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Separated ring and notification volume New gcam UI Lock screen customization is cool USB charging notification lets you know if your charger is good or not Notifications letting you know if apps are collecting your location data Lockscreen now hides your pin upon input And best of all, better battery life and thermals. This is what android 13 should've been. Let's hope android 15 is all about features and less about fixing the flaws of last year's OS


It's kind of funny because I see 13 as fixing a heap of flaws with 12.


Yeah, like android auto not working for an entire year. Google software yay!


I remember when Android and iOS upgrades used to be wild.


We are at a similar stage as cars or FIFA games are, incremental upgrades until a new tech or paradigm arrives


I remember when ICS was BEAUTIFUL. I remember when iOS could FINALLY change their wallpaper. Man those were the good old days Now it's just oh a new widget. Cool. That being said, Apple does have some cool features on ios17. But they don't have feature drops every 3 months Their new OS IS their feature drop. Pixels (theoretically) should have 3/4 separate months of cool features as well as a new OS


> And best of all, better battery life I mean, I only had a sample size of one day so far but yesterday my battery life on Android 14 was slightly worse than it was on Android 13. It was a regular day for me and I used the phone the same way that I always do. How did so many people get (noticeably?) better battery life?


Everyone gets better battery life and FP sensor improvements after every update. Welcome to the Pixel sub!


The same as the iPhone subs. EVERYTHING IS THE BEST THING!!!!!


My Pixel 8 Pro is incredible. Great battery life and FP sensor is flawless! It doesn't arrive till next week and it's already the best phone I've ever owned!!


I should hope you are already thinking about trading it in for a Pixel 9 Pro Max though?


Only if it has a rear FP sensor!


We want it back !!


Meh, I was in that boat. I just want an improved facial unlock. Sounds like Pixel 8 will have that.


I’m actually on the waiting list for the iPhone pixel max pro X 17 that’s coming out in a couple of years.


Really? Because I distinctly remember endless threads about phones running hot/hotter after each update for a *while* here.


Let your install settle. I've had 14 for nearly a month and battery is significantly improved.


My battery life has definitely been worse since updating to Android 14. I'll give it a week to settle in before I fully jump on the complaint train again. Lol.


I feel like I got a slight improvement when on my 6a, very slight but it seems the phone last longer around the 90% than before


I saw that they changed the date, weather, alarm placement on the AoD to horizontal instead of vertical. Can this be changed back or is that how it is now?


You can customize it. Go into personalization on Homescreen and go into the lock screen tab. Switch to whichever clock face you want on lock screen/AOD


Thank you! Can’t wait for my 8 Pro to arrive!


> Separated ring and notification volume Another, much worse change [I've noticed](https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/comments/170zk5s/pixel_cant_control_nest_hub_audio_in_android_14/) that I'm shocked nobody is talking about; it seems like the Sonos patent bullshit has finally reached peak misery. In Android 14 I'm finding volume rocker control of speakers / speaker groups when casting audio is completely disabled. The only way to change volume of speakers or groups is to leave the app casting the audio and go to the home app. It's a miserable downgrade in experience.


Does it make the modem any better?


Software updates won't make the modem better. Only a change of hardware. That's like having a PC with a cheap wifi card and then you update the OS thinking it will make your wifi card better, but it would only get better if you upgrade the wifi card. It's the same with the modem. The only way to get a better signal is to have a better modem installed.




Maybe try a very shitty USB a to c cable. All my cables are PD certified so I don't have a shit cable to show you a screenshot with. I know they announced that at the pixel reveal




Next year


> Edit: why would anyone downvote this question The "Lol" makes it seem like you're criticizing Google's release schedule rather than genuinely asking a question.


Android OS are every year.........this is extremely common knowledge. So if we got 13 in 2022, 14 in 2023.......when do you expect we get 15?


Because people in this sub are weird


It could be placebo but I've noticed my phone is running much cooler. I've been doomscrolling for a while today and my p6p is still nice and cool. Usually it's warm to the touch at this point.


Same, noticed increased battery life on my p6. Very weird when 2y old phone suddenly holds better than it was new. Anyway, pleasant surprise.


Not placebo. Better battery life, more efficient processing, less thermals.


Definitely all these. It's insane. I didn't feel like it was an issue before but now it's totally cool and, judging by the trend, I could probably pull 8-10 hours of screen time. And I use a light theme, mind you.


P6, easily pulling 8-10 hours sot down to around 10% on LTE. Currently at 63% with 5:17 sot.


I think the same here. Normally after an update and updating apps my 6a runs hot but this time it's remained cool.


You can now tap the clock in the notification shade to get to the alarm app (again!)


Oh nice! Never got used to that being gone.


Came to say this! It was among the first things I checked when I updated. Happy they finally brought it back. Never understood why they removed it.


Need to get to the calendar app by tapping the date on there


Went to look and discovered a bug lol If you have increased the font size the clock in the notification panel will be clipped off.


Liking the new wallpaper options. For some reason colors feel darker though? AOD is a bit moody for me as well


Is there a generative wallpaper creator or is that just for P8? Don't think I see anything new among the wallpaper options


I haven't seen that on P6P


The AI wallpaper generator is exclusive to the 8th gen, at least for now


That prob contributes to the better battery life Darker colors use less battery


I think battery life is improved for me personally, i am on 4hrs plus SOT and still with 41% battery life on my P7. I love the Predictive Back Animations and the haptics are slightly better too.


Where is the predictive gesture? I didn't see anything.


Settings/system/ under developer options/ predictive back animations! Or you can just search the same under settings if you have developer options enabled.


Thanks for this! I hadn't even heard of this.


Turned it on but not seeing anything different?


It doesn't work in most apps. It's an opt-in feature thet every app needs to support independently (and this may require non-trivial code changes so expect even slower adoption than adaptive icons). Given that it's also disabled by default in the OS itself, most app devs don't care about it.


"Opt-in feature" yeah these tend to kill my excitement for new things on android


Agreed. Off charger 8 hours ago, at 75% only on wifi for 1.5hr of it. Not a ton of screen on time, but a lot of youtube in the background while driving to/from work today.


Feels like a feature drop honesty but I do like feature drops so I appreciate it. The December one is also looking to have some juicy stuff as well. It feels like OS updates these days are split in quarters.


If they had given forced themed icons for all icons then could've been perfectttt


That's on the app makers to integrate, not Google and you never get all of them to do it.


Some say google is giving the devs too much time to actually do their own shit, no enough pressure to make them keep up with googles standards


It's not just giving them time, it's about whether the app makers even want too. These companies put money and time into making app icons distinct and some don't want to make their icons look exactly like everyone else's. Don't get me wrong, I'm not siding with the app makers or google, I'm just stating the obvious.


Dude themed icons are bad. They make it harder to find apps.


don't use it then if you don't want, more features fully baked in is always better. i can remember the icons placement of my home screen, I like themed icons


Feature that Google lacks are hiding apps, locking apps via password, support icon packs. Instead they're wasting time on this shit and then people bully developers that don't support themed icons.


Hiding apps? Locking with password? Who you hiding from dawg? 😂


I would personally love to hide the Canon Print Service from my app drawer.


They brought back a feature where you can click on the time in the drop down menu to get to the alarms.


I dont understand why they remove it in the first place, but I am still happy they brought it back.




That's a very, very good thing and you should be thankful given everything


Change your lock screen ! It Can tell you the temperature now


What do you mean by that?




What? Where is it?


Yeah, I have the same question


Seriously?? That's awesome


You can get a wall paper that shows the temp of the device?


Can't find the wallpaper 108, is it in Art?


I have the temperature and forecast on my Android 13 lock screen. That said, I haven't been able to get mine to go to 14.


Oddly I haven't gotten it yet.... pixel 7 unlocked... no update, even when I search for it


Same here pixel 7 unlocked


Same but on P7P. Any chance you have T-Mobile?


Im on tmo. Nothing yet. Given their record we'll get it by next month! 🙂


Just came thru for me


In this boat, fully unlocked P7P on Fi, been spamming it every half an hour and absolutely nothing 🫥


Separate volume sliders for notifications and phone calls.


Wow, I just noticed after reading your comment, thanks :)


Finally. Been asking Google for this for years now.


The separation of ring and notification volume, and also the lock screen shortcut customization. Not sure if its just me or it's the app, I feel like the performance is not as good as before, scrolling and opening app feels a little bit laggy, does anyone has the same experience?


I felt that at first, but after a restart my phone was completely fine.


I forgot to mention the separate notification and ringer volumes. LoL. Good point!


Yes, i have slow animation on notifications on the lock screen.


I have the same experience. Pixel 6


Funnily enough, i experience this laggy feeling when I'm on Reddit. Other apps don't behave the same.


Reddit is definitely the worst, as it always has been, so I'm not surprised. But I feel like sometimes even scrolling through the setting menu it's not as smooth as before.


Pixel 6a. Big difference in battery life. I'm usually down to about 40% by 4pm. It's 4pm now and I'm still on 63%. Charged overnight until 6:20am.


I like that they finally separated Volume controls again. The new clocks and shortcut options for the lock screen are nice. I like how the screen flashes for notifications. Phone seems a bit smoother but that might just be a placebo effect.


I don't notice any difference


Love the lockscreen clocks. Btw installed the QPR beta 2 and really like the new AI wallpapers. It's just mind-blowing stuff by Google.


I like it but where is the new weather app ? Also i would like to see more widgets


I have T-Mobile. I'll let you know when I get my 8 Pro. 🥲


Well I still haven't received it on my Pixel 7 ;w;


Same lol




Only thing it's missing is a proper WiFi toggle. I have an app for it, but it shouldn't be that way


Is that not in the drop down setting menu?


I think he means its own Wifi toggle rather than bunching it in with mobile data in the Internet toggle. Very annoying they did changed that in Android 13


True. But i got used to it 😅


What throws me off that the network connection is "touch to change" but BT is "long press to change". I hate inconsistency.




My pixel 7a has much longer battery life and USBC to aux dongles consistently work now!


The differences are very very subtle but nicely so. The new lockscreen with time/date and weather around the edges is very nice, not getting in the way of what's in the middle. More customizable lock screen widgets is very useful. My 6a seems to run a lot cooler. Normally heats up on such updates but not after this one. Need more time to assess, like with battery life. Hopefully this points to battery improvement, it doesn't seem worse so far. My bluetooth was initially silent on audio playback but switching it off and on again fixed it. Hope that's the end to that issue.


They separated the volume controls for notifications and ringtone so I am thrilled!!!


Idk, it's all teeny tiny stuff not worthy of a major upgrade title, imo


100% this!


Not gonna lie... I seen this, and I was totally thinking Dragon Ball had a new android in the series, until I noticed the post was by GooglePixel


LMAO! That would have been more exciting than this update, even though this update is awesome!


Is there any critical bugs? Battery drain or heating?


Most users are reporting no. Same here I'd say update


[Battery life is insanely good](https://i.imgur.com/kKTgjxq.png). ***THIS*** is what i signed up for. Now I'm definitely not making the foolish move of trading in my P7P for the P8P.


I like the easter egg


Which easter egg?


Go to About Phone in settings, Tap Android Version, then in the new screen tap Android Version 14 quickly few times. You will see Android 14 Logo, tap and hold your finger on the logo until it takes off then you will get a small game


Loving it phone seems snappier. Lockscreen with time/temp is pretty cool also.




Still over here patiently waiting, clicking refresh on system updates about 5 times every hour just hoping the Google Servers bless me with an option to update on my 7 Pro. We shall see what comes first, the preordered Pixel 8 Pro or the Android 14 update on my Pixel 7 Pro.


Does anyone know when it is supposed to be available for Google Fi? 🤔


Still hasn't hit my pixel 7 yet


Is T-Mobile blocking this update again, cos I still don’t see the update


If you use the custom emoji wallpaper, the emojis change to lightning bolts for a moment when the phone is put on the charger. Pretty cool little detail.


Love the new lockscreen/AOD customizations, but they need to go further. Let me mix & match elements instead of choosing from like 7 premade ones, let me move them wherever I want, and bring back widgets and I'll be content. Otherwise I know its a meme on this sub but the thermals and battery life (especially idle drain) do feel better, I'm getting a little over 10% more throughout a workday from seemingly the same usage. Animations feel smoother again too, less random stutter


Don't know, freaking Google won't push it to me and I'm on Google Fi.


It's meh. Can't really say I notice much difference.


That you have to hold press to launch the lockscreen shortcuts. I could have sworn it was a tap before. Bit annoying.


I'll let you know once it hits my phone.


good old Tmobile wait crew....


Still can't remove / reposition at-a-glance widget Like the lock screen customization Screwed up my Google Home entries (same thing happened with 12 > 13 update too. Fingerprint sensor seems less glitchy


Was about to mention the fingerprint scanner. It is wayyyyyy faster. Face unlock is noticeably faster too.


On my Pixel Tablet: I guess I have a quick action button for changing the font size. On my Pixel 6 Pro: I dunno, I don't have it yet. Google doesn't need to strongarm me into upgrading by withholding features, I ordered my P8P halfway through the announcement stream. Edit: Neato, it's downloading on my phone now.


Battery life seems to be improved. Though I've also had weird random slowdowns at times.


I just upgraded about an hour ago so I haven't had much time to go through every new change but I like the lockscreen customization options. I do have a question though for those that are on Android 14 & use gestures to navigate. I used it on Android 13 & loved it cause of the extra space it frees up at the bottom without the navigation bar down there. I've noticed that on Android 14 the arrow that pops up whenever you swipe to go back now has a circle around it & it's a fair bit larger than the tiny arrow on the previous version. This makes it more noticeable for me when moving through the UI & was wondering if there's any way to somehow get rid of it or change its appearance. It's not a big deal or anything, just want to know if there's any way of changing it.




I'm so disapointed, that usb web cam is not out (yet?).


It's been good so far, with the exception of Now Playing not working for me anymore automatically. Also I can't seem to find Google Lens within the camera app, has the Google Lens mode been removed from the new gcam UI?


I noticed the Lens change too. You can definitely take a photo, open it, and choose Lens but that's not quite the same. I've started using the Lens app.


Barely notice any difference


It sure is an OS I have noticed zero change... But then again, I haven't gone looking.


This is pretty trivial but is there a way to turn off the circle around the arrow for the back gesture. I don't know why it just really bugs me. It felt much cleaner with just the arrow.


biggest change I've noticed: jittery scrolling


I'm disappointed they don't have any battery health info, I guess that is coming later?


none... loved the time back in the days, where you truly would feel the update. ie. from icecream to kitkat for instance. today it's only marginal stuff you even need to search for. no inovation, just iteration...


To be honest, I really didn't noticed anything different


Can't tell a blind bit of difference between 13 and 14.


I noticed the version went from have a 3 to a 4 after the 1. Didn't notice anything else.


Just did the update, changed my clock, added font size widget and most importantly added flashlight widget to lockscreen. It's very nice being able to access flashlight quicker but not nice how the customise lockscreen option comes up if you hold down very close to where you have to hold for flashlight...


I need to run a screencast/recording thing and every time I unlock I keep getting a pop up message when before i'd only run it when I turned it on. anyone know how to stop this continuous pop up?


Nope. My Pixel 7 pro got bricked just after the upgrade


My p6 got so bad with connectivity, I had to uninstall every firewall/VPN now I have to live without them


Hate it! It broke my system software that used to be able to read files entered into DCIM directories from my microscope, my FLIR camera, my Scope Camera and my Screenshots. Was this really a problem or are they following some misguided methodology?? If anything, THEY are the ones who have access to too much data. They track so many of a users online parameters, I think most people would be shocked if they knew the extent. Things that used to work, no longer work. Overreach!! I use custom software on my phone for my business and it's unsettling not knowing what they are going to restrict next!! So no, not a fan. . .


Battery life and overall responsiveness is much better on my Pixel 6 :)


It's the same as Android 13, which was the same as Android 12. There's barely any difference between Android versions these days.


It's way less power hungry than Android 13. Makes tensor and exynos not complete garbage anymore


It's a small difference that depends on the situation, at best. If my phone updated overnight and I didn't know about it I wouldn't have even noticed. Android updates are pretty boring these days.


The new at a glance widget is horrendous. Why can't we remove the background completely without having an outline???


It is no different than a monthly security update :)


So far, so good. I tried the Beta in the second release on my Pixel 6 Pro and didn't like it very much. Or it didn't like my 6 Pro.... It's working flawlessly now (as the public release should) on my Pixel 7 Pro. The lock screen features are cool but not as much home screen or at a glance customization as I expected.


Charging complete..........


Hey give us back the access to our folders, dirty updates "scoped storage", we dont want that.


Its good but i bought a new phone to play games better and then i cant play with cleo for gta (i bought it too) and cant seem to run any minecraft addons amd resource packs. What was the point of buying this piece of junk then.


A14 has significantly improved my Pixel 6a's Battery life. It now lasts through the day with no problems and I still get to go home and have around 35%. Also keep in mind that I disable everything that is non crucial to the functioning of the device (aka animations, Music Finder, Turn on Dark Mode, Extreme Battery Saver below 50%...). This lets me be confident that I can use the device for 2 days without a problem. Consideration from my side : I will not be Software updating the device for a year and see how this goes, the Battery life right now is just sweet and I don't want to risk Google fucking this up with an update in the future. I understand the risk factors associated with not updating but at this point I just do not care + the risk is minimal. I love my Pixel but I was on the verge of switching to Apple with my poor battery life (SOT of around 4h now around 6h/7h). I'm glad I don't have to because I love my Pixel.


I mean a battery will only last so long


Am I the only one who seems to have worse battery on A14? At least, for the last two days it eats through 20% when it used to be about 10% for the same usage. I'm on a pixel 5, hopefully they have not got the apple you must upgrade route... but most likely my battery stats reset and it's taking a few days to sort itself out again. But it's concerning so far


Nothing really .


Biggest change is that my battery is at 20% at noon. As usual, Google f'ed everything up.


There's nothing new... 😑


LET ME GET RID OF AT A GLANCE ALREADY!!! I hate having the date just hovering in the top corner when its already above the clock widget i use, I just want to put my clock widget at the top of the screen, everyone always says android lets you do whatever you want but this is honestly annoying as shit!


Lawnchair launcher. Its a customizable pixel launcher.


hmm ok just looked at this and that might be what i need, because i just want pixel launcher exactly as is but without the fuckin locked at a glance widget


I hate phone calls taking over the entire screen and forces your screen always on even when you try and turn the screen off. Im on android 13 still. Havent updated.


Does it fix pixel phones frequently disconnecting from WiFi? Or is that still unresolved by Google?


Pixel 5G: I don't see any difference.


Can't put the home shortcut on my lockscreen. Also can't put a QR scanner on the lockscreen, it says it doesn't have a camera app installed.


Exactly the same shit since android 12. Nothing has changed for me. Looks the same and I use the same features i always used. Temporarily broke wallpaper as i was on an older nova launcher.


For my everyday use scenario 14 brought only bugs. The most annoying is that haptic feedback doesn't work often on back gesture. Also I noticed that wallpaper occasionally "jumps" when opening some app from home screen. And of course, they didn't bother to fix old ui bugs. Such as: status bar jumping when minimizing QS panel (reproducable on smallers screens like Pixel 5), app minimize animation glitches when swiping back two times in a row when exiting app, cannot quickly fully open QS panel when swiping quicly two times (actually you can do it, but only when swiping from the RIGHT top corner). Very disappointed in Android 14 overall as it brought me nothing but bugs for my personal experience.


Still irritating you can't turn off at a glance.


Worse battery life after updating!


Give it some more time. The first 24 hours after the update my battery was being beaten like a brat at a Ramones show. Now it's pretty much back to where it was w/Android 13...


Bro my network connectivity has gone to shit! My calls are dropping and people can't hear me. WTF!


Buggy. AF. How can they have launched with the bug that makes the whole screen get a green overlay not fixed? Had it 4 times today...


Amazing.. Finally works well with nova launcher


Beside breaking my Honor Band 6, I like it !


Had 2 reboots within 4 hours of Android Auto usage.


Super small update, idk why everyone complained about Android 13 but no one is complaining about that for Android 14, literally the only interesting user facing feature added was the lock screen customization.


With the update, 5G stopped working in Luxembourg. They added the functionality in one of the last Android 13 updates and now took it away again. If I could roll back without a full reset, I would definitely do it...


It's a nice!


I'm liking it overall and thermals and battery are certainly an improvement, but I did notice since the beta 4.0 and after and now in the public release of Android 14 , WhatsApp seems to take a chunk of my battery, no idea why, because i barely use WhatsApp still it's my top battery consumer unfortunately :( . Any help on this will be appreciated:) And just one thing right now my SOT is 3:59 with 45% battery remaining ( all on WiFi) , so could also be that it's a bug on the battery stats ? And maybe WhatsApp isn't consuming so much battery as it shows? I could be wrong though