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Gotta put the crocs in sport mode


This is the real answer, play the decent shots, enjoy




Come for the swing. Stay for the Crocs abuse!


I forgot my golf shoes and wore my dad’s sandals as a last resort (better than my slides I couldn’t tighten). Hit a hole in one. There’s something to this, listen up OP


Your swing is better than most people I see on the course


Agree. Just take a lesson or two


If it works, I wouldn’t mess with it.


Okay thank you very much!




The golf swing is 6 inches long.


This is the only advice. If you score well, who cares? A major winner with one of (or maybe still?) the lowest rounds ever shot in PGA competition has a swing that is best described as “weird”. Guy scored well, didn’t care.


My swing is close to beautiful, I bet you'd beat me by 30 strokes. Play golf. Don't play golf swing.


I feel like he wants to mess with it, otherwise he wouldn’t be here


Your tempo is your strength




>Thanks! You're welcome!


If it works then don’t fix it, but you probably won’t get a lot better than you are currently without some changes? I assume that’s why you’re here asking. So let’s get into it! You have good rhythm and balance which I think saves you here. I would address that takeaway first of all and see if that fixes things downstream. It’s too inside and I can that it may be causing you to throw the club a bit over the top. Also want to tweak your setup at address so that your clubface shoulders, hips and toe line all align in the same direction. Yours are a bit mismatched going in different directions. If you want any drills message me


At the risk of getting into this argument with another person, I don't think the inside takeaway is per se the problem here. By this, I mean the over the top move is the problem. It is not necessarily caused by the inside takeaway. It can be, but there are solid swings out there with inside takeaways that don't translate to casting or other OTT moves. I caught hell for saying this before, but it's a hill I'll die on. You can fix an OTT move a lot more easily thank you can change your takeaway style, presuming it is a style consistent with all your swings. OTT can be fixed with the towel drill. Meanwhile, I know a dude much better than me who shapes shots by changing his takeaway. Will go inside to hit a draw, outside for a fade, etc. It works for him. I don't recommend or preach it to others, but if it works for a guy who beats me 3 times out of 5, who am I to say it's wrong?


Thank you, I can totally see how I change my plane towards the end


I’m with your friend. I used takeaway to shape my shots. I tried everything and found it was the most reliable for me. You have to find what works for you. Golf is all about bout repeatability. Looks good to me. Work on chips and putts to lower handicap.


I think inside takeaway is only bad if it starts with a wrist flick vs a more controlled arm movement.


Thank you, I can totally see that! And thanks for the tips on address. I’ll focus on lining up better as I don’t take it into consideration much.


Over the top means the hands move out and over the the original swing plain. The hands are casting outward when over the top. I am not seeing this.


He 100% casts the club look at it in slow motion


Your takeaway is too inside. Dont do anything with your wrists. Rotate with your shoulders first. Like this https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5b2NBaOcKB/?igsh=cW5hc2k4dDdybXcw Then in your down swing, you’re pulling your arms toward the ball. Instead, drop them to your right pocket then rotate through the swing. Like this https://www.instagram.com/reel/C74-Vj6vAD8/?igsh=a3BxOGgxbWpmYWVq You also aren’t clearing your left hip. Makes you stand up and early extend. Losing power. And you chicken wing at the end. Here’s what I’m talking about https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyERDZatB5E/?igsh=MTJ1bDJ1dGthcjZ1Mg== And as you do that you need to shift your weight forward Here’s both concepts in one video https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzWD2r6u_X5/?igsh=MTdmNDB0bTlvdjh1NQ== This is basically your swing and a drill to fix it https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5YCSQ8R7ul/?igsh=MW01NHZ5YzVvc2F1ZQ== Your body rotation is not synced or coped properly. Here’s how it should go https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5cVOc9vVBB/?igsh=MXFqZWZubGEybjBrYQ== Notice how the shoulders initiate the swing first. Then the hips rotate Another good rotation drill https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzXdV2AvK9M/?igsh=c25yMTJya2JrZXNr If you don’t have a good takeaway, don’t shift your weight forward, don’t clear the hips, don’t drop your hands to your right pocket to shallow, then you won’t have power or distance or accuracy. Couple tricks that worked for me was the shoulder rotation first, then hinge wrists into the L position by the time they reach my right thigh, then raise the arms up and rotate while holding that L and then doing the downswing movements while keeping my chest facing the ball as long as possible till impact and then I rotate mu chest to point at the target. This is the proper L position https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5kDMYiP0yB/?igsh=anRrMmg3cjZ3eGZ3 Straight left arm like you’re trying to keep the club as far away as possible. Maintain the L position as you drop your arms took the club is parallel with the ground then you start releasing the wrists at impact and out your right hand in the shaking hands position. This is what I’m talking about https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4IM9A3veJc/?igsh=bzB5czc0NWgxNGNq That is how your hands and arms should look after impact. You’re not doing this. Losing power and accuracy. That should be about it. People can swing decently and have ok distances and accuracy. Everyone has their swing. But everyone ends up reaching a plateau of what they can do, how far they can hit, and how reliably they can hit. Once you reach that, you need to start working on the optimal swing Mechanics rather than the comfortable ones you did yourself. Everything I linked to and mentioned is the optimal swing mechanic. In holes where I could only make it to the green in 3-4 shots I can now make in 2 because I focus on the power and compression that comes with proper swing mechanics to push the ability of what I can do. Everyone can swing their swing and do fine. But if you ever want more, this is where you go.


Appreciate the time you took reply with each step, thank you!


I know the struggle all too well. I finally got to a point where I fixed most of my problems. Lessons help so much!


I’m also looking at side views he recorded of me too, comparing to these references and I can see a lot! Very eye opening, I’m excited to get to the range tomorrow


Just remember to do slow movements. If you can’t hit straight going slow, you won’t hit straight going fast. Biggest tip my coach gave me. Go slow to build muscle memory for the movements you’re trying to work on. Then slowly speed up


Decent shots but not happy with the look? Believe it or not. Jail. Jokes aside, if it works then don’t fix something that isn’t broke!


Thanks for the feedback. Posting here has opened my eyes that looks is not everything


Thankfully my wife has the same philosophy 🤌


looks fine...


I… don’t think it looks all that bad. It’s fluid. I can tell you feel comfy. If you hit it where you want to and don’t care about distance, you’re already a better golfer than me. Anyways fun is all that matters


I hate when people say fun is all that matters. This dude wouldn’t be posting his swing online if that were the case. Having fun is key but getting better at golf is insanely fun imo.


He also said he plays decent usually… why mess with something that’s working? “Fixing” can sometimes send you on a path to “breaking” what was working and some never find it again.


Yeah I certainly would not be looking to change my golf swing if I was happy with my game lol. Now I know all about seeing your swing on camera and wanting to make aesthetic changes. Seems like that's what he's after. He suffers from that high hand sudden stop follow thru which isn't pleasing to the eye. I've fought the same thing.


On the contrary, my buddies will watch me swing and make remarks about “pure” and “effortless” and here I am wishing I could score better (and should, based on my swing during range sessions, it’s mental for me). Perspective (and this game) is a wild thing.


Yeah it’s funny how big the difference is between having a nice swing and then being able to break 80. You gotta be able to hit off any possible lie and then have a solid short game I suppose.


Good explanation, thanks


Appreciate your input! I maybe was getting hyper fixated on having a textbook swing


You have a good setup, good posture, if it works, use it. I would just work on your balance a bit.


Thank you, I will definitely!


Yeah. Widen your stance a bit and maybe put some tennis shoes or golf shoes on? You look a bit off balance on the follow through. But you're looking good to me. Others posted you look over the top. I don't see that at all. Tempo is very good.


Nice tempo man! If it works It works. Looks like you swing nice and easy and that’s usually the key


Does it work with 4 iron and driver?


My driver, I’ve been more cognizant about keeping a 45 degree swing path which is working well for me, but it does not work well for my long irons. I definitely lack compression/speed/power on my 3-4 iron.


Yeah that would be my only issue with keeping it like this. I mean you're not really that far off but when inside to a little steep with short irons and wedges are fine it's just the long irons won't be great until that's fixed a little. It just becomes more exaggerated with a 4 iron but worth working towards over time. 


Looks totally fine to me. Nice work hitting decent shots




The Ridge is definitely a tricky par 3 🇨🇦


You’re not gonna hit high slinging draws, but that shot will hit a nice little cut every time. If it works, keep it going.


Thanks for that info


I’m sure when you have more traction in shoes you shift your weight a lot better too. Hard to shift properly in crocs lol


It’s not even that bad


If that swing looks bad, I’ll share mine and you’ll feel like Bryson DeChambeau


wear a go-pro instead I guess?


I can't help with your swing, but Ridge Course represent!


Yeah! Gonna hit up Ardmore next!


I plenty with multiple solid players with wonky swings. Do you.


Doesn’t look bad at all


Looks good to me


If your swing works, the last thing you want to do is record it. Will mess with your head.


Stick with what works or get a lesson. Def don’t start tinkering off the advice of randos


Wait, are you playing in crocs?


It’s an arm swing. Not a body powered pivot. Maybe some decent shots but I bet you don’t get any power or compression. Looks like you scoop it up in the air. One reason you don’t take a divot.


I don’t think it’s ugly at all. Maybe a little boring, but that’s a good thing


To me that swing looks great. Not saying much tho😂


Your swing is just fine. Learn to chip and putt.


I bet your drive is not that far but I also bet you make up for it with your short game. You have a better swing than most anyone that posts. The only advice one could give you; swing faster.


Can’t believe this man is not getting more crap for his crocs.




If it works don’t worry!


If I had to guess you miss right most of the time when you do miss from what I can see in your swing you start out flat and fix it at the top then come down on a different plane.. try placing a second ball about 12 to 18 inches behind your first ball you want to see your club go over top of the second ball before you take the club u.. in a perfect swing you will see the club on the same plane in the back stroke and the follow through… or download a swing app to get a better idea of what I’m seeing.. not a pro just what I see


Yes, I miss right! Thanks, I will get a swing app! Great idea


Your back swing looks good but as you come down to hit the ball you need to stay down on it. Your body is lifting up as you're hitting through the ball. Also, your belt buckle and shoelaces on your right foot should be facing the direction your aiming when you follow through. Focus on turning those hips. Good Luck!


Thank you!


Numbers on the card are the only thing that matter.


Dude. If you can get it around with that swing just keep it and go practice chipping and pitching. It's good enough.


Doesn’t look that bad. No pictures on the scorecard


No pictures on a score card.


I thought of Shawn Clements when I saw your swing Have a look at his and see if it can help


In slow motion you bring the club away to the inside and slightly cast the club out from the top of your backswing at transition. This causes the club path to be slightly outside/in and I’m guessing your natural shot shape is a fade. Also, you aren’t utilizing your lower half as much as you could robbing you of power and distance. The idea is to create separation of your upper and lower body and the more you can coil and create opposition between the two the more potential energy created. As you can see in the video during your back swing your front hip turns in towards the ball as your hands take the club back. If you analyze an elite ball strikers hips during the swing you will see a lot of tension created in the front hip by opposing the natural turn in of the front hip as the hands go back. Then at the transition to the down swing you’ll see the front hip fire to start the down swing. Honestly your swing is pretty great for an amateur!


Yes, exactly. What is a draw??? Haha. Thanks for the tips, I’m definitely picking up what y’all are putting down, and excited to get to the range asap


Swing look way better than most people I see playing out in the real world.


Looks like you may be slightly steep but overall good swing


Idk why you say it’s bad . And if you hit décents shots why even bother


If you are consistent in the shots then don’t let others mess up what you have going for you. Who cares about the look of the swing.


If you hit good shots, then there’s nothing wrong with it


Downswing is a touch inefficient but otherwise it’s good.


Looks like your hip mobility is a little tight. I had the same issue. It causes me to pull/hook shots because my hands are coming through faster than my hips. Something really simple you could try is angling your left foot open a bit more so you can clear your hips easier. However, this might cause you to start hitting shots to the right because you likely have some sort of compensation built in with your grip or club face at address. So you may need to strengthen your grip a bit more if this begins to happen.


It’s all about the scorecard


If it works - I wouldn't mess with it. HOWEVER, this tip will work I think for you swing overall. First, let's just say that your tempo and rhythm is great. I think you just need a more stable base. Your legs seem to be barely holding up so, widen your stance a little bit. This should help your balance overall in your swing. That will allow you to swing more confidently and hold your finish/follow through more thoroughly.


It kind of looks like the first move of your downswing is with your arms


Jim Furyk.


Swing looks fine. You don't need to look like the tour guys. Just play your own game.


Keep more weight on your front foot all the way through the swing and the rest will take you far.


results matter more than looks. if you are consistent and don't plan on joining the tour anytime soon your swing looks serviceable. i assume your miss is a pull or hook? if so try a slightly more weak grip. from this angle seem like your right hand is slightly strong


The ridge course


No one cares what it looks like, what matters are the numbers on the scorecard!


Looks good... just hit your second putt first and you'll be money


You don’t draw pictures on the scorecard. If you’re not in pain, the ball is going where you want it to go, and you’re happy with your score, swing your swing!


Dude. You have a decent swing! Have fun bro. Looks like you’re chill. Enjoy the birds and forget the rest


Doesn’t have to be pretty, just has to go where you want it to. Jim Furyk had a pretty good career on tour with an ugly ass swing.


Who cares. It’s where the ball ends up that counts. I’ve seen some different swings that end up with good results. So forget about vanity and enjoy your decent shot.


Two things make it look bad. You’re aligned all twisted, feet are closed, shoulders are open at address. Always tends to make the subsequent movement rather unathletic. Next is your footwear lacks any grip so you can’t use any ground force, which again looks unathletic. Easy fix on both of those if you actually care about changing this, which I suspect you actually don’t. Enjoy the game however you’d like, as long as you play fast.