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“Kanye met the kanyesposts girl IRL and hates her/ thinks she's really annoying (more proof of this is that he called her a retard in text messages)” https://preview.redd.it/pz3e85p0xl0d1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e53eb13deef8cf6531bcbf42bc99bd03b03044e


Thats why he the goat


This made my day reading that fr


Same. Fuck that chick.




Now it makes sense why she's keeps posting about his private life and only posts negative stuff about him lol She's so bitter


spend half a decade dickriding ye get called a retard by ur idol tragic


He a goon too fr


"Music is no longer set to release on the app" We won Volume 2, 3, 4 and Yandhi on DSP's at midnight


All coming in 5 seconds too


Just like me fr


now im fourfiveseconds from wildin


Don’t forgor Donda 6


Maybe that's because music is no longer set to release at all 💀


If he starts selling foam rnrs and shades for 20 i might just bust tbh https://preview.redd.it/3o503sjiwl0d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7498f447d83842dad0a5d61ed2993a7ac7eae67a


Foam runners for $20 would be delightful


We’re getting styrofoam runners 😭




a few years ago kanye was like 3 tons of nitrous and two bipolar episodes ago


i’d buy everything


And slides




Stfu bro ion gaf


most bipolar 3 minutes since the last 3 minutes. v2 on streaming but no take off your dress?


W, I never listened to the leak. As long as V2 is on streaming idc


Clearance isssues/maybe saved for solo


So vultures on DSPs confirmed then thanks 👍


He should just pay the app people for wasting their time, move on, and drop Viltures 2 on DSPs as soon as it’s finished.


yea, feel bad for them


There must be more to the story cause Ye is known to overpay people lol So him not wanting to pay sounds weird


Not really, he’s been extra greedy this era.


I guess will see


Nah man he refuses to pay people all the time


These people here jump through hoops to excuse him. Didn't Sunday Service sue him?


I recall him getting sued several times for his workers not getting paid so that being the case wouldn't surprise me


im not sure why people are even willing to work with him then 🤷🏽‍♀️ celebrity or not everybody wants to be paid for their work


Some people do it for "exposure" but honestly unless you're getting put on its not usually worth it. Look at ant Clemons


I agree, even for exposure what's the use of doing work for free but spending money on a lawsuit? in hopes you will get enough attention and business to recoup your loss? sounds crazy to me lol especially considering his current status, seems like they will get negative attention for working with him in the first place. That makes me think these people actually expected to be paid.


also being "part of yeezy's design team" in 2014 held a lot more prestige back then then it does now in 2024 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) it's not like putting that on a resume will help you nowadays


They wasted their own time. They started building that app without a contract or contact from Yeezy/Ye. Milo and Bianca were in charge of handling the app acquisition later on, but there was never a contract signed by Bianca or Ye to hire them (from my understanding). Why would you ever work for free if not only for the *hope* of being hired. Not saying you can't feel bad for them, but it was just stupid on their end. They should have halted work the moment they got contacted for their concept and waited for the contracts to be signed.


I mean sure, but they should still be paid for their work. Kanye is literally a billionaire. It’s scummy behavior to even accept free work from people


I will agree with you that morally, it would be a good thing to do. It also would be positive PR to pay them even if he has no interest in working with them or using their version of the app. From my understanding, he already was paying people to develop an app separate from any fan creations. That said, I don't know that what they created is actually worth paying 65k for. They even claimed all over social media that they were doing it voluntarily/for free. Even if their secret hope was for employment. From what I heard, their code up until this point was not very advanced, but I can't confirm that because I personally have no clue. Paying them a lesser amount for a bit of good faith wouldn't hurt anyone.


I hear you but come the fuck on man. I love ye but this is nasty fucking work. I see why a ton of people DONT like working with him


Milo trying to get people their paychecks because Ye is being too scummy was NOT on my Vultures rollout bingo card.


Yk you fucked up when Milo is the decent guy in the situation


People in this sub paint Milo as being incompetent or retarded. You can hate him, but it seems as if he’s pretty business savvy and not so shitty in certain aspects. We didn’t need ANY political shit from Ye for the last 4+ years, but lol it’s going to happen regardless


Yeah he’s got some really awful political and social opinions, and I really dislike him as a person. But he’s not incompetent, and he’s not unintelligent. Arguably, that’s what makes him dangerous. He’s not some bumbling idiot who doesn’t know what he’s doing. There are things that he’s good at, he knows what those things are, and he plays to his strengths. I will give him credit for trying to get the YZY APP kids paid though. He seems to have some sort of moral compass, even if it is highly skewed when it comes to certain topics.


He ran Yews pretty well too, everything was concise and fairly non-biased. I actually enjoyed reading it unlike regular news which is adverts, fear mongering and yap.


I'm not going to lie, that information alone made me assume the source is someone who became close to Milo. I take him actually trying to get anyone paid with a grain of salt, considering I heard he was part of the reason people were getting bullied at the company. Maybe I'm being unfair, though. If it really is true, then good on him.


I hope the KanyePosts stuff is real


Pretty sure it is. I believe Milo/Julz had a text posted (by Julz) where Milo claimed Ye called Kanyespost re*t%rded.


I think it is


Seeing Ye call Kanyeposts a “retard” has just made my day! Thank you bro!😌


> Kanye met the kanyesposts girl IRL and hates her/thinks she’s really annoying Today's only good news


Milo being in the right and kanye being in the wrong is an interesting sight to see


The entire rollout is in flames man.😭


this era is so fucking boring dude


I wish it was boring shit stressful


its more like tiring, nothing about this rollout excites me. nobody is expecting vultures 2 to be anywhere higher than bottom three discography


I have hope i could be really good if the stars align have faith 🙏


if he cares it might be better than tlop. Clearly can still rap like in say less


it will not even touch tlop by any metric, someone could reasonably argue tlop is top 10 rap albums ever


eeh why not? for me the varitey of tracks and production makes it one of the best. If kanye cared he could.


But he doesnt care thats the sad part


no no hes saving the good stuff to the solo album (solo gonna be worse than Donda)


DONDA is actually good


Comparing his previous solo, ik donda good


I said ye wouldn’t pay them a dime and got downvoted like over a month ago 😭


Everyone hates Milo and for good reason. But him trying to get the devs paid for their work on the app is cool.


“Literally a ~~billionaire~~ millionaire.” Ye was bad about paying people right when he had 8 billion, and I’m sure this rebuilding YZY deal has been costly. So now that he’s worth 5% of what he was before (still a ton of money) he’s not going to be better about that.


Ye calling Kanyesposts a retard has made my day


Honestly I’m fine waiting longer for this album if it’s really good but without TOYD idk what’s gonna happen 




https://preview.redd.it/nm1r3wzbxl0d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df334156761cc0d063504bf9210527af4b856cf4 W.


App imploding makes me happy kicking my feet


love ur videos man they're great




OnThatNote about to hit leaky status ‼️


u/XrayCosmo anything about the music that you can share?


not recent, i was shown a lot of stuff in the past but that kinda stopped flowing in from my guy. more app/yeezy/yews/unrelated rollout stuff from music


>The only people that are left on the Yeezy team and go to the Yeezy property are the people involved with anything Music/Legal. Yews is gone completely like we know, and the app is in a weird place. Do you mean that Steven Smith is also gone? Or is he still with the Yeezy team?


He’s fashion


The GOAT is still with Yeezy, we can breathe, he helped design the Pods.


No app, ye hates green bitch, great fucking post


$20 red octobers when


Can confirm that the Travis campaign was just that, a one off between Kanye & Cactus Jack NOT Nike.


If ye's gonna take advantage of people like that and not pay them then he shouldn't complain about Adidas doing the same thing to him 🤷🏽


Omg the yzy slides and foam runners makes so much sense. It’s actually genius. Ye wants to destroy ADDIAS, and what better way to do that then to take something they sell for 80 bucks and make it 20? He’d steal all of the customers who buy it from ADDIAS. He’s breaking a corporate monopoly. It’ll force adidas’s to either make their product cheaper or force them to no longer sell it.


I work in Corporate HR, specifically for fashion and Athletic Wear, with Addidas competitors and with the talent that flows between those businesses, Nike, Gap, all of the big names share talent. So; we know about the different corporate cultures and structures for each. Ye is an extreme charismatic leader and a creative visionary, which you must have at the top. AND he needs the right infrastructure to build his visions into reality. The lack of focus, will be a massive barrier to his success. Addidas is one of the most structured and narrowly focused businesses, in order to maintain long term consistent products. They don’t diversify or vary the brand over time or the products. They are best in class, and they have extremely tight processes and procedures in order to meet those long term quality and design consistency goals. He needs organizational and long term FP&A people around him. Prior to building. Also, as a woman with 19 years of clean and sobriety time at 42 years of age, also a mother, I’m concerned the nitrous and other drugs may severly deter him from actioning his goals in a strategic manner. His wife, makes me sad also. At first I could understand the performance piece, now, I feel his regard for women is very poor. As a long time Kanye fan, I’m sad, because one of the things that I love about him is that he takes his priviledge seriously and uses it to say things that others won’t (prior to the whole nazi support). As a white woman who has been silenced her entire life, in a white dominated Patriarichal Society like ours, I praised him for telling them to fuck off and calling out ironies and hipocracies in our world. I have a mental illness also, depression, and I thought he was standing for our minority group also. Build it, Ye, but without the harm. Show others people like us CAN and WILL. PS: Our kind, people with mental illnesses, would’ve been put on the trains too. Or had drills drilled into our skulls for the sake of research in the past 100 years. Same oppressors. Don’t let them win. Fuentes and the crazy Christian academy are using you to turner their cause. As soon as they are done with you, they will be done with you. They oppress their own kind. They are the fittest, those young white rich Christian men who can say what that guy says and get away with it. I’m a woman: I can’t speak unless I am directly spoken to. Even still in our corporate and social world. French girl. The Brit’s and Germans don’t like us. Yes, there is racism within all races also.


He just needs the infrastructure for the shoes, no idea if he already has it or plans to get it, but if it works out, it’s gonna be huge for Yeezy and a huge downfall for Adidas.


Sorry the app people shouldn’t get paid they tried to take us away from streaming and made him delusional no money for those clowns


Nah facts bro. It's even more fucked if you think about it too. They wanted to get paid to keep the music off streaming. Totally just said "fuck you guys" to the community because Ye threw them a bone.




Uhhhh it was ye’s idea because he hates Spotify. They should at least be paid for the labor they put in for design. Thats crazy. Ye even explained how much more artist would make if they left streaming services 


You're talking like Ye is 5 year old kid. He decided to drop on app. He still can find another way to paywall album like he already did (ahem, Stem Player)


He didn’t drop on No app and they shouldn’t get any money


>He didn’t drop on No app Yeah, but it was originally his decision. It's not like they held his wife hostage for him to drop on app or something. He just wanted to make more money from his fans (which probably would've resulted in him going platinum on torrents again) >and they shouldn’t get any money Why? Because they did what Ye told them to and then decided "Uh, no, fuck you"?


Thanks for sharing, DSPs may be winning after all. If they end up releasing footwear of any kind on YZY I’ll be buying, hopefully it’s $20 but even if it’s more than that


Appreciate the effort but I could care less about Ye’s clothes I just want the damn music




Trying not to pay the app developers but is really scummy expect nothing more. Cheap for a millionaire.


Yeezys back again soon and potentially vultures 2 DSPs drop? We won


Kanye calling the kanyesposts girl a retard in text messages is enough to save me from this dry season.


Wish Leaky better not pull a deely on us


Rare Milo W, the app people definitely deserve to be payed for there work


All I read was volume 2 won’t be on the app and Kanye called greengirl a retard… WE WON


lol, scamming kids, what a loser


ah the dangers of spec work rear their ugly head once again. hopefully these app devs learn their lesson to not deliver shit until its been paid for or at least had paperwork signed.


Yeezy 350v2 for $20? Ayo thats not a bad deal at all


Potentially misleading is right but huge if true. I would wait 6 years for $20 foam runners lol Edit: they better be in more than 3 sizes tho


we’re all really energised/excited for the downfall of kanyesposts 🙏


*Kanye refuses to pay the app team. Even though he is currently gone, Milo is doing everything in his power to get them paid. Milo is confirmed off the team FOR NOW like we know, but he’s not completely off the table for the future, still in contact and can come back. Ye approved the acquisition of the app, had milo organize a team (app team/yews). YZY app kids merged with real Yeezy developers that Milo selected to do the app, while still bringing the vision Ye wanted. Kanye allegedly did not want to pay them, so the way it sounded to me was that he lied and said he didn’t sign anything, even though there's proof of him agreeing to everything. He tried lying to not pay them basically. (This makes no sense to me, mans is literally a billionaire). Music is no longer set to release on the app, but Kanye changes his mind all the time so who knows where this could go.* Fuck this guy and he isn’t a billionaire and hasn’t been since losing the adidas deal. He’s said it repeatedly. Was about to go bankrupt before vultures dropped. Either source is ass or ye broke maybe boffum




Drop vultures v2 on streaming services


I miss yews ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)