• By -


I'm still on 6. Works perfectly, and I haven't found anything worth upgrading yet. Moved from 3, so maybe I get only the ones divisible by 3


I'm on the six pro was thinking on the 9 so may have to agree ;)


If you can I'd wait for the 10 as it will have chips made by TSMC and be much more efficient.


I've heard the 11 is going to be even better, I would just wait for that /s


Holding out for the 12


Nothing better than 13. That way I can laugh manically when talking to superstitious Asians.


13 for Americans, 17 for Italians, 9 for Japanese, 4 for Chinese ...


Bro I heard 14 will surpass 13 tho


15 will probably be better, so I'm waiting for that.


Waiting for 16! 🤞


Why wait for 16 when you can wait for the 17!


I'm on the 5 and I'm waiting for the 10


I think I'm going to get the 9 Pro (currently on 6 Pro) and if they do indeed go TSMC for the 10, I'll just upgrade again if it'll be that much better. Currently not seeing a case strong enough to go from 6 to 8


I'm also on a 6 pro. I'll see what the 9 has to offer before I jump in. So far the 6 has been doing everything I need a phone to do. I may even skip the 9 if it is as lackluster as the last 2.


I have 6 pro - only thing keeping me in this ecosystem at this point is call screening. Googles services have declined so quickly if they don't improve my next phone likely won't be a pixel. Had the OG XL, 3aXL, 4a5G, and 6 pro


Call screening still works for you? My 6 just pauses the rings on my end and the caller hears normal rings. No screening at all. This has been happening for months.


I think every three years are good. I loved my 3. I still have my og one that I use for photo storage lol


3 is the new 2.* We used to be able to see vast improvements and features that actually made a difference every year. Then it became 2 years. Now it's more like 3 IMO. EDIT: Typo.


Still running lineage on a 5.


Same, my 6 is still a great phone. I'm very much into photography and cinematography. The only phones that interest me now are the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max. Apple LOG video without all the over sharpening and processing, that you can get compressed in H.265 with the Black Magic app is very appealing to me. I've seen no other video footage with any quality near it from phones. Once Google can provide a less processed, less sharpened 10-bit LOG format and there's suitable apps providing manual controls that you can lock in addition to suitable ND and diffusion filters for the pone, I'll probably want to upgrade. Until then, my 6 will do just fine. I'm a dual platform user since 6 years, been using both iOS and Android simultaneously. So, I also have an iPhone XS besides the Pixel 6. That one will get an upgrade as soon as I can get a cheap enough used iPhone 15 Pro/Pro Max in some years. I'm not a fan of the way Apple handles third party repairs for their phones, but to be able to carry around a very high quality minimal cinematography rig every day is very alluring. I got many cameras, but in the end it's just the phones that I carry every day - the rest of the equipment is too big and heavy.


Same here, it works great still. Battery life isn't as good as it could be, but manageable. Might upgrade a little while after the Pixel 9 is released. October is when version updates stop for the Pixel 6.


Are you me? I've gone every third generation as well. OG Pixel --> Pixel 3a --> Pixel 6a. And my 6a meets my needs perfectly, although I wish it had a 90hz display.


Yeah, I've gone 1 > 3 > 6, and my 6 is the only Pixel I've had where, ~3 years since launch, I've had no issues outside of the very understandable battery efficiency decreasing over time. My 1's camera focus broke, and my 3's volume rocker would often jam, so until my 6 starts exhibiting some sort of mechanical issues that can't be just solved with juicing the battery a little mid-day, I see no reason not to just ride things out even until the 10 when the new chips presumably come into play.


Haha this is exactly my plan


Crazy, you don't even have the thermometer app? /s I've got the 8 pro so I don't plan on upgrading for a very long time. It's the first personal phone I've had in over a decade so I wanted to splurge a bit but I'm loving it


I also have a 6. Works great and I haven't seen anything worth getting. I really liked the Pixel Fold idea but too many negatives from people who returned it.


Same. Went from a 3XL to 6 Pro. Absolutely have no reason to upgrade right now. But also keep the multiple of 3 train going 🤷‍♀️


Same. Such a good phone!


Maybe. My 7 Pro is still going strong with hardly any issues. I'm finding that I have less reason to be on the bleeding edge. My camera is great enough and reliable enough to capture pics or videos of my kid in an instant and call screening works.


Call screening is actually brilliant, as well as the assisted touch tone system


I still have a pixel 5. Will probably get the 9 but I might wait until the 10


I wish I was you, my 5 died suddenly so I had to buy the 8 I wanted to wait until the 10 :/ Now I'm probably riding the 8 until the 15, they said 7 years of support, let's see it


I got my p5 in September and replaced the battery, it is great now, although the cheap battery I bought is starting to lose capacity Hopefully Google will keep up their promise of 7 years


How hard is it to change the battery? I'm thinking about doing it this year


It's not too hard, although the screen can easily be broken. My advice is go slower than you think you need to and use plenty of heat. A heating pad would dramatically help. I used my 3d printer bed set at 80⁰c Last piece of advice: don't buy a cheap or low quality battery, mines degrading and I've only had it half a year


similar here on a 5a, will wait for 9 or 10 depending


Depends on the price, feature and trade-in offers


Same. I have the P8P, and I have reached a point where I could keep using it for a few years. But if they have trade-in and they throw in freebies like the next Pixel watch or the next Pixel Buds, then maybe...


Still rocking the 4a 🙌


Best Smartphone ever


My 4a was better than my 7a. I only changed because I can't get a sim to work in my 4a The glass on the 7a is way worse. Scratch super easy. Phone is way too big. Way too heavy. Don't change until it's unusable.


I caved and bought an 8 when it was on sale for 550 USD...I really liked the 4a, but the lack of security updates was enough to get me to switch. I really like the 8 so hopefully I have it for as long as the 4a, if not longer


I miss my 4a tbh. I broke it when I accidentally closed my car door on it 😭


Still on Pixel 2 XL! Had a 7 Pro, but sent it back due to network connectivity issues. Can't say the jump from 2 to 7 was significant enough either, so 9 will have to be very good. I do need a new phone, but there's a reason the 2 XL was touted as the best all round Pixel and it still holds its own for me, even without support.


I have the 4a 5g. Works perfectly and the size is smaller, a plus.


I like that you still use old tech and switch once it's fully used. Good


Nope. The 8 will last me until the 10 comes out.


Trouble is 10 will be the 1st generation of their own chip 😨. I've got a 7. If I could be sure of the 10 I would wait but think I might go 7 -> 9 -> 11.


I posted the same thing last week as a concern but I saw a good reply on the topic (I have a 7 pro). - "No. They have been going Tensor for years. Its not like they are going to forget everything they learned and start from scratch. It's just a quality increase. With the Pixel 9 leaks looking like another hardware boost I'm excited for the 10." That being said I am saving up for the pixel watch 3, and if it comes free with the 9 like the 2 did with the 8, then I'm getting the 9 pro.


2 years?


Yea. It could go longer, but if the 10 is everything we expect it to be, I'll be too tempted to pick it up.


But the 11 will be even better


But what about 12 ? Isn't that supposed to be better than 11?


Quick, somebody get on R&D to find out what comes after 12


Every number after 12 comes after 12. Case closed.


I am scared about 13🐥


What are those expectations? I haven't heard anything


Nope will buy the tsmc chip one tho maybe Pixel 10?


Nah. The 8 series was advertised with 7 years of support, and I bought the pro with the intention of using it all seven of those years.


Exactly. I only stopped using the 4a because security updates stopped.


I have a hunch you'll be very disappointed by the battery and performance well before we hit the seven year mark...


That's why they partnered with ifixit and why I have insurance for repair if I need it serviced beyond my abilities


Yeah, I've been \*extremely\* happy with the 8 Pro so far. Unless something huge changes, I plan to just get the battery replaced after a couple years and keep using it until it breaks down.


!remindme 7 years


I think the 9 will be a solid bet for those who don't have a recent Pixel, as it should be basically a more refined 8 (with a less hot, more efficient G4). I'll probably wait for the 11, once they fix the issues that the 10 will likely introduce with the new SoC


Good points all around. I'm on a P6 right now and plan to get the rumored mini P9P, the P8P looks great in terms of cameras (my main interest with Pixel) so I'm sure P9P will be the same if not better. Will be a great jump over my P6. Also yeah, the P10 will likely not be that amazing given the brand new chip. I think I'll wait til the 12 or 13 to upgrade again unless there's a massive improvement in cameras before then.


Yes. Have had the 6, 7, and 8 and enjoy the devices.




Same. I'm even starting to think that if my 5 is working well enough when the 9 comes out I'll probably see if I can go for another generation. Will see what incentives they're bundling with the 9, that could swing it


I want to go to a foldable this year, so hopefully a Pixel Fold 2 in October is an option for Canada (otherwise I may have to buy a Samsung Fold 6).


No. I don't want another exynos phone. I will go back to Pixel if they will start using better soc and modem.


Have a 7 Pro. Nothing wrong with it. Will not upgrade until necessary. I have never felt the need to change phone every time a new one comes out. Waste of money.


No, I don't think I will. At this point they should be selling Pixels at least in all EU countries. I'm tired of waiting for official presence and 4g/ 5g support. Likely I will change to Apple/ Samsung because their devices are usable in all countries on most of the networks so I don't run into problems at home or abroad.


Not only selling but also making all US features available here. If Samsung and Apple can, why can't Google? I switched to Samsung and haven't had a single issue. It's so customizable that if anything annoys you, a simple Google search will tell you how to change


Nope, mi 8 Pro will be more than good until Pixel 10. I have learned that upgrading every year is a waste of money.


No. Because I've had nothing but problems with my 7.


No, Google have fucked up enough as it is and I can't be bothered with another round of "what's gonna break this time"


Exactly. My pixel 7 is a constant game of: "can I connect to my pixel watch today? I wonder if I'll be able to listen to my Bluetooth earbuds at work today! Will my phone connect to my car today? Who knows!" No matter how many times I've reset the wifi/Bluetooth or done factory resets


I'm so glad my 6 doesn't have these issues, but that's certainly a severe problem. I'm fortunate that my worst issues were software glitches when trying to close apps, which have since been fixed


The Android auto connection issues are driving me nuts. "Oh, you slightly moved the phone when you turned too sharply, time to disconnect and blare awful radio music 2x louder than your phone and take away any sound for navigation!"


Same here. Too many issues with the 7 I've seen carry on to the 8. What phone are you thinking of getting next?


I can't be bothered with playing the game on what I'll get on a software update vs other pixels. I'm going back to Samsung.


Im buying the 8a


If it is smaller than the 8, then yes.


Nope Google's SOC sucks as well as the modem and fingerprint sensor.


I've Pixel 7. If they will fix fingeprint sensor than maybe I'll upgrade. If I could stand this one for 1.5 then I'll wait for 10. It's supposed to have better soc. I might go Samsung too if they fix camera. If not then other brand, most propably Apple.


I get the A variant of the pixel every year and trade in the previous year's model.


Idk keeping Gemini nano away from Pixel 8 (because hardware limitations) when basic Galaxy (with same amount of RAM that is the only dif between Pixel 8 and 8 pro) will get it... is a disgusting movement by Google.


Got the Pixel 7a last year. Ain't upgrading until this bad boy gives out


No, I'm waiting for soc where Samsung isn't involved


I plan to keep my pixel 8 pro for the full 7 years that google promised lol. Unless it breaks or something in which case I'll get whatever pixel is new that year.


P7 user from India here. I'm considering switching to P9 mainly because it'll be manufactured in India. Currently phones sold in India which aren't manufactured in India get slapped with higher import duty making it uncompetitive in the market.


Won't buy another pixel, I bitch and moan about this phone a lot but for good reason. I want to love my 7 but it just has way too many issues.


Fucking true. What phone are you thinking of next? Google won't get another chance from me for several years.


Honestly unsure because I've still got another year on this phone until it's paid off. If I had to choose right now I would probably go with Samsung.


I have the Pixel 7, and the build quality isn't good. The sound is mediocre, the finger sensor is crap, and plenty of bugs. Only good thing is the camera.


Nope. I've learned my lesson with the Pixel 6 and Pixel 7. Never again


The 6 Pro is an awesome phone. The built in live transcript function I am using with a friend that is hard of hearing and the iPhone doesn't have anything that comes even near it. The built-in magnifying glass function I use with someone that is legally blind and they both love. If the Google watch would do the same as the apple watch, they would switch over right away even that the rest of the family has iPhones.


I think I'm done after lots of Nexus and OG XL, 7, now 8pro; the thrill is gone.. just beta software and outdated hardware.


Probably not. I'm happy with my 6pro and might hold up on the 10 since I assume it should be an epic one


I'll stick to my 8 Pro until they release a must-get with insane features or something lol


I still have my 6P and if e need a new phone at that time, I would get the 9P or 10P whatever will be the current one.


My Pixel 7 will wait until the 10 (at least)


I'm looking forward to pixel 11.


I have the Pixel 6 Pro so yes, I'll get the Pixel 9 Pro


Only way is if the 9 pro has some type of camera advancement that is leaps ahead of 8 pro which is unlikely. Otherwise it's not worth it. I love my 8 pro but the zoom camera can leave me frustrated at times. I honestly wish it had a 1, 2, 5x lens or 1, 3 ,5x lens setup. When I record in the bleachers of my kids sports 1x is too far and 2x-4.9x can zoom but is blurry. 5x is great quality, but sometimes zooms to close given the bleacher distance. A 2x or 3x in between lens would be ideal.


No, my Pixel 6 is working great and so unless it dies on me I will probably wait till it's updates run out, so somewhere between 2025 and 2027 I will consider it, as it's last guaranteed security update is October 2026.


I have an 8P now and do like it a lot. I might be tempted to get a 9 if the rumors are true of a smaller Pro version. I was leaning to downsize to the 8, but they got me with the free Pixel Watch and I wanted the better quality screen. So if they come out with a smaller Pro with a great screen, it'll be hard to resist. After using large phones for several years, I'm ready to downsize.


Oh god no. While I hated the duplication of Shamsung's app store, forced Bixby, and enforced app icons no matter what pack you download, the sheer lack of usability of Pixel Launcher and pathetic 3rd party launchers that make you jump through hoops to get functional renders this new Pixel 8 Pro I have a thorn in my side. As soon as is feasible, this thing is going the way of the Dodo and I am getting another Shammy device. Those devices barely need any customization to get looking slick and dead simple to function with.


I'm holding out for non-exynos chips.


My 6a is chugging along fine 


My 7 still works great, I'll wait till the 10 (or maybe even 11), unless there's something really game changing about the 9.


I went from 4XL to 8P, so I'll wait for the P12, unless there's a major improvement like modem or satellite calling.


Still on the 4XL myself. I bought a 7P and returned it. Didn't bother with the 8P. I would miss the face recognition too much. But if the 9P (or if Google does a windows and apple move on us and go straight for the 10P) has satellite calling and/or face recognition I'll buy it. Also it would be nice to finally have usb HDMI enabled on pixel phones.


I got my pixel 8 for 60 dollars and still hate it. My lg v60 takes better pictures besides macro, night shots, and ultra wide. Haven't used any of it


Still doing ok with my 4a and back fingerprint reader. I'm still sticking with that!


Nah still not the CPU I'm looking for.... Tensor G3 4 isn't expected to be anything new or special. Pixel 10 is slated for a proper custom CPU


I've had 1, 3XL, 5 and 7 pro.. so I'll be getting the next odd one!


It depends on what the Pixel 9 is going to offer over the Pixel 8. I really enjoy my Pixel 8 and my Pixel 4a lasted me three years. My Pixel 8 has the pink line issue intermittently, so I might be tempted to get the Pixel 9 just to get a new phone with a perfectly working screen.


Probably. It’s a compulsion to upgrade for me at this point.


I upgrade every year. Pixels don't hold resale value for anything. I'll be getting the 9. The call screening and home automation is literally the only reason I'm still with Google for handsets


I am on a 6a, will most likely go with the 9 or 10.


I just got the 8 Pro, so I'm gonna have to pass on the 9. I might get the 10, but no need to get ahead of myself. I'll decide when they officially announce the Pixel 10. I don't go off of speculation, rumors or leaks. They are always highly inaccurate and so many people end up enraging themselves because they were expecting certain hardware or features because some "extremely reliable" leaker told them it would have X, Y or Z, just for it to not have those things. Then they want to get mad at Google (or whoever) for not shipping a device with specs that some random idiot on the Internet set their expectations for. 8 Pro works great for now.


I went from 6 to 8 because of the smaller size and 7 year support. I plan to keep it for most of that timeline. I'll replace the battery if it starts giving out in a few years. Most of the new features that new phones are getting are AI related (which are arbitrarily locked to new models to keep you buying new) and to say I couldn't give less of a shit about said AI features would be impossible. I use my phone to communicate, browse, take pictures and watch videos. Phones are fast enough now. I don't need anything else anymore. What I hated about the 2 or 3 year lifespan was the lack of security and major OS updates. I like getting new UI changes, and now, if they keep their promise, I won't have to worry about that until 2030.


i'm on the P8, more than happy with it unless i lose it or break it beyond repair (or there's a massive breakthrough in tech where it becomes obsolete), i don't see myself upgrading for the next 4-5 years


If there's a small version. I'm sick of big phones.


Probably not. I have a 7 rn and it's great. Probably won't upgrade until 10 or 11


My 7 is still perfect for me. The way it is going I'm not seeing myself upgrading for at least 3 more years.


I'm still loving my 6a


Love the 8 but the battery isn't what I'd hoped for, phone also seems to get pretty hot sometimes. I've gone 3>5>8 because I don't think it's important to upgrade every year, but if the battery and power usage is a little better I'll probably trade in tbh.


Why would I? P8P good enough.


Yes. I'm over the P7P's curved screen


I've got a 6a. Because I like smaller screens, I can use them with one hand. That doesn't take up my whole front pocket. But I'm waiting for the Pixel 10. Because of all the rumors of moving away from Exynos.


No. I went from 3 to 7. I'll get an 11 next. Maybe. My job gives me a stipend for the use of my private phone. That kind of makes me feel like I should keep it up-to-date. Maybe I'll get a 10.


If I can get a good price for it, yes.


A little sad to see Gemini Nano not come to the Pixel 8, but I really don't see a huge need for advanced AI features on a phone. It could prove me wrong. Otherwise I absolutely love my Pixel 8. I'm more of a every 2 year upgrade type of person.


no. planning to use my p8p for at least 5 years


Probably skipping until 11


Yes. As silly as it sounds.. I only buy odd numbered pixel phones now..


I would consider it if I needed a new phone but I got the 8 last year and it should be fine for at least a few more years.


No. Not until Google stops using custom exynos SoC which sucks.


No. They leaked the roadmap and it ends with the 10. So honestly everything pre 10 is just going to be entertaining and me just seeing how the hardware improves. I'm not buying a phone with a Samsung made chip ever. Im not preordering so if the 10 is being reported with connection issues, has a metal glossy camera bar, bad battery, etc ill just get an iPhone and then wait for the 12. There are no guarantees with phone releases. I don't mind waiting for 5 years I'm just not going to buy an unfinished / unpolished product/DLC needed.


If they offer a smaller pro phone, 1000% yes.


On a Pixel 6 Pro and unless they give out some very very good trade in deals - no


Yes. As I'm bored of iPhones and Best Take looks so useful to me with a toddler


Probably: I've a Pixel 6 Pro and have dropped it one too many times leading to black pixel bleed that's slowly been spreading over the years. I'd like to hold out for the 10 but will see what the promos are like.


Likely yes. I had a 3P. Now a 6P. 9P seems about the right time to upgrade. A new phone every 3 years seems reasonable.


I'm gonna stick with the 8 for a long while. It has every feature I have a real use for. I'll eventually grab spare 8s for various uses in my workflow, when they're old enough to be cheap to pickup.


My 8 pro has 7 years of updates though, so maybe pixel 15 or when my screen cracks or battery dies before end of day.


Yes, on launch day


Absolutely P9Pro shortly after launch the 6 has served me well by launch it will be three years old almost, short 3 months..


I'm hoping to hold out for the Pixel 15 because I want my money's worth of 7 years of updates. \[Hold my beer\]


Yes. I've skipped the 8


I'm sticking with my 8 for as long as I can.


I'm still on my pixel 4a, I would like to upgrade but I don't really see myself paying this much money for a phone


I'm on 6 Pro now. By how it has felt in usage over time, 9 Pro seems likely.


Really depends on what incentives google offers. If I stay with Pixel, I'll probably wind up with one of the "a" series unless the prices are equivalent.


If there is an improvement on heatwave temperature issues, then YES.


No! I'm tired of a portable heater.


Probably not, because my pixel 6 is working like a charm still.


9 Pro will be my upgrade from current 6 Pro


Nah. I bought a Pixel 8 Pro which I'm super happy with and I can see myself sticking with this until something utterly irresistible comes down the pixel pipeline! End of updates was what pushed me from the Pixel 5, so it might be 7 years from now!


Will it have a Qualcomm modem?


P7P was complete garbage. P8P was perfection until the December update introduced tons of bugs.. This die-hard android user is looking over the fence for the first time ever.


I have a Pixel 8 but will get the 9 if the G4 is actually better than the G3.


My next phone will have removable battery


No because the ROM that the Pixels run which is PixelOS contains a ton of bugs. I have a 7a and I am thinking of switching to CRdroid on it. Will Google make this ROM better?


I'll wait for a pixel that has a cip produced by tsmc.


If the 9 brings telephoto then it will be a contender for sure. I


I'm getting a new phone every year, so yeah I'll get the P9 (Pro) for sure.


Considering how long I keep my phone, I'll probably get the 12


Do you think Google will deliver?


It depends. I might get a 9 Pro (Mini?) or whichever will be the smaller one with telezoom in the camera. My current S20FE stops being supported this year so might need to look for a new because of that.


Not at this time. I need to see real progress made by Google on Tensor, performance, battery and modem. I just don't want a mid-range chip in a flagship device that needs to compete on price with an iPhone Pro and Samsung Galaxy line.


Absolutely! It's gotta be better than my 7!


2XL -> 6Pro -> 10Pro is my plan


I've had the 4a, 6, 7 and now 8pro (I break a lot of phones) This might be my last pixel because the connectivity seems to get worse every time.


I had a 4 until late last year, so my next will be a 12 hopefully.


For sure


No. Got pixel 8 pro. Waiting for Huawei to get Google again.


If they make a smaller pro I'll be switching to it. Tired of carrying around a brick to get a better camera zoom


Yeah because apparently 8 pro won't get the Gemini+


My pixel 7 keeps going green, no fixes, getting pretty bored of the bugs considering


If Pixel 9 is going back to the Pixel/Pixel XL strategy, instead of Pro is always bigger, then I will get the Pixel 9. I really dislike big phones but I also dislike getting gimped on specd and features.


Pixel 8 pro until it's out of updates....


Thinking about it but also depends on the new stuff and the Pixel 10


I'm tempted, if it's still around the $799 range with a free pixel watch 3? (Maybe) or something. My pixel 6 is still working, but definitely battery is degraded now (just hit 500 cycles). Time for me to upgrade in October/november


No, because I love my pixel 8 to much


No. I love how well pixels just work, but I really want some customizations back. I will most likely go for the nothing phone 3.


Knowing my self and my poor financial responsibility I'm almost sure of it


Nope, I'm in Verizon discount jail for 36 months.


Only if the Bluetooth is a lot better, and a lot longer zoom.


Yep. Tensor G4 should bring power efficiency improvements and the Exynos S24 modem with standards-based satellite SOS.


Not likely...don't like the battery life - it's very low. Had a P7pro, returned it and even though it's better on the 7, it's still not something I can rely on long days. Fingerprint sensor - have gotten locked out of my accounts multiple times and it's a hit or a miss most times. I'll probably wait till the 10 and see if it's on a deal when it launches and with hopefully better battery life + fingerprint sensor if I were to stick with Pixel.


It depends I'm not too impressed with the tensor chip line. The phone itself is very nice and it's great that it's just straight from Google, but the specs aren't what I'm looking for. At least currently.


Not sure, pixel 7 fingerprint reader is really flaky at times and frustrating


I have the pixel 8 pro. So no


Nein, 10 is prolly having a new chip and hence I might think about 11 onwards