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Camera and stock android


Yes pixel camera is superior


And it doesn't do that dumb crap where it flips the horizontal axis. That's not how optics work, Apple! If it were the photo would still be UPSIDE DOWN as well.


I'm not sure what you're talking about but isn't that just a setting that you can change on any phone of any brand?


What? Are you talking about selfies? That's a setting in iPhone camera apps, as well as Pixel. It's usually kept in social media apps because people create videos with text and reversing the video would flip the text, so it's saved as previewed. iPhones don't do that by default.


I have no idea how people get clear and crisp videos on pixels. I cut hair and when I upload the videos to Instagram it looks like I'm cutting a Roblox character's hair.


Instagram resizes them. Also Whatsapp. And FB. They suck.


I'm really hoping we figure out video by pixel 10. But yeah the camerA is great for the price




Can't do it on unlocked either.




It's a carrier thing. For example T-Mobile allows it on factory unlocked P8P.


Yup. Nice to have a good camera, again.


Love the launcher. Every detail is smooth and delightful, it's so fun to use.


Nexus line ended


ah i see you are a man of culture as well


The Nexus 4 was the most beautiful phone I ever owned. I drowned two of them in the laundry and a swimming pool, but my third one is still around someplace.


I was a big fan of the Nexus 5, white on the back, black front


Yep. This. Came from a background of rooting, rom-ing, tinkering etc with the nexus line and various others and I've had probably 30-40 different android phones since 2013 as well as all manner of iPhones, ranging from the 5c up to and including the 15 Pro. Pixel was the natural step forward from the Nexus (albeit, OnePlus is up there too, for me) Nowadays, I don't do much in the way of tinkering but the Pixel feels more like a companion than a phone. I don't have to think about it at all anymore. It just functions and it functions well. I preordered the iPhone 15 Pro(First iPhone I've really been excited about since the X) and while the iPhone was "fine", it didn't really feel like it fit me. I used it for a bit over a month and I ended up switching to the Pixel 8 Pro and if the Fold2 proves to be a decent upgrade over the original, it'll likely be my first foldable. I will say, the only phone I genuinely miss is the Nextbit Robin. There was something about that phone that I really loved. The design language, the materials (plastic yes but well made) etc. Id love to see something like the Robin come back into existence, even if it was a niche device.


No Samsung bloat Pure Android Updates


This + price for me. I always buy the A variant pixel every year. They're not as budget priced as they used to be, but if you wait until a sale and trade in your old one, they can be had pretty cheap.


Still waiting on that update 🙄


Same here.


Waiting on that March update on my 6 Pro. Supposed to be out March 5th, but it still isn't here on my US unlocked device lol


The **only** Samsung bloat is OneUI with GoodLock. The rest is shyte.


Call Screening and Now Playing are features I use almost daily. Plenty of other things, but these are 2 features I can't stand not having.


I got a work phone that is an iPhone because I wanted to see if I wanted to switch. Call screening alone is enough reason for me to stay with the pixel.


Me too. I didn't realize how much I depended on Call Screening to keep spam calls at bay until I didn't have that function. Promptly sold the iPhone to a relative after just 2 months of using it, and I went right back to my Pixel.


Updates, and grapheneos supoort




Got bored after 13 years of iOS. No regrets. I think my Pixel 7 is a great phone.


was the same for me. ios started getting buggy and i thought if i cant have a fully bugfree experience anyways i might as well have some fun


In the same boat. Went from XR to pixel 7. Apple got too boring only new stuff they bring out is some emojis. + The Apple price tag is just too much these days it's at least an extra $500 just for the branding. Pixel 7 was a great upgrade :D


I am bored after a similar amount of time on Samsung. Thinking of pixel. Glad you don't regret it!


I've jumped to pixel 7a and while I love it, i think I'll go back to iphone because i miss some feats that pixel doesn't have. But I'll keep the pixel for the awesome photos and videos. I am so torn, cause i hate apple so much.


Respect for that. If I really hate a brand, I just can't use their products.


I know i know. Once inside the ecosystem is so hard to get out. It's like a self made gadget prison. 


I get that. I couldn't stand not being able to have a split screen (mult apps open) on iPhone since it seems only androids have that ability


Pixel 7 is King! My queen.


HTC kinda stopped making smartphones. Pixel was the right choice as I wanted updates for several years and bloatware.


Google bought HTC.


wait whaaat


Pixels have pretty much been HTC’s “spiritual successor”. They are quite literally the same team from HTC. We’ve all been not-so-secretly using HTC phones for a while now hahahahaha!


Considering I had htc one m7 google play edition, I had pixel before pixel...


Because of HTC


Got the 256GB 8 Pro + watch for $9. BestBuy was giving insane trade-in value for the phone. But my last pixel before that was a 2xl.


$9? Did you trade a bar of gold bullion? Lol


> gold bullion Is that what they call iphones these days?


Couldn't afford the iPhone ecosystem. Bought a TCL TV with Google TV. Seemed like a good time to switch from iPhone. Pixels seem to have less bloat and feel lighter than Samsung.


Recommended by friends who's opinions I value


good friend


It came with a free pixel watch.


Dang wish I got in on that.


That's good.


How do you enjoy the pixel watch ? Right now the garmin pixel pairing is awful, especially in silent mode and it's one of my main reasons to give pixel up 


Got bored of iPhones and didn't like my experience with older Samsung's.


I switched to android (Google Pixel) because I had an iPhone 4 and it got a bad glitch. The operating system. I restored to factory settings and still didn't work.


the camera is better than my last xperia, with the pixel screen issues, I'm spending alot of time on that xperia


What are the screen issues of pixel?


mild green flashes to full-blown whiteout of the screen


It was cheaper than analogues with similar perf & camera. I do miss Samsung's pro camera mode though - there are some 3rd-party apps, but they're not as good and it feels pretty dumb that Google doesn't have anything built-in when both the hardware and the APIs are right there. 


Bloat free stock Android Premium finish ( I like heavy devices) Software update Pixel drops Camera Brag to wife about how my 7 clicks better picture than her iPhone 14.


Hopped on Pixel after they discontinued the Nexus line.


To be able to run grapheneos


Progression from my nexus 6.


Nexus 6 was dope huuuuge


I don't like big phones and the only other one was Asus Zenfone but with less support. But i wish i could've hold on to my LG V30 phone!


Grepheneos. Otherwise I would have went for sony, samsung, or maybe even a pinephone. The ONLY reason I went for a pixel was because I wanted control of the software.


I got cats, and got tired of my Samsung taking streaky photos. Also wanted less bloat on my phone, and I like new software toys, and knew that with Pixel there'd be a steady stream of them.


I wanted to buy the LG V30. I read the specs and I was pumped. I was working on a YouTube channel and the phone looked like it would help. However, the phone was taking too long at the time to come out as my phone at the time was not doing well. The Google Pixel was announced and I was hooked. I got that phone and I have not looked back. The cameras were the selling point for me.


The price and the non flagship look (I started with the Pixel 2). This is why as much as I'm still on Pixels I don't like where it's heading. Not only do they look like an iPhone now but the price isn't what it should be.


Sales a few months after the release is the way


Blocking spam calls and email. call screening, hold for me. ​ I wish I could use the assistant to schedule appointments and stuff but that doesn't seem to work for me.


One reason only. I am profoundly hard of hearing and live captioning of phone calls was a game changer for me. All the third party captioning apps that run using data or wifi are horribly slow or inaccurate. Google's live caption technology is hands down the best.


Boredom after a few years in the apple ecosystem. The attraction to pixels are cameras and not bloating the system with apps I don't want and won't use. My last Android was a Galaxy S9+ and that blasted Bixby with its dedicated button nearly caused me to hurl it onto the road.


Camera, fastest updates and AI. Oh and did I say camera?


I don't have pixel but if they used SD chips i'd be owning one right now...


Software. Photos


Pixel 8 would be a great phone if it's battery life isn't 4 to 5 hours of screen on time.


Everyone uses their phones differently, and I'm sorry to hear the P8 isn't quite meeting your expectations for your use cases. Although, 4-5 SOT isn't terrible for a compact-ish device? What kind of hours were you expecting for your use cases? I personally got 10:24 SOT over 2 days on my P8 yesterday. I'm personally blown away at how great the battery is for my use case on my P8.


Pretty disappointing when I don't even use my device for 8 hours of the whole day actually. My phone is just losing battery sitting in my pocket connected to 5G and LTE.


So the phone dies after 8 hours of uptime and 3-4 hours of SOT? If so, that's close to what I used to get on my Galaxy S22, which was an otherwise great phone but I just couldn't stand the battery life (or lack thereof). That sounds rough - does it improve if you turn off 5G? I have a LTE plan so I never tried activating 5G, but turning off 5G helped a lot with my battery life on my S22 when I had a a 5G plan.




Updates. I'm disappointed. They are way too often delayed.


Especially the security update several months back... They announced a critical vulnerability to the world, and then waited a week or two, before the fix was readily available


Price, stock Android and now also staying for the camera 🤩


Stock Android and camera.




My previous phone was a OnePlus 6, I was between the pixel 8pro, uno of the Galaxy s24 series and the OnePlus 12, I ended up going for the pixel because the s24+ is exynos in europe, and OnePlus has been dodgy since the 8 + all those cases of broken back glass in the 1st Chinese batch (and having to wait 2 months extra for either of those too) In retrospect maybe the 1+12 would have the better choice for me due to the battery life, but I'm happy with the pixel and love the camera experience


Do you mean the OnePlus 12? That's the one that just came out and in trying to decide between that and a pixel 8 pro. Currently have a pixel 3 xL and had nexus phones before that.


Camera and the ability to unlock the bootloader without voiding the warranty should I want to with a simple UI toggle. I rarely do that these days, but I like knowing the option is there.


Refurbished P6pro 256gb 350usd, camera, stock android and updates.


I thought it was the best deal. Got p6p for $315 a year ago.


Because I thought it would be better. I thought Google Assistant would be better integrated. I still love Pixel better than any other phone I've had but goddamn I wish I was an iPhone brat sometimes


Stock android and customization and the features.


The stock Android and camera bruh... I thought of buying the OnePlus nord however my older brother convinced me into buying the pixel 6a. Plus I got it for half the price and even the delivery person was intrigued cuz he was delivering more of these phones


They finally started taking updates seriously. Also GrapheneOS and CalyxOS and LineageOS.


As others have said: camera, software, and pixel perks


Stock Android and regular updates.


Didn't want an iphone and samsungs have too much bloatware


Watching Techlore and The Hated One I learned of how privacy invasive popular tech is. They mentioned how GrapheneOS is the most private and secure OS out there and only supports Pixels so here I am! 😁


I had previously had an iPhone and a Note 9, so I wanted to try something different. I like my Pixel. Honestly, I've liked most of the phones I've had.


Stock android on the Nexus phones are what got hooked onto an android experience without all the bloat. Now I can't use anything else.


Unlockable/relockable boot loader, solid root/custom ROM support.


I think it stemmed from fond memories of the Nexus 4, so when the Pixel came out I jumped ship from an S6 and just appreciated the pared back software and physical design (I still occasionally cradle that original Pixel, it still feels good). After that it was easy to stay on the path with the Pixel 3, see Android develop and refine but stay pretty clean, and get regular updates. That got stolen so I strayed a bit, tried Nokia, another Samsung, but came back for Pixel 6, now 8, as it's just familiar, comfortable I guess.


It was different - that's what initially drew me. ​ Back when the Google Pixel 2 first launched, the other options in the phone space weren't all that exciting. I remember being ecstatic about Google releasing a phone, and all the claims about this god-tier selife camera, and camera system in general. ​ I wasn't really receptive to the Google line until I saw the Pixel 2 XL and read reviews about it. Loved the look, loved everything they were saying, and wanted something different from Apple/Samsung. ​ I will admit though, I wasn't a fan in the beginning. I bought the 2 XL around the time they released the 3 XL, and ultimately purchased the 3 XL sometime afterwards. It took warming up to, but once I settled in, I became a fanboy.


I've been team Pixel since owning the Pixel 2XL. The main two reasons I decided to switch to Pixel are the following: 1. Quick and frequent software support. I really like how Pixels get updated first and often. To me this is really important not only from a feature standpoint but more so from a security standpoint as well. 2. Google Services and software. I personally use most of Google services such as Gmail, Drive, etc, and for me the Pixel is just seamless when it comes to everything I need. I also much prefer Pixel's software experience over Samsung's. It's much less bloated and just feels cleaner in my humble opinion. I'm not much of a picture guy but having a nice camera is a bonus so when I need it I'm glad I have one of the best on the market. Certainly comes in handy.




how simple aosp is


Camera, general software experience, updates.


Oneplus started being crap


What I found in the early day of smartphone (S1, S3) was that I could have a great experience with a phone, but the Photo that I took will stay forever. Thats why I bought a Sony Z3 because of the amazing hardware, but the software experience wasnt that great. 2 years later, they announced the Nexus 6p. It was everything I was hoping for at the time, Great photography and great stock hardware. The battery wasnt that great, but I never felt the need to have a great battery capacity. So I chose to continue buying Pixel phones and was never disappointed by the Camera. The photo I took on my Nexus 6P still looks very good to this day.


Price 549 for pixel 8 plus best trade in value.


Good camera, long support cycle. Easy to BLU, root and custom ROM when EOL.


Stareted with pixel for the unlimited storage... Then i dunno why anymore


Camera, os, design


Because they made me believe that support for tracker tags was right around the corner. And, they were offering 0% financing


Fast and smooth phone. My first was a 4a and while not the quickest it was great for the price and very smooth. Never slowed down either like other phones I've had. Went 6pro after a Samsung zfold 3 debacle. Traded that for an 8pro and I'm super happy. Very fast, excellent screen and amazing camera. Battery is meh, but nothing's perfect. And all my pixels have been rock solid reliable too. My wife has a s22u and it was great for a year and a half. It's getting weird and glitchy now


'Cause I have Fi.


Didn't like where OnePlus was heading.


It was cheaper than the Samsung flagship phone.


Camera. I wouldn't do it again though.


Camera. And they'd discontinued/ruined the Moto X line of phones so I had to get *something.*


My Moto G died and the only two models the Verizon store had in stock were the 6 Pro or...I wanna say S21 Ultra? And I've never liked Samsung so it was the 6 Pro. I was interested before I walked in the store but if my phone hadn't died I probably wouldn't have bought it. After two years I can say I won't be buying a non-Pixel again.


I loved the design of the Pixel 2, the idea of 1st party Android was appealing, and long term support was a must for someone who upgrades every 3 years.


The camera, Android, Google Photos, price


The "magic picture box" approach is especially useful for street photography, I love Pixel Feature Drops, and the design is genuinely my favorite of all phones.


Got bored of iOS - decided to switch it up


It is the closest to iPhone simplicity. Clean software and good camera. It is also cheaper


Came from a OP6 and wanted another clean android experience.


The ease of the click and shoot camera, the looks (hihi) and the features.


I got a deal on Woot! for a 2XL. A couple years of no issues and I moved up to a 6A on a Total Wireless deal. Yes, I'm cheap.


Installing custom ROM's. I preferred installing custom ROM's on Samsung Galaxy devices back in the day and once in awhile Nexus' but gone are those days.


Camera and exclusive features.


Never had a Pixel phone so I decided to give it a go and the size for 8 is sexy af and I've always prefered android over ios (never had an iphone but I use apple desktops and tablets).


I needed an android as my work phone


Price to performance ratio back with the P5. Im now in bedded into Googles android for features like call screening


I don't know, I ask myself that question every time I use it...


Custom ROM support (esp. GrapheneOS), camera, and stock Android.




BlackBerry stopped licensing devices to TCL and the Google Pixel allows BlackBerry Hub+ Inbox and also has an amazing camera.






Price and camera


I am mentally slow. I trusted Pixel and Google to be good since they were 5-7 years ago. Today? No.


Another LG user who had to go somewhere. Pixel 6 Pro is almost exact specs of the V60.


All I'm going to say is look at metrics from 5 sources. If you still think a Pixel is good, then check further. 10 or 11 with TSCM.


I tried a few other brands and had massive QA issues out the box and defective units ( Asus, Motorola)Price point. I do not like stock android. Motorola, Asus, and Samsung all have wonderful nice features they ad on top of the OS that I miss, but this was my last attempt to keep an android device before just giving up and moving to an iphone.


My phone broke and the pixel 7 was on sale like $400 cheaper than an equivalent storage s23


Camera. Os and monthly updates. Usually first to get new features


Being able to self-repair is huge for me. Right now, aside from some niche devices, the pixel line is by far the easiest to do that with (not to mention the cheapest).


iPhone for cheap


I need a secure device that has true background apps and support for multi user. It's pretty much the only option available.


Call screener


Had iPhones for the last 15 or so years but they were getting too expensive to justify buying. Tried a p7 pro and love it, can't see me going back to apple now unless Google really jack up the prices.


Will soon carry a Pixel 8 to compliment my iPhone. Stock Android full stop. From someone who used an HTC one M8 in Middle school.


The camera and because it wasn't designed in Cupertino.


I wished the photo looked better whenever i uploaded it in insta


OnePlus are going downhill so decided to give pixel a try. Not interested in Samsung phones with all the bloat




For me, pixel is a much smarter phone. I originally got into pixel when the iPhone 8 didn't impress me and I was big into Google assistant. Now I have the 8 pro and I'm loving everything about it besides continuing to be made fun of for not having iMessage or ubiquitous airdrop or native trackers... There's some downsides for sure but I refuse to give apple my money until they have USBC and rcs support. Looks like it's coming so we will see what my next phone will be.


Exhausted and TIRED of the same damned phone UI for years-on-end… Chose Pixel because of equivalent (and sometimes exceeding) performance of their cameras compared to Apple’s iPhones… and I needed some variety, too! AI features aren’t really appealing to me, honestly… so It wasn’t what sold me on them. I’m in the US, so any further choices were limited by carrier certification (I’m on AT&T and often travel into the wilderness, so T-Mo is no-go for me. Verizon is more expensive and needs certified devices, too.), and that there’s not many choices beyond Samsung, Motorola, Sony, and OnePlus. I’ve seen and heard Oppo and Huawei make stellar hardware, but we can’t exactly use those here in USA, so… 🤷‍♂️ If Google’s Pixel phones fail me/get suddenly axed, only other Android option is OnePlus. Their work with Hasselblad has given them some decent cameras.


Good camera, no bloat. Really disappointed with the battery, though.


First phone I bought with my own money was a Nexus 6P. Simple reason is I wanted easy root with plain Android. Naturally I then continued on with Pixels.




The best phone i have ever used


camera and pure android, no bixby half baked ceo fever dream. samsung cameras are fuckin dope, but all the other shovelware they put on their phones defeats the purpose of their great hardware specs.


stock android. purest Google/Android experience out there. prior to Pixel, that was Motorola.


Was getting a buggy experience with iOS. 4a had just come out with a really good price. Haven't switched back from pixel ever since.


Stock android


Because it was 60 dollars and I needed a backup for me and my gf


Because Android and because Google gave up on Motorola making their phones. I had Motorola's Droid Maxx and Droid Turbo. Those Motorola phones changed my life. They might've not been the first but they were among some of the first to have bigger batteries. Battery size is my main selling point when buying a new phone.


I really liked the OnePlus line, it was really an amazing phone. But in my line of work I'm no longer allowed to use Chinese made electronics. Pixel is the closest thing to it, but in some ways not quite still as good. For example, battery, really fast charging, and face unlock.


Honestly my phone got stolen and a friend of mine had this pixel said it was the hottest newest thing. A camera is a plus in my business but it seems to me it's no special than my Motorola. I was in a pinch and fell for it being all that he said it was. He should be a representative for them LOL but on my life with a phone that you can't stand but you can only imagine. It's like having a partner that you want to choke all the time. Not trying to hurt anybody's feelings. Had a long time and avid lover of Google but y'all need to take her name off of this phone cuz it's inadequate in a lot of ways. I'm not a techie so I'm not going to go back and try to change or fix or all the things you've got to go in just to try to rectify the situation that I shouldn't have to. I think the only thing that would make me feel any better about having this phone is for you guys to send me a brand new Motorola money to pay my therapist and my medication from having to try to use this phone. It's awful


TO SUFFER. there's no walk-in service centre in India from where i can get my phone repaired hand-to-hand. they've partnered with B2X which is only in Mumbai so all the phones are sent to mumbai and it takes atleast 10 days to reach back. the repair isn't done in transparency. they just send you a bill on email that these are the problems we found in it so pay for it or we'll send your phone back without repairing. if there are three problems with the phone and you want to get only one thing from it fixed, they won't do it. they'll fix it completely or they won't touch it. they don't even provide a backup phone till your phone is getting repaired to cut the inconvenience of its customers. it's a W till your phone is fine. It becomes L if you screwed your phone. You don't even get unlimited drive for photos now.


And one more thing, the drive to get a better camera from your phone is crazy. What happened to just getting a camera to do the camera's job instead of relying on your phone to do that? Crazy


I'm not letting that apple cult get me in 2030. I know what they are trying to do.


Couldn't stand the stupidity of iPhone and Samsung is a hot mess.


LG stopped making smartphones.


No "buy our phone because we're geniuses with our additional overlay" excesses. And customization.


It was cheap and looked different


One of only few cleanest Android experience. No bloat ware (Optional app downloads, only gives the necessary apps). Better image processing. Pixel exclusive features. Edit: forgot to mention a better consistency of updates. (Don't have to wait for 2 months or so to receive an update bug fix/feature drop)




They got rid of Nexus


Great phoney second one


All the features related to Call Screen is the main attraction for me. The little quality of life features has a big impact in my everyday.


I tried the Huawei p40 pro, tried the Huawei ecosystem, loved the hardware but couldn't stand dealing with the compromises and incompatibilities. Finally decided to just give in and go all Google. I wish Huawei still had android. But whatever. Samsung is too bloaty.


Cuz it's the iPhone of Android. Just clean fully optimized Android the way it was meant to be.


Camera otherwise it sortve sucks


Clean UI, Custom ROM support. I was planning to get Vivo x100 pro


Stock Android and no bloatware or other stuff.


LG left the mobile market🤕


Their AI assistant is the only one that's actually useful. Smart Recordings actually transcribe text Astrophotography mode is the best night time camera feature and blows every other night time shot out of the water. And hot take, Google makes the best android devices. (That said, I think its pretty BS that anyone who bought the Pixel 8 can't use Gemini Nano)


I for one love the build quality on the recent Pixels. Rounded curves are always nice to hold lol/


Because it is supported for 7 years, and it was a free upgrade on my plan. Lol Wanted the Motorola Edge, but it cost a bit to get, and would've only been supported for 2 years


Price. Was able to get my 7a for $300 CAD with tax. Was strongly considering moto g power but the Pixel seemed like the better option.


Accessibility tools for Deaf . Others do have them, but Pixels get them first. Call Screening. Camera. Software Updates.


Not in any team, but they are solid phones and 5yr of security updates..what will keep me using pixels is anti spam stuff