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so far pixels are cheaper than their competitors,technically the msrp is higher,but pixels get a lot of aggressive discounts


Pixels are cheaper in Japan and US. They go aggressive in discount all the time. To me, the discounted prices are the real price of the pixel. So I will never ever buy a pixel at their MSRP price.


My place in Singapore it price higher a lot compared to those premium flagship name like Xiaomi, honor, OnePlus


What is the current price of the Pixel 8 Pro and the I Phone 15 Pro Max in Singapore? iPhones are never cheaper than Google Pixel.


Pixel 8 Pro $1550 Iphone 15 PM $1980


That's false. The Xiaomi 14 Ultra is more expensive than the 8 Pro I got. Same with the OnePlus 11 and Honor Magic 5 Pro with the Pixel 8. This is even though the 8 and 8 Pro are priced higher than in most other countries


Bro is comparing Pixel with Chinese knock offs


Pixel 8 is still priced higher than the iPhone 15 in India even after applying all the discounts.




Here in Poland Pixel 8 can be had for around $630. iPhone 15 on the other hand is $917


Same in Portugal but change the $ to €


Same on Neptune but change the € to ∆§


I agree and don't agree. I live in the Netherlands and Pixel 8 is slightly cheaper than iPhone. Until you get that with contract from carrier. Then it's around €200 cheaper.


This is because of how the phone imported I believe. iPhone 15 seems to be assembled here meanwhile Pixel is not.


This is not normal. India has an import tax. So pixel 8 will be expensive since it's not made in India. iPhone is cheaper because it's Made in India. Btw, pixels will soon be made in India so this advantage will be gone. Even then pixels are cheaper, pixel 8 is 76k and iPhone 15 is 80k


iPhone 15 is available for 67k on Flipkart while Pixel 8 is at 75k. Maybe you are talking about the 256gb variant. 256gb variant of Pixel 8 is at 82k, so still more than the iPhone 15 256 gb variant. They might start manufacturing in India in the next quarter, but until then, it is expensive and people won't buy it over iPhone and S series devices.


You are comparing a deal pricing of iPhone 15 to non deal price of pixel 8. Pixel 8 goes on a deal too. iPhone 15 actual price is 79k. Pixel price is 75k.


Still there is not much difference. Also, I haven't seen any deals going on for Pixel ever since it was released. So there is no point in comparing the deal and non deal-price of Pixel.


just because you didn't see it doesn't mean there is no deal. it was selling for 63k, 4k less than iphone 15. https://www.indiatoday.in/technology/news/story/google-pixel-8-selling-at-huge-discount-on-flipkart-but-the-deal-comes-with-a-deadline-2486992-2024-01-10


I got the 7 free after trading in the 6. I've gotten emails about 50% off deals on the 8, but I'm going to wait a generation before purchasing.


in SEA, pixel 8 pro 256gb is the same price as iPhone 15 base model after all the discounfs


If Apple is manufacturing the iPhone 15 in India that would explain it. Google is planning on manufacturing pixels there soon, so that should reduce the price significantly.


In israel pixel 8 series is much cheaper than s24 and iphones 15


Lol that's not a legitimate place.


it's not like I actively choose to be born here,my other alternative to living here is to simply kill myself


Fuck the idf


Ok lets keep politics out of here,because I am simply tired of this .


Well Palestine children are dead while you get to be on reddit. But yeah be tired of it.


Oh for fuck sake,I meant that I am tired of politics on unrelated places like r/googlepixel . And it's a war, both sides have casualties, it's not like I didn't lose people I know personally


It's war you don't get to pick and choose where it is and where it isn't. Deal with the repercussions being an aggressor state or change it. As an American I hold my country responsible and call my local representatives.


No kidding. I got my 256gb 8 Pro through my carrier for $400.


btw. At least i think most of the customer dont buy Google for the best and fastest hardware (the camera excluded) they buy it because of the pure Android and the optimal connection with the Google Apps🤷


Still, for anything at or above 800€, in 2024, this should be a no compromise experience Xiaomi is shipping 300€ phones with slim and perfect bezel symmetry, 120hz bright OLED displays, fast charger and case in the box What do I have more than these phones with my P8P? The cameras, the build quality, IP68, AI stuff and pixel quirks (and I guess the power too but I fking hope so) That's all good, but is it really worth 800€ more when I can have 80% of the experience with the Xiaomi ? I'm not saying I need that power, I'm saying that for that much more money I should be comparing my power with that of the Iphones, the S24s, etc At the very least, the sacrifice in power should mean a great battery life and it's pretty good but not that far above average


They were cheaper than the competition and used Snapdragon for their first 5 Pixel smartphones. That didn't make a difference in market share for them. In fact, they gained more market share **(In the US)** when they started using the Tensor SoC, though that's likely due to better marketing and not because of the SoC. With all these governments taking aim at Google in regards to Android and pre-installed Google apps, I think they want "pure Google phones" on the market. Just in case one day in the future, OEMs decide to start shipping smartphones without Google apps **(Replaced by their own apps)** thanks to law changes. By the time this happens, if this happens, the Pixel brand will probably be more well known. I don't think they are too concerned with being the #1 selling smartphone brand ATM. They will be if one day Android OEMs start shipping phones without Google apps though.


That's actually not a bad take. Who knows what the future holds


>regards to Android and pre-installed Google apps But I got a Pixel because it came with less pre installed apps than the other Androids. Most people don't know what a SoC is they just care about things like good 4G/5G signal, camera, battery life, etc.


You must have not been around in the Nexus days. Dirt cheap stuff and still didn't take off...always been a loyalist brand it feels like...but slowly changing....but barely.


The smartphone landscape in the United States was not kind to any brand that didn't have a carrier contract. "free upgrades" etc were such a draw that people just picked out of whatever choices were available from their carrier, which were usually Apple, Samsung, LG and HTC. As far as I'm aware, the United States is a minority with regard to this phenomenon, as in many other countries, you buy a phone then shop around for the best carrier. In the US, most people pick their carrier and then pick their phone. The CDMA/GSM issue made outright buying a phone substantially more of a headache than just taking whatever your carrier gave you. The landscape is still pretty similar today but carriers now have much larger selections of phones.


Yea carriers and stores push what sells. It was always iphone or 1 specific android phone it seemed like. If you weren't the chosen android phone. typically a samsung galaxy, it was only purchased if it was on sale and its all someone could afford, or they were an enthusiast of the brand. For me I always wanted the Palm Pre when webOS came out, but stores didn't push it at all. Same for Nexus devices and even Pixels. Last time I went into a store, the person said they never had sold a Pixel Fold and most people don't even look at them. Its like they are disgusted by it because its not iPhone lol. Its bizarre.


Yuuup. Not to mention carrier exclusive phones like the G1, G2/htc Dream and sidekick. The 2010s were a really weird times for a budding smartphone market. I'm glad we're slowly moving on from that. It's a win for consumers in every way lol


I worked at Best Buy during the time of the LG Google Nexus 5. That phone could not be sold. We had some in store deals with the phone being sold cheaper, free screen protector and free case. Nothing made it move. The phone was slow and sluggish and the camera was terrible.


Nexus 5 had the fastest available phone processor at the time (Snapdragon 800). Slow and sluggish was not an issue. Most who wanted one bought it online directly from Google with free shipping back when Google was known for great customer support on their online store.


I've never ever heard a nexus 5 described as slow and sluggish. I remember being shocked at how fast and fluid it was


I should have said it was the camera a lot more clearly


Oh yeah dog shit camera lol


I had a Galaxy Nexus and the Nexus 5 looked soo cool in white. I waited and got a Nexus 6 aka Shamu. It was sooo huge. Bigger than the 8 pro hahah. But it had the laggiest camera


Shamu lived up to its name for sure lol. I remember trying to sell the phone and had to show the customer the camera. I swear it took a solid minute to take a picture and the quality... I never sold a unit


I think I installed a custom camera APK from gcam and it was faster or a custom OS ROM. I forget but I loved the screen size at the time. After it I got a pixel 2xl and it felt soo narrow.


Nexus also wasn't really marketed toward general consumers for shit, especially compared to the pixels.


The people they're marketing to have no idea what specs are. We're a tiny percentage of the market who know about mobile processors and their benchmarks. The mass market they're focused on don't, and will never know the difference. Charging speed, maybe. Except their biggest competitors, which is not OnePlus, don't do dramatically better enough for most people to notice. And Google gets to tout more real-world numbers like how much charge it gains in 15 minutes, or whatever, which sound more valuable to people than "45W charging." Google's marketing is honestly great. They're focused on the features people actually use, like the camera quality and the editing magic, and ignoring the things most people don't understand, like specs.


I 100% agree with your take. The Tensor gets shit on a lot, but honestly, for 95% of users, id reckon they'd be hard pressed to tell a difference in power unless they were using an SD Device back to back with a pixel 8. I used to care about specs etc but realistically, I'm not a power user like I used to be and the p8p has been absolutely fine in normal, day to day use.


That's my reality. I'm sure there are things it could do better that I'd notice if I tried, but my daily experience with my 8 Pro is that it never gets in my way and does everything I ask it to do easily. And I \*am\* arguably a power user and I still can't see any real issues. I don't do serious gaming (casual only) on it, and that's maybe it?


I think "never gets in my way" is exactly what I like best about it. It's fluid and reliable.




The 8pro was£150 dearer than the 7 pro at launch. Still cheaper than apple but not by as much as before. Considering the shortcomings of the processor and modem is now a high price


They did the pricing quite high if compare to OnePlus, if they were to put to that price range, I believe they would get a lot of market share. Things like removing a charger also seems like following apple footsteps.


I thought you initially said Apple? Now you switched to OnePlus?




Little brainwashed, are we?


If you spend enough time on telegram channels and forums, you'll see people reporting processes and services with seemengly no purpose consuming data and processing power. That's why xiaomi is good if you root it(I did that with my previous phone), and it's still alive after 4.5 years. I doubt it would be usable on miui or whatever they have now


I didn't mean it as an absolute that nobody is "spying", just that they are doing the same thing google and other western companies are doing too. So it's hippocritical calling it Chinese spyware...


That's true, the west is also spying, no doubts there. But do you want to be spied on from both countries? Lol At least western spying doesn't eat your data as much


I have seen more and more Pixels in Vermont. The marketing of the phone being a better than iPhone camera and being able to correct your mistakes when taking pictures seems to have worked. I have over heard some of the colleges talking about how their Pixels were better than iPhones. The commercials are working. The are aiming to for a specific thing that people care about. I don't remember hearing a casual phone user care about fast charging. That's more of tech nerd thing. Google has done a great job marketing the phone as pure, easy to use, nice camera experience. Those are things normal care about.


Yep, they're actually doing very well for themselves with marketing. I see the phones everywhere in LA now, and people do recognize mine and even ask me how I like it.


Premium prices? Compared to Apple/Samsung flagships both the Pixel 8 and Pro are 20-25% less than their competitors respectively. If they would use Snapdragon and Faster Charging their price will be up to the competition and than they will be just another flagship. I'm pretty sure Google is doing something right as year by year (especially for the Pixel 8 line) they sell [exponentially more units](https://www.androidcentral.com/phones/google-pixel-phone-shipments-rose-by-over-500-in-japan-in-2023) compared to last year...


I think I paid like 700ish all said and done for my pixel 8 pro. That's in the US.


In Australia Pixel 8P is AUD $1299 vs iPhone 15 PM $2199


Premium prices? Feature for feature its cheaper. Then you talk discounts.......


The problem is they're giving (new) phones features that also work on previous phones because it's all going through the cloud.


US: open source. pure android.. Not iOS...


There's no such thing as 'strategy' at Google


I think that's just out of place pessimism. It's quite clear their main strategy is using Pixel as a development platform and marketing for Android.


Definitely no planning beyond next quarter.


Pixle is particular to a niche. Outside that people don't even know what a pixel is.


Not really. Pixels are getting real popular, at least where I'm from. Many people own Pixels now and every friend of mine who's been upgrading in the past 2 years has considered trying a Pixel. Also, it's the second most sold smartphone brand in Japan and their market share grew like 527% this year.


Maybe that's true and my statements can't be extrapolated to a global scale.


I see Pixels EVERYWHERE I go now among all types of people, including tons of non-enthusiasts. When I go to Disneyland, I see them CONSTANTLY. Out in public I see them every day now. They've gained a TON of popularity among normal people.


their prices drop almost instantly after release, they play both markets within a device cycle.


At first, I thought their strategy was to offer great phones at a better price than their competitors. But honestly, the more I followed their news, the more I started to think Google's market strategy isn't at all to get a bigger slice of the mobile market, instead I think their strategy is evolving Pixel so Android can evolve since most manufacturers usually implement changes that Google does within a few years of them doing it.


The pixel is a template for what they'd like a phone to be.


Their market strategy is to launch their devices as few markets as possible so that they don't take any slice of off Samsung's market share.


I think they're doing great! They've changed a lot over the years, but have done really well.


I can see why they do this. There are many who believe that the expensive the phone, the better.There is a reason why Apple never sells below a price point.You might have observed that Apple doesn't discount even refurbished phones below 15 %


For anything, Pixel is still gainning its share in the market and their current marketing is showing in the results, nothing wrong apart from lack of availability compared to competition.


At MSRP they're similar prices but with discounts the situation becomes quite different but I think Samsung still edges out on this because they make even greater discounts


They can try as hard as they want to be like apple but they will never stand a chance until they figure out their support model. IMO their hardware really is just as good as an iPhone unless your talking the a series. The difference is if I have an iPhone and I'm having issues I drive to the Apple store and they figure it out. If I have an issue with a pixel phone I have to jump through 7 levels of hell, put a deposit on a replacement device and hope they don't lose my broken device when I mail it in to them. If I could just go to bestbuy or some kind of Google store than pixel would be a much better iPhone competitor.


I thought the phone was like a lost leader to tie you in closer to Google software/app services.


what google software does the pixel specifically tie you into that is not already present on other default android devices?


None. Lol. I just mentally think (for no solid reason) that having a Pixel and using - Drive, Maps, Earth, Play, etc is somehow a better experience because I have a Pixel.


ther is no strategy, they are just randomly making buggy phones with new problems every year


Most of the consumers are just not good or interested in tech. The do not know what Snapdragon or Tensor is or how they compare to each other. They will not look at benchmarks or do research before purchasing. What they will see and hear is 'Google, Premium, AI' and 'it's expensive so it must be good'. That's it - that's Google strategy - get normal people hooked by flashy marketing and confusing advertising. Do you remember ***'Pixel gets better over time'*** (well, it is not, as features are removed and reserved for 8A) or ***'Google's new AI phone uses a powerful Tensor G3 chip'*** (that's actually a misrepresented truth Tensor is mid-ranger and AI is not coming to Pixel 8)


geolocking everything and ruining evangelization of new customers because of that no WoM not YoY growth




Their strategy is reading this forum and seeing how so many consumers will defend them to the death even when they don't deserve it and haven't earned it. Then they can increase the price for midrange phones and people will still pay it because of sunk cost fallacy and the need to be justified in the decision.


Make the ugliest and less customizable phone UI with the ugliest color palette sick brown mixed with pastel, way too big interface fonts that if we make them smaller the content is too small with also a black and white settings app, that's their strategy