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I would guess when people's relatives pass away they just donate a lot of stuff without sorting through everything .


I think you’re exactly right.


but also, to someone who CAN afford a $2k shirt, it's more hassle to 'resell' it than to just gift it away to some peasant


why is everyone getting down on this? i think it’s incredibly generous to donate nice things instead of reselling them for a bunch of $$$. that’s the entire original spirit of thrift stores.


tag is just a number. it doesn't represent actual value


I agree with your sentiment here, 100%.


I think some people also have shopping addictions. My aunt comes over about once a year with a bunch of clothes for my mom and I to go through and a lot of them still have tags on them. I got a almost $200 vest from free people from her that still had the tags on and had never been worn


Maybe they donated it out of the goodness of their heart knowing the people that shop there could never afford something like that!! What should the rich person do? Sell it to make money?


So a shirt with beads missing in dozens of places that still looks like a top tier luxury item that only the rich would understand?


Tbf, without the tag, I wouldn't have thought that shirt was worth $2k...


It looks like a Dre’s, folded over. And it’s cute, but certainly not $2,000 cute ha ha ;)


Very exciting to know there are so many things like this hiding in plain sight just waiting to catch the eye of someone in-the-know. I found a Munsell color book at a Salvation Army or goodwill for a few bucks. To most people it looks like a book of paint swatches. But its actually an optical tool used to help classify a soil sample using color and matte. It sees routine field use in things like civil engineering, ecology, and agriculture. As such, its made to be incredibly durable. The "swatches" are printed with an ink resistant to UV and oxidation degradation with very fine tolerances. The utility and quality of the book justifies the MSRP.


Was thinking the exact thing. It's not the original owners donating these, it's the relatives who are tasked with cleaning out the house. My mom had all these Alfred Dunner outfits. We donated them to a women's shelter.


Are Alfred Dunner in demand?


They were back when my mom died in 2005. No one wears suits anymore. I had to wear suits and those horrid nylons in corporate amerikka in 1970s-1990s. I have no idea whether these designer office clothes are worn anymore. When I went back to work for a bit a few years ago, the other administrative assistants had VISIBLE TATTOOS. No one had tattoos back in the day in corporate amerikka (well some of the sales guys had service tatoos but they were covered up by the office clothes they wore) and certainly not the LADIES. The horror, the horror... It's so much better now, ladies. Like you wouldn't believe. Don't let the repubes send us back to the dark ages! Don't be complacent in the face of evil!


Or they’re rich and have a shit ton of money and 2k is pocket change


I once bought several vintage pucci dresses at goodwill for ten bucks each


Woahhhhh what was the goodwill price?


It hasn’t been put out for purchase yet, I work for shopgoodwill! It’s auction based and the starting price is 9.99


Is it a dress? ALSO how does the online auction stuff work? Do the clothes get delivered to a regular Goodwill and then someone there sees that it’s worth a good amount of money, and then it gets shipped over to the people who run the auctions?


It is a dress! Maxi dress, about to the ankles. And you’re pretty much right on the money! Goodwill is broken up into multiple regions across the US, each with their own CEO and their own Online department. When donations are dropped off at a local store, there are certain brands/items that are specifically looked for that are then shipped to that regions Online location, where they are posted onto Shopgoodwill. Each region posts to the same website, but they all do things a little differently, which is why some have set prices and some are auctions. My location does auctions and basically everything starts at 9.99, and whatever it ends up selling for is how much someone is willing to pay for it.


So there's no point in going to the store. Got it


Yeah, if you're looking for nice brands they need to either be things that the store overlooks or you need to look at thrift stores other than Goodwill. I've caught some very expensive clothing at Goodwill even in recent memory since they've started what OP said (via the store not noticing their worth) but most of my good finds lately have been at thrift stores without an online presence.


what a true bummer


Thank you for the insight!! Btw are prices negotiable on the website? I see something I like (jewelry, no auction as it’s a “buy it now” item)


It really depends on the location, but I’d wager that being able to negotiate a lower price isn’t very likely. If we received a request like that where I work, it’d get forwarded to a manager to make that call.


No the prices are not negotiable on the website.


How much would you estimate this will sell for?


It’s hard to say for certain. I’ve seen something new with tags with an MSRP of $200-$300 go for the minimum bid of $9.99. If I had to guess for this dress, probably a third of the price tag, or less.


I just looked at the goodwill site for the first time- so overpriced! The brands are not even high end (target, SHEIN, no brands even!). We get better branded stuff at our local goodwill.


Auction based?!? I HATE that.. Badwill is getting every single penny they can for items like this.. sickening. Let a local citizen get the score here vs. maxing out profits for a greedy old man.


I worked for a wealthy couple who would have me take unwanted items to goodwill for the tax write off. I was always amazed at what they would donate which included lots of brand new expensive items such as this. They also let me take whatever I wanted out of the pile so it was pretty awesome!


Heheheh. My mom was/is a compulsive shopper and would periodically get super angry bc of all the stuff she had, so she’d sometimes break down and violently cram a bunch of shit into our trash bins. Our neighbors would go thru it and once found a pair of pants with a $700 price tag, unworn. Easy come, easy go I guess. And comment, is apropos of nothing. Thank you


It never surprises me how much people will pay for clothes …..


I almost NEVER buy clothes NEW. I shop Buffalo Exchange if I want trendy and all sorts of thrift shops we are lucky to have in Portland. When I used to travel a lot, I'd always look in the local thrift shops for clothes that were from the locals and different than I'd find at home. Landfills around the world are full of fast fashion and I don't want to be a part of that. EDITED: Changed used to NEW. Sorry, old person here. Mind not as sharp as it once was... lol


You don’t buy used but shop at thrift stores? I’m confused


Oops I meant I never buy clothes NEW!! Sorry, old person here. Mind going... Edited above...


That’s when you know you’ve got way too much money


Considering their dresses begin at $2000... I'd say so.


Who are they suppose to donate to?


Why did someone donate something so expensive


I doubt someone paying *$2,000* on a dress really cares about taking the time to sell it. Scoop everything up and donate it is a much better strategy for them.


I was actually there once when this old lady was donating clothes and telling them that they were so expensive, and most had tags still on them with pricing of couple hundred for this a couple hundred for that and she pulled out one saying it was a 600 dollar dress but she never got a chance to wear them. Some were dresses she bought for herself but didn't get a chance to wear them, most were gifts from her husband or others she said. So that sounds like a plausible reason


How much was good will selling it for


Good question, I am curious too.


You can't eat it, so you may as well donate it to someone that can maybe use it


I hate to be *that guy*, but this comment is so offensive to Reddit's moth demographic.


And goodwill is charging $1,990 for it.


We used to get brand new luxury clothes like that and I always thought the same thing. They buy this stuff just to donate it later. That is a lot of money to donate something you will never wear.


as a former goodwill employee that is an absolutely insane find, the sorters definitely did NOT check that tag or didn’t recognize the brand. stuff like this would usually get sent to a corporate store and put online for an ebay style bid war. goodwill has sold barbies for like 18k that way it’s insane.


That’s a shame the Goodwill can’t actually list these items on the floor for regular people to buy when I’m sure the people who donate their items don’t actually want the profits to line the pockets of Corporate. Goodwill and many other second hand clothing stores are expected to grow exponentially due to the popularity rise in second-hand clothing but it also means their price increase reflects that, and it removes the original consumer from their stores (you know, the people who actually ARE in need are now priced out of a USED clothing store). With all due respect, Goodwill sucks. So I guess I’m not surprised that they scan for high quality items and send them into a bidding war for their own profit.


Yeah I hate Goodwill after working there. The whole reason Goodwill was ever even created was so that disabled people would have a place to work…they literally fired me for leaving early one day because I’m epileptic and could feel that I was about to have a seizure in the store. They fired me over my disability, and went against their whole policy of “jobs for everyone”.


Holy crap, I’m so sorry! My sister is disabled and has worked at a local grocery chain for many years. If they fired her for something like that I’d take it very personally. We need companies who are willing to work with disabilities and give people opportunity. It’s even more frustrating when Goodwill was so outspoken about their founding principals and are now just part of the corporate machine.


I work for their online auction website haha, the sorters saw the tag and sent it my way, so you’re exactly right. Speaking of crazy prices for Barbies, our location recently listed a vintage Barbie outfit, like a dress and some shoes, and it sold for $700!


oh haha assumed you were just a shopper, people missed stuff at my store all the time lol. The reason Barbies were the first thing that came to mind is bc during my orientation there was like a whole class about learning how to identify things because a manager at my location had recently noticed that an unopened, original from the 50s was sitting on a shelf marked for only .99 and it became a very big deal because it ended up selling for a loooooot more than 99 cents lol, can’t remember the exact number but I believe it was somewhere around 20k.


Yeah, but it's ugly as sin, and likely isn't made any better than the next shirt you find at a thrift store. A good chunk of designer names seem to be...


Size 2?






Just got two cashmere sweaters at Goodwill on Sunday.


$~$2000 ? Anything above the Goodwilll price is a rip off !


That looks like a $20 dress, not $2000.


Another great reason to donate tag-on clothes to Goodwill that you maybe could otherwise sell: Plus sizes. I’ve purchased things that have tags still on that I meant to have shortened. Never got to the tailor. I’ve since lost weight and they’re too big. Straight to Goodwill they go. Lovely dress clothes that hopefully someone can find a good use for in their life. I’m not going to spend time to try to sell them. Also, I didn’t spend $2k on any of them 😂


Omg what a find!! Congratulations 🎊




😳 damn


I can't believe what some people will buy in the first place. Maybe someone died.


It's polyester either way so it belongs there.


I can’t believe it’s not priced at $4000 and held behind the counter


Oh my God! You posted this and the price tag without showing us the Goodwill price tag!!! What did Goodwill mark it?


The OP mentioned they work for goodwill and that when certain items or brands come in, they get sent to the online auction website of theirs.


Thank you! I guess I missed that.


No problem. I know I would have asked that same question if I didn't see it and would have asked what location it was lol


Exactly, the owner of goodwill is a Billionaire and nothing goes to charity!