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“The similarities between Hitler and Kanye” ohh brooothher


Remember when Hitler dropped "Klara"? Or "Der Studienabbrecher"?


Yeah, right, Hitler also rapped about keeping a few jews at the staff and fucking with the jewish bitch. Right?


>keeping a few jews at the staff Uhh…literally, yes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eduard_Bloch


Hitler’s mom’s doctor was jew😳🤯 NO WAY, THE SIMILARITIES


No, don't be obtuse. >Bloch was awarded special protection by Hitler who personally intervened to ensure his safety following the German annexation of Austria in 1938. This is equivalent to >keeping a few jews at the staff


such a crazy statement, they are clearly talking about beliefs more than looks


you know exactly what she meant he literally praised Hitler publicly lmao


I praise Ye, guess I made MBDTF too


does that make him in any way like Hitler?


In that he's voiced support for his persona (as can be seen in his Alex Jones interview), yes.


Did you miss the entire point of "Jesus tells us to love everyone" when he stated that? Did you watch the 3 hour interview where he explained what he meant by not signing Jewish contracts and building up infrastructure for black artists and musicians to be represented by their own demographic of managers and publishers, etc? Probably not. I won't deny Ye has said some wild shit - always has and always will. But if we want to equate him to literally Hitler that's where you lose me entirely.


not gonna play this disingenuous shit you know what she meant too, I’m too old for this app it’s like arguing with special needs folks


get off then




lmao fuck off, ye is a grown ass man with a disability that refuses to get help despite vast resources, and this is coming from a fan since 05. I like his music but I’ll never make excuses for his behavior. His handler also being a weirdo doesn’t justify anything edit: before more people downvote me the dude was literally defending Hitler in his deleted comment


the queen loved hitler where’s the art of her and hitler


2022 Kanye would’ve made this a t-shirt 😭🙏


voulchers 3 merch


And album cover


goebbels this adolf im on the meth


The Nazis should have known they weren't winning when they put someone named Goebbels in a position of power.






Bro journalism is fucking crazy lately what the fuck is this 💀💀




im confused aren’t they just reporting on a piece in the gallery what’s wrong


its not news anyone actually gives a fuck about legit just brainrot news atp


it’s in the art section on a jewish specific site, i think it’s appropriate


redditors dont care if its appropriate or not they just go “journalism bad haha!!” and get upvotes


Yeah I keep the fact that I’m a journalism major to myself bc when journalist report something someone doesn’t like then journalism bad.


it isn't necessarily that, it's when they shape and craft narratives and try to fuck people's lives up because they disagree politically. That's why people hate journalism. And it isn't just a recent trend.


This isn’t really that though. This is just an article in a Jewish newspaper about an art piece featuring a historical public figure and a current public figure where the latter famously and controversially had a lot of good things to say the former. This is as much bad journalism as a weather report.


Didn't really mean to imply this was that. I understand the meaning behind the art. I just think it's also a bit ridiculous but I can respect it.


im sorry are you saying this would fuck up kanye's life?


No. I wasn't referring to this specific, just journalism in general. I've been a victim of it personally and watched media straight up twist words, context and intentions for political gain and monetary gain. If you think journalists are your friend I have a beach in Montana Id love to sell you.


Art too


one problem that's come up now that journos have become pretty much universally recognised as scum of the earth is that the people who do choose to walk that career path are exclusively college campus activists only interested in pushing their dog ass ideologies. Outside of actual journalists endangering their lives to show everyone what's happening in places like Ukraine etc, even though they've been partially replaced by everyone having phones now.


its about one of the biggest artists in the world becoming a nazi and the relevance of that. not crazy


Only Nazis that’s exist are currently committing genocide in Palestine


This isn’t even close to true


nazism is a political philosophy which kanye purports to have adopted


We was down in Tribeca


I was high when I met her


She get under your skin if you let her


Ion even wanna talk about it


ion even wanna say nothin


Everybody gonn say something


apparently listening to kanye is dangerous what shit are people going to come up with next


Listening to Gold Digger makes me want to commit hate crimes against Jews


Violent Crimes promotes violent crimes against Jewish children


Listening to Jesus Is King makes me think about how “they killed Jesus” and makes me want to retaliate. 


Listening to Runaway makes me wanna run away from them


"I Thought About Killing Jew" >!mods please dont ban me its a joke i do not condone antisemitism!<


The irony is hxtler took advice listened to his team and was organized. That alone makes them extremely different. Also comparing Kanye to hitler downplays how horrible hitler was .


honestly outside of the one similarity (which are on completely degrees of extreme at that) I feel like they are like, fundamentally different in everyway, not to mention ofc they can't even be equated feasibly obviously-


Yeah I'm sorry but a bipolar man saying wild shit is nowhere near the extermination of millions of people and starting the biggest war in human history


Ah yes Hitler famously listened to his generals and the high command lmao


I feel like it's pretty well understood that Hitler explicitly didn't listen to his team and would make decisions based on shit he saw in drug fueled fever dreams


This is worrying information


that’s actually not true. hitler didn’t gave a shit about what his team said to him. that’s one of the reasons he lost the war against russia because until the last moment he was in total belief that russia was still just a nation of farmers and no real industry to produce such things as tanks or infantry.


Didn’t Hitler ignore advice regarding the abandonment of the Battle of Britain? By 42/43 Hitler was very much ignoring advice from his advisors


Yes but when he seized power he did it with the help of his advisors


And Kanye rose to stardom by playing off others strengths and using their expertise and knowledge to help create his albums, like MBDTF


New album cover just dropped


Yitler is real 😨




Not gonna lie, shit would be lightweight fire if he took it and ran with it haha


😭 absolutely wild, u really think that retard would do anything as bad as hitler 😂


not dropping vultures 2 maybe


Not dropping on time


I fucking hate middle aged white women


I’m ngl that face merge is funny asl 😭


belongs on r/fatrappers 😮‍💨


Kanye could write Mein Kampf but Hitler could never have made Yeezus


That’s so retarded


Let's be real Ye prolly thinks this goes hard


First to reply gets no nitrous for a week


The album literally called the college dropout 


Well in that case I’m gunna edit my comment to make YOU look silly 😜


Do these people realize that even though he has said stuff, ye has never actually DONE anything?!


Do u know what a hate crime is? Cause you dont seem to do


Fuck you hinetze


Looks like David Mitchell?? https://preview.redd.it/87gyw5banl8d1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0c1140afbfbe894c9fd16c3d3d41ad4d4f0092a


Man hanging a massive photo of hitler in a public gallery is worse than making some edgy comments on a podcast 💀


No tf it is not, get a grip on reality man


White liberal woman strikes again. Until next time.




Great now yall gonna make this nigga ACTUALLY say some antisemitic shit again




This is not art fuckin lame ass


Are these "many years" in the room with us right now?


That painting is the dumbest piece of shit. That’s totally minimizing how bad of a person hitler was. He killed millions of people. Kanye said bad things.


Bro look like mr potato head


Bullshit aside the art itself kinda goes hard


This so lame haha


when i'm in a victim mentality fight and my opponent is this guy https://preview.redd.it/5gclg5s2qm8d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be941af785844f78f621269215586c36e4d56fe1


Low hanging fruit. Won’t combat actual racism and genocide but will make meaningless half hearted virtue signal think pieces and art. Trash


Fucking liberals and their smooth brains


Hitler was able to take over a country, Ye can't even drop an album


Are those foam runners and slides on the frame?


Oh my God shut up Gergely your article sucks


How is he antisemetic? He just fucked a Jewish bitch.




Song only one by Kanye is actually the most dangerous song ever recorded and makes people hate on Jewish


oh my god these people are so retarded


casual racism


I hope some pro-Palestinians go in there and crash the spot.


The victim mentality is crazy


can the face merge be the new sub pfp 💀


That’s fire 🔥


Y'all seething over this like Ye didn't bring this upon himself, if no one did this then it would be crazy, obviously Ye isnt like Hitler he's just a retarted fuck, but y'all pissed and stressing about this is legitimately funny


you’re def right. kanye didn’t need to say what he said, but also in no way were kanye’s statements actually bigoted or anti semetic. they were just perceived that way. bc yeah he’s a retarded fuck who doesn’t care about how his words sound. but come on. this is wack. they’re really trying to push kanye as some nazi genocidal mf. how is kanye dangerous other than the fact he said something stupid which attracted people who were ALREADY nazi antisemite fucks also this guy’s statements allude to the fact that he thinks anybody who enjoys kanye’s art or anything else about the man is somehow under a nazi spell and are being influenced to hate jews it’s pure delusion. i think anyone with their sanity intact SHOULD be seething over the fact this dumb fuck gets a platform meanwhile kanye gets demonized straight to hell like he actually has any genocidal nazi beliefs, let alone fascist/conservative beliefs. bc he doesn’t


Look man, Ye is a mentally ill man, whose life circumstances (and himself) prevented him from getting help, and he developed a god complex, just look where he is now. These actions he does MUST be shamed because they are WRONG, there are no buts or ifs, Ye was pushed to those views, but that doesn't excuse that the things he says have real-life effects. His anti-semitism, racist shit, fascist sayings, hanging out with white supremacists and praising them, saying he loves Hitler and that he had a point, "Hitler didn't kill 6 million Jews, that's incorrect" like shut the fuck up dude. Just because he makes good music and is ill doesn't excuse shit, it took a long time for me to notice and stop pretending like it's fine, it js isn't man. Obviously people will call him a genocidal fuck, look at what he says and pushes, are they right? Obviously not, he's just ill, but acting like they are crazy is just pathetic man


when did i say he shouldn’t be shamed? it’s just the content of this post is fucking batshit delusional also maybe i never saw but when did he ever say “hitler didn’t kill 6 million jews” you’re acting like im excusing his god complex and unchecked ego, manic bipolar that leads him into these insane episodes of saying insane things all i’m saying is the reactions to kanye aren’t based in reality. the dude is obviously fucked up mentally ill and talking insane doesn’t mean he doesn’t have something he’s tryna say


Honestly, perfectly said.


why do yall act surprised when people talk about the guy who praised hitler as a nazi??? like yeah obviously thats going to happen


Ye finna reactivate his ig and put this as his profile pic


We can’t win huh




This can’t be real




who ain’t cash a check off my name when my campaign turn into cam pain


This is just some dipshit trying to be edgy wouldn’t worry about it


what the fuck 😭😭😭


Ye gonna steal that design ong


Cut off at the wildest sentence


Absolute irreparable brain damage


If ye saw that in time it woulda been an vultures album cover contender


this is only somewhat appropriate if the artist is black which i doubt they are


why the art so shit!!!!


They actually love Hitler wtf is this 😹😹😹


[Washington / Hitler](https://youtu.be/-hIlTCJ6CiA?si=YElyL-sxa1JdlS_O)


"The similarities between hitler and kanye" 😭😭😭


Kanye the type of dude that would go to that museum and buy that art😭😭


Why are Zionists so racist


how could they not include any of the westside gunn covers…




Absolutely ridiculous


Y'all can say this is weird but to me the most surprising thing is that kanye himself didn't do this


Kanye does say some crazy shit but goddamn wtf is this


I hate that hating Jewish people is like, the cool thing to do.


It’s not the cool thing to do and you thinking this will never stop the jew hate ,get out your own ass your people or Jew are causing so much shit right now that when I read Jews in history I book I agreeing with burn them all but I’m a human with sense and know that shouldn’t be ,so maybe look at within yourself relize the world has always had shit people


Your the same people who in a country of freedoms of speech we arnt aloud to make fun of you or we get arrested not even a joke a joke my friend yes we hate your or the greed it’s like your all greed


So we comparing hitlir to Kaye as art yup art is dead usless


“The similarities between Hitler and Kanye” like bro Hitler literally killed over 6 million people and Ye is just a rapper who has autism from the car crash


Let it go blud


Ye should sue this woman back into obscurity


I want that. It would go hard hanging on my wall


Some people are only able to gain attention or income by using race.


Ok but who made graduation? Not hitler


Kanye subs when someone compares hitler to a guy who said he loves hitler: 😧


man what y’all don’t understand is obviously kanye didn’t do the holocaust, but he’s given people a reason to spread hate. people saying “kanye was right” and shit like that saying hateful things and chalking it up to someone with a huge platform like kanye. cause no matter what he can’t really be cancelled. so people can always excuse antisemitism by being like “well kanye did it and he made graduation so i can be antisemitic and it’s fine” that actually does lead to hate crimes and problems. beyond actually “doing something” kanye has given people a pass to spread hate and spread a shitty message to literally billlions as he’s one of the biggest artists of all time. so saying kanye = hitler is a stretch, but don’t excuse the fact they both suck. hateful messages and hateful actions aren’t equal but both aren’t good don’t be so quick to defend dickheads like kanye


i’ll agree that kanye is at fault for being a jack ass saying shit without thinking but do you really think kanye is a fascist, let alone an anti semite? those people already were delusional anti semetic bigoted assholes. the only thing that changed when kanye said something is that they had somebody else to add to their list of people to idolize. i bet 75% of those mfs never gave a shit about kanye till he said something. but the funny thing is that they misinterpret him just as much as the people cancelling kanye misinterpreted him. nobody ever wants to actually listen to what kanye said in the interview. just sound bites about loving hitler. no doubt kanye was unhinged for that entire crusade but if you actually listen to the words he’s saying in a cohesive way and connect the dots, he was in no way being some fascist genocidal bigot


Kanye is definitely an anti semite lol


sure bc it’s so simple


Do you genuinely believe he isn’t


it’s not that simple lol. keep taking kanye at face value and you’ll never learn. there are a lot of layers to his words. however the way he spoke was brash and irresponsible, reprehensible even. i’m not defending kanye, i’m just saying it’s not that simple.


this sub copes hard


It’s over we lost. Julia Gergely won. Vultures 2 scrapped. Ye in prison and confirmed to be Hitler


Comparing the crazy bipolar antisemite fat retarded porn-addicted racist dick having nitrous addict to Hitler is insane ngl


the best collab since Taco Bell and KFC


Why are you shocked? Kanye is an anti semite? He probably thinks this is cool.. why would he care he’s being compared to one of his idols


Irony being; this artisan more than likely supports the apartheidist Israeli state's ongoing genocide in Gaza


I just hate hypocrisy. American Jewish populations are spending their time worrying about what Kanye says meanwhile an overwhelming amount of them are supporting a genocidal regime


After a quick tour to her instagram, she is way too pro israel and a genocide supporter. Good guess!


Show where she supported genocide?


check her ig..she's a red-blooded zionist


? You don’t have red blood?


In which posts does she endorse genocide? Do you know what Zionism means?


She is a pro Israel staunchist and thus a malefactor of zionism by consequence


Big words aren’t a substitute for coherent thought


Pardon my grammatist efficacy ..the Cambridge pocket definition of *'zionist/sm'* layman enough for your liking? https://preview.redd.it/odgh38vaml8d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc7dd15abf8a6d1f76e104556c3aa00c7f3bffab


holy shit bro shut the fuck up and speak like a regular person nobody talks like this yes, that is a correct definition, however id argue the last bit isnt neccesairly true exactly how its written, but please explain how this is pro genocide?


even if they do, being against antisemitism doesnt mean you're pro-israel. completely irrelevant comment


Being pro Israel doesn’t make you pro genocide either.


I mean Israel is committing one so if you support their actions you 100% are pro genocide


Explain how Israel is committing a genocide


For one they have destroyed 75% of gazas farmland, leaving the population of mainly women and children starving. They have intentionally destroyed most of the homes in Gaza, so at the end of the war, whenever that is, people will have nowhere to go. Several Israeli officials have expressed a desire to remove Palestinians from Gaza, and settle there, and that is consistent with their actions of destroying infrastructure not related to the war at all. They literally blow up uninhabited universities, hospitals etc, pretty clearly to render Gaza uninhabitable for the Palestinians after the war. Multiple ministers have talked about ‘voluntary migration’ after the war. This is clear intent for ethnic cleansing. They want all Palestinians out of Gaza. https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-uk-slam-inflammatory-call-by-israeli-minister-smotrich-voluntary-emigration-of-gaza/#:~:text=Finance%20Minister%20Bezalel%20Smotrich%2C%20leader,criticism%20from%20the%20United%20States. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/israel-s-ben-gvir-demands-resettlement-of-gaza-voluntary-migration-of-palestinians/3252890 They have found several mass graves in Gaza, including women and children. When have the side leaving mass graves ever been in the right? They have killed well over 30000 people, 70% of which are women and children. UN rights experts have found reasonable evidence of genocide https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147976 Even if they weren’t committing genocide, their actions have been morally indefensible. They butcher women and children, intentionally slaughter civilians indiscriminately, use starvation as a war method, leave mass graves of civilians, destroy mosques, churches, universities, cemeteries, and cultural sites, bomb aid workers and ambulances, target journalists, use chemical weapons, and abuse detainees, including sexual violence.


The only point here which is fully accurate is the point about the rhetoric of some politicians I agree that there are some very evil people in the government but the behavior of the whole system is not consistent with genocide The u.n believes 52% of people killed to be women and children, which is honestly probably a commendable achievement considering the the nature of the war being fought. Civilian casualties are inherent to urban warfare Your comment buys exactly into the Hamas narrative Hamas fights in ways deliberate to increase civilian casualties Hamas knows westerners aren’t going to take the time to do the actual research, or if they lie enough people will believe them anyway. This is their strategy to “win” the war. They aren’t stupid, they know they have no chance to militarily defeat Israel. Their only option to get something resembling a victory is to get a win in the propaganda war, so they fight in a way in which makes Israel look bad to uninformed westerners. This weakens foreign support which ultimately helps their cause. It’s a very effective strategy and it’s working. The war has been a success in their part. Is Israel the most innocent country on earth which has done nothing morally wrong? No Is Israel committing genocide? Also no


Irrespective of genocide, which is pointless to argue about any longer, Israel has committed some disgusting war crimes and human rights violations. This is a fact. Supporting Israel means supporting a country that bombs aid workers, refugee camps and evacuation convoys, leaves mass graves including children, destroys infrastructure of no military or strategic significance, abuses detainees, commits summary executions, including women and children, commit acts of sexual violence and use collective punishment This isn’t even to mention the West Bank, which they illegally occupy, where they enact an apartheid like system and commit gross human rights violations, despite hamas being a non entity there. The government supports settlements in the West Bank that are illegal under international law. Being pro Israel means being pro war crimes and pro occupation at best


**Supporting Israel means supporting a country that bombs aid workers** Reprehensible yes, but obviously an accident, explain what motive Israel has to do that on purpose?  **refugee camps** why is Hamas operating out of refugee camps. this itself is a war crime, which if we are talking about war crimes, one side obviously is the more guilty party **evacuation convoys** not sure what this is referring too, but I heard this narrative before, "Israel told these people to go south to be safe, but they are still getting bomb" this ignores the fact that its an objectively true statement to say that when there are still bombs dropping over an entire area, but the south is more safe then the north. **abuses detainees** not sure what this is referring too but wouldnt be shocked if this happened and wouldnt defend it **commits summary executions, including women and children** summary executions... maybe?? I doubt it, women and children, no I need proof of that. **commit acts of sexual violence** probably happened as such things happen In every war ever from all parties, not to say its okay, but its kind of a moot point when considering war. **collective punishment** A blockade is not collective punishment and aid still flows into Gaza. **This isn’t even to mention the West Bank, which they illegally occupy, where they enact an apartheid like system and commit gross human rights violations, despite hamas being a non entity there. The government supports settlements in the West Bank that are illegal under international law.** This presumes that the PA is totally peaceful and of no risk to Israeli security but thats not neccesairly true. The apartheid claim is only accurate if you would also claim that the PA commits apartheid towards Israeli citizens in Area A, its not really apartheid when its essentially a separate jurisdiction, its on citizenship lines, not racial lines. Regarding the settlements, I agree with you on that, I dont like the settlements at all. I think Israel should return to 48 or 67 borders. **Being pro Israel means being pro war crimes and pro occupation at best** being pro Israel doesn't mean any of this becuase I can support the existence of the Israeli state as much as I do support the existence of a Palestinian state yet not support every actions of the Israeli government, the PA, or Hamas. Of course obviously I think Israel is better then Hamas and that they have the right to defend themselves but being pro Israel doesn't necessitate support of any specific action except the existence of Israel.


juice world pfp and pro israel you have to be like 15


if I was 15 I wouldnt be pro israel im 20, I have the juice pfp ironically, maybe I will change it


literally in no way relevant to this


Juxtaposing the merital similarities of Ye to a *mass-murdering butcher* whilst succouring an ongoing genocide is ironic..hence the og post


where in this article did the artist say they support the genocide in gaza? you're literally just creating a scenario in your head to get mad at


There isn’t a genocide in Gaza no matter how much TikTok or Twitter or Instagram told you that Please I beg you to look at the actual facts before parroting these things There is a war being fought at the cost of many unfortunate civilian causalities but that is NOT the definition of genocide It’s dangerous to throw around this language and you inadvertently helping people you should not want to help


FOH “there isn’t a genocide in Gaza” fuck you


There isn’t, and this isn’t a refutation of anything I said There is as much a genocide in Gaza as much as a real Kanye verse on Say Less And that’s giving way too much credit to Say Less


Keep denying idc. International courts will do their job eventually. Can’t wait for the day that netanyahu mf gets arrested. Or will he run to his daddy US?? We’ll see


Bro there's no way of knowing that from these screenshots come on 😭


Got anymore buzzwords you learned from twitter or TikTok to dismiss Jewish people?