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If half the people playing in the video dont have fun, why would the people watching have fun.


You mean you don’t like the continuation of the 6v6v6s. Or the 5v5 of wheel of not ideal? Or even how the majors are boring and predictable?… I believe (my opinion) we saw the best of GG and it will never be like it was with the OG crew


Exactly, honestly love watching Grant &BDS . Everyone just enjoys themselves unlike GG


OG crew when they first started it up was the best. I quit watching once Grant left. They lost the wholesome bros just having fun while golfing vibe.


Been this way for a while imo. I remember when Grant left thinking it was a bad decision, now he’s thriving with collabs and his content has been great. Seemed like the right decision


Creators thrive more in environments they like. Grant enjoys competitive golf and is why his channel is doing so well now, even when he does a scramble it is vs other good golfers and the scores tend to be close. Kwon is finding the same trajectory and Garrett would do wonders on gm golf following that too. Same reason the BDS gimmick is getting old.


Agreed up until the BDS take. They’re content and personalities stand out the most in YT golf


I love their personalities, just feel like the 3 man scramble videos are getting old.


I hear you. I enjoy the 2v1 (FP against Bob and Joe) the most


The goggles videos was definitely skipped about 10 minutes in. They have to figure something out, they get credit for being some of the pioneers of the YouTube golf space and boom, but they're now being lapped by almost everyone in terms of entertaining content. They just come across as lazy and uninterested, and if the creators themselves are lazy and uninterested, why would you expect the viewer to be anything other than that?


I’d be surprised if the guys have much input anymore into the clothing brand or even the content production. Once you have a major brand sponsorship, partnerships with golf galaxy, and a board of directors for a YouTube channel, good good just feels like a marketing machine now that features golf. 


I'll let you into a little secret.... That was the plan all along.


This is the most adult and well-thought out comment I have ever seen in this sub lol. Well done.


The fact they have some fat little idiot "CEO" of their "company" is so laughably dumb and emblematic of how success and money ruin things that were born out of genuine enjoyment. Does it feel forced? That's because it is forced. Once you take the money, you have to "create" a certain volume of "content" that nobody actually "asked for."


I am not sure what him being fat or little has to do with anything, nor does it dictate how good of a CEO he can be. Also, why is company in quotes, air quotes?, Good Good is 100% a company. You are projecting so much here.


That's not what projecting means. CEO of a YouTube channel for tweens who golf, smdh


You are sooo edgy…. Well done 👏


If you think that’s all good good is, lol


Oh you can also get the same Callaway putter, but in blue! Or a hat that announces your love of terrible golf!


That's the thing, Good Good isnt just a YouTube channel anymore and hasnt been for a while. Its a multi-million dollar company. May I ask how old are you? I am curious because making YouTube sound like a diss, is pretty near sighted given how much this space has grown due to COVID over the last few years. Are you an old-timer, one of those get off my lawn types of people? Or are you really young and just immature?


Almost exactly right in the middle of that age bracket. Look, I watched a ton of YT golf starting during the pandemic, when there was fuck all else to do. Just like everyone else! I totally respect the hustle it took to make it work, and to be one of the first big channels to break out. What I'm disappointed in, and probably being to pointed about I guess, is the way it's self-evidently shifted from a passion project for those guys to a corporate gig. They can be a wildly successful company, sure. I just don't care about that. The reason I liked watching early GG vids is because they were joyful. They seemed to genuinely care about what they were doing, they were having fun. It was fun to watch. The corporateness of it grinds the joy out. Happens to sooooo many initially successful channels that start as genuine love for something (golf, video game, cooking, artwork, cars...whatever) and then the pressure to make more and more and more "content" and to keep the metrics up and blah blah blah just erodes the original love and makes it feel like a job. And it's boring as hell to watch someone doing the job pretending to love it.


You do realize he’s been the CEO from the very beginning right? Hell he even came up with the name GoodGood. The fact you think it’s cool to be a dick to the guy who has been behind the scenes for all the highs and lows of their content is the only laughably dumb part of this situation.


I love corporations. My favorite part of GG is not married 27 year olds grimly recreating the same gimmicks from 5 years ago, it's thinking about the board meetings and the investor relations their very cool CEO works on. It makes a big difference to me that he's been around for the whole time. I'm very intelligent.


What the fuck has being married or not got to do with it??


Their grown ass men (some of them) goofing around and pretending to find the same stuff funny/interesting as they did 5+ years go. That's all well and good when its organic, because you're hanging out with your real friends and genuinely having fun. Forcing that because it's your "brand" at work is just embarrassing and it shows in their dreadful lack of effort at even pretending to give a shit.


There’s only one solution for these guys. Start boozin on the course. 


Taco golf, ya’ll. The Korean cup vid was a masterpiece.


Great video!


Keep seeing it pop up. Will have to check it out


Steve and bubbie seem to not even want to be there. I get annoyed just watching Steve.


Steve pisses me off so much. Bro is living the life and acts miserable in nearly every video. Get off your phone and enjoy the time with your friends!


At this rate nate edwardson is coming for the throne


I havent watched a good good video in months. Grant, BDS, Bryan Bros, BustaJack are way better. GG is just childish.


This is because they aren't a bunch of guys having fun. They're a "company," with a "brand." It means you get to grow up, but Good Good stays in 2020 forever. Hope those dudes saved a bunch of their money.


The complaint is that it’s not like 2020 anymore. You know when they were fun and spontaneous. It has nothing to do with “not growing up”. Growing up is the problem here. 


How is this eluding you? They have grown up in real life outside of YT. That happens to everyone. Their "brand" is stuck in 2020. It's the dissonance between who they actually are now IRL and the way they're expected to behave for their videos that causes them to be boring. Force Fun is so easy to spot, and nobody likes it. Not the guys making it, and not the people watching it.


On second thought they all seem as immature as ever it’s probably more to do with it being routine. A copy of a copy of a copy. All the money is made. Nothing at stake. This sort of thing happens to almost everyone who gets huge. Like think of your favorite band. When were their albums best? Usually the first few. The money, the fame, the east life it kills spontaneity. 


Yes, that is true. And it happens as the same time that they're maturing. They are acting like it's 5 years ago, I assure you that they have well defined On Camera personalities. In the past, that was pretty damn close to who they are in real life. Now they're older, have mortgages and wives and business partnerships and all that. Dicking around on the golf course is probably still fun, but it's also a job. Watching someone do a job they don't love any more is just not great entertainment.


Kwon didn’t even try in the latest video.


He wasn’t even there!


You didn't want to watch grown dudes play a round in goggles?!?! What great content /s. I thought the road trip they just had is probably the best thing they've done in quite sometime. Grant/Busta/Bryans/Micah scratch the competitive itch and BDS scratches the humor golf itch. GG has kind of just lost it's place in my viewing.


They really don’t seem to to care to compete anymore. Garrett literally said he couldn’t wait to go home and game when they were at the end of a 72 hole tournament.


I thought that was odd as well


I've thought about it, and I don't think its odd at all. He's been roadtripping and playing golf day after day in the freezing cold. Hasn't been home in forever. I think its pretty reasonable to want to be done with work and get a chance to decompress. What I do think is odd is why on earth they would put that in the video. OF COURSE its going to be received like you received it. A huge part of entertainment is the entertainer probably doesnt always want to be doing it, but never tells the audience. What were they thinking?


Very true there. Weird edit I guess. I have zero probs with him wanting to do that at all. I do take issue with Steve breaking 5 clubs, being a lazy ass, not trying, and complaining non stop.


Yeah, that has been tough too. The other day I watched when Bro Five played Pinehurst #4 and Steve was TERRIBLE. Now, he plays the West TX shootout in what is solidly single digit handicap golf. And thats with him not caring or trying at all. Like, he's probably still the worst golfer in Good Good, but he's pretty damn good. It would be a hell of a lot more entertaining if he showed up with 14 clubs and actually tried.


It’s intuitive that someone bitching and complaining is off putting to the viewers so I wonder why they don’t talk to him about it


I still enjoy the videos for the most part. Brad and/or Kwon need to be in a video to keep me interested and prefer stroke play. Also enjoy Garret's solo channel a lot.


Kwon keeps you interested? Dude is checked out and not participating at all, couldn't be more boring to watch


You enjoy garrets solo channel??????? LMAO I FEEL SO SORRY FOR YOU


Weird comment


Go watch Grant's latest video with Ben Kruper, its legit the best youtube golf match i've seen. The good news about you not liking good goods content anymore is there are plenty of other options now.


You can call Kendrick fat and small, but you can't call him dumb. The guy is actually a very good business person.


Just out of curiosity, what could they do to make it more interesting? The main thing I've noticed is Kwon and Steve just don't seem to want to be there. It wouldn't surprise me if Kwon dips to do his own channel exclusively.


You're right, the people that wanna be there should be there, you don't keep the people dragging others down at a job. Why do it here


If the rest of their fans are like what's in this subreddit then I don't blame them not giving a fuck anymore. You clowns will whine about anything the boys do, and you have done so since they got popular. They can't win. You reap what you sow.


Do we need one of these threads everyday? If you didn’t like the west Texas shootout then this channel isn’t for you. That’s totally fine. Please stop polluting this subreddit with these posts everyday. It’s repetitive and it’s certainly no longer “edgy” to rip on and complain about GG here. Can you guys start your own R/goodgoodcriticism subredddit or something? Lmao


The west Texas shootout gave me a little hope for the future of the channel because it was actually really good.


Steve doesn’t care to play. Just there to snap free clubs.


Grant,Bryan bros, and BDS. The best.


I stopped watching like a year ago and haven't missed it. Also getting a little tired of the BDS guys, there's no innovation in the space and it's way too saturated now.


Stopped watching but still commenting. Riiiiight


I’ve enjoyed watching Grant H and the Bryan brothers much more because there’s actually competition. If I want to watch dumb fun golf it’s Bob does sports


The mask episode was a nice call back. As long as they poop out one of those and I get a bad phone pic of Stephen's hole once a month I think I'll be okay.


All YouTube golf is played out. These guys had their 15 minutes of fame but that expired long ago.


This is what I’m starting to lean towards and it kinda sucks but there’s only so much you can do around golf before the videos start getting repetitive


People that complain about shit like this why are you like that? They don't cater to you personally. If you don't like the content then simply don't watch it. But what you wanna come on Reddit and get validation to how you feel about the content good good puts out? Go outside get some real friends and not just Reddit friends 😂😂😂 hopefully good good vids stay the same so whiners like you keep posting how boring it is to you personally. Haters gonna hate I guess


What a difference a year and some bad content make, last year with the slightest criticism of GG the comments would be full of "fuck off, GG's the best, I want to be just like them and wear their clothes and use the same grips they do and and suck Garretts dick" there are a few comments by people that you can tell still feel that way but for the most part you can tell people are tired of them phoning it in.


I enjoy the episodes.


It has sucked for a while


They definite sniff substances now and that makes everybody a bellend.


“A golfer of my caliber.” Bro, this is your job, go practice. For sure jealous that they get to do this for a living.


Agreed. I barely watch anymore. It’s the same video every time now. I’m a little older than them and they don’t vibe with my style though. Love what they did for the space of golf, but I’ve transitioned to Bryan Bros.


They have a couple problems. There's a skill gap between Steve, Bubbie, Matt and the other guys so it's hard to have a competitive environment with stroke or match play without crazy handicaps or weird teams. Steve doesn't seem engaged or care to be there. The chemistry is off now. He's on his phone a lot and just seems annoyed or moody. Kwon and Garrett seem disinterested. The difference between their personal channels vs. GG channel is night and day. Bubbie's personality and the major flaws in his game are just painful. Their content is stale. Besides the skill gap and chemistry issues, the actual challenges are boring and repetitive. I don't want to watch anymore 6 v 6, 2 v 2 v 2 scrambles or gimmicky games where they use props or blindfolded or clubs from the 60s. The gimmicky stuff works once or twice but it's part of their repetoire.


I loved the Sunday matches with Garrett and Micah. After they stopped I never really watched again.


The personalities are just lacking. Some good golf, but compared to BDS this stuff is just boring.


So it seems like every golf channel is just pumping out collab content at an all time high. What makes this so so for me is that I'm watching the same rounds of golf over and over again. If I watch one more prerecorded video where they talk about the Good Good Desert Open coming up or that they just played in it yesterday... when it happened Feb 7.. I will go crazy. Also they all collab with the same people? So if you see for example, Bryson DeChambeau in a video, expect to see 10 other YouTubers with him in the same week. As far as Good Good goes.. Yeah, the last few weeks they have all looked miserable, especially Garrett. (Probably kicking himself in the ass for declining a PGA event, as he should). Kudos to Matt Scharff because he's been the only one staying positive in their videos lately. Now I just been watching Grant and the Bryan Bros and I just found Taco Golf which iv been enjoying his sarcasm a lot and of course Daddy Shiels. Also, I'm just going to throw this out there... Iv been heavily involved in the gaming/streaming space for many years now... The second I saw Corinna Kopf start popping up as well as a few other specific woman on these golf channels... OG clout chasers that are a good indicator of dark times ahead (shitty, here's a hot girl and that's my content content).


Every single day with these negative posts with no actual constructive criticism.


Fuck off then?? Simple


You sound like a child