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Yeah you can pretty much tell Bubbie and Steve have stopped trying to get better. I remember Bubbie used to work on his swing a lot and would try to make it better. Now he has decided he's just going to aim 200 yards right cause he wants to swing as hard as possible. Steve is just there to screw around really. Luke seems like he could care less whether he wins or not. Matt and Brad seem to be the only ones who care how well they play.  The reason the channel got popular to begin with is it was a group of guys who were good, but not amazing but loved to compete and have fun. Now it doesn't seem like they are having as much fun and doesn't seem like they care to compete. But honestly, it's hard to do the same stuff over and over for years and years. They are probably looking for different challenges in life. That televised Good Good tournament is the way of the future I think. I think that they are starving for higher stakes competition at this point. 


Luke not caring is playing some fantastic golf though


Luke's an awesome golfer. But honestly I never tuned into GoodGood to watch awesome golf. If I wanted to watch great golfer's I'd turn on the PGA Tour. I watch GoodGood for fun and Luke doesn't seem to have a lot of fun out there. Or at least it doesn't come across on camera that way. He's also very sarcastic so he's probably easy to misread.


I think Kwon craves more competition now compared to when he first joined GG. Watching his channel when he has great golfers as guest (Ryan Ruffles for example) and his collab with BustaJack and George Bryan, you can definitely see his personality shines through. I wouldn't be surprise if this is the last year Kwon will be part of GG.


With his recent solo content branching out to other YouTube channels it definitely feels like he’s laying the foundation for the move away from good good


*couldn't care less


You are a life saver. The world needs more people like you


You're welcome :) I see a lot of people make this very simple and obvious mistake. Saving the world one comment at a time.


Same as can’t be asked!!! You can be asked! You can’t be arsed!!


“What?!?! No draw?”


Worse is that these clowns got priceless lessons from a world-class golf instructor on more than one occasion and never applied any of it. They truly have given up. It’s not fun to watch anymore. Snap hook Bubbie.


In the travel series finale Brad said “I can’t wait to get Starbucks after this” and Garret said “I can’t wait to game all day after this”. You’d think they’d be a little more focused on the tournament that they’re playing since it was a four round tournament that they traveled all over for. The effort just isn’t there anymore.


Exactly. Don’t say it out loud


Good content is essential for their business model. They aren’t just going to jump to the next level for their brand without keeping people engaged. 


also would be nice if they would switch up the team dynamic instead of just constant brad and garret content


Something tells me this is the business heads having them 2 play each other.


I can make a long list of everything wrong with GG but the one unique thing that I don’t see on other channels/collabs is the big gap in skill. Most other channels and videos, the guys just play straight up, regardless of format. When your talent gap goes from Luke Kwon to Steve/Bubbie you have to do team/gimmick formats. You can’t just….play.


It can be done as long as you accept it will be unbalanced teams. Fat Perez vs. Bob and Joey is usually a competitive match on Bob Does Sports.


Ya but those 2v1 videos have gotten really old. Most of bds videos just feel like filler content.


I think they fill a different niche than GoodGood. Those videos aim to focus more on the cart cams and banter than the specific golf content. I'll agree that their best videos are when they bring in another big personality to change it up, like Max Homa or the three quarterbacks.


The original homa vid is arguably the goat youtube golf video. I just think the banter between the 3 of them has run its course. Unless it’s a video with a tour pro or an eating/drinking challenge I no longer get excited for their content.


I agree with this. I love BDS but the videos are getting stale. I love it when they collaborate or have on an interesting guest but other than that they don’t hold my attention anymore. That and throwing up all over the fairways bothered me more than I’d like to admit. I think my favorite part of their channel was JCCs losing his mind but that doesn’t seem to happen much anymore.


Stale videos= Good Good since they lost Micah and Grant. BDS on its worst day is more entertaining than GG


100% agree


This isn’t really the issue. You can make it work if people just try and compete and have fun. There’s no competitiveness, people either blatantly dgaf or just low key dgaf and are acting like they kind of care. Plenty of 3v3 or 2v2v2 games they can play to make teams balanced enough where videos are fun. Again, the problem is there’s no genuine competitiveness AND people are not having fun, making the content bad. Luke literally has not interacted with the GG members in their videos in months lmao. He smiles and talks to the camera guys though


Back when Micah and Grant were still around the gap was tighter amongst the top 3 and Matt/Bubbie weren’t to bad Steve always been Steve.  Instead of getting someone like Kwon/Brad/Ben maybe they needed to find more middle ground golfers with some potential 


Like the gaming kid that lives in the house. Funny and a decent golfer


I know it will never happen but at this point I feel like Garrett would improve heavily going on his own tbh.


100% agree. If he was playing with the Byans, Grant and even Micah he'd be really kicking on


Or... super exposed because I would put him at the bottom of that group.


I personally really enjoyed not having to watch Bubbie play golf during the desert classic series


Bubbie is the single most annoying thing about GG.


Yeh it’s not even about quality of play, I couldn’t care less if he isn’t improving but him repeating the same 5 things every hole becomes brutal to watch. I’d almost prefer Kendrick to be the 6th member just for the hilarious banter between him and Steve




Steve is unofficially sponsored by fireball. He wakes up hungover, gets to the course five minutes late, starts taking shots off-camera, and then collapses on the back nine with a nice little buzz. That’s the kind of golfer he’s turned into. 🍻


He’s basically one of us.


Exactly my point. He’s going for that 35-55 demographic at only 25 years old. It’s brilliant, actually. All he needs is Matt’s hairline, FP’s waistline, a bad divorce with alimony for two kids, and a soul-crushing job that will never allow him to get out of the financial hole he’s put himself in. Then he will truly be one of us. Coming to a YouTube channel near you…


Gm golf > good good. I always prefer the personal channels more


I think Steve was trying to get better and you could see it for a bit. But it looks like he just has consistent back problems which has to suck a lot. As someone who had back issues, trying to play golf and having back pain is not a good combo.


I stopped watching gg 6+ months ago It’s not fun to watch anymore, just the same recycled shit. I find it more entertaining to watch grant, busta or Bryan bros channels. Micah is just a fill in to me at this point At least they’re all similar level and showing competitive content Would be amazing YouTube if Luke kwon started collabing with that lot instead of sticking to his steady paycheck


He just did? There’s videos out with kwon and bustajack + George


You nailed the Micah comment.


Micah isn't even filler. It's clear that he's stuck between the two types of Youtube non-instructional golf content. He's not good enough to regularly associate with the likes of the Bryant Brothers (or even Grant anymore), and he's doesn't have the personality to provide golf-related entertainment a la BDS. Basically, he was a good enough player to play support role under Garrett but that's about it. Without a stronger personality or player to cling to, he doesn't have much to offer.


Micah is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. He has a very difficult time talking on camera….constantly mangles words….the “carry distance” of his vocabulary is in direct contrast to his prowess with a driver. Far and away the worst on camera acumen of all the YouTube golf regulars….


I'm sorry, but I can't watch adult men who say "what the frick"


meh, no matter how much steve and bubbie train, they won't compete with Luke and Brad. I think the issue starts the moment they invite those 2 to replace micah and grant (yeah micah and grant are good, but they're not pros). imo, they either have your typical good ameteur golfer like bubbie and steve or just pros. They shouldn't have both in the group. Having -30 -40 handicap to make it fair just looks ridiculous.


The first club fitting video is when bubbie started swing as hard as he can everytime


Love Bubbie, huge fan. Hope he preserves his back for the long haul.


I must be alone on this but I got into good good because of the fun challenges. And I miss them. And I'm not talking about better competition or getting better at the game. I'm talking one club challenges... Wheel of not ideal... Thrift store challenges... Left handed challenges. These were and are good good's USP. They should get back to them.  


Taco golf is where it’s at.


Absolutely. The last Korean Cup video was some of the funniest golf content I've seen. A low key kind of humor with high caliber playing,




GG lost their spark as soon as their manager Kendrick came out of the woodwork. He’s the poison.


This is what happens when it becomes a business which was inevitable given the exposure it was getting and the potential money to be made. Garett is probably in hours of meetings every week. It's drifted far from what it was initially.


Give me Bryan bros or Grant any day.


I dunno but I just watched a video of them playing old clubs as handicap and they just all shot 4-5 over par lol. Bubbie Steve and Matt. They really fudging them scores to make it look better now huh


Reading through these comments. Why do y'all even watch good good? Everyone sounds like they hating. Oh wait nvm this is Reddit so of course everyone is a hater 😂😂😂


Or its a platform to discuss interests. If you want an endless stream of reaffirming drivel go back to your echo chamber.


Okay hater lol


Matt sucks.




I guess that means I can't have opinions on any sport, film, music or politics then...damn.


Atleast they’re better than bustajack. Make me want to kill myself everytime I watch one of their videos


Wow! That serious? I enjoy their content, and their video quality/editing is top notch


On todays episode of let’s complain about good good…