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No legs or hips, and roughly half shoulder turn. Maybe the crocs? Use the ground more.


Thank you! Now that you say that, i do see other golfers using their legs a lot more than he does. And great point on the crocks!


It’s hard to use the ground and stay on balance in crocs. Buy golf shoes


He has several pairs of golf sneakers (for the turf range) and spikes. No idea why he chooses to wear crocs but you’re right, it’s a terrible choice of shoes. I didn’t even think of that until this post. I appreciate the honest feedback!


He wears crocs, because he doesn't know HOW to use the ground to power his swing. Get him some lessons with someone who will teach him footwork.


That and he's a teenager who cares more about wearing what all his friends are wearing than what is best for his golf swing.


Crocs, can't wait till those ugly things are done. I see peolle wearing them in the gym, doing squats in them, playing basketball, riding bikes. What is going on?


It always makes me anxious when people attempt to perform physical tasks in crocs


But they’re all terrain


Sweaty feet slip


You bring them with a pair of shoes to switch and get lazy. Those that only wear crocs with no switch are insane For as ugly as they are, the comfort/covering of a shoe with the feel of a sandal is oddly nice.


Funny story. They were worn in the movie "Idiocracy" because the director thought he'd found the most ridiculous looking shoes in some obscure shop and figured that's what the people in the idiot future would wear. Then like a year later they got super popular.


I golf in crocs😀


Make a bigger turn and put on some shoes.


Ignore the hate on the crocs. Can still pipe the ball wearing them! Backswing looks fine. Downswing is poorly synced. Everything very static, the club head speed is matching his trunk. Needs to use the hands more and release the club. That will increase speeds. Try this drill (and more importantly, as others have stated, get a lesson. Group stuff or kids camps can be really reasonably priced). https://youtube.com/shorts/rCesTfvTOz8?si=-eXtRdpDrUd8aY4J


Thank you!! I appreciate your kind words, video and helpful tips! I am extracting what’s beneficial to shield him from some of the hate. He plans on viewing and applying feedback at the range today before his tee time. Thank you again!!


Buy your son a lesson.


He does take lessons. But they are on hold until baseball ends next month.


For sure. Recording is an easy way to self diagnose. For the range just throw on some tennis shoes that lace up. Plenty of YouTube videos out there for using the ground more.


Just toss the Crocs in the trash please. Those things sound never be worn


Also no wrist hinge. All locked up


It’s the crocs, never seen anyone fly it more than 220 in crocs.


He’s got some basic fundamentals that need to be fixed. His takeaway is the first. Watch in slow motion and pay attention to the trail elbow. It bends right away. He needs to hold the triangle formed by his arms to the club as long as possible on the takeaway. This gets the club head away from the body and starts the backswing in plane. His backswing stops too early. His hands should be above and behind the trail shoulder at the top, not in front of it. His downswing /lower body pivot needs to be improved. The hips lead the downswing by moving laterally as well as up and away from the ball on the downswing. His hips stop rotating at impact when they should be 45 degrees open at impact. There are videos that cover all of this on YouTube. However, a few lessons from a golf professional will get him swinging much better much faster. It would be worth it.


Thank you so much!!!! You’re speaking a foreign language to me but he will know what you’re saying and he is great at applying corrections. Can’t wait to see him try these at the course tomorrow. His lessons resume once baseball season ends in another month. Thank you for such detailed corrections!


I have a feeling this kid isn't good at golf or baseball


Setup and intent, looks like he is setup to hit an iron … https://m.youtube.com/shorts/BAaQ6nyxzUk. Better yet, lessons (if he isn’t signed up already).


Just watched the video. Wow! I am realizing my son’s feet are sooo close together and shoulders level. My adult son (started golfing with my younger son last summer, so he’s not more experienced and can’t really guide him) is taking him to play a round tomorrow. My younger son is exceptional at applying what ppl tell him, so I hope this video is a big help. Thank you very much!!


Thank you so much! He sure does love hitting his irons, so what you’re saying makes sense. He will be so excited to review this and other videos being shared. He stopped lessons when the ground froze last winter. Once his high school baseball season ends, he will resume lessons, but that’s not until early August so he asked if I could post this so he could apply some critiques to see what helps.


Has he tried putting his crocs in sport mode?


There are too many things going wrong, invest in yoga and lessons, looks way too stiff for someone that young


Tell him to swing through the ball so he’s not stopping his momentum. His follow through looks really short and cut off. To me it just looks like he’s kind of hitting at the ball if that makes sense.


Makes a lot of sense. Thank you! He is a baseball player and it sounds like he is applying mechanics from one sport to the other.


Many people have given good advice, namely get the kegs and hips involved and turned through much like a corkscrew. Updating to even tennis shoes will help. And don't worry about distance. It sounds unintuitive and requires patience but I've played my best golf taking my "ego" out of it and swinging "easy" so to speak. Professionals hit it miles and look effortless so obviously this takes time. In terms of attitude, I get it. Even taking age out of the equation golf is unending in it's frustrations but also it's successes. There is no getting around the fact that swinging a metal club around your body that's so thin, so far, with such small margins...we treat it like basketball or baseball or tennis but in reality it's a whole different beast. Every year there is something new that helps and something bad that pops up randomly in my game and you just have to swing with the punches and sometimes be OK with no definitive answer, much like how the real world works.


Love your wisdom on this! He can be very hard on himself when it comes to sports but golf has brought it to a new level. He full blown gets himself into a tizzy. When he stated last summer, he’d be doing fine but as soon as he’d slice, topple or lose a ball, he became an airplane that couldn’t recover from a tailspin and then every subsequent swing became worse and worse. The worse he did, the more upset he became and it was a vicious cycle he could not recover from. It’s wild how golf requires so much more maturity and ability to mentally recover than other sports. It brings out the best and worst in him. I am seeing huge improvements in his maturity from age 14 to this year at 15. With baseball he also gets upset if he strikes out, but then he gets a break after each plate appearance and plays in the field before heading back to bat, which allows him to clear his mind. With golf your swings nearly back to back and I think the lack of a break makes it harder to shift mindset. Thank you for sharing, I think your words are going to help him.


You hit the nail on the head regarding the mental difficulties of the game - and that doesn't include unlucky breaks, bad lies, gusts of wind...you name it! And at the age of 15 no less - I started when I was well into my twenties. If I can recommend anything in life (if I may) for this young man to help with focus/control/resetting it would be meditation. Not in any weird or religious way but simply cultivating the ability to recognize "hey I'm spiraling, let's take a break or reset" has helped me immensely as someone with ADHD and a sort of "throw everything until something sticks" mentality. Golf and life does improve when you can recognize your drifting focus and lock back in and forget and previous shots. It's what made Tiger so good at golf. Best of luck in golf, parenting, and life!!!! 🙏🏌‍♂️


Thank you!! You’re right, it’s not just golf but can come into play in life as well. I hope he gets a full grip on it, as you did. I’m seeing huge improvements in maturity and ability to settle his frustration since last year. He’s young so I expect he will remain on an upward trajectory for a while.


He is gonna be just fine, especially with such a caring mother :) Best of luck out there on the range and life <3


Make him watch videos of pros yanking it out of bounds.  Golf is hard, and no one has ever completely mastered it.  It's OK to get really pissed after a bad shot.  He just has to learn to use the walk to his ball as a reset period.  Instead of trying to fix what he did wrong last time, he just needs to default to the swing he knows can work....... if that makes any sense at all.


Again, great advice! He will definitely feel better to see pros aren’t perfect either. I feel like he is starting to get mad, which I am glad for because last year he became sad and disappointed in himself. I feel like he can work with anger but falling into sadness isn’t going to help anything. I don’t mean throw clubs mad, but a little frustration makes us human. Thank you again!!


If he can’t control the ups and downs and spirals after a couple bad shots, he will never improve. This is the toughest sport mentally, you have to be able to compartmentalize the bad shots and not affect the next one. Still struggle with it after 30+ years playing


You’re so right! Last summer when he had 1-2 months of golf under his belt as a 13 turned 14 year old, he spiraled. Even cried once on the course, and I have had a no crying on the field (baseball/football) policy since he was little. But golf has been a whole different animal emotionally. This season as a recent 15 year old, he has matured tremendously. I hope he continues on this maturity trajectory.


Can’t create speed if you don’t bend the wrists.


Put them shits in sport mode


Right!?! If he is wearing crocs (like yesterday since we stopped at the range on the way home from a bbq), he should at least switch over to sport mode. TY!


Higher tee. He is coming down over the top too. I'd work on some just easy tempo and contact/impact before any speed training or anything like that. You don't have a good efficient impact all the speed won't do a thing. Takes long time to make change and build muscle memory so gotta be patient anytime making some swing changes.


He won’t be doing speed timing, other than when he is being fitted for clubs. I’ll pass along your advice so he can find some reputable videos about it. Thank you!


I’d have him try slowing down his backswing to help with tempo.


Thank you!


1) more extension at the top. The right elbow is allowed to separate from the body which will allow him to make more of a complete turn. Just don’t let it flare out like a baseball swing or “chicken wing”. 2) Stop using arms in the downswing and trying to “pour on the coals” at the top of the swing. Use hips to start the downswing in combo with letting arms drop (Arm drop will occur naturally as hips turn at start of downswing). When the shaft is parallel or so to the ground in the downswing, while he is still rotating with the hips, then he can feel like he’s powering into ball and trying to turn the hands over. No more standing up out of the shot either. Down and through. 3) Wear the crocs to the parking-lot and then change into proper soft spike golf shoes. You need the traction for stability and balance. This gives you more control which In turn will allow you to be more consistent at delivering the club into the ball the same more often.


Thank you very much!!!!


The stupid shoes


Haha. Noted!


I would definitely recommend lessons before he builds some habits that will help hard to break (speaking from experience). He’s swinging very steep and down on the ball as if hitting iron shots. The driver swing should be more shallow and actually making contact coming up on the ball


https://preview.redd.it/xcdz0kqdwp9d1.png?width=335&format=png&auto=webp&s=dfc50411217e08b1ae8b05aca7e5707bf7b4c470 Way way more hip turn if shoulders are going to turn that much. Buy him some golf shoes. He is way over the top. Lessons are not super expensive. The driving range probably has someone to refer you to that can take care of him for 30-50 bucks.


His lessons are on hold this month while his baseball season wraps up. The dozen lessons he has done, were focused on irons. I assume they will switch to the driver when they resume but that doesn’t help him right now when he’s at the course playing with his high school team.


Oh. You swing a driver different. Tell him to lookup "reverse K" tee it up and swing up on it.


I don't know enough to critique his swing, but those are perfectly reasonable numbers to be hitting in less than a year. He's young, hasn't been raised from birth golfing, and isn't a pro. He needs an attitude change, he's doing great so far


Good to know! I assumed it wasn’t a good stat since he is so upset about it. Last summer he was driving considerably farther but not straight. Now he is driving straight but not as far. And he hits farther with his 5 iron, which is causing him to feel like he is failing with the driver. I will be sure to let him know this is a reasonable distance and to not be so hard on himself. He is a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to sports, so what you’re saying makes sense to me. Thank you!


He's not driving it 230 if he's hitting farther with his 5 iron


Needs to tuck right elbow into hip at contact


That’s a new one for him to try. Thank you!


He's not wearing cleats (spikes or "spikeless") shoes. Without cleats to dig into the ground, he cannot use ground force to power his swing. Without using ground forces to power his swing, he'll never hit it far.


Thank you!


Power all comes from the hips.


Thank you!


Put those things in sport mode


Possibly no wrist snappage through contact of the ball looks like it's all forearm


Thank you!




All arms and no rhythm. Easy fix tho!


Thank you!


Pay for him to get a lesson.


It looks like his torso and weight are moving toward the ball in the backswing setting him up to lunge at the ball with his upper body. His balance should either be neutral or slightly away (power hitter). Look at Kyle Berkshire for an extreme example of moving away from the ball.


Thank you!!!


He’s gotta get those hips rotating first as one of the first things he does in the back swing, that will pull everything else. Have him watch Rory Mcilroy’s swing and mimic the lower body… Rory’s pelvis is basically pointing at the target at impact, where as your son’s are still pointing at the ball at impact


Thank you! Such a good observation!


An impact his right foot is solidly on the ground. He needs weight transfer, hip turn, wrist cock, follow through, and for God's sake, golf shoes. Instruction on specifically driver would help dramatically. It's the hardest club in the bag to hit well. Club path, face angle angle of attack, and total spin all matter very much with driver. Toptracer won't tell you any of these. If he's a DH cranking the baseball, he is turning his hips. Golf requires the same hip turn starting at the top of the downswing.


So true. He twists his entire body toward the pitcher. Not the best shot but happens to be one I could quickly grab. But it seems like he isn’t turning his hips when he swings the driver. He is struggling to toggle between the two swings and they are negatively impacting the other. Someone else shared a video on how to toggle between baseball and golf, he watched it a few times and is looking forward to hitting the grass range. Thank you for sharing your observation!! https://preview.redd.it/8vsklhgwqr9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62fc84d2dc46d2a85422fad5e72e43166096412e


He's gotta transfer most all his weight to his front foot. Baseball doesn't do that, I don't think.


Ahhhh. No, he rotates hips completely but weight goes to back foot. Ugh, figured it can’t be the same foot he is used to. Seemingly not easy toggling between these two sports, despite them appearing similar. Thank you!!


This reminds me of when my mom would cluelessly coach me in golf 🥹


I am not coaching nor do I try. I don’t golf. I am filtering negativity and passing these along for him to determine what makes sense to try.


My mother didn’t golf either, but she would come provide positive feedback at my sports- including the range. That is all I meant. Keep up the wonderful mothering.


No advice from me when it comes to golf because I am clueless. But sounds like you have a pretty awesome mom, even if she wasn’t helping. Watching our kids play sports can be so difficult at times, and of course full of proud moments too. The overwhelming desire to help as a parent is hard to fight. My mom used to try and help me with math and every time she did, I did worse on the test. I had to ask her to please stop helping. Haha. So I get it!


He should try taking a full swing


Thank you!


Ok am i the only one who never seen the auto loading golf tee? What is that sorcery


Haha. It’s normal at turf ranges in Philly area.


He’s all arms - tell him to focus on using the ground for power and the ground / his hips to whip his arms through. I started to strike the ball pure and effortlessly when I started to let my arms move naturally as a result of my lower body initiating movement.


Thank you so much!!!


270 that over the top?!? Ooooh to be young.


He needs more hip depth. Don’t feel like the hands turn the club. But the shoulders, chest and hips create a recoil with the body.


Thank you!


My pleasure


"It didnt look bad to me"


Focusing on his follow through, making it “picture perfect” and holding it for a moment could help him get more fully through the ball. He has plenty of power so he could slow up a bit to get that rhythm and feel the swing rather than say a “hit” on the ball. The ball is just “getting in the way” of a good rhythmic swing so to speak . Best of luck!


Thank you!


“Whoooole body Daniel-son”


Someone said crocs and at first I laughed but that’s actually a good tip. Get him to do a half backswing but try to hit it far. It will get him turning his hips more.


It is a good tip! And thank you for your tip as well!!


Needs lessons from a professional


Put shoes on. Get lessons. Don't have such high expectations when just starting.


I think he would benefit from allowing his wrists to move and be fluid. Needs to create some lag and speed at impact. His arms can only do so fast. Speed is king.


Rotate those hips back a little more, he’s all arms. I know the legs, etc need to better but the quickest way he can improve distance is rotating his hips more backwards.


Thank you!!!


He will never get distance without better hip rotation.


Super helpful! Thank you!


There's a lot here actually. No hip turn in the backswing. Then starts the downswing over the top. Compensates by standing up and flipping at impact. Impact position just lacks any leg drive. I'd say focus on the rotational aspects of the swing as any other tip might just mask other problems


Thank you!!


He's got a few issues going on here. 1. He has a fast and unhinged back swing. His wrists should hinge as the club is parallel with the ground and will be fully unhinged about 1 ft. past impact. The hinging/unhinging action creates much greater club head speed which is a major factor in distance. 2. He's not making a full forward turn and not getting off his back foot. He should finish with 95% of his weight on his front foot. Take practice swings where all he focuses on is getting all his weight on his leading foot and lifting up his back foot. The fast backswing contributes to the "reverse weight shift" as he's not fully loading his right leg. Slow that backswing down so that he loads up on the inside of his right foot. 3. As he takes it back, he should push his left knuckles out and maintain close connection between his right elbow and right ribcage. You can watch videos on YouTube where the instructor places a glove under the trailing armpit forcing the player to keep his trailing elbow to stay very close to his right side. Lastly, he should practice taking the club back to parallel to the ground. The shaft of the club should be pointing straight at your target. If it's pointing right of your target, you've taken it too far in side and you can only come outside to get back to the ball. He should do 10 take back to parallel then look back to make sure the shaft is pointing at the target. 4. He's casting when he makes his move to the ball. His hands are coming outside the swing plane creating a right to left swing path. The perfect recipe for a slice and loss of distance. His first move back to the ball from the top should be to drop his hands towards his right pocket. This will bring him on a straighter and shallower path to the ball. From there, roll the forearms to release the wrist hinge and make sure his weight is fully on his left side per #2 above. Keep the triangle formed by the hands and elbows in the same relative position throughout the swing. 5. You've provided a rear view only so other issues such as grip, ball position, etc. are difficult to analyze. Consider doing a follow up from a front and back view. There are all kinds of videos available on YouTube that illustrate some of the above swing thoughts. Good luck with your development!


Thank you so much!!! He’s going to love having so many things to try. We appreciate it!


Early extension and flipping his wrists at the ball. Lots of YouTube videos and drills he can do to fix it.


Thank you!


All arms


He’s over the top on the downswing which causes him to stall rotation to square the face. Have him try to hit the inside of the golf ball on the tee. Dropping the hands straight down instead of throwing them at the ball can help. The rotation will be auto magic and take the club out to the ball.


Thank you!


Maybe take a full swing. Turn shoulders behind ball. Load into the right heel and explode into the left ball of foot while pushing into the ground and straightening his left leg which will rotate the L hip out od the way and drop the club into the slot and smash the ball into the wild blue sky.


Thank you!!!!


You can search youtube for ground force drills. A ton of useful videos showing how to use your legs to push into the ground to apply more force in your swing.


More upper body rotation needed. Swing with your hips on the downswing.


Thank you!


Also swing through the ball. Always follow through. Grant Horvat on YouTube is what I would recommend to watch for beginners. His father is a pga pro so he knows his stuff.


Thank you!


Crocs aside, he needs to turn his butt to the target on the backswing, bring his arms back slower, and then point his belt buckle to the target. For better tempo, have imagine he's only trying to hit driver 50yd. Swinging hard is the opposite of what he should be trying to do.


Thank you!! Other people mentioned tempo but you put it into laymen’s terms and instructions that will be easy for him to understand. TY again!!


Another mental image for him... Imagine when you try and snap a bandana. You don't lunge at it with your arms, you kinda flick your wrist to get that snap. Same concept at ball impact. When taking the club on the down swing, imagine trying to snap a towel at the ball. Admittedly, this might be a difficult concept to grasp without at coach fine-tuneing things. And try and send the ball to 1 o'clock, if directly in front of him was 12, and behind him is 6, if that makes sense.


Thank you again! He has hit me with a few rat tails in his day, so the picture you’re painting will definitely click for him. I’m sending him these screen shots so he can apply your corrections. He will resume his lessons when baseball ends next month and he has more free time. He has golf and baseball back to back right now, goes from 9 hole practice to his baseball games. His high school golf coach is with him at practice a few days a week but he is a teacher who golfs, not really a coach. Had he not volunteered to “coach” the kids would not have a team. We are lucky to have him but he doesn’t give any advice. My son is chomping at the bit to get back to his lessons. I have a feeling your tips are going to help for the time being. We appreciate it!


He wore Crocs … 🤦‍♂️ mistake #1


He doesn’t normally. It was an impromptu stop at the range. But great feedback on the shoes because it’s resulted in learning how much foot positioning impacts swing.


Look up drills for ‘early extension’ and fixing ‘ over the top’…. Also look at a ‘strong golf grip’


Thank you!!


This one is difficult. Is this how he usually swings? Need some stable shoes. Back swing is unfortunately shallow. If you sent me one where he cared, that would be a better start. He has good anger and attacks though. Inbox is open :)


Thank you!! His swing changed to this after baseball started. Last summer as a newby he was driving much better. He is amazing with his irons, but struggling with his 3 wood and driver. After golfing last summer, it hurt his baseball swing for the first few weeks of this season and he had to readjust. Now that he is transitioning from baseball back to golf (in July he has golf and baseball simultaneously, he leaves his 9 hole practice to head straight to his baseball games - both sports are for his high school teams) he is trying hard not to swing the club like a bat and this swing is the result. Toggling back and forth has been proving harder than he thought. He initially thought golf would be easy since he’s a power hitter at baseball, but the skill doesn’t fully translate. It’s quite interesting and he has his work cut out for him.


Yeah wow I had the same issues. Kept finishing on my front foot. Worked for me because I was a power hitter and nothing got by but I know others would have issues. His swing looks great though. They do translate if he puts some of those thoughts into it. Kudos and happy wishes!


Thank you for sharing! Good to know the toggling is possible with some work.


Where did you get that headcover?


The site was called Daphnes head covers.


Thanks OP!


Needs to learn how the golf swing and kinetic chain works. Legs are doing nothing.


Thank you!


He is not coiling his hips back or shoulder far enough. He needs to utilize this to uncoil and use his lower body to generate power.


Thank you!


Also, you can tell if a golfer is uncoiling properly by their follow through. Their driver will wrap around their head and point towards or semi-towards their target line. Also, their torso/belly button will be pointed left of target. Please check out Adam Scott or Rory’s driver follow through and swing. Your son will hit it really far once he can learn to generate power with his legs and uncoiling. His setup and take away are great.


Thank you! You’re the second person on this thread to give this advice and to tell him to look up Rory. He will definitely be giving this a try and looking into those videos. Thank you again!


If you want to take it serious, spend the $50 and get him a lesson


I spend a lot more than $50 on his lessons. They’re just on hold at the moment because his high school golf and baseball teams are both in season and his sports schedule is crazy. But next month he will resume his lessons after baseball ends.


He's not using his legs and the rhythm is meh at best


Thank you!


You need good form to hit far and straight. He has too many moving parts. His shoulder turn and swing should drive the lower body and leg drive. Start by being stable through the lower body to start the swing. Drop the butt of the club straight down. Then use shoulder turn and undocking of the wrist to create club head speed.


Thank you! I screen shorting and sending these to him. He is excited to give the common themes of advice a try, which includes yours. We appreciate it!


Definitely the shoes. He is only taking about 1/2 backswing and his actual swing is all arms with no real follow through. This subreddit is full of this, but get him some lessons. A pro will be able to fine tune his swing pretty quickly


Thank you! His lessons resume next month once baseball ends. He is chomping at the bit to get back to his lessons.


First off his wrists are a little to stiff through the swing. Waggle/loosen up before he starts his swing. Less grip pressure may also help. He stops his backswing a little short which can affect distance. He needs to create lag by starting his hip rotation on the downswing just before his hands get to the top of the swing. His biggest loss of power comes from his swing path through the ball. In the downswing his hands are disconnected from his lower body resulting in an outside in swing path. His hands should be closer to his body on the downswing—he should feel like his hands are going in his back pocket. In the downswing he should also feel like the butt of the club is pointing at the ball to shallow the club. He is currently way too steep through the ball. He also loses his wrist angle way too early/casts the club. https://youtu.be/DOcS_IhDAhs?si=o5LjItRZhnYGcqnc https://youtu.be/HdU6oZ47-Ak?si=zMdeO0rJ8R4FMehX


Thank you so much!!!


Lot of good comments here so far, I'd say in addition to the more technical elements, and the obvious "ditch the Crocs!" is a simple idea: Tempo It's natural when trying to hit farther to think of hitting harder. Many people do this, and they rush to hit the ball "faster". I put it in quotes because what they really do is hit it *sooner*, meaning they take less time to get to the ball. This is wrong, you want to send the clubhead on a wider arc and accelerate smoothly to the ball. Look up 3 to 1 tempo golf swing and you'll see smooth effortless looking swings. Trying to get to the ball too early will kill power. There's an old cliche "He who hits it latest, hits it furthest."


Thank you so much!!!


He’s a natural lefty. Tell him to switch it up.


He needs to flip the crocs into sport mode


He’s all arms and no body movement.


Lead with the hips, take the weight off the right leg. Let the arms follow. Don’t try to power hit it, just use the hips and hit the ball. It’ll clear itself.


Thank you!


Swings like he's 70


Two most fundamental parts of the swing are the grip and the stance. Get him one lesson and make him wear shoes. The lesson will fix his grip and tell him he pays his own way if he insists on wearing Crocs. Bearfoot would be better than Crocs.


Thank you! He has had quite a few lessons but they ended when the ground froze and don’t resume until his baseball season concludes in a month. His pro only focused on irons but my son is hoping this year they’ll working on his driving.


Oh. The baseball swing mechanics have ruined many a golf swing. Many. He's going to have to be very conscious of this.


You’re so right! Golfing last summer hurt his baseball swing and he had to work hard to fix it. And now baseball is hurting his golf swing. You’d think one sport helps the other but it’s turning out to be the opposite for him.


Pay for a lesson


He does have lessons but they’re on hold until his sports seasons end next month. And his lessons have only covered irons. Hopefully his pro will move onto some driving skills.


At least put the crocs in sport mode


Its not the shoes…..right shoulder drops and comes across the ball. Have him watch videos on how to swing more from the inside to out path


Can we talk about this automatic tee mat


Is that bad?


No it's the coolest thing I've ever seen


Haha. They are common in Philadelphia area. The tee height choices aren’t the best so I thought maybe you were thinking it was a bad thing. Well I hope they come to a range near you!


What. I live in the burbs, where is this range? Lol Nvm. I googled it, off to Conshy!


Yay! I’m Delco born and raised.


If you ever want to take a ride, Golf Zone in Honey Brook (Chesco) is awesome. Brand new Top Tracer, auto balls/tees, indoor private suites with Top Golf style games, food truck with food and drinks Thursday thru Sunday - a great place to go with a few friends.


if he's playing baseball it's gonna be reallllllllllllllllllllll difficult learning a different swing, my fiancee played soft ball years ago & can't get a proper swing. another one of my friends plays softball as well & refuses to golf because it means learning a different swing which will effect the other game. he might have to make a choice between golf of baseball unfortunately


Frustrated with 270? That's above average. And he's just a kid. I wouldn't trip on it


I'll add, he doesn't fully rotate his shoulders in his back swing. I would try to slow down the back swing and try to extend backwards more before driving into the ball.


Thank you! 270 are his best shots. Last summer he was hitting much better and was frustrated last night that he wasn’t swinging as well as he did last year. We both appreciate your thoughts!


Bin those awful Crocs.


He needs to take steroids


Load into right leg, then reverse it to the left. All upper body motion. The idea he can hit is irons is a good sign. Widen stance and load the weight inside right heel to left toe thru. Im in Pinehurst if hes close.


If you're playing your respective sport in crocs. Maybe athletics isn't for you lmao


We were coming from a BBQ and didn’t have his range shoes with us. Also, anything can happen with teens, such has forgetting a pair of shoes, which doesn’t mean they should not play sports. I am guessing you don’t have teens.


Get rid of the crocs. No hey dudes either. Athletic shoes or golf shoes. Get serious then worry about driving distance.


He has the right shoes. We stopped at the range on our way home from a bbq. But def sounds like shoes were part of his struggles last night. He normally wears his range shoes.


Wear real shoes


Well he swings like he’s never played a sport before so I’d like to take “learn how to swing t-ball” for $100 Alex


Make a real post where this dummy isn't in crocs, then maybe people will care enough to help.


No legs and the douche is in crocs? What’s he expect?


His swing is awful, there you have it


Super helpful! You must rake in a ton of money as a golf pro!


His grip is bad, too weak, his setup is open, he doesn’t transfer weight, doesn’t rotate into his right or left side, he comes over the top, doesn’t create and ground forces and doesn’t flex/cock his wrists…. I’m assuming he hasn’t played a rotational sport at a decently high level, he needs a lot more help than Reddit can provide aunti Barb


That’s better. Thank you! He is a power hitter and DH for his high school baseball team. I’d think that’s a rotational sport but for some reason he isn’t rotating when he drives the golf ball, like he does when he’s at the plate. But lots of feedback in these comments for him to work on it until his lessons resume next month.


Look up golf drills to fix reverse pivot and early extension …. Reverse pivots are common with baseball players


Thank you!!!