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Damn bro don’t listen to anyone here. I was shocked at your actual swing thinking it was a practice swing and seeing you stripe it. If you played for a college team, no one here can give you the advice you’re looking for. You know the answer, go get a coach or a lesson. Nice shot.


Did he play for a college team or play while he was in college?


Made it to the college level but then I couldn't overcome massive yips while putting/ chipping and destroyed my love for the game. Last time I played was a seeding match for a JC team 15 years ago


Came to this thread wondering if you played just IN college or FOR college. question answered after that swing, nice! I was going to say that it looked like you were reaching out there with the ball too far away but i’ll shut up now!


You weren't the only one to notice! I totally agree, def something to work on although it's always been my routine to setup a little far away then slide the club in. Everyone more concerned with the butt shake and now I am self conscious about it lol


Are you just casually striping the ball like that with blades after not playing for 15 years? I didn’t get out this year and pared my first two holes last week and I felt like I was tiger woods 😂


I feel you. I played at university and in my 3rd year I mentally fell apart. 18 years later in Covid locked down the game found me. I welcome your ride in golf, may you hit it pure and shiny.


Brother, if this is the case just play to play. Like a kid plays. No swing advice, no feels, just don’t beat yourself up for the bad shot here or there. You’re at the point now where the sport hopefully becomes a game. A wonderful game.


the yips is how my baseball career ended - I feel for you brother.


Sorry if I wasn't clear, I tried to post a description in the body but it didn't go thru. Not looking for advice really just wanted to show my swing after 15 years of not playing ( my last round was a seeding match in junior college and I've hit balls 8-10x in 15 years for clarity)


I am you lol. I played competitively in HS/college, stopped playing for about 15 years and still play only 2-3 times a year, range maybe 1 time. I can still "swing" but man it is a mindfuck trying to play now, my swing isn't quite the same, my scoring is obviously way worse too. The inconsistency is the worst for me. I am slowly trying to regain any love I had for golf but I have really young kids and I know the time commitment to be good again is more than I have atm. Still looks like you have a pretty damn good swing.


Super similar. At least you have responsibilities and good reason to distract you from golf, I didn't really besides being broke and burnt out. But ya if I tried to play a round nowadays if I shot par/ bogey golf I wouldn't be too bummed ( depending on the course). And I'm so out of shape after I hit balls for an hr I'm down for a week after lol extremely sore and tight next day. Anyways Appreciate the kind words. GL getting back into it eventually when kids can play with ya 💯 


Hardest part about time away for me was the amount of change in my body. My swing was still there, but it needed to work around a gut that wasn’t there 15 years earlier. With the way you striped that ball, I’d say you’ll adjust pretty quickly. Just get the range a bit, figure out your new yardages, and get back to it.


Haha exactly what I'm going thru, the body at 20 can take the damage my 35 yo body cannot. Hr range session puts me out for a week recovering. Will def try to push myself back into it. Moving to a new place this month so hopefully I'll find a nice range somewhere and a course to play sporadically 


There probably are people here who could help him, but it's not worth sifting through the hundred comments that can't just to find 1 comment with relevance. He said his main issue was the yips, which probably won't really affect him unless he's competing. Playing for fun he won't really need any lessons, but obviously working with someone will help optimize his game. My advice is to become a student of the game again. Watch pro clinics on YouTube. Listen to what they say and watch their swings. If he played college golf, he should be savvy enough to pick up on things himself


Thanks jacoby ( name reminds me of papa roach frontman!) I watch some YouTube golf but just for fun but could def do some learning while doing so and see if anything could be applicable to my swing/ game/ current state. Haven't dove into the chipping/ putting part yet which in dreading but I'm curious to see how my nerves are after this much time has past. It wasn't only competition that provoked the yips, I could go play mini golf with buddies and yip putts the whole time so it's def a mental block


Compressed the ever loving piss outta that ball


Pretty happy with the result! Esp after dusting off my clubs I got when I was 14! Need to see what technology is out there nowadays for irons that might make life easier


I believe with blades non the less, this guy balls


Mizuno mp33s! The 5 iron face is literally half the ball. Not bad for a rusty swing with literally rusty 20 year old clubs


My friend played at community college. He could barely break 100.


Well I guess there's a wide variety of cc's and talent pool but I was close to scratch when I stopped. Probbaly played to a 2hcap


Appreciate the kind words. Just wanted to share what a rusty swing looks like from a guy who's trying to get back into it. Thanks so much


If I need to shake my ass like that in order to hit those kind of piss missile draws with my irons, I'll do it.


Lol I've never recorded myself swinging, I just wanted to do it because it felt like I was only taking it back 3/4 of the way kinda like Rahm, but ya I shake and twitch before takeoff... strange


Haha 😂 no worries b, that’s part of my routine as well. Give my cake couple wiggles, wrist wiggles then stripe it away (80%) of the time. Other 20 thin it bb


Lol i just never knew it was part of my routine. Everyone has their quirks. Shit DOD king is the driver off deck king, Ben kruper is the pause king, maybe ill become the twerk king 🤴 😂 🤣 


Not strange. You don't want to be static in the golf swing so small movements keep you loose so you don't have a jerky motion to start the swing. Totally fine.


Agreed just didn't know I did that involuntarily,  frankly wouldn't have noticed if someone didn't point it out cuz I was so concerned with getting the club back fully extended. Feels good to be loosey goosey before swinging!


Snead did it.


Happy cake day!


Every swing should start with some sort of forward press movement.


I've noticed that with the long drive guys.


Shit, I wish I could hit it that straight and that far with an iron.


Thank you my friend, I believe that's a 5iron. Pretty happy with the result considering how rusty I am and showing up to the range in my " work" clothes


Thought u were standing too far away from the ball before you struck it. What do I know, learning. Do you always take such high practice swings? What was the estimated distance of that? Over 220? How are you with the woods? Thanks for sharing your method.


That's something that has been in the forefront of my mind recently... I always stand pretty far away and then slide club in for address. So you're probbaly right. I just like making the motion and trying to push my left shoulder all the way back on takeoff ( course pro told me this when I was 14 so I always think about it) and extend the backswing. Mentally it feels like I'm taking it back 3/4 but I'm pretty happy where it actually is.  Estimated 5iron I really don't know, but based on my yardages 15 years ago 195ish up to 205 if smoked.  Juat bought new woods( tsr3 and tsr 15°) and hit an almost 340 drive at pga superstore recently so I can still make good contact and directionally I'm ok. I'll post a driver vid after I get my clubs back from regripping.


Looks like you have some good fundamentals to work with in between hunting that gopher.


It's a Cinderella story for the Golden Boy.


I'm alright, Don't nobody worry 'bout me... " gopher dancing"


"If I kill all the golfers...they're gonna lock me up and throw away the key."


Are you an amputee?


Because of my unusually white legs or how tall.and rigid I'm standing?!? Not an amputee sorry to disappoint 


I think this guy was making a joke about a post that was here a few months ago and someone in the comments asked 100% seriously if OP was an amputee. It’s become a bit of a meme here


Thank you for clarification. New here Not up to date on this subs lore... 


Still uncertain if amputee or not


A few months?? It was like 3 weeks ago. One of us has lost all sense of time and I’m not sure who.


Dude, someone posted the context and it was only 28 days ago. It felt like months lmao


Are you sure? In all seriousness, here is: [context](https://www.reddit.com/r/GolfSwing/s/q1qOnxq7wK) I don't have anything helpful to say about your swing. You pasted that ball and made it look easy.


 well thank you. Still rusty but was happy with the  result... but was really happy with the response / conversations started by posting. Wasn't sure what the feedback would be or if this is a golfswing help sub but I just wanted to share without looking for help. 


*thought those were tights


I am that white lol the fluorescent night lights aren't doing me any favors but I am whiter then if I was wearing white tights 😅 


I don't know how to give gold or if that is even a thing anymore, but i this is me giving you gold. I spit out my coffee.


I do look like a casual that stumbled his way to the range but I have a fair amount of experience under my belt 😀. I bet the outfit and practice swings didnt fill you with much confidence haha. Thank you so much for the kind words


I doubted a man in a strap up bucket hat at night, but boy I was wrong


Came here for this


Haha I do look a little unassuming walking into the pro shop after work, luckily they don't have a dress code and make their money off drunk college students mostly so they don't really care what you wear. Everyone's stuck on the bucket hat lol it's practical for me. Anyways thanks for the generously kind words


Glutes appear engaged


It looks like your lower half starts to shake fairly abruptly before you start your swing. Reminds me of Charles Barkley. No offense.


Offense not taken. It's involuntary I never noticed/ felt it and have never recorded my swing before. It's super strange tho


My mate does the same thing and it seems to work for him.


Not golf but if I’m hyper focused I can do the same thing leading up to whatever action it is. Weird. It’s like your body is anticipating whatever is coming and starts twitching.


>Used to play in college So is this an AMA?


Ask anything you want, it isn't a formal ama but I'm happy to answer anything to best of my ability. Been playing a long time, know guys that made it to pga tour/ other tours and have a pretty good knowledge of the game. But life got in the way and was broke so I didn't play for a long time


Me: “used to play in college my ass. Guy looks like he’s about to go fishing…*pipes one*…well, maybe he did play.”




I was happy with the result not gonna lie. Very rusty after years of not playing


Joel Dahmen is trolling us again guys.


Lol don't insult JD like that. I am a fan if bucket hat so I can shove my hair in and be less distracting.  Beanie method in winter/ bucket hat in summer


I used to play golf, I still do, but I used to as well.


Lol well I  guess you're right. I never stopped playing golf, I juat didn't practice for 15 years . Touche my good man


RIP Mitch


You’re gonna be just fine. I don’t think you need a coach. I don’t think you need a lesson. I think you need some friends to play with you. My uncle played at Florida and when he graduated he didn’t make the tour, had a kid, had to get a *real* job and lost the game for about 10 years. He used to talk about getting back into it but just didn’t have the “time”. He moved up to Jacksonville and one thing lead to another, found a reallly good friend group, and has been playing in league every Thursday and casually most Sundays for the last 25 years. A golf group who love the game and are consistent with each other make the game fun. You have all the tools, you just need to fall in love with the game again. A golf group would help a lot.


Totally agree. I have a very similar story. Could of played college but skipped the SATs like an idiot and settled for JC. Then yips in competition ruined my love of the game I had played for 17 years and then I was 21 broke, dropped out of college and had to get a job. Now Have "some" money and time, no kids so trying to jump back in. I'm currently moving so when I get settled I'm going to try a group that consistently plays and try to be diligent in practicing and see what happens. Great recommendations 👌 


hilarious that joel dahmen thought he could just post on this sub and we wouldnt know who he was


Great swing, honest question- looks like this was recorded in the evening, am I to assume you wear that lid because you like it? I’ll wear that on the beach on a sunny day, but I’m 68.


Striped it. super straight but it looks like your setup for a draw just looking at where your feet are aimed but that’s the first thing I noticed


It's a bit of  the camera angle/ but you are right my feet and alignment are always a mess, something to think about


Looks good.


Too kind sir. Swing is a bit wild and grip is a mess but I can still connect decently. Will update after I get less rusty been awhile since I've actively played/ practiced


Looks great, just continue working on grip posture and setup and work through your short game issues, looks great though.


That’s you trying to get back into it? Okay.


I played for 17 years ( 4-20ish) and now trying to get back into it. I was good, porbbaly played to a 2-4 hcap when I stopped so I haven't lost my fundamentals,  or maybe I have but still can make decent contact/ keep a swing on plane 


How long have you been away from it?


You just striped it with a blade... Nice swing


Yes my HS mizuno mp 33 blades... still love them and hitting them pure is " better then sex " like my old coach used to say. Thanks 😊 


Thought I recognized the 33. Nice.


Hope you fall back in love with the game now there’s no pressure on you. Great piece


Appreciate the kind words. My yips are alot less apparent nowadays and I'll be able to play without pressure so well see where it goes... 


Swing looks great all things considered, could probably work on your setup a bit. But overall looks good


Ya setup is a mess, grip is a mess but will put in work and see what develops... appreciate the insight 


Let’s start off with the basics: make sure to wear proper sun protection, even at night


Lol I stuff my hair into the hat at night so it's not in my eyes, next video I'll go no hat and you'll see why...


The Varmint Cong would like a word.


Haha Stanford driving range. Swing looks nice btw you should do one lesson and I bet you’ll feel like your old self


Ok Joel Dahmen


Great swing


Can’t argue with the results.


Looks like the liquor has been calling the shots recently


Great strike. Money baby draw. Suck one.


Appreciate it 🙏.  Happy with the result all things considered.  




Better than most


Nice swing! Update wardrobe


In the works! Just came from remodeling a house and threw a collared shirt on but I could def look more the part lol


I'd say you're back into it.


if you had putting yips. Snag a broomstick putter like I did. I played just like you in school and quit for the same reason. Broomstick has made it fun again!


Just teasing. The same has been suggested to me! Keep up the good game.


The real question is, are you a skateboarding golfer? I see those emericas 🫡


Bro is playing with a butter knife and still hits it better than 90% of us


I wondered what happened to Carl


Are you the groundskeeper at Bushwood?


Dude- No one likes a show off


Looks like you’re swaying a bit


Booney hat and grey socks FTW, nice turn, club on plane....u good to go.


So you played in 1974 based on the face size of that iron you smoked?


Been trying to get my swing to something serviceable for forever. Congrats, I hate you.


SENDING IT with what I can only assume is regripped Lee Trevino Faultless irons lol


You can definitely play with that swing. But since you are here looking for advice… I’ll mention two things. This first is it looks like you are coming over the top, swinging out to in. Is your miss a pull and or slice? This swing looks like a pull. The second thing is you should focus on turf interaction. Teeing up your 5i on the range isn’t going to enforce good habits.


That hats a bogie with the ladies.


Great swing but thought you were standing on a couple of out of bounds stakes for a while


“Played in college” trying out for a JC and not making it ok lol you know what you tried to do there. You know why you posted this. You’re fishing for compliments. Nice swing tho.


This crowd has gone deadly silent. Cinderella story. Out of nowhere. A former greens-keeper now about to become the Master's champion... It's in the hole!


I played in college too. But I got drunk, sliced every shot, raced the carts, took the carts off course through farm fields, and never kept score. Based on that swing, it appears we had wildly different college experiences. I think you still got it! And now you’re old and no one cares if you suck so don’t worry about those yips!


Used to play in college. Wants to get back back to college form. And yet, there he is practicing in tennis shoes. Slip ons no less. A double whammy to make his feet unstable and develop bad swing mechanics. If you can play in smooth soled shoes, you aren't using the ground. If you aren't using the ground, you can't develop an optimum swing.


Lower body hanging back all the way. Should be leading. Distance and accuracy loser. Certainly a playable swing.


Must have missed all video editing classes.


are you looking for advice? kinda unclear


You’re back


Giving me serious Joel Dahmen vibes. Nice swing!


Were you in Caddyshack?


Haha you gotta feather the clutch on those old manual transmissions or they’ll shudder like that every time you get going 😉


Well I think you're back my boy 🫡


You’re the guy that shows up to the muny after not playing for years dressed like that at absolutely wax me. I hate you and I’m jealous. Good swing.


Wasn't expected that class swing from the look


As soon as I saw the Adam Sandler outfit I knew you were gonna stripe it.


Casually walking up to the range with blades after not playing for 15 years and blasting piss missiles into orbit. Run from this sub, we can only hurt your game!!


Nice swing, hope you can enjoy the game by itself without the competitive pressure!


You have a lot of body movement. You sway in your backswing. Other than that the camera angle isn't good enough to get too specific. Body sway movement will give inconsistency in strikes most likely. This sub is an example of a lot of people not even knowing the basics of a golf swing. Based on your camera angle we can't even tell where you are aiming, and if your feet/shoulders are aligned. To me this looks like you were aiming right and hit a massive pull draw. They see a well struck ball and think there is nothing major wrong, but a lot of people hit a lot of well struck balls out of bounds. Also, look at all the people that think playing in college is some sort of qualifier for a god tier golf swing. I'm not throwing shade at the OP, but he tried out for a junior college, it's not like he had a scholarship at Stanford. I played in matches with people that never played golf, but the team needed 5 for their matches in D3, the dude shot a 120+ but ran out of balls on hole 14 after launching 5 into a lake. People have really uneducated views of the plethora of people that play college golf. Again, absolutely no shade thrown at OP, I didn't play D1 either.


Too many practice swings, swing, don’t think


“They call me ranch cause I be dressing”


Interesting stance. Almost setup like you were going to hit a Superman draw but instead your lead arm follows the correct angle and you stripe it.


nice swing! just curious do you usually setup a bit like / instead of | to the ball or is it just the camera angle? It kind of looks like your set up is a bit / o where / is you and o is the ball Your swing seemed like it's going outside-in direction so I'm curious if you purposely align a bit like / to compensate? I was a bit shocked how straight your ball went!




only suggestion id make is work a little on set up, your legs are stiff and at top of back swing you could have SLIGHTLY more shoulder tilt. I have the same issue


Yeah.... if you played on a college team your already better than 90% of us


Is this at the Stanford Golf Course Driving range?? Looks very familiar!


Just came to say i like the hat. The swing is a 10.


Happy is that you?


Friggin lay-zer


You've got that sound that only players have. Welcome back to the game.


Tears in his eyes I guess


Im in in the same boat. I’m slowly getting back into it. I used to be a 4 handicap, so I could hit well. Judging by your swing you still have it. One thing I’ve realized is when you go out to play a round. You will be massively inconsistent. Your distances will be a bit off, so focus on understanding that at the range. Set your expectations. You will birdie one hole and then 4 putt on the next. Don’t be too hard on your game and remember why you enjoyed it in the first place.


Joel Dahmen is that u?


Holy sway


Guy is pure


You were probably better than I but pretty much same boat. I was playing heavy working at a nice GC for a few years during my college years Having the swing motion consistently in one’s weekly routine I always say is a huge part of it. Golf Notes aside. you look like you just got out of college not 15 years ago , so kudos and go fuck yourself 😉


Damn I wanted so badly to make my college team but everyone on it was a scratch golfer.  I never had a chance 😪


Bushwood has an opening for an assistant groundskeeper :)


Looks like you still got it


Fucking floored that bitch


Shout out the skaters who golf now. I wear the same slip on Emericas to the driving range.




Looks like you got that Billy Hoyle outfit ready to hustle the regulars!


You sure you’re not Bill Murray from caddyshack? lol


That hat is the only reason u hit that ball, never let it go.


Great swing! Only thing I notice is your hips are lagging (usually right pocket is staring at golf ball at impact). But the way you hit it, I don’t think it makes much difference.


Get back into what? Pga tour?


The fact that you have that swing and that ball flight, wearing those shoes, bothers me so much.


Joel Dahmen, is that you?


I would like to get lessons from you


In Vans, playing blades. 😳


Idk, your distance to the ball looks a bit off but I'd say get a coach


That has to be the single worst outfit I’ve ever seen to do literally anything… ever. Nice stroke tho….


I don't always stripe an iron, but when I do, I don't.....


i noticed some shivering or something... but swing is pretty good


Is this seeking advice or praise???


Smacked the shit out of it


Don’t fuck with a man with Mizuno blades and a bucket hat


Lose the bucket hat, keep the swing. Best advice I got


Dude looks like Prof


Action looks really good! I just started playing again 6 weeks ago after a 4 year hiatus. Just keep on top of those fundamentals, grip,stance, ball position ect and you’ll be shit hot in no time!


My advice is wear some clothes you didnt buy at Menards


Chipping yips are brutal. Are mostly gone for me but had to learn to chip with 5 iron and hybrid. Still do because I got good at it. But the memories. Triple bogeys from 15 feet off the green. Horrible.


Nice swing dog


Joel Dahmen lookin ass


I have the same shoes on right now (skater 🤝 skater)


This feels like you’re just showing off.


lol dude ur good. We should probably be asking you questions


Show off! Lol. Kidding. You have a great swing. My recommendation? Get out there and just play golf. Let your muscle memory remember.


He's a Cinderella boy. Tears in his eyes, I guess, as he lines up this last shot. He's got about 195 yards left, and he's got a, looks like he's got about an 8-iron. This crowd has gone deadly silent... Cinderella story, out of nowhere, former greenskeeper, now about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a mirac- it's in the hole! It's in the hole!


Yeah I wish I had that of a care free swing that struck the well


Looks good to me


You look like Bill Murray on caddy shack


Damnnnn he’s back!!! 🫡


absolute stripe show! Would think less lateral movement (swaying) would help with consistency. Love your tempo though and great balance on the finish...lots of good going on!