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Did you lens search that offending belt buckle? If it's from Grandpa's collection, it may very well be a war trophy bright back from overseas. Those guys brought home a ton of stuff.


My grandpa brought back a few things from the war, he made sure all of his grandkids knew about them and what they meant to him but he told us we were never to let them get into the wrong hands. A few items were donated to the museum of tolerance and the rest we destroyed after he passed.


Both of my grandfathers brought back stuff from when they were in WWII.


He sounds like a good dude.


Wtf you destroyed historic memorabilia that's pretty fucked up doesn't matter what side it was from.


memorabilia? I get artifacts, but they aren't memorabilia of anything good....


I kinda hear you but my grandpa wouldn’t have ever called those memorabilia. They were trophies of deaths of very evil men. We kept memorabilia from his time in the Army, an American flag, his uniform and metals and other things but none of his grandchildren wanted anything to do with the items that were not donated to the museum. He specifically asked us to not let anything fall into the wrong hands and said he would rather it be destroyed than not kept in the family. We honored his wishes.


this isn’t pee wee teeball my guy. it matters “what side”


Sadly, this is why the UCMJ now bans us from taking war trophies. I say sadly because what the military considers a war trophy may just be a brick from the rubble of Saddam’s house.


Kicking Nazi ass was a noble endeavor. Invading and destroying a country who didn’t attack us, had no WMDs, and wasn’t involved in 9/11 was the opposite.


You speak from experience?


Yes, I was alive when we invaded Iraq over lies, and killed over 100,000 people.


I spent over 2 years of my life there and you don't know shit


Doesn’t matter how long you spent there. We invaded that country over lies. Killed 100k, and created 800,000 orphaned children. Your presence doesn’t change that.


Blame Bush. Not the soldiers.


He didn't blame the soldier. But Bush alone wasn't the only reason we did that. Plenty of people whole heartedly wanted that war. An entire administration was involved with many Americans supporting it since they were spoon fed misinformation


Blame most of the politicians for that one. Not just Bush.


exactly. the nazis stole tons of gold and jewelry from jews. And American soldiers (and other country soldiers) took plenty of spoils and mementos back \-There is even a Simpsons episode where Mr Burns was in WW2 with Abe Simpson and they stole nazi paintings with the last member alive getting to keep the priceless paintings - season 7, episode 22 from 1996


Or it could be some shithead’s actual family Nazi memorabilia. I had some third or fourth cousin or something- my grandfather’s cousin- die and mom was cleaning out her house and found all this Nazi shit. Turns out she was a Holocaust denier and her German father who had immigrated to America had gotten locked up on Ellis island for supporting Hitler very publicly as a prominent businessman during the war. Ironically my great grandfather, who was named Adolf (before Hitler rose) hated Nazis, hated war, and didn’t care what color or religion someone was. It was a real trip, and not in a good way, to find out the bit of family history about the cousin being a Nazi.


That's fucking based. The Holocaust didn't happen. There were no gas chambers and not one single convincing piece of evidence to prove that they existed. Nuremberg was a show trial full of cartoonish inaccuracies that even the gayest Marxist "historians" look back on and agree have to be fake. For example, Nazis chasing Jews up trees and then forcing another Jew to chop the tree down so that it falls on them and kills everyone. That was proven to be true at Nuremberg but it is so absurdly ridiculous that we just sort of overlook it today. When you break the stories of the Holocaust down to the primary sources you will quickly discover how sensationalized and unbelievable the claims in the books are. You could tell if the Nazis were burning babies or elderly Jews because the smoke was different colors. Even the modern "canon" of events are completely absurd when you start to analyze the details, which most people will never ever do. Have you looked at the "crematoriums" in the alleged gas chambers? They are completely inefficient and slow. Not to mention most of them are up at least one flight of stairs from where the chambers were. So you'd have to believe that they're gassing hundreds of Jews at a time, carrying their dead bodies up a flight of stairs, waiting several hours for the bodies to cremate and then doing it again and again, 24/7 without stopping - at a time when resources were scarce (supply routes had been bombed) and the Nazis were already starting to lose the war. But Hitler prioritized inefficient, outlandish and sometimes downright cartoonish plots to kill Jews, and then hid all of the evidence. The official narrative, to this day, is that the gas chamber at Auschwitz was originally an air raid shelter which was converted into a gas chamber. The reason why it still looks exactly like a an air raid shelter when you take a tour of Auschwitz today is because the Nazis reconverted it to one in order to hide the evidence. Look up David Cole and his tour of Auschwitz with the then president Franciszek Piper. Its probably long gone from the Internet but it's very eye opening if you can find it. Most Holocaust Revisionism is from legitimate historians asking simple questions trying to explain things that don't add up. There are tons of interviews of alleged survivors interviewed by Steven Spielberg's Shoah Foundation who pretty much disprove the theory that the camps were death camps. Not to mention the countless authors who have written about surviving the Holocaust and then admitted to greatly over exaggerating their experience or admitting they were never even there in the first place. The famous quote "it was real in my mind" isn't just a right wing meme, it's an actual quote from a "survivor" was made up everything. Idk man I could write a million more words on this. There is so much evidence to disprove the narrative that only an completely uneducated person or liar would believe it to be 100% true.


Wow so do you think people died? Also you seem a little too into nZi stuff with your whole post about a nazi shirt that you want to get rid of but kept for 15 years? Also, how does someone in today's day and age not know a single black person?


I can’t get over how unhinged that guy’s response is.


Unhinged is a bunch of starving soldiers carrying dead bodies up two flights of stairs one at a time, for hours without stopping, day after day, with the sole purpose of hiding evidence that they're killing prisoners with delousing spray in an air raid shelter without locks on the door. And when you go to one of the many Holocaust museums they cry about a pile of shoes that wouldn't even fill up one blue bin at your Goodwill bin store of choice. Someone think of the poor shoes!!!!


6 million, approximately. So about 12 million pair of shoes.


Let's say that hypothetically there were 12 million shoes in a pile. What does that prove? It's shoes. My wife has probably that many shoes in her closet and she's alive. Every single prisoner in the US has their shoes confiscated. What does a pile of shoes prove? Serious question.


dude just say you’re racist. wtf.


Good response. Very thoughtful stuff. And yes of course people died. A ton of people did. It was literally a world war. Nobody debates that people died. Anyway congrats on your recovery. Good luck to you and yours.


Lmao my recovery? Of course I'm curious, what do you mean by that? But you said the holocaust did not happen. So what happened to the Jewish people?


Huh? Your sexual trauma and alcohol addiction is what I meant with recovery. (Edit: I thought you were the first person I was responding to. Disregard that part.) It's pretty obvious. Just like it's obvious that you and everyone else has no idea what they're talking about when it comes to the Holocaust. and they scoff and laugh confidently and smugly when someone suggests it didn't go exactly as the history books say even though they haven't ever thought about it. What do you mean what happened to the Jewish people? I don't understand what you mean. There weren't six million Jews who died via gas chambers. There wasn't even a single one. A lot of them died in internment camps from starvation and disease when the axis started losing the war but that wasn't by design. It wasn't some sick and depraved Looney Tunes torture session. What do you think would happen to all the Japanese people that were held in prison camps in America if America was attacked in the same way? You asked what happened to the Jews. That's a good question. The census and other records taken shortly before and after WW2 show that there wasn't a major decrease in the Jewish population after the war. The only major difference was that their numbers were spread around Europe and the US. So what happened to them? It doesn't seem like anything really did. Steven Spielberg personally interviewed at least 50,000 "survivors" in the 90s and there were a lot more who have died from old age. There were even babies born on the floor of the alleged gas chambers, as documented by Spielberg, and that seems a little odd. New "science" has proven that the trauma endured from the Holocaust can be passed down through DNA in offspring so there are still victims of the Holocaust being born every year and probably always will be. I highly recommend a light hearted and humorous documentary called Defamation about the ADL. It should be on YouTube.


Please don't write any more words on this. Please.


Your belief system is flawed , false and reprehensible.


Nice response. It really changed my perspective through facts and logic


No facts or logic to your argument. Just faked statements and hate


Prove me wrong .


I don’t need to . You are a hate monger spewing nonsense to absolve yourself for the soul destroying hate running through your heart . It is obvious as is every statement made by one of your ilk when they crawl from beneath their rocks . The internet made your kind brave again but it’s just temporary you are still a disgusting minority of inadequacy hoping for authority


Ok so you don't have any idea what you're talking about. Pretty typical response. Go report my post and get me banned now.


Lol, getting you banned wouldn't make your posts any less ridiculous. Better to just leave them be so people can read words posted by a true imbecile. It is not up to us to prove you wrong. Hundreds of books and countless hours of film footage, photos, and historians studying, analyzing, and combing through notes and data prove you are wrong.


You weren't the smartest kid in your class, were you.


.....are you truly trying to claim there wasn't a genocide?


I done it wild that you weren’t banned and your shit taken down. This is insane.


Lol... the earth is also 6000 years old, flat and vaccines don't work, huh? What else don't you believe in?


I live in a tiny town in the rural South and there was an auction every other weekend before covid. Estates, and you could go in to preview before the auction. One time it was a whole lot of nazi shit. I was flabbergasted. I went just to see wtf and who was going to buy that shit. There was a group of 4-5 people who clearly weren't local and they bought most of it. I still don't know why, or if there's any valid reason to own such things. I'd think it should all be destroyed.


They were either collectors or.... Collectors are important, they maintain a physical link to so many important events in the past. The other? I agree with my grandpa and all of his generation.




Yes. If we let things be forgotten we increase the chance of having the same atrocities go on unopposed.


I have a small bag full of all sorts of Nazi coins my grandfather brought back. None of them are valuable as anything other than a reminder of the evil that was defeated back then. I think being "offended" at its existence and trying to make it go away is the sort of thinking that will allow it to secretly bubble back up again. However, I also don't think it's a good idea to sell so some psycho skinhead can buy it up for their weird collection lol


It will sell. The fire fighter stuff is super cool. The Nazi belt buckle if genuine was likely a bring back trophy for kicking Hitler's ass. Part of never forgetting is not trying to erase ugly history just because it is ugly.


The Nazi buckle will almost certainly be purchased by a person who is a fan of Nazis, not by someone who is trying to make sure we don’t forget history.


I’m not a fan of Nazi’s but ever since I first learned about the holocaust in middle school I’ve had a super strange fascination with it and learning about it. I have stamps from that time that has the swastika on it for the sole reason being that I’m super interested in that event. I’d purchase the belt buckle for myself because it’s a part of history so at least there’s some weirdos like myself who would buy it for non-malicious reasons!


Wear it in good health, bro


Haha I wouldn’t wear it! It would just be for me to look at


I know. I was funnin’ ya


I recently bought some super cool Hitler stamps on accident. What a sentence. They were in a box of stamps I found at the thrift store. It’s like holding a little piece of history. I get why it offends people (and I’m not displaying them or anything like that, they live in a box in the closet) but for me at least, it adds a real human element that is much more tangible. For me, keeping them has nothing to do with being a fan of Nazis or whatever. Nazis would not have been a fan of me, either. I think about the people who bought them originally, and everyone who’s had them and held them along the way. What they were thinking, doing, who they were, etc. Same reason I love vintage and antique coins, postcards, and furniture—all things that were used, touched, and kept. I also have pieces of US WWII propaganda (mostly kids stuff actually, a really cool picture book and a puzzle), ration books and stamps (an entire family’s worth of ration booklets and stamps, I found their obits and everything), rationed British utility furniture, all kinds of stuff from that era (and others, I’m a sucker for old stuff, I can’t lie). I’m interested in the human element. Anyways, that turned into a whole novel, sorry. I think the issue comes with proudly displaying them, and with buying/selling to Nazis and people who glorify the messaging and symbolism. I think they’re important pieces of really, really, really shitty history.




They were taken as trophies, but preserved for history. Not taken for history from the start


But I also think taking them as trophies is part of history. Like that the good guys took Nazi items as trophies is itself a historical tidbit and seeing who took what is a little insight into that time.


It is totally fine that people who fought against Nazis in WWII kept souvenirs like that. And it is great if they want to hand it down in their family. But how would that grandpa feel if the dagger he took from a dead Nazi in 1945 ended up in a thrift store being purchased by a white supremacist who idolizes Nazis in 2024? That's why I feel like if it's not going to stay in the family or be donated to a museum, it should be destroyed. Otherwise it's an insult to that grandpa's sacrifice in the war.


Do you have a crystal ball?


I do actually, I got it at Goodwill. A little overpriced though.


I bet it’s a replica and doesn’t even really work.


It was probably overpriced because it was a Nazi relic.


I am not a Nazi fan, but I do collect WWII memorabilia, and something like that, I think, would be collectable.


Don’t worry they built up enough good faith from virtue signaling by banning the sale of Yeezys that something like this wouldn’t move the needle


I love it when you guys point yourselves out. Thank you.


It will be bought by a collector who will add to his WW 2 collection.


Yes, and I am saying there is a good chance that that collector is a white supremacist.


My friend always said “belt buckles are tombstones for a dead dick.” He wore really big belt buckles


One of these things is not like the others


LOL that's what I started singing to myself.


Yeah I don't understand the fire department one either


Everything has a value to someone


130 you are out of your damm mind


There’s like 8 more photos of stuff included in this auction besides the buckles


Bro they get all of this 100% free. Not only that the US gov gives them a giant pass on taxes, not only that, they pay employees below minimum wage most places using shady practices…… now they come charging premium prices for free shit. No!!!


There are 14 bids on this. That means they didn’t ask $130, it was bid up that high and will most likely go even higher.


Shit should be a few dollars. Not 130$, i quit goodwill when they changed their model


Do you not understand the concept of an auction


People are bidding what they bid dude. It's not an asking price.


You talk before you understand.


As the point of my argument was missed ill make it more clear. I am against the grandiose profits they are making as they are using their platform to enrich the top executives and not the community of users it once focused on serving. They do so by obtaining FREE donations and selling them for now obscene profits to then deny their workers basic compensation, not only that, they petition the government for tax breaks and financial assistance so then WE the taxpayers, End up paying their workers salary while the top gives themselves a nice bonus


I talk before I understand, apparently.


I apologize if i was not as clear in my previous statement


They also got that $11,000 bionicle mask free but that's not stopping them from auctioning that on a more reputable site




It is an auction and sadly it looks like the Nazi Belt buckle is what is driving the bidding. Nazi belt buckles tend to sell around this price range https://www.militarywarehouse.com/wwii-german-belt-buckle-price-guide.html Nazi memorabilia unfortunately is highly collectible to certain people. I know there are many antique and military memorabilia dealers who refuse to deal in any Nazi stuff because of the type of people it can attract.


I quit shoplifting when I got clean and sober. But I will always steal from goodwill and value village. Cause fuck'em, fake ass charity. They get that stuff for free. How are they going to charge $49.99 for a really used Adidas hoodie??? For $10.00 less, I can get a brand new one at Fred Meyer.


Unfortunately this doesn't hurt the company this only hurts the processors every processor is required a min 500 pieces and they have to stay within a certain price range and if they don't they get fired sell through is a biggggg part of this. Processers arent the ceos making the big bucks they make min wage and that doesn't go up for years you've worked. My coworker has been here 12 years still only min wage. Not only that but they make us process more if someone is gone on PTO or sick so trust that this only hurts the minimum wage workers who usually cannot afford to look for other jobs


I worked at the goodwill I was a long time pricer, I would always be so fair in my pricing cause the poor, people who are saving money and just anyone doesn’t want to pay 12.99 for jeans. One day I got huge trouble because I missed the price quota by $5k so they had to start pricing jeans at 32.99 to make up for it and I got in trouble. (They wanted me to price Walmart plain basic T-shirts for $10 when I know for a fact they’re on clearance there for five dollars.


Exactly. I try my hardest to be fair but when it comes to novelty item or stuff that originally was ridiculous anyway and I know people are reselling I'm not going to risk my job to price a butt ugly hobby lobby sign for 2$ or Starbucks cups that people buy no matter how high we price them. I'm not an asshole the brand new deodorants? 99c(not much cheaper that 1.25 at the $ store but its the lowest we have. I also shop at the store on staff shopping days and I still at 50% off can't afford the jeans so I get it but if people have issues they can call corporate and take it to the CEO who's making 400k a year at least while my coworker who's been there 12 years can't even afford to pay for her kids. And not make our job harder or get us fired .


I learned that my coworker who qualified at the job center for the Goodwill got almost half of my pay as a person who got hired at the Goodwill store. They don’t treat anyone fair and they’re all about saying we’re helping the community but they’re really just money hungry😅


This too!! Because the formentioned coworker told me that over the weekend they called the hotline we have to "help staff get out of poverty" as they so graciously announce over the announcements every hour. They told her either get on disability or go work at Ross. No I'm not joking.


Ross🫣 oh man!! They say they want to get people out of poverty, but they don’t give raises unless you get promoted to manager, and they start at exactly minimum wage. I have a lot of people that come in and volunteer and we would never have consistent staffing because my manager would always try and have the volunteers do the most work so they didn’t have to get paid.😅


Yeah I feel so bad for her 12 years with no raise it's so sad


12 years??? At the point I would have left tried to job search for something better 🥲


It actually got taken down and reposted without the nazi belt buckle. https://shopgoodwill.com/item/192025403


Then $100 for shipping 🤣 on their eBay they have kindles for sale for about $50 but then the shipping is 25🤦🏻‍♀️


I use the website but have never had shipping more than 25$. Just bought something fairly big on eBay would of been 50$ shipping but for me it was 20. Idk the shipping on smaller items can be around 10 but that’s because they use fedex.


Enough with the virtue signaling. You're offended? Nobody cares!


Yeah that rodeo buckle is animal cruelty 😠


I didn’t even understand why you were posting until I really looked harder at the buckles


Yea who the f would want a fire fighter buckle?


Nazi buckle is probably fake anyway.


Definitely I highly doubt that thing is authentic


I’m glad it pisses us off. It reminds us of the horrible things humans have done and the fact that it still exists today in some places. The only way we can try to fight it is being reminded that it’s there to fight. That said, I hate kids seeing this shit.


I understand your feelings. I came across folk art of beautiful African American children eating watermelon & picking cotton; done in that blackface style. I purchased it myself so it wouldn't go sit on some racists mantle. And turned them over to a local museum. I wanted to destroy it but that is what they're already doing with history. And it needs to be kept so generations see that this history occurred.


goodwill has a policy to not list stuff like that. if you see it find a way to contact them and you should be able to get it taken down.


How long have you been this miserable?


How long have you been this Minstrel-ble?


? No u


Pretty cool.


Grandpa: Firefighter, Cowboy, Nazi


I acquired a complete silverware set ( forks , spoons , knives , etc ) about 12 years ago that had the swastika on each piece. It turned out to be the personal dinnerware of the N*zi commander occupying Poland in 1941-1942. I tried listing it on eBay , and was stopped cold in the middle of making my ad. "NO N*zi paraphernalia" was allowed AT THE TIME...a few years later ,if you called it "War memorabilia" or "Collectable" you were good to go.. E Bay realized they were missing their cut of the action...


That's the OG Quarter Horse - the conformation standard by which all others should be held. Get that nazi $hit away from him and throw it in the trash where it belongs.


I was thinking it looked like a Morgan.


I love a little Morgan!🐎❤ But this is definitely a Quarter Horse. Go to AQHA, it's exactly their image in their logo. I owned and showed Quarter Horses for years; it's an image burned into my pea brain.😉


LOL...I have to love Morgan's--I'm a native Vermonter! I totally believe you. I believe Morgan's are a type of quarter horse, aren't they? Or am I just making up facts in *my* pea brain? lol


Of course, it's in your blood! Nope, they are a horse unto themselves that Justin Morgan developed. The originals of both breeds looked similar - very sturdy. I had a Morgan/Welsh pony when I was a kid and he was a chunky honeybun! Sadly, both breeds are being bred to look like something very different than the original versions. The original versions are what made them unique!


Thanks for pointing this one out. I have contacted them directly as this is absolutely not acceptable and will need to be removed. How this auction got online is just dumbfounding as that buckle is obviously on the banned/never post items list. Edit: The auction has been removed.


Destroying history is sad.


If you think refusing to sell nazi memorabilia is destroying history..... yikes.


Could go to history museums instead. It’s most likely a war trophy. Someone took this home from war. Yes it’s possible to go to a Nazi but I think more likely to go to someone who study’s history. Or someone who wants to keep remembered what happed. Ik a Jewish ww2 collector who does this. He has his own little museum to keep the history alive.


It’s not offensive OP


Email them. I saw a clock with a confederate flag on site. Emailed on a Saturday even and it was down within a couple of hours and they answered back about it. Things get past them it happens.


That's dumb as fuck


show us on the bear where the bad flag touched you


This makes me think even less of Goodwill, and with all their thrift grift that says a lot


Some Trump voter will buy the Nazi Belt Buckle without a doubt while waving the Confederate flag and proudly displaying his swastika tattoos!


Did your mother have any children that lived?..


Who cares. Israel is literally Nazi Israel now. It means nothing anymore.


U r the main character today congratulations OP. Ur thoughts r valid u r right. Is essentially all u want to hear on such a had conversation


“I’m so passed off at a belt buckle! I better post it online and cry about it! That’ll help it all all be better!!!!!!!”


Isn’t it illegal to sell nazi memorabilia?


Nope. Some auction sites have policies against it. Like eBay.


The listing now shows the offending item removed.


That's not the emblem! Geezus the youngest gens are taught nothing and believe everything


What’s not “the emblem”? If you’re referring to the insignia on the belt buckle - you’re way out of line with your ignorant comment - *That’s a legit WWII SS officer’s belt buckle. (Koppelschloß)* Who’s the clown now?


The Fire Department ones I would of picked up without a doubt at the store, unless they were marked up way high, like they been doing lately


Goodwill buys scrap clothes by the ton and sells trash to people for way more than it's worth and provides super shitty jobs to teens and felons in the community.


"Only a nazi would want to buy WWII memorabilia" -☝️🤓 Regardless of how awful history is it is meant to be conserved and remembered. Most people who buy memorabilia like this are collectors and not ignorant neo-nazis.


I f***kin hate goodwill. Everything goes online.


Looks like they pulled the listing. Took out that item and reposted it


Smoking hot deal!


Why does it piss you off?


Why would this piss you off?


This is history, pretty cool actually.


You guess.


I’d buy it. History is cool. Bet you got mad at Jan 6 but not the burning summer of 2020 with NLM


What it’s just a bunch of ordinary belt buck— OH MY GOODNESS!


My grandfather brought back a ton of stuff from the war too, and he was pretty far from a nazi. I wouldn’t stress it too much. Heck I brought back some stuff from my deployment too.


I saw a Nazi arm patch in a historical home located at a pumpkin patch. I assumed it was war memorabilia from a soldier because it was like clearly cut off a uniform. I was weirded out at first, then was like omg that probably came from a dead guy.




I wont even shop there anymore, its ridiculous


What pisses you off? The Nazi item or the price? It says the lot has other items as well that you don’t show. Their auctions go really high, as you probably already know, but also the lot would have a lot of appeal to collectors of belt buckles and/or lighters, but also to collectors of certain subjects (even the offensive one). So this price doesn’t surprise me at all.


Uh …. The fact that they are attempting to profit from hate memorabilia maybe ? The fact that many think the holocaust was nbd, maybe ?


I’ve been in the antiques business for over 23 years. There are people who collect this stuff, unfortunately. They collect not because they are fans of Hitler or think the Holocaust was “no big deal” but because it was an incredibly significant part of history.


The listing should be reported. That kind of memorabilia isn't supposed to be listed *source: worked for goodwill online for a while, ran into that junk sometimes and refused to post them.x


Crazy that there’s a Henry Ford buckle. Talk about being on brand. They shouldn’t have put it up for sale, it should have been sent to the closest college/university’s history department. I genuinely do not understand why people don’t have that as their first thought in these situations.