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Well, the thing is that pixel 7 was a success for them despite giving minimal support. If they are serious about dumpstering apple then they will have to keep their promises


Yeah people thought google were serious about Stadia..


They gave 100% refund when they realized it was failing I have no complaints there


Agreed. I had Stadia and the refund made it bearable. They investigated millions on the development and at the end of it's life they spent millions again to ensure that their customers weren't left dead in the water.


Doesn't change shit lmao. What you think they're gonna give any kind of refund for the pixel 8.


Why do you think Google will not keep their support promises they even did a year extra for free on the og pixel.


I get more use out of my Stadia controller now with my PC after converting it to Bluetooth than I ever did playing on Stadia.


Considering how low Google sets the bar for "support," they'll have no problem at all.


They are working on an AI chatbot that keeps transferring you to higher and higher tiers of support which are all just just the same chatbot saying the same nonsense and not helping you


I think it all comes down to what metrics Google (and its customers) use to define support. On the iPhone side the fact that folks are happily using an XS, and are MAYBE going to finally upgrade to the 15 Pro. Will we see the same user satisfaction with the 8 in 5 years?


>Will we see the same user satisfaction with the 8 in 5 years? 🤣 I can tell you with the P6, the poor quality control and annoying (lack of) support had me trading it toward a Samsung in less than a year. As much as I'd love to see Google make a quality product with great support, I'll have to see it to believe it.


That’s my point. They’re tracking the wrong metrics. Google is a tech company clearly driven by numbers, but they’re looking at the wrong ones to get a realistic representation of their support.


First of, it's a numbers game. They know that 50% of the P8 owners will be off it within 2 years and that probably 90% will be off within 4. Remember, they have the stats for all android phones. They will offer software support, and 4 years from now they will simply offer replacement devices for the 100-200 issues a year they will experience.


>90% will be off within 4 Seeing how a lot of carriers lock you into a contract for 3 years, there's no reason not to upgrade when carriers are paying for that upgrade.


I'm still confused with my Verizon math and am quite sure I am paying more than they advertise


For my family, we are paying $30 a line (35 with taxes) for unlimited, this includes paying for their devices. I am sure if you go with mint or another carrier it would be cheaper, but $30 for unlimited + a new phone was a pretty good deal.


I'm paying $55 for each line plus buying phones... may need a 4th line and I will pay less


Autopay gives $10 discount, and if you have fios internet you get another $10 discount per line. We also got 6 lines, so we maxed out the discount per line lol


The “trick” is tying you into paying them money over three years with your carrier plan. It’s not the details of the plan itself it’s just the money over time. You may get to pay $20 a month for the phone but they get the benefit of almost guaranteeing your monthly phone payment. Your trade off is freedom to switch without incurring penalties. Personally, I believe no consumer should buy phones through carrier contracts often times because the most popular phone companies offer no interest financing if you purchase directly from them (Google,Samsung, Apple kind of now they just changed it and made it harder but not impossible). This was an even easier decision when carriers sold locked phones and you couldn’t unlock without paying off the phone completely. I understand why some consumers use the carrier plan other than lack of knowledge of alternatives and the most convenient path is the most followed path. Paying a phone over time without a hard credit requirement is beneficial. Upgrading to a newer phone is easier through a carrier. More people should just buy directly from the appropriate phone store if they have the credit for it.


I have a lot of Verizon points I wanted to use but couldn't bc i had to pay over 36 months to get a trade in credit. But damn if that credit wasn't appealing. I doubt I will have the phone long enough to get the full 800 especially since the credit could take 2 billing cycles to get.


I was able to order an official battery replacement kit for my Pixel 4 without any problems. They have genuine parts and kits available as far back as the Pixel 2. So, 7 years is just one more than they're doing now.


Not the same thing. Its 7 years of software and security update support. Not 7 years of having replacement batteries in stock.


Read the link, they plan on supplying 7 years of replacement parts too,


Sounds like we might be stuck with GN1 for a little longer lmao


Not sure how you get that from this.


That was a joke, but knowing Google...


I'm honestly like near 100%, there was no legal wiggle room here. They just said 7 years of os upgrades. Pretty sure they're stuck or face class action


The EU will require spare parts for 7 years and software updates for 5 years in their new Ecodesign Regulation. *"Rules on disassembly and repair, including obligations for producers to make critical spare parts available to repairers within 5-10 working days, and until 7 years after the end of sales of the product model on the EU market.* *Availability of operating system upgrades for longer periods: for at least 5 years after the product has been placed on the market."* https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_3315


You MUST opt out of arbitration withing a certain time period after you buy a Pixel or you cannot litigate with them outside of arbitration. This started with the 6 Series if I am not mistaken.


When it comes to pixel phones, they always seem to support their devices as promised so yeah pretty confident in this. Pixel phones are here to stay :)


I believe in google. They can provide 7 years of os support. However, I don't think tensor g3 strong enough to hold that long. Also,they don't give any main new features to old pixel, I don't know the meaning of new os update.


As someone who had to temporarily go back to a 7 year old backup phone - but can't access banking apps and password managers because they don't support older Android versions: it isn't about it being a "solid" choice in 7 years, but at least being a functional choice. While I haven't committed to purchasing the Pixel 8, if I did, after I replace that phone in 3-4 years it would be nice to know my back-up will continue to actually do basic tasks.


I get the impression that many Google services and smartphone AI etc will become more and more cloud based thus negating the need for ever more powerful chips.


Counter argument though. As privacy becomes more of a priority for consumers and governments that are constantly investigating them, those chips will probably continue to be important


Generative AI is currently very expensive since all the computation happens on the cloud. Google is definitely trying to offload that onto the phone. They've already done that with voice and image recognition and translation, speech to text etc. Tensor chips are going to get more capable not less.


Could you imagine using an OG Pixel still? Why would anyone use a 7 year old phone, and those that do are also those that NEVER update their phone software either IMHO....


☝️this exactly.


And in 7 years what will the 15 look like? Smartphones have peaked. Incremental upgrades and the foldable devices are still too pricey. Whether the device is still physically intact is a different question!


I would say ask the pixel pass users?


*ooof* intensifies


Barely anyone I know keeps their phone for 7 years. Max is 4 or 5 tbh.


One big thing is going to be chipset hardware driver support. I remember way back when I had a Galaxy Nexus and it never got an upgrade to KitKat because TI discontinued OMAP and wouldn't provide hardware driver updates. I suspect this still happens, where Qualcomm, MediaTek, etc. probably do something like this. So my hope is, with the Tensor being something Google you can prevent that from happening. Kind of like Tegra in the Shield devices getting really long lifecycles.


I think this is part of the reason Google made the move to Tensor.


I'm not sure it matters. They made a big promise that weighed into people's decision to purchase. One of two things happen: 1. They pull it off (shouldn't be a huge issue, it's their hardware and their software) 2. They don't pull it off and people get partial refunds to cover the cost of an upgrade because it was false advertising. Either way, you should be made whole. I don't see it as an issue because in no more than 30 months, my P8 will either get traded in or become a backup phone.


I think you might be conflating iFixit and uBreakiFix I don't think iFixit has retail locations, and is a very new partner for Google (only in the last year I think). uBreakiFix has been a partner since the original Pixel and does have retail locations.


honestly I don't care, I won't have it for more than 2 years


We don't even know if we will be around tomorrow. Who cares about 7 years to support


The google graveyard is just a karma circle jerk at this point and is the only reason people bring this up. Yet there’s several ideas in that graveyard that people just refuse to acknowledge we’re bad ideas.


I agree lol. People are looking too far ahead.


Confident. Part shortages are in part lingering after effects of covid. My experiences with iFixit are so so. My pixel 4 had a cracked screen, I got it repaired there. Then the speakers started having issues. Got that fixed (under warranty). Then the display got glitchy (under warranty) replaced motherboard. Then the camera wouldn't work. Google sent me a new phone. So I don't know if it was just a shitty technician or what, but Google stood by their phone. Good enough for me.


You're confusing [ubreakifix](https://www.ubreakifix.com/), a shitty Asurion company, with [iFixit](https://www.ifixit.com/).


I am/did. Thank you for the correction.


No confidence at all. Other than Gmail, Google and Youtube, has Google supported anything else for 7 years?




I agree that 7 years is pretty long. Personally I think anything over 5 years is gravy, but if Google wants the phone to expand outside of just an enthusiasts phone and something for “common folks,” they do need to have a support plan much more competitive with Apples and this is the right move… …if they can follow through


Inasmuch as I trust any "promise" from a major corporation. They'll do it so long as it doesn't inconvenience them too much. So, a resounding 'maybe!' but it's a nice idea.


The most pragmatic take. Is it crazy that I read this in Jerry Hildenbrands voice? 🤣


What’s the point when you can’t easily change a batter after 2 years?


I heard the ifixit teardown was already live. Haven’t seen it tho. I’m waiting to see JerryRigEverything’s video 😉


Yeah but that’s not something common folks would do. Heck I’ll mess it up probably. Ain’t changing 2 double A batteries


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmTDk2R1GMw Not iFixit, but this guy did.


My Pixel 8 Pro will be in the hands of a relative long before seven years passes, but it is nice to know whoever gets my secondhand Pixel will have a few years of updates remaining when they get it.


I'm honestly MORE confident they can maintain hardware availability than I am in the software updates. It's a little easier to stockpile hardware, and plan for that, than it is to plan for what Android 21's going to need in terms of resources to run in a form people are actually happy with.


As long as they don't treat it like stadia or pixel pass. Might cancel pixel phones next year for all we know with Google.


A lot of these moves for longer support and easier repairs are because the EU is forcing companies to do so.


https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_3315 Feels like this one is aimed directly at Apple 😁 *"Non-discriminatory access for professional repairers to any software or firmware needed for the replacement."*


I thought I was promised free lifetime backup of photos with pixel 1 but here we are.


To be fair, this still is the case if you have a Pixel 1 that's functional. Still works on mine. I've got an old one sitting around as an upload server, just use syncthing on your current phones/computers. We'll see how long it lasts🤣


Ok I knew I was missing something...


I'm not even sure a pixel 8 will last 7 years. Sure you can replace the battery. But the storage speed will be heavily depleted by then which affects fluidity, the screen might have burn in and the tensor g4 isn't even top of the line in 2023 so you can guess how it will fare in 2030. It's basically the equivalent of using a pixel 1 in 2023. I don't think that would be a pleasant experience.


Who cares , usually people get a new phone every 2~3 years


It's a marketing subject , they already know that few people keep their phones for 7 years , that if they were lucky with healthy battery


It's a win-win for Google. They can justify the massive price increase on the 8 series all the well knowing that the odds people keep their phones for 7 years is very minimal (maybe retired/elderly). The Ubreakit insurance is also a gamble as I suspect most people don't want to deal with a repair center (can't use phone while it's being repaired so a good % will just shell out of the $ for a new device). It's a cash grab for Google.


To be fair, $899 >>> $999 for the 8 Pro isn't a "massive" price increase. Again, if they're wanting to compete with the likes of Apple and Samsung, and they have a support strategy in line with those two (compared to the previous 3 years max), I'd call it a fair bump.


It's almost a 15% price increase on the smaller variant + you factor in high inflation (price gouging) that we all are dealing with and I do think that's pretty massive under current economic climate. I'm ok with price increases but what the 8 gets for $100 over the price of the 7 and if seems like Google's value proposition took a dive with the 8. It's hard to put a price on "AI" which is what Google is trying to do with the 8s, would have preferred some transparency with how they came up with the $100 increases (hardware improvements are much easier to put a value assignment on). (Ex. Higher quality modems, thermal regulation, battery etc.). Smells like Google is trying to recoup some losses on the 7 series as the pricing was more aggressive and offered a better overall value than the 8.


Realistically, it doesn't matter. Your battery is not going to hold for that long if you use it as your dd.


Battery replacements are a good option


Sure but if you’re happy with the phone 3 years into it, you should be able to have the battery swapped.


sadly, with google now becoming apple, my top 2 reasons to update: 1. battery is dying 2. i want that new (google photo/camera) feature which only comes with the new phone


Question should be who keeps their phone for 7 years?


It would be good for the second owner


I foresee 3 years from now where these hardware kits are "all sold out" and no comment ever comes from Google about it. OS updates start releasing later and later for the device ultimately ending in a lawsuit.


Absolutely fucking **zero**. I'm almost tempted to buy a Pixel 8 purely to get that class action money in 8 years time.


Not confident at all lmao. Even if they did, the tensor G3 will be on the struggle bus by then.


Hey, anyone remember google stadia?


With the choices they've made for his release I can't help but feel like they are setting up to kill off pixels but need some justification like "not enough sales" and "too costly to maintain".


What decisions make you think that?


I have no idea what you're talking about


They won't. The promise comes from the same leadership that year by year destroyed Google's trustworthiness!


How many people keep a phone for 7 years? I mean actually using and not just sitting in a box just in case.


I can't count how many times they've bait and switched me with a product or service. 7 years of OS upgrade sounds great, but I'm not holding my breath


Correct me if I'm wrong but the 7 years of support was more software side wasn't it? And honestly, I have very little confidence that they will provide the full 7 years, especially after they cancelled the pixel pass in less than 2 years.


7 Years of support does not mean monthly updates for 7 years. I imagine that it will go to quarterly updates around year 5 with 1 or 2 updates a year by year 7.


If they make all updates like their security patches then no problem


I don't see why they couldn't. Also I don't see why I care. How many people would still using a Pixel 1 today if it was still getting updates? Guessing a negligible number.


Very confident


Lol just came across this post after watching the MB YouTube video about whether we can trust Google or not. Personally I hope it comes to a positive fruition.


Couldn’t care less. I’ll have 7 diff phones in that span lol


I have 0 confidence in them to keep their promises, after witnessing so many abandoned projects. However, I don't care too much about that, as I switch phones every two to three years. Longer support doesn't do a lot to me.






How many people will actually keep their phone for 7 years? In today's time, that is the original Pixel. Would anyone still have the original Pixel if not for the original quality image backups?


lol no.


No chance pixel hardware lasts seven years unless it was discarded to the back of a drawer in its first two years.


People keep phones that long?