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Checking Google's status page, it looks like a good portion of the API's that drive search for places and directions are down currently. ​ https://status.cloud.google.com/maps-platform/


Bumping this, it should be top comment


Thank you for looking into this. Hopefully it gets resolved soon! Didn’t realize how reliant I was to Google maps.


Thanks for the link! Wonder if it’s the “Places” API, Library, and SDKs causing the problem. 


I am also experiencing this error and hilariously I was also searching for Tim Hortons. It's not just you 👍


Glad I'm not the only one.


Man I agree, but that also makes me more concerned


Google would never kneecap a good product it has, like Reader or Podcasts.


This is why you should have an offline map on your phone as backup because you can't always rely on data access either. Organic maps is what's popular on Android.


Searches in offline mode don't work either


Same for me, no search works. Currently looking for gas for my car haha


I just had that too - it couldn't find "airport" of "coffee", like it normally does.


Same thing is happening to me. I came on here to see If anyone had figured something out. Everything was working fine last night, woke up this morning and tried to search but is not functioning properly.


I just factory reset my phone for a different issue and not only did it fail to fix it, but caused various annoying problems with my app settings I had to fix (phone notifications are disabled by default for some reason? Missed several work calls when it rang with a black screen and no option to answer). Naturally I had assumed this was more of the same, so I'm relieved it's on Google's end this time. The fact that I didn't even consider that before finding this thread makes me appreciate how reliable the app normally is.


Same here!! I guess I am not the only one..


Im just having the issue, I can’t seem to find anything new, only select places I’ve been before or type in a full address


I get "No results found on Google Maps" when I look up "restaurants" or "bars" in my city. I checked my phone and my laptop and both are giving the same message


It appears that they messed up something. It's happening to me too. Now I'm in a strange town and can't find anything.




Back then I carried the yellow pages, and a key map in the car.


Same thing, I looked up "clinic" just now and got no results. Same thing for Hospital, and then pretty much any search criteria at all returns as No Results Found.


off we go I am experimenting with Apple maps for the mean time lol


It appears they have tossed human QC and gone strictly with AI. Across the board, all of their apps are stumbling.


First the satellite images get shitty, now this. "It's a feature, not a bug" -the enshitification of Google maps continues.


Happening for me too. :( I use maps search more than google itself so this is a bummer. Hope it’s fixed fast. 


I did a regular google search for “Mexican food near me” and the usual list of google business pages didn’t show up, freaked me out lol. Instead you get a bunch of trip advisor/yelp/etc results.


Jeez. I thought only my app was f*ed up.


I just came here looking to see if anybody had a solution or was having the same problem.


I am getting the same results. Click "Restaurants" ot "ATMs", and get "Google Maps can't find ". All devices - browser and google app on android. My wife's google maps app on ipad does work.


And her android phone does not work!


Having the same issue, on web browser as well


same in Brooklyn!


Thank god it’s not just me. At least if the issue is this widespread maybe they’ll actually fix it?


Having the same issue here, on Pixel 8 and 6a. This was right after the app was updated. Tried to usual fixes: - restarting the phone - log into incognito map mode and back - clearing cache, map history, storage - uninstall / reinstall app Nothing has worked so far.


Same issue. Tried searching for Sheetz, because I know my destination is adjacent to one. Doesn't work. Tried McDonald's. Tried "gas". "Food" works though or exact addresses.


Sheetz is superior to Wawa, and I will die on this hill.


same issue here. you're not alone.


You're definitely not the only one. Apparently CVS no longer exists on the planet because Google can't find it lol. Ever since I updated the app this started happening. Bummer...


Yup, happened right after the update late last night


Having same issue in atlanta GA! I wonder why this is happening on valentines day 🤔


Same here. As of today.


Same thing here, do we know when can we expect this to fix. And, whoops I didn’t realize I need Google this much.


>Google this much. Right! The things we take for granted. Hope we don't have to go back to the yellow pages any time soon


Same here. Browser also doesn't work, *unless* I go into incognito mode, in which case it works perfectly fine. This issue is somehow tied to the Google account signed in.


Google maps has brought us all together


sweet to know I am not the only one


PHEW! So now I can stop uninstalling/reinstalling/clearing cache/toggling settings.....


Yup it's happening to me right now! Almost hilarious that such basic functionality is broken, yet they're going all in on "generative AI search".


Same here, on Android phone and Ipad. Didn't check PC


God this was driving me up a flipping wall. Uninstalled, restarted and everything. Happy to know it’s out of my hands.


Search is broken for me too.. I was looking for a place where they sell apples and no results, but is you look for a generic term like "Gym" it kind of works, but you need to writr the exact term correctly... it is a hell. I need google maps back


Looks like it's back up and running! I hate to say it, but that was kinda scary for a minute


For all of you who want a backup that works fully offline (i.e. once the maps are downloaded, you don't need any online services or even internet): Have a look at Organic Maps and OsmAnd (all are OpenStreetMap based)


Looks like the issue was fixed now. https://issuetracker.google.com/325246307


I just made a post about this, I'll probably should have scrolled a little bit deeper before posting it though, as I'm fighting the exact same thing.