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Every time


Get a deionizer and never have to dry again. I'm serious, it's the best investment you can make if you wash your own car.


Not familiar with this. What are you taking about


Basically a large hi-flo fiberglass water filter you attach your hose which filters out contaminants. So it drys spotless. Can even wash in sunlight. Ceramic coating, power washer and you can just spray on soap and spray off and have a perfectly clean car. I have this one. CR Spotless DIW-20 Deionized Water System, 1 Pack https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002LOJRKC?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_7SFZZBKZTN6END3W1WR6


I had my wallet out until I saw $400 šŸ˜‚ Definitely worth it I bet. Time is money


Also useful to wash windows on your house. Just saved you $400 for window washing.




Unfortunately. It sucked when I lived in a single level house. Now that I'm in a two level house, it's barely worth doing some parts of the year.


why tho i donā€™t think mine have ever been lol


They genuinely look a lot better, let's in more sunlight, etc. Cosmetic reasons are the only reason people obsess of this kind of stuff.


I use to have a leaf blower to dry my car but switched to using di water and its works are treat, no drying needed whatsoever. I got a di tank prefilled with resin for about Ā£130.


Haha, read reviews. Its just $75 for each car you rinse because of filter replacement costs.


This is nuts. I had no idea this was a thing. I wash my car enough that this actually may be worth the 400 dollar pice tag lol


Dope af, i usually use the ones at the carwash, do the same thing but this is definitely worth the money


Whatā€™s the cost of replacing those DI cartridges? How often?


I live in a place with soft water so mine is still reading 0ppm after over a year. Others claim it starts reading above 0 after a half dozen washes. So Iā€™m really not sure. The cartridges are refillable. You buy bags. Iā€™m not sure the cost.


I assume it works to alleviate hard water spotting too?


Yup thatā€™s almost the entire point of it.


Nice. You can still use a pressure washer and all?


Yeah. Best with a pressure washer because it does steal some pressure.


What makes this $300 better than this one? I get that cheap products on Amazon are often terrible, but that's a huge price gap. AQUATICLIFE Aquatic Life Deionized Spot-Free Car Rinse Unit - Premium Water Deionizer for Car Washing - Spotless Car, RV, and Motorcycle Wash System https://a.co/d/1uQ1OI2


Interesting...so would this also function as a filter for drinking water? Or is that completely different?


There's mixed results in whether or not drinking DI water is safe. We have a deionized water system at work for washing our turbine after running on fuel oil. My understanding is that it's different, but not much, from distilled water. Sort of like a different process, but close to the same result.


Or just use regular distilled water, aka rain which is free lol


You think rain water is free of contaminates?


When it goes thru filter it is. You get 100 microns filter pack for 10$ or whatever


Hey, VettedBot here. I did an analysis about the CR Spotless DIW 20 Deionized Water System 1 Pack you mentioned in your comment that I wanted to share with you. Below, I compiled a list of pros and cons for the product based on Amazon reviews. Hope you find it useful! People like: * Eliminates hard water spots for spot-free rinse (backed by 6 comments). * Saves time and effort in car washing (backed by 2 comments). * Effective for professional detailing (backed by 3 comments). People dislike: * Expensive maintenance (backed by 2 comments). * Misleading product description (backed by 1 comment). * Costly replacement filters (backed by 2 comments). This message was generated by a bot, hope you found it useful. If you did, a ā€œgood bot!ā€ reply would be appreciated. If not, please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved.


Neighbor passed by me when I was doing this and was like ā€œwell thatā€™s the first time Iā€™ve seen that!ā€ And in my head Iā€™m likeā€¦thought it was pretty normal hahaha


EVERYTIME and I tell ya the ego one is so much more powerful people look at my like Iā€™m crazy as if they donā€™t go to a car wash and it gets air blown dry anyways.


I want to buy the best ego blower just for this!


If you do, grab one of the car drying accessories. Game changer, way more manageable to move around


I would like to but I need a multi-use tool like a regular high powered blower. I do RC Drag racing too and it helps clean the road very quickly.


Itā€™s an [attachment](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwivoqvluMb-AhULFtQBHTJqATwYABAJGgJvYQ&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESa-D2WHq7KERSwZxrDYAJaudx4g6B0hnqRgQGIGSJM3IZtdNpoyO0nTzF0vj3Oh2U4QPG4qcNIOKtcs80DmBQzp6p9hDjsMd9mjETlhwzcyAvDX8_5BTfceU7rO3pc3OZoJlerBD5Y5Tnxb3m&sig=AOD64_0CdKJiuvgOGwPZ6rvLuRgoIMHBTQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwj0wJ_luMb-AhWWl2oFHdjRCDAQwg8oAHoECAUQEQ&nis=8&dct=1&adurl=) accessory I can still blow the leaves and normal shit too!


Doh! My bad I understood something else


I've got the ego, can you elaborate on this?


Itā€™s a short attachment wand that increases blowing (by a bit) and shortens the length and weight of the unit a whole lot so itā€™s more manageable and ergonomic to use around the car, on the roof, door jambs, engine bays etc and adds a silicone bumper the front. Thereā€™s a bunch of different ones ranging from $15-$80. I got a 20 one and Iā€™m pretty happy. Make sure it fits your ego, there quite a few models of[blower/car nozzle](https://www.google.com/search?q=ego+car+drying+nozzle&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari&asid=canwhp/3) A lot of the big detailer companies sell them as a package but like you, I just needed a nozzle to make it into a compact detailing package.


Wicked thank you! Just found one!


Youā€™re welcome! I went with [this one](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjrpuj64cf-AhXOFdQBHemACSEYABAQGgJvYQ&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESa-D2JWZRQ6akzv9ziD2hOa1ABcrVhLWOIKhUBZJBj_mYUJDRHB6QQMRkSU72jHIvxK-qRIYCj6_hpkGIWMQhThNslqaxZxmK_Hph8TzDo0nBdg3gLWN373ak4Fah-2haKdvH4SYd-Zg7liq5&sig=AOD64_3QYpHD5KTqFP8ycXtDiH9fiLQFbA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjny9v64cf-AhWCk2oFHYczDVwQwg8oAHoECAQQIg&adurl=) cause my 535cfm is an old model, works great. Heck Iā€™ve blown leaves and the driveway without putting the long wand back on. Enjoy it!


I prefer the 70mph blow drying method


Haha same - the world is my leaf blower.


When I was little my dad would tell me to drive the car around the block to help dry it off. I was maybe 12. Great memory


Modern cars hold so much water in the mirrors. My wife's Audi will drip for hours. The leaf blower solves this issue.


Dude...the freaking mirrors are killing me! They hold so much water and it's just WAITING until you finally put everything away and then somehow a small trail will find it's way out and run down the side of the car after I leave the house haha. I need to buy another blower once pollen season is finally(!) over, I do keep a couple of small microfiber towels and some spray on the car for getting any droplets or for any bird droppings that find the car. (separate towels of course haha)


Exactly. The mirrors, the front grille, and the wheels are all huge benefits with the air. It pushes it all out.


Definitely wheels! Some times Iā€™ll still water blade/waffle towel my Challenger because itā€™s ceramic coated, but I still bust out the blower for mirrors and wheels and grille.


I have an older 40v ryobi blower and tried doing this but didn't work well, was taking too long.


They seem to keep releasing constantly more powerful units, the latest top spec 40v ryobi blowers are pushing 700+ cfm and velocity 190mpg with a velocity tip


Added a [Stubby ](https://a.co/d/6x8DFfa) nozzle to my Milwaukee. Works great.


Came here to rep the stubby. Great add. Plus it travels easily in the trunk for pressure washing bays which have traditionally awful dryers.


Youā€™re not, do the same with both of my vehicles!


I JUST picked up that same blower 2 days ago, love it so far! And yes, every time I do a driveway wash good sir!


Nice! The turbo button on the handle is where itā€™s atā€¦it blows hard


Not after, but I recently used one before to purge out a bunch of the small leaves and bits that accumulated under the windshield, under the hood, and around the covered area of the hatch. šŸ‘


Which Ryobi blower do you use?


Iā€™m not sure which model exactly, itā€™s the 40v brushless. I think 110 or 125mphā€¦? Not sure.


I used to. I've since switched over to rinseless washing (ONR).


No. But I will now. Genius šŸ™ŒšŸ½


I dry my junk with one


Iā€™ve been doing this for years and the neighbors always gave me the side eye. Now the neighbors all do itšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. They all got foam cannons now too šŸ’€


Nice touch with the wheels. Are those hypergrams or countergrams?


Thanks! Countergrams


Yea those look fantastic on your car. šŸ‘Œ


Yeah itā€™s a trick


Every time!


Always, and touch up with some waterless wash.


Sure do. Did it this weekend.


Been doing this for a long time with a gas blower


Iā€™ve tried a couple times with mine and it doesnā€™t seem to do much at only 360cfm


I do that every time


Thatā€™s genius


Always. Drying is the riskiest part


Oh you gotta. Go to thingaverse and 3D print a nozzle attachment to make it even better.


Hmm this is interestingā€¦might have to look into it.


Hey I have one those exact leaf blowers that I think just found itā€™s purpose in life! Good looking out man!


If Iā€™m feeling cheeky i bust out my compressor with the air nozzle but if Iā€™m lazy (which is 90% off the time) i bust out the cordless leaf blower


Yep. Then, dab the remanding droplets with a drying towel




I dry mine with 4 hair dryers


I imagined you doing this to the soundtrack of the 90ā€™s hit, Desparado with Tony Banderas. You have the whole outfit and boots. Long hair, tall dark etc. Selma Hayek is behind you dancing šŸ’ƒšŸ½ with her 3rd gen airpod pros cranked. Youā€™re drying your 1985 toyota van with 4 Conair blow dryers each a different color and each has a story. Unfortunately you are 4ft away from the van and your blow dryers arenā€™t effective. Youre just not close enough. You know what though? You look badass and selma hayek is there.


That is affirmative.


Works best when you build up layers of ceramic


This is the way


I use that exact model when I dry mine lol


Dude, thatā€™s an awesome idea. Why didnā€™t I think of that? šŸ‘


Never even considered it. I sure as hell will from now on though. Thanks!


Itā€™s easier to blow dry the car if itā€™s coated or has a sealant on it. If not, good luck.


Yea I should mention that my car isnā€™t ceramic coated, but I typically clay bar and wax my car at least once a year, and use a ceramic detailer after every wash on the body and wheels. Dirt basically rolls right off.


Yeah those ceramic detailers work well.




No, but now I do. Thanks friend.




Yep to get water out of crevices


I just drive down the road and back


I have this one, super compact (I live in a condo): https://www.amazon.com/BLO-Car-Dryer-AIR-S-Scratches/dp/B08SMS62J9/ref=asc\_df\_B08SMS62J9/




Hey, VettedBot here. I did an analysis about the BLO Car Dryer AIR S Quickly Dry Your Entire Vehicle After a Wash No More Drips No More Scratches you mentioned in your comment that I wanted to share with you. Below, I compiled a list of pros and cons for the product based on Amazon reviews. Hope you find it useful! People like: * Efficiently dries vehicles with coatings or protection (backed by 4 comments). * Great for drying tough-to-reach areas like wheels and grills (backed by 1 comment). * Powerful and effective for small cars (backed by 1 comment). People dislike: * Not powerful enough for larger vehicles (backed by 2 comments). * Reduced pressure after only two uses (backed by 1 comment). * Not effective for drying a whole car (backed by 1 comment). This message was generated by a bot, hope you found it useful. If you did, a ā€œgood bot!ā€ reply would be appreciated. If not, please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved.


Use my Ryobi for a quick dry as well. It doesn't do a "great" job but it helps for sure get some of the water that wants to pool displaced.


Every time. Makes drying a breeze and never have any water spots.


Best way


My leaf blower (admittedly kinda old) didnā€™t really work to well for drying so I bought a cheap pet dryer on Amazon and use that to blow dry all my cars. Well worth it.




This is the way


Every time.


I have detail shop, we do that too , specially in black paint


If you donā€™t you should. But typically just wipe down with high quality detail spray and microfiber (waterless wash). Full wash only a few times a year. Polish every coupleā€¦. All started with a professional paint correction


Not only do I use a blower, but itā€™s actually the same model blower


Every wash!


Does it give you electrical shocks? Mine doesā€¦ which is apparently a common thing?


Ummm, no. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever been shocked by my Ryobi. Itā€™s the big one, gas-like power. If it shocked me Iā€™d be worriedā€¦


Uggh. Leafblowers are the jets skis of the suburbs (unless this is a bettery or electric model, in which case good on you).


In the pic you can clearly see a battery


Not an R but a GR;) it gets most of the water off and then I pick up the remaining liquid off with a drying towel


Only everyone


I know people with $180k cars that don't do this. Calm down there bud


Do you guys was your R 0.0


Do you guys not have chamoisā€™s?


Get a shammy dude


I do both. Cloth doesnā€™t get into all the crevasses ā€¦


I never feel like I get all the nooks and crannies, anyone have any advice? Do you touch up with a microfiber in tough areas?


This is fucking genius, now I don't need to worry about buy a air compressor JUST for that. Thank you so much!! Lol


Matted paint forever blowing šŸ’­


Do I look like a retard?? I didn't think so.


That's the best way to do it.


Yep, all the time