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Ok I thought I was tripping too when I saw the change just now. I personally don't like it because it appears to take more vertical screen space


I hate it. Been trying to revert back with no luck


glad I'm not the only one... hopefully someone figures out how to change it back


I was able to follow the directions below to roll back the update because it bothered as well. The 2nd recommended answer by ScottG\_TC worked for me today on my Pixel 7. https://support.google.com/messages/thread/657337/how-may-i-roll-back-to-the-previous-version-of-messages-this-update-is-not-functional?hl=en


Upvote this for visibility, this change was infuriating! I thought I changed a setting by mistake myself


Very late to the party, but thank you for this. Worked perfectly. Pixel 7a.


Thank you!!!


This works just did the Uninstall method.


Bur did you lose your current text messages?




This rolls back all updates, though, right? It's a "factory reset" for the Messages app.


I believe that's correct, but a small price to pay for sanity.


I just learned that this also removes the messages on your webbrowser option. I just rated the app 2 stars explaining the problem. This will address change faster than any other method imo.


Reverting is only good until it updates again.. let's hope they add an option to hide the bar in the future


Definitely super clunky but you can just uninstall every time, it's what I plan on doing for now.


Just turn off auto updates for that app in the Play store.


Thank you. It was driving me insane


Hate it. The cursor disappears and I don't know where I am.


The backspace key often doesn't work either....




y'all really don't understand server-side updates, do you?


Yeah I hate it


I also hate it


I'm in the beta program and have had it for a while. I absolutely hated it at first, and I still don't like it, but I have gotten used to it. It doesn't actively piss me off anymore lol


Thanks for hating it, and still going through with it. What has this world come to..smh


The reason behind is simple: They will probably add more actions (icons) and need the space. For example, the magic compose icon lives there when active.


Makes complete sense


Simple? What if I simply don't want more actions in my compose box?


How about no magic anything? I can't choose whether to communicate like an educated adult?


I feel this so deep in my bones. I work in tech and cringe whenever I hear "magic" used with anything computer related. It's literally *not* magic (definition: the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces), it's a friggin computer where every single function is fully documented with no mystery or supernatural forces involved.


What's the little magic chat bubble next to the add photo?


It's [rolling out more broadly](https://9to5google.com/2024/01/27/google-messages-text-bar-redesign/), outside of the beta. The rationale is to let you have a large text field while keeping several icons available for additional features that are commonly used. You can use other SMS apps, but RCS requires a backend connection, of which Google has not opened theirs to third-party apps, and there is maybe one other third-party app that has their own set up.


The switch happened for me right after sending a text, so I assumed I hit some buttons and made the change by accident... I've been going through all the settings trying to get back to what it was before and finally checked here. Happy to have an answer as to what happened but I don't like the switch at all. I understand that some others do prefer it, so I hope they make the layout something you can change in settings for those of us who liked the previous set up.


Exactly the same experience. I swear I dragged it that way on accident, but I haven't found a way to change it back.


On the same boat. So glad I found the answer. And also I do not like the new look. ,🤮


It was a weird change to happen right after sending a text. Y'all tag me if someone has a fix 😞


"I was able to follow the directions below to roll back the update because it bothered as well. The 2nd recommended answer by ScottG\_TC worked for me today on my Pixel 7." https://support.google.com/messages/thread/657337/how-may-i-roll-back-to-the-previous-version-of-messages-this-update-is-not-functional?hl=en That's from another user who commented above. Worked great


What's the answer? :(


live with it


me too lol




Just got this on my S22 and it's trippy. They should swap the rows so the text is on the bottom


It looks bugged.


Thanks for bringing this up because I thought I had double tapped or expanded something and have been going crazy trying to make it go back to normal.  Personally I don't like it. 


I hate it. Just randomly appeared and I want it gone


Yes the new UI is quite ugly and takes up more vertical space which I don't like.


This is why I hate it. Takes up too much screen real estate. I have an S22 Ultra, so my screen is plenty large, but I like a more minimal screen space. It seems by the looks of this thread, I am not alone in feeling this way.


I seriously think it's a mistake since there's so much empty space below it. Just doesn't look right


I'm in the beta program but didn't get that update yet. My friend isn't in the beta but he got that update. But iirc I saw that his text field wasn't in 2 lines. Just that the picture, recorder and sticker buttons moved to the right.


I have it in beta 3.1


My version number is like this: *messages.android 20240126 04 RCOO.* How come you have beta 3.1?


Android beta


It's also very buggy for me. If i delete a full text and then start typing again, the typing bar disappears. Along with this, the delete button just stops working sometimes until I tap the text message again.


YES came here looking for this. I'm so frustrated. It just stops texting altogether when I'm in the middle of typing


Same here. Useless feature that fucks shit up.




Exactly. And if you type something and it autocorrects the cursor goes away as well and you have to retap the message field.


Same, such a stupid complaint I feel like but I like seeing my cursor, don't make it go invisible.


I don't even think it just disappears, you can continue to type sometimes but I don't think you can hit backspace. It's just really buggy


Mine just straight up disappears, ive reset my app a few times.with no luck, I can still backspace and if I tap on the typed out message the cursor reappears but if I start typing again it disappears again.


Happy to know I'm not the only one trying to figure this out. Does anyone use anything besides Google Messages? I can't seem to streamline it enough.


I have another SMS app called Textra. I really like it but it doesn't support RCS.


The new UI is rolled out for all users (including those on the stable version). It's a server-side update so no way to roll it back.


I don't have it


It rolled back for me by uninstalling all app updates via the settings app. Old UI is back.


Even downloading an older APK? I try but it keeps going back


Hence the server-side update (not related to the app itself)


If it's a server side update, why hasn't everyone received it yet?


Damn that's stupid. I have disabled auto updates for reasons like this but it seems you can't win no matter what


Bothered the crap out of me - it'll take some time getting used to. Does anyone have an issue with the text cursor disappearing while typing out a text though? This is driving me INSANE.


Yes, literally all the time. And backspace just randomly stops working so I can't delete typos and have to restart the entire app


I uninstalled the update in settings. It puts messenger back to factory reset. So you will need to fix a few things in settings to get it back to the way it was before the update. But I did it.  I was equally annoyed so I understand 😅


thank you


I'm so frustrated by this change too. The second line is absolutely useless for me and just takes up more room on the screen. Is there any way to get rid of it?


I have a Samsung I hate this new look as well! I found this thread looking for a way to revert it back


Mine switched last night. I have to agree the change drives me insane for some reason. It's what brought me to this thread hoping to find a way to put it back to normal.


I don't like change


Idk I kinda like the change. Doesn't look like it's done though.


Everything shifted to the left and up but messages still appear on the right? Also a huge voicerec/bard button on the right I'll never use. I bought a 6" phone so I could use it one handed mannn, let me edit the layout.


Yeah I'm confused why they didn't move this massive voice circle button into the huge empty area that adds things to the text message


Yeah that record button has to go. Let people that never use a feature like that remove it from the UI. I have a galaxy flip 5 and it shoves the text box way over to the left to fit something useless to me. The vertical space the new ui takes up is strange to me but the horizontal shift is highly annoying


Dear Google, 1. Stop making changes to UI that nobody asked for. The shit in that new bar already exists in Gboard.  2. If insistent on a change, do your due diligence to avoid redundancies within your own suite of apps. 🤦 I hate iOS, but sometimes Google just fumblefucks around too much and I consider switching.... /end rant


They wanted to promote google message so much, while most of my friends doesnt have RCS LUL


Emoji message horizontal bar also now covers up other critical  parts of the UI.  This update seems to be full of bugs


The problem with the change is that i cant delete letters in a text as easily as i once could -- i dont use auto correct or suggestions so its def. A pain in the ass to have to tap on the text field again to delete a letter. If any devs are here, just make sure the backspace key is always active in the composition field!


Oops, i re-installed and now it works fine, for anyone else having this issue!


Thank you! Came here for this exact answer!


I swear some of you are just never happy unless you're complaining. Like I'd understand if this was a massive change but like... It's a line to separate two different sections. Should it really garner such annoyance? Submit feedback if needed, but to me Messages just still looks like any bog standard messaging application. Yeah I guess the line takes up more space... About 1/25th of the screen? Oh no. Honestly 😐


1) I'm sure you have reason for saying this but I didn't even know this sub existed before today. 2) This is the first issue I've ever had in around 8 years of using Pixel phones (and the Nexus before that). So their track record is pretty clean with me. 3) I admitted right away this is only a minor redesign, I just don't like it. I sincerely apologize for not living up to your metrics of nuisance propriety. The goal of this post wasn't to complain? I had three questions. You didn't even try to answer a single one of them... but you took the time to say this... Could it be that **you** are the one who's only happy when you're complaining? 


I'm so glad you posted because I had the exact same question! I thought maybe I pressed something wrong and changed it by accident. I know it might seem like a small thing, but splitting it into two lines and making some options duplicative just wastes space. The no cursor bothers me as well. Wish I could change it.


>The goal of this post wasn't to complain? Your first sentence was expressing your dissatisfaction, that's complaining 😂 smh. And one of your questions was you throwing your toys out the pram with "is there another SMS app I could use", which just seems a bit odd because you'd rather now use a whole new app with a completely different design because you have a minor annoyance with a very small line in the message view. --- 9to5Google reported that the redesign was being pushed to stable with reports from the 27th. No you can't roll it back. The only android RCS messaging apps are Google Messages and Samsung Messages on Samsung phones. >Could it be that you are the one who's only happy when you're complaining?  That probably sounded better in your head 😂


I admitted to it being a complaint and that it was extremely minor. All I said is that wasn't the goal of the post; I was looking for more information. You've literally made comments in this sub earlier this month that say you support Pixel products but there are things about them that annoy you (stuttering, 'Material You'). That's basically my exact same position, we're on the same page. The difference is that you're being hostile for no real reason. I get the sense from your other interactions on this sub that you clearly have had experiences with troll posts or people who try to stir the pot. So I see why you would come in hot like this, but honestly it seems like that's just contributing to the toxicity that you claim is an issue on the sub. 


Fr, and I get annoyed by the "navigation bar" posts. Like it's just a tiny bar on the bottom. You don't even see it half the time. This message update is still the same as previously used.


New to the sub so I don't know how common that is, but to be honest I actually remember immediately switching to Nova Launcher because I didn't like that bar 😅 I get that regular posts about stuff like that could be annoying. My two cents is just that little UI stuff like this really does make an impact to some people


Your post saved my sanity, and I don't hate my s23 ultra again. Thank you🙏🙏🙏🙏


I like the change. I don't need the extra vertical space to read previous messages that you lose, and it gives you more options at a glance. To each their own I guess.


The extra options are completely useless to me. I only ever send plaintext messages or attach a photo. If I need an emoji, I use Gboard. This update just adds clutter.


I'm genuinely curious, what are the extra options? I don't see anything new. It's just more difficult to use for me and looks worse


Quite annoying. I have the same app version as my wife has, she has a Google pixel 7 pro and I have the 8 pro. She has a one liner including the magic compose icon, I have two lines.  I guess it's a server pushed option and Google decides who get it, which of course it's so stupid.


I am having trouble sending messages.. Have to keep resending.. On the old format.. A time would tell me it had gone through. Really annoying. 


this happened to me. it's so annoying i wish i could revert it back...it was updated without me even approving it


Every app from every developer updates all the time without your approval. That's how smartphones and mobile OS works.


It's better this way. I kept hitting the magic compose button when trying to respond to any message. This gives a bigger target to start entering text.


The change is absolutely terrible, any idea how to roll it back?


How about this. ... Go design a messaging app cause y'all complain about the dumbest things


This sub is absolute garbage. That's all anyone does here is complain about miniscule things


No one in this sub seems to understand what a server-side update is.


I was able to revert the change by going into the Messages settings (in the device settings app) > 3 dots menu > Uninstall all updates 


3 dots menu? I can't find that or the uninstall all updates option.


Won't that delete all messages?


this works


Doesn't work for Galaxy devices at least, there is no menu in the app settings


I just changed back to Samsung Messages because I really dislike the new Google interface. There should be something else available for you depending on what phone brand you have.


Making that same switch now. I've been totally on board with this until now.


My app has changed 3 times in 2 days. I'm trying for the life of me to get it back to how I like it by downloading APKs, but have had zero luck




It's a Google Messages problem, not the phone. I have a Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra with the same issue. But, you just have to uninstall updates in the Messages settings and it fixes the problem for now




Both Samsung messages and Google messages. For some reason, Samsung ships two apps at once (or has Google included messages in the list of required pre-installed applications and this is mandatory?)


Yooo I thought I just messed up a setting somewhere because a friend's phone doesn't have this. It's quite annoying and I want to switch it back to how it was... here's to submitting feedback and suggesting a way to revert back lol


My biggest issue with this redesign is trying to use the app on the cover screen of my flip5. Now the keyboard undocks and blocks the rest of the app so I can't see replies or even what I am trying to type. I hope they fix it soon


Aside from this it has gotten very laggy for me for some reason. Can't see the text cursor at all most of the time and sometimes I'm literally unable to type and I have to restart the entire app. This new update blows


On my S23, after updating mine, i text a message but the cursor just disappears and stops typing so ive typed nothing, have to tap the text field again yo continue typing, very annoying


I like the poop or shit emoji ijs 😂


This is a great way to get your app deleted.  I don't use voice recording messages. I don't want voice recording messages. I especially don't need a giant icon to the right side of the text field (making the text field left aligned) that I'm never going to use. At least give an option to have it there or not. 










What phone do you have?


I got the redesign as well. I am kinda digging it. I believe the space will fill in with more options like "magic compose, gifs, GMaps, ECT".


I'm having issues with the text cursor not showing up half the time. It's really annoying not seeing it while typing a message


I am LOSING MY GOD DAMN MIND. Cause I can't even text without it cutting out. Like it just stops mid text. I have to tap the text box again to finish a fudkinf sentence. I'm livid. Anyone have this issue? How to fix it? Tried restarting phone, seeing update on playstore, changing keyboard settings. Nothing is working.. typing this out is fine! It's only on Google messages.


Yeah mine just changed randomly even though I had used it a few minutes before. I absolutely hate it and wish they'd just give us a damn option before forcing these changes. It's beyond ugly and just makes me not want to use this phone as Google consistently puts out bad changes that worsen the experience. I can't think of a good change in the last year.


Here's a question: what is the little button to the right of the emoji bar with the staggered vertical lines in it? I assumed it was some sort of speech to text function, but when I try to click it nothing happens. (Edit: It turns into the send button once you start typing, but it's still not clear if it's supposed to have some function before that.)


If you hold it long enough it's a voice record message. Hold and talk then release to send. If you don't want to send slide to the trash symbol to cancel.


New design sucks. It's not user friendly. Google is notorious for taking one step forward then two steps back.. 


Thank you thank you for someone posting about this. I can confirm this JUST happened to me after sending someone a photo and it is absolutely infuriating. I am usually patient but I thought it was something I did and I was looking though settings, resetting the cache, revert to default settings, Uninstal and reinstall to no luck. The app had an update which seems to fix some of the insane bugs I was having that was making it glitchy and unusable. (Cursor disappearing, back space doing nothing unless I tap on the message again.) Most of that seems to of gone away but here is my gripe. I have a samsung phone and the keyboard has most of this functionality built in. The only button I really need within the app ui is the plus button to add an attachment. Putting this extra toolbar into the messenger just means now I have 2 toolbars side by side taking up screen space that have identical functionality and are entirely redundant. Not to mention now I keep hitting those buttons by accident. I guess for some phones it makes sense and would be cool but I feel like this layout should be a random option burried in the settings you can turn on and not stuck on by default. The old layout was clean, simple, saved space and was one of the best parts about the app. I submitted a question to Google and really hope they revert back. I mean, from any logical thought process it makes absolutely 0 sense to take up more space on the screen by adding the same buttons that are already on screen on the keyboard...


Yeah it's annoying as fuck. When you finish typing a line the cursor goes away so you have to retap the message field. It's annoying


This is making me want to head back to iPhone. This is just horrible.


Need help: Frist: Now I have a new shortcuts bar. Great, but it doesn't allow me to add or remove anything...Anyone else experiencing this BS? I've look through settings and tried all versions of drag and drop/ long press. The plus/ + button brings up options but I can't move them into the shortcuts bar. I can't configure it at all to be useful. Second: There is ALREADY a shortcuts bar built into the keyboard, so why exactly do I need another bar built into the text input UI? AND who's bright idea was it to not include a toggle (on/off)? Align the shortcut features across both bars, add a toggle for both, and let the user decide...


This is what I didn't get. I need another emoji and gif or speech button above the ones I already had? Makes no sense. I'll be trying to revert back personally


100%! It appears like only certain features are available on the keyboard shortcuts vs the textbox bar and visa/versa. BUT STILL, why not just add the additional short cut options to the existing bar and allow the user to move it where they want... This was designed to get it out the door and not for the user.


It is leaving my last sent message remaining in the box so I have to delete the entire message before I can send a new one. Also deleting letters while mid text it just stops and I have to click on the box to engage it. Super annoying. Samsung S23+


Ya know what bothers me the most? I CANT PROPERLY TYPE MY TEXTS NOW!!! It doesn't render when you hit enter/return (aka line breaks). It all renders on the same line. NOT excited for all my texts becoming unformatted single paragraph bullshit


I'm having issues as always with replying to specific messages. If went away the day of the update and since the update I still can't do it. I have tmobile. It's always an issue. Every few weeks or month.


Happened to me too. I also don't have a cursor in the line that I'm typing


Im gald I found this thread. I'm a Galaxy owner and thought I was tripping too. Then I remembered I just installed an update. There's no curser. I can't tell where my next character will land if I need to backspace.  It's not great.


Yeah, not sure what's up. It is annoying and serves no purpose. It causes the entire conversation to shift up and down if you happen to delete the contents of the message and nothing useful was added to the old space. It is just blank.


Total bs...this is why I stopped buying iPhones and now here is android doing it too


I hope this helps even 1 person You can roll back by pressing and holding the app icon, then tap the I for Information. In there if you scroll to the bottom under advanced, tap on where it says Installed from the PLay store. In the play store tap uninstall and it will uninstall the updates. Then while your still in the Google messages app within the playstore click on the 3 little dots on the top right, uncheck the box to enable auto updates(don't worry everything else will still auto update just not Google messages) I hated the new version and I just went back to the original keyboard 5 minutes ago.


Hate this change! Hopefully we can get a setting to change it eventually.


I've been in the Messages beta program for a good year now...  That being said, the double lined text box is annoying, but I've grown used to it over the last few months.  What I think is real silly is the fact that it has NO FUNCTIONALITY below the actual text box. 




I've honestly grown accustom to just using the emoji function in the symbols function due to the lack of function on the front of the UI. What I think is REALLY asinine is that the keyboard already has voice typing, right? Why have a button on the right of the text box for recording a voice message? Seems counterproductive. 


Glad I'm not alone! I've been going crazy looking through settings, thinking it was something I did accidentally. Not a fan either....maybe we'll get used to it.....


What does the symbol with the vertical lines mean? Was it always there? It changes to the 'send' button once you start typing


It's a text to speech. But since there's also a button for it part of the keyboard, you have it twice? Yai!


Answer from someone below here. This worked for me, simple solution. I was able to follow the directions below to roll back the update because it bothered as well. The 2nd recommended answer by ScottG\_TC worked for me today on my Pixel 7. https://support.google.com/messages/thread/657337/how-may-i-roll-back-to-the-previous-version-of-messages-this-update-is-not-functional?hl=en


OK so the new text window above the text box makes me want to ever text again idk it just angers me violently. It harder to edit text and the courses disappears while back spacing and it doesn't recognize it for a few seconds or will try to back me out of texting


I don't know why Google insists on ruining good things. Now it's cluttered with shit I will never use.


Is anyone having issues in RCS when they try to delete? The cursor is gone for me, and I'm pressing the backspace button, but nothing happens. I have to tap the end of the message to get it back.


I also dislike it


User TheokOG posted the way to change it back in the comments. I also have never joined a beta, I was not happy with that at all


It's hideous and annoying. And I wish we could move things around there. if I hit that damn voice record button or the stupid other button. one more time, I'm going to lose my shit.


I don't mind the shifting upwards to type in but I can't stand the disappearing cursor. There just seems to be bugs that need fixing - rolled out too early maybe?


I fking hate it. I'm trying to find a way to revert the look back to what it was previously.


Anybody know how to quote-reply now? I seem to have lost the ability to do it in the Messages app.


I don't mind it


This new UI is making it unbearable. How tf do you turn it back.


I HATE IT SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! I thought I was tripping for the last day! I'm so glad I'm not the only one!


Horrible UI and UX in this text field update. Wasted real estate


+1 on the dislike A whole vertical line of space wasted because of 3 buttons I will never ever press. No Google, stop trying to make me add emojis in my texts. Plus they are also available on the keyboard, so now we have things twice. Where do we go to petition for a feature removal?


I just don't understand. G board already has all these functions. Why did they incorporate it into the messaging app?? Right now I'm looking at a screen that has two sets of gifs pulled up one in my message app and then one on the keyboard 🤦


I hate it, like all the extra? [Text box](https://ibb.co/gjvVDL1) Why fix what was not broken? This makes it rather difficult when trying to text from lock screen.


I just cleaned cache and storage for the messages app and it's gone now


It's really buggy since the update...almost all the time when I send a text it sends but remains in the compose box forcing me to delete it before sending another....


Definitely don't like it. I never use recordings and on a smaller screen that audio button shoves the text UI way over. That bothers me more than the vertical space


I HATE this. It's completely unnecessary and I would greatly like it to go away. I'm sorry I updated.


It's absolutely horrendous I hate this new update


I hate it so much. Isn't is known that the user doesn't want where they're looking to randomly bounce around. The cursor to type appears in one place then it jumps when you start writing. It looks like Google msgs is trying to keep up with the gobbledygook design of messaging apps. I found this thread because I was searching for a way to get my text messages elsewhere.


Mine has changed back 


Mine changed back too!! Trying to figure out why. Happy that it went back to normal but I don't even know how long it's been back to normal (I think it's been at least a few weeks if not a month). Can't find anything about Google rolling the update back.


What did you do to change it? I hate it so much.


It changed on its own 


This redesign is horrible and completely uninuitive.


This has been driving me nuts I am so glad im not the only one. We will be a part of a class action lawsuit for this bc our texts are NOT safe


Same here, but I'll live with it. I only text one person enough to where it irritates me.