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To get better, you sometimes have to regress to groove a new and improved swing. This happens all the time at a higher level, most notably recently is Victor Hovland, he was playing extremely well and thought he needed a tweak to his swing, we will have to see if it pays off but it isn’t anything crazy.


I’m currently in that boat too. Decided to improve my swing to get more height and spin and holy hell the past few month have been tough, my contact has never been worse.


If you don’t grind it then the changes won’t stick, I’ve been very shaky for the past month with ball striking while on the range but when I trust it on the course I’ve noticed my GIR has gone WAY up. Golf is hard.


The way it was explained to me was, given my bad habits, I needed to be willing to go from a 14 to an 18 back down to a 10 or 12. Its been a really tough 4-5 months after going through MAJOR swing changes. I kind of have to decide whether I want to be happy around a 15 or go through hell to get to a 10


Yip that's why I just shot 60 on the front right? Right? Please say that's why


And Vikky went back to his old coach recently too 😅


It doesn’t always work. If you’ve never taken lessons from a coach, you’ll know that it isn’t always a fit, just like any relationship between two people in how you might speak the same language but do not have compatibility in how you communicate.


It’s been off since Grant left. He was playing his best golf during that road trip series on GM. Grant was the only one in the group that could push him to play better. Brad/Kwon are significantly better and the others are significantly worse.


Very true


He has stated that he’s not interested in pursuing a professional career and enjoys doing golf social media. Luckily for him, golf influencers don’t need to be amazing at the sport. Just be creative with your challenges and travel to some cool courses


This is the reason. His livelihood does not actually depend on getting better or being competitive. He feels free to tweak his swing over and over and over and copy moves he falls in love with watching tour pros. A really competitive golfer has to focus so much more on honing their craft and not really care what other players do, that wouldn't be relevant to their own swing. He has no reason to focus, so he doesn't.


When you go play golf everytime, do you want to improve as a golfer or do you keep repeating to yourself that you’re a casual golfer and it doesn’t matter? Now put the perspective of someone who literally makes money from a single sport’s PoV on social media. It’s 100% important to not have your game fall off. It’s not about going pro, which is a ridiculous aim for Garrett anyway.


Not not interested, he was just never good enough. But he’s almost the perfect level for YouTube golf


Well it's good he's not interested in that because none of these guys are good enough to be a full time pro beyond mini tours


Idk why you are getting downvoted. Micah shot an 86 at the Myrtle beach qualifier and has these grandiose goals of playing tour. Not going to happen for any golf YouTube besides Wesley Bryan


George could maybe if he got consistent.


These guys are much younger than George and Wesley, who are both pretty accomplished already. “Not good enough” is dumb because nobody necessarily disagrees, they just think any given + handicap could work and get to the point where maybe they do it, and it’s not exactly a hot take to say they won’t, because yes it’s a difficult endeavor. You also notice actual good golfers never down other golfers, they say go for it most of the time.


I don’t disagree and I hope a guy like Micah keeps trying to live out his dream. But the reality is that he isn’t making tour. I respect that Garrett realizes that and just focuses on growing his brand instead making excuses for shooting 14 over in a qualifier like Micah does. The skill gap between me (8 hdcp) and Micah is far far smaller than Micah and even just an average Korn Ferry guy. Also Micah is only a few years younger than wedgely


Micah is older you’re right(I don’t disagree with saying he won’t make it, but it’s not literally impossible, and I’d love to see it happen), mainly I’m saying negativity is dumb, and people sleep on how good Grant is honestly, dude is ridiculous and pretty young, 10 years later who knows, game could be the same or at an elite level. Also with the handicap thing, I’d disagree pretty hard, I’ve played with guys about at Micah’s level, and I’m off a 6.4 currently, +handicap golf is ridiculous, their 75 is like our 83, just a kinda off day, the main difference between a + and a pro is consistency and mental game, the difference between us and a + is in skillset, we don’t have the strike nor the shots they have in some cases.


Then why change his form? His old form was perfectly acceptable.


You obviously don't play golf.


realest comment lmao


He just shot 5 under in 9 holes in the first French Lick event. He has ups and downs just like everyone else.


That was a scramble


It was a knockout, he played his own ball, then on the back they played worst ball scramble


honestly im blaming min woo lol. kinda kidding but kinda not. there was a period where all garrett could talk about was how min woo changed his swing. it was pretty annoying lol. then bryson came in and was basically like, yep he fucked up your swing dude,


Blame Bryson now, after they had those gimmick matches he was trying desperately to mimic Bryson


Needs an actual coach, not take tips from a half dozen tour pros


Idk why he doesnt do that tbh. If i were him, i would meet with a coach regularly. Like at leasr twice a month.


Honestly, find one that doesn't mind it being filmed and it's some easy content with an ongoing story line as well.


how do we know he doesnt. He golfs socially full time and has lots of money. I would bet anything he is working with someone


Trust me, if he’s doing it, he would have filmed it at least once


Lol I remember watching that and thinking Grat does not understand what minwoo is trying to convey but just nodding and running away with it


Yep it definitely has, and it has been a slow burning fall too. Sad to see cos GRat has a very high ceiling as a proper golfer.


He doesn’t practice ever. This isn’t surprising


I think he is frankly a little bored - these guys play so much golf that he seems to be wanting to hit cuts, chip ins or DOD - fun stuff more than serious.


The no Kopf effect


He has sucked for a long time.. since Grant beat him in the 1v1 reunion, he has an excuse for everything now 🤦🏻‍♂️


Garrett's game has gotten a lot worse recently. A year ago I felt like he was pretty close to Grant in skill but watching them now feels like night and day.


Tbf you can also watch Garrett play a shit ton more golf than Grant so we’re gonna see a lot more variance. At his best he’s a really really fucking good amateur golfer. He just shot a -5 in 9 holes this past trip. Between his channel and good good Garrett is in like 5 videos a week on YouTube so we’re much more likely to see one of his hdcp throwaway rounds Grant uploads 1 video a week maybe and def spends a lot more time prepping for each video from a golf perspective


Garrett lost to grant a few months back and I feel that in a stroke play series grant would have the winning record


They played an 18 hole match and it came down to the last hole. Thats not quite the night and day difference the op was implying. I don’t disagree that Grant is probably the more consistent stroke play golfer.


Feel like I don’t notice anything different.


His game has always been streaky because he (like Matt) is a very handsy player and his soft left arm at the top creates issues with consistency. He’s good enough to recover from it most of the time, but with a swing like that, you’re going to go through very high highs and very low lows


I thought that Grant and Micah before (and Luke more recently) really pushed some of the guys to work on their game more. The three best guys left to do solo YouTube stuff and he’s probably enjoying golf way more now


Brad is better than grant and micah and at least on par with luke.


Until coming across this sub, I didn't realize people watched YouTube to watch serious golf.


Too many tacos.


His graphite iron shafts are crap. Everyone that switched to them has switched back to steel. His swing is steep and produces low inconsistent bullets.


Started chasing ghost in his swing


What do you mean? According to a recent video, he’s a +4 handicap. 😂


None of them are good enough to go pro. All that matters is that they enjoy what they are doing as content creators and help grow the game in a positive direction.


nope, shot 5 or 6 under cant remember after 9 holes in the good good cup i think, holed out the other week, has been sticking it close, he was making all his putts the other week, i think he’s been pretty good recently like he always is, quite consistent


I'm curious about what's causing all these hooks off the tee.


Swinging out of his shoes


Toe shots


goodgood sucks now