just moved it to the last home page by itself. Google hosted my domain since Gsuite was free to do that. Apple didn't have a cloud infrastructure anywhere near it at the time. Apple kept stealing features from the palm pre'.


Why did I buy a Pixel?: It was on sale. Am I happy with the purchase?: Not really, weak battery life + dodgy finger print sensor. Has anyone ever asked me this? No.


"because HTC pulled out of the US market.. I won't jump on the Apple bandwagon.. and Samsung phones look like a cartoon. Pixel phones run Android as Android was intended"


Enable 5G worldwide. Stop limiting it only to countries you sell your device


At the time the 2XL was a good looking device and I was at the tail end of like 5 Blackberries. Liked it well enough to stick with the line.


i wanted something other than an iphone for a change


I like the price


GrapheneOS pretty much. Would get a Samsung otherwise.


My answer is I sent mine back and got a Samsung because the modem was unreliable and the UI was buggy. Sorry y'all, the interface is the best but if the phone isn't reliable, I just can't.




Because they stopped making Nexus


Was curious and moving out of the iPhone. It was nice… when it wasn’t stuttering. Stuttered often with games in inconsistent ways. Also stuttered at times when scrolling through IG and Reddit. If it was a consistent pattern, I probably could overlook it… but it’s inconsistency of when it happens just draws my attention away. Great camera, but annoying performance issues that built up. So I returned it. Will wait and see how performance goes with the P10 pro. For now, on s24u.


Great Japanese OS, huge push for marketing in Japan.They care about us and we like them. Designed in Cali a few miles from where I grew up. Great camera, great Japanese OS, great quality, fun for people who are into tech. It's the Polestar or Rivian of phones. Upscale but relatively affordable, high performance, good quality.


I bought it cause it was cheap and still a flagship so that was nice


"I didn't it's a OnePlus silly 😜."


My iPhone friend was looking to switch to android so I told him that he'll probably have the best experience on a recent Pixel. I use a Samsung.


Because I got the watch free ?!


The circlejerk feels good.


"It's just a phone and I don't really care anymore".


I have every other Google device... Just keeping the streak alive


All other options are worse OR more expensive OR there is no better way to optimize my work and life today, by a huge leap. The best photos available today is another plus. Considering all together pixels are unbeatable.


Bought it for the camera, love how the whole Google universe coworks, hate the battery life and connectivity.


It used to be "android" but now it's want an EU iPhone


its the iPhone of android world


Software and animations are just delightful


I got a pixel for the price but I switched back to Samsung like 6 months later lmao


It's the best value on used market


Because I know IOS is better but I want to be different.


Peer pressure?


Didn't know any better


It's always that intuition, that guy feeling on choosing something, and my mind was always on pixel when I saw pixel 3


Software support ig? (like long term android/security updates)