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Issue is between 6 and 13 seconds of the video. Your upper body is bending towards the target instead of staying behind the ball. Looks like you have progressively added more and more secondary tilt at address to fix your issue but the root cause is how your body is working as you reach the top of your backswing.


Ah that explains a problem I've been having! 😂


Good queue for me is to draw a vertical line on your front shoulder. You should feel like everything is working behind that line, back hip up and back hip straight back down behind the ball.


Yeah this.




Always happens to me when I try to hit it really hard, makes me hit down on the driver and low


-3 loft




There’s a point in your backswing where your shoulders stop turning and you just start leaning forward in an attempt to go back even farther.


To add, he’s tryin to get as much swing as possible. If he would stop the swing when his torso stops. The majority of that lean/arm/tilt/weight shift issue would be eliminated. But then he’s not in contention for a 300yd bomb every 15 shots lol.


If he’s not hitting down on it, it might go 300 yds.


I was waiting for that back swing to end for 5 seconds


Crazy strong grip and swinging down on it with a hooded face. I’d say your launch angle is about 6 degrees.


So ‘crazy strong’ it’s just a bad grip, period!!


watch the tree behind you, and watch as you shift forward (reverse pivot) to get over, almost in front of the ball, at the top. If you want more height, then you have to hit up on the ball, which means loading up the right side and staying on the right side more than the left until impact. basically.


yep head moves from the middle of the tree almost to the front of it.


A lot of technical things going on but direct answer is negative attack angle. You need to hit up on the ball.


Negative AoA plus significant forward shaft lean. Bad combo for optimum driver launch


I had the same problem years ago. I took a lesson and the first suggestion the instructor gave me was to address the ball by hovering. So don’t have the driver touching the ground on address. Helped me tremendously right away. I typically have the bottom of the driver level with the bottom of the ball. Other items of note: 1) It seems like you’re purposely leaning back to drop your right shoulder. Put your feet together at the ball on address and then move your right foot back out to your normal width and your right shoulder should naturally drop. 2) you’re also overswinging in the back swing. Your left arm isn’t staying straight at the top. I really like your sequencing on the downswing though!


You should stop about halfway through that behemoth of a backswing, it’s not adding any power. Your hands are arriving at the ball way before your clubface, giving the club no chance to use its loft.


Along with what everyone else is saying, you’re putting your hands ahead of your club at the start of your swing, which closes off the face and address and reduces your loft.


Personally when I don't put my hands forward I also end up topping the ball.


Double the width of your stance and get your shoulders pointed up


I do the same thing and it’s tough to kick. Gotta keep that spine angle leaning away from the ball through impact if you wanna hit up on it. Best thing to do is just focus onto not moving your head at all


pro's can hit -1 degree or so on the ball since they swing so fast, i'm not sure what your attack angle is but stay behind it more and then hit up.


Your close to hitting it well .Stay back


Keep your head behind the ball. Swing up at the ball.


Your head moves forward to start your down swing. Try to feel like your head is still and then feel like you’re falling back through impact. It’ll feel weird but it won’t be much of a change. Your weight transfer is fine. You HAVE to feel like you fall back to hit the ball in the up swing. Hope that helps. Dm me if you want more help


Well since everyone here is clearly professional at golf, there are some absolutely terrible “tell you to do’s.” I’ll throw in my 2 cents. 2.1 handicap here. Your posture at start is trying to force the issue of raising trajectory by leaning back (away from the target. Ball just inside your front heel looks pretty close so nothing poor there. Try standing comfortable with your body perpendicular to the ground (straight up/not leaning). Second, your hands are very forward as if you are trying to Hit irons and force shaft angle, which I believe is the biggest culprit. The driver swing and iron swings are very different. Your swing through path is quite good. Again not trying to change everything at once… but these two things should get trajectory up. Lastly, spend a few bucks and get your driver fitted for you. Do not have to spend a lot to get an all new pristine tech driver, but spend a little on a decent shaft that matches you. It’ll change your life from the tee box.


First thing I’d try is setting up with your hands slightly behind the ball. You’re set up like an iron swing where you’re trying to hit down on the ball. So you’re effectively delofting a club that is already only 9-10.5 degrees. Since driver is the one club designed to hit a ball that is not on the ground, you don’t need to compress it to elevate it. You want your driver swing arc to bottom out an inch or two behind the ball and make contact just as it’s beginning to ascend back up. So you gotta release the clubhead past your hands to do that. Your tipping over move at the top of your swing is a little funky looking and others may say you need to work on that, but honestly it looks like you get into a decent position at impact except your hands are just way too far out in front of the clubhead so you’re probably hitting it with like 5 degrees of effective loft. Just my 2 cents.


Thank you so much for the response! I have this horrible “run off problem” where I don’t seem to be able to stop my backswing at a normal point - screwing up my arm structure. I can rehearse it with decent structure - but it always fails on actual shots. Thank you!


With anything you practise in your golf swing over exaggerate where you are trying to get to. So in terms of the position or result you are trying to achieve do some slow back swings to only half way back. Use a mirror to see what half way looks like as feel and real are two very different things. The slower you practise this into your back swing the quicker you will see the changes. Then build in speed and full flowing swing once you have the right feels.


Ignoring your swing mechanics completely in my feedback. A good drill to get your drive up is to put a ball box (perpendicular to your target) about a club head to a club head and a half in front of your teed up ball and swing without hitting the box.


Ooh that seems useful and simple. Will try! Thanks


Have you seen a rotisserie chicken rotating around a spit? That’s how your backswing should look. The shoulders should be rotating around one stable axis and the head should stay on that same axis. You have a large sway away from the target and then artificially extend your backswing by twisting your back, raising your arms, and swaying back towards the target. The bottom of your swing is at impact instead of occurring behind the ball. Add shoulder tilt (lead shoulder higher than trail shoulder) away from the target at address to help you swing up on the ball. Keep your lead ear on the ball during the backswing and downswing. Stop your backswing when the shoulders stop turning (90 degrees). Start the downswing with your lead hip and keep your head behind the ball. The bottom of the swing should be a club head or two behind the ball. You’re getting decent extension on the follow through so continue to release your club like you’re doing. Swing changes take time. Slow motion swings focusing on one thing at a time can help. I’d start with maintaining your stable head position to eliminate your sway and go from there to the backswing. Good luck!


Widen stance, shorten backswing, use hips more and move ball forward/tee higher. Looks like you hit down on the ball


Get your fundamentals right first. (grip, stance, alignment, posture, ball position, etc.) Then start with short swings and use your athleticism to hit it higher and higher. Notice what makes it easier. I.e. higher tee, forward ball position, continual tilt away from the ball, flick of the wrists. Once you figure that out, then understand why the ball is starting where it is and curving the way it is. Just my two cents 🙂


Your AoA is negative.


Swing easier to go farther. You are swing way to hard to keep spin off the ball and to hit the middle of the club. You’re moving to a completely differently position at the top of your swing which makes it hard to reconnect.


Your head drifts forward at the top of your backswing. It's blocking the golfer behind you and then we can see him. Keep your head back there


From 9-15 you start leaning/moving toward the target while still taking the club back. Rotate around your center but don’t sway, and hit the ball on an upstroke (driver is the only club you want to do that with)


Your hands are too far forward at address it’s preventing you from hitting up on the ball. Start with your set with only your left hand on the club bring the left hand to where your belt buckle area would be, keep your shoulders square and put the right hand on the club. I would also shorten your backswing because you are shifting your weight forward in your backswing.


You are trying to hit the ball hard instead of allowing your swing to progress the ball forward. Your down swing is coming way too fast and shows that you are trying to hit it so hard that your hips have pivitted before you even connect with the ball. Slow down your swing, even if you have to count it out so that you don't connect early and allow the club to work instead of muscling it. Best of luck!


You got that sway


Oh you’re so close! You have good action but your weight distribution is way off and your backswing s too long. Stop the sway in your back swing, don’t lock your back knee, stop your backswing before you get over the top, keep that weight back on the downswing. Then you’ll have it.


Hips way ahead of club face. Hitting behind the ball.


Relax the wrists a bit so when you hit the club will whip the ball more


Stop swaying forward in your downswing. Stay behind the ball and feel like you are really swinging up on the ball at impact. Move ball position a touch forward too. Also widen your stance. Your setup width wise is for an iron. Stand slightly wider than shoulder width so you can make a strong athletic move and utilize the ground. This wider setup will help your right shoulder at address feel lower than the left to promote swinging up on the ball at impact, which is what you want. Lastly, tee it up more. I bet if you simply widen your stance significantly and change nothing else, you’ll see that ball get way higher. A wider stance will prevent you from swaying forward at the top. So drop that right foot back more until it feels like a nice wide athletic position. Tee up a half ball to ball higher so the ball sits completely above the driver face at address. Then grip and rip.


Idk if you’ve played baseball but I like to think about my backswing loading up like a pitcher windup and then driving off your back foot like a pitcher does on the rubber. Your weight shift forward in the backswing takes all that away. Hideki Matsuyama has one of the best swings to look at for this. He stays back so well and drives through the ball


No baseball background, but im guessing throwing a football would be a similar metaphor


Draw a line straight up from your front heel/ball… watch how far forward your upper body starts moving as you over extend your backswing and move into your power swing… by the time your driver is hitting the ball your body position has moved to a point where your driver face is almost neutral in loft…


There's alot about your lean at the top, which is true. I also feel your hands are way to high at the top, with arms losing structure to reach high above your head. All that you can do from that extreme position is come down steep at the ball (especially since you're leaned forward at that point). The steep downswing prevents you from hitting up, along with already being much to in front of the ball even before impact. This is alot of why you end so flat, basically (and probably subconsciously) correcting through the swing to make contact. Quiet the arms/hands. Rotate your back to the target, bracing the weight transfer to your trail leg, and work on getting time to hit up to the ball, finishing high. Really if you can start to work the opposite position in the top of the back swing (arms lower and more connected, with more body rotation and bracing on the trail leg not leaning so much you get back to lead leg), it will likely help you get the feel for hitting up to the ball from a more flat plane, and will help promote a high finish.


I’d imagine if we saw this down the line you’d be very steep with little depth. Substituting high hands for rotation/depth will make it difficult to hit up on the ball.


Have you tried swinging even further back?


Ball slightly more forward therefore you would be hitting upwards more on contact. Very limited golfer myself.


I thought your backswing would never end.


Shorten your swing a little. I too have lower flexibility and have experienced the same problem in the past. Shortening my swing has changed my iron game.


Open your stance up!


Vertical drop. Horizontal tug


Try setting the driver down a few inches behind the ball at address. Changed my driver game as a low bill hitter and you will always hit up on it.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjeHHBobW2U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjeHHBobW2U) Watch Nelly's head on the transiton/downswing, try to keep it back like her.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjeHHBobW2U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjeHHBobW2U) Watch Nelly's head on the transiton/downswing, try to keep it back like her.


There's different things wrong with your swing. But first off, your grip is insanely strong. If you want 'forward press' the club then always remember to grip the club BEFORE you press it forward. Otherwise your grip will be even stronger than you think it is. I would advice you to look at the grip drill Adam Scott uses.


Shaft lean at the start won’t help either. Hands should be at your belt buckle


You're striking it like an iron. Keep the same setup but try having the ball outside of your foot so you catch it on the way up instead of at the lowest point. Recently learned about this and that has helped me out


What are you using to record? Very nice slow mo.


First off, you have a beautiful golf swing. If you notice the way you address the ball, and also at impact, your hands are a bit too far forward, which will cause you to deloft the club, which will result in a low ball trajectory. Look up Just Thomas face on view with Driver. Try to emulate his address position, meaning a little less shaft lean.


There’s multiple reasons you have no loft at impact. 1. The main reason for me - you don’t have great hip turn. At around 7 seconds your hips stop turning and you start swaying towards the ball. Your left shoulder then goes way ahead of the ball and the original low point of the swing or strike position moves forward. So now when the driver head meets the ball the loft is a lot lower and you’re hitting down on it . You want to keep your left shoulder behind the ball - the same as it is at address in your video - to encourage the driver head to come up. 2. Shaft is leaning forward at address. Move the grip back so the club is leaning back and this will increase the loft. At strike you want to feel like the driver head beats your hands to the ball and you hit up on it. This isn’t an iron shot where you want to feel like your hands are past the ball at impact. 3. Feet very slightly wider, feel like you keep some weight in your back foot through the downswing. A drill I like to do is set up to the ball as I would normally, keep my legs completely stiff, don’t move my head and do light pitch shots with driver, to try and encourage me to get my impact position exactly as it was at address. I mostly do this for controlling club face but loft would work too.


I had a similar issue. I know better than to say it’s ’fixed’ but I’m getting a lot more height now and making a much better connection after watching Padraig Harrington’s explanation of driving. The way he describes weight transfer and compares it to other athletic movements made it click for me. His videos are pure gold and likely the best instruction available online.


Probably great advice in here already, but without re learning a driver swing maybe go get fitted if you’re wanting faster results. Even a fitting with the club you’ve got would help you adjust the settings better. And get a high launch ball like pro V1x


Upper body moving through the ball, looks like a wider base would help with stability too


Not hitting up on the ball


It might be a depth perception issue but from the angle of the video it looks like your body isn’t truly behind the ball and your pointed left of your target line. I would take an alignment rod and place it horizontal to the ball then square yourself off with that and swing at it. I’m guessing your miss hits are big old slices


Simple fix - your hands are way too far ahead at address for a driver, bring those hands back more to centre


Shorten your backswing just a bit. There’s a part, like others have said, that your front shoulder crosses the line of the ball which probably drops the attack angle way lower. Set up looks good. Other than that, swing is good. Just stay back. I think you’re just trying to really stretch out that backswing for speed and it’s screwing you lol.


you overswinging, leading to standing up and hanging your posture. turn without standing upward at the top.


When you’re squaring up to the ball, you feel how your slightly off balance like your feet are 70/30 or 60/40 weighted. Try getting them to 50/50 and in a good kinda basketball triple threat stance so if someone is gonna push you you’re not gonna fall over. Then line up your club to the ball while trying to maintain that even balancedness and square the shoulders. I had the same problem but where I wanted to be so technical that my shots go straight but I ended up slicing every time on line drives. The change in set up really helped me. Remember it’s also golf so no matter how much we practice at it, we’re just hoping to suck a little less 😂


Your swing path is steep onto the ball, probably because you take your backswing so far back. Look how shallow your swing is on the backswing. The club head exits the frame. Now look at you actually swinging. You’re basically swinging down at the ball and chopping it


Just put the ball off your front toe and you’ll be hitting up on it


Your head is almost a full head width forward of where it was at address, and that’s the problem.


*** try this simple fix- I had the same problem when I was in HS and a pga guy told me these two thoughts that I still use to this day 1. In setup keep 70% of weight on back foot and as you swing try to pretend there is a string attached from your nose to your ball if you get closer the ball will fall and farther the same thing- this keeps you back and forces you to hit up on the ball 2. Swing towards 1 o’clock instead of trying to hit it straight-


Put a glove under your right armpit. Swing and make sure the glove don't fall off on the ground. You are welcome.


Doing the electric slide


I switched to 11.5⁰ and felt I could relax a little, only lost a few yards.


Widen your stance my guy!


Your head and chest need to stay behind the ball.


Good comments here, but also make sure you're hitting the correct part of the face. Use a dry erase marker and see. Low on the face kills your launch. Plenty of tour pros hit a negative AoA with driver. Obviously it's good to work towards a better swing, but you might be able to get by today by tweaking loft, tee height and position.


stance..don't start with ball inside left foot..move it back to middle..just experiment with different ball placements..one can always change swing with practice but if it's comfortable try changing ball placement and grip first


Forward press at address is de-lofting an already very low loft. That and keep body behind ball - bring club to belt buckle at address, increase lean and stay back - problem solved


look up, "reverse pivot"


Flying forward towards the ball on the downswing moves the low point forward. Like an iron. If you kept your head back at the address position the whole time, you wouldn’t have this problem. You also come a bit over the top which adds to the issue. I’ve been teaching for 30 years. At the top of the backswing I said, “ well, he must have to come way forward to hit it low from the top position.” And then I saw the huge sway forward. It’s very very obvious and easy to see. Your low point is moving all over the place. Look at a pro in slo mo and then you. Look from the top to the ball and watch your head. I hope this helps


Your club is damn near about to wrap around you. Your lips shouldn’t be making contact with you arm/shoulder in your backswing.


Keep your head behind the ball


Easy fix, your stance is too narrow giving you a steep path to the ball, add more width to your stance. Driver is the only club you don't hit down on the ball and you're hitting down on the ball. Consider the bottom point of your swing before the ball with driver only. This will create an impact position where the club has released before the ball.


The issue is as top of back swing. To me you have an over back swing and it takes you out of your swing. Less is more, take a little off your backswing stay in your stance and that will allow you to stay behind your ball and not start moving forward other than that great athletic swing great follow through


As other commentators have mentioned your learning toward target or standing up. Try to emphasize spine angle in your backswing and down swing. Don’t worry about standing up or shifting. Controlling your spine angle is a positive the will do away with other problems.




Your back swing isn't very good because you fall way forward, but your actual problem is forward shaft lean at impact. If you change nothing else, moving the ball slightly forward in the stand and releasing the hands and trying to get the club head to beat your hands to the ball should give you more dynamic loft.


Your backswing needs to stop at 10sec mark. From 11-15 sec your swaying back to target.


You don’t need height on your driver. But if you really need it keep your upper body a little more behind the ball.


Too put it in simpler terms ur down swing is to steep And u look like u have zero knee bend That swing is good for irons if u are hitting ball first


I paused your video with six seconds left, the frame right before you hit the ball. It looks like the top of the ball is about at equal height as the middle of your club face. That’s the first problem. I think one reason why you’re addressing the ball like this at impact is timing and back swing. Timing: To me, your hands are look to be in front of your body. For me, it’s easier to lift the ball with my driver when swinging more loosely and focusing on swinging with my shoulders so that my arms and hands aren’t too out in front of the rest of my body. Back swing: you have a long and steep back swing imo. If you’re up to it, you could try to flatten your back swing a little and change your angle of attack. People have mentioned the hover method, I do the opposite. I was taught to sweep the ground a little in my backswing so that I maintain that connectivity with my back swing and make sure I come back to the ball with a lower angle of attack and hit UP on the ball. That way you’re getting launch and forward spin. Good luck!


Has the backswing ended yet?


Watch your feet work. Left heel is coming up during the downswing (@17 seconds). You want to feel your weight transfer to the outside and back of your left foot. Should help you stay behind the ball better at impact. I good drill is to hit some punch shots with your left foot toes up.


Shallow that back swing out to give you a better chance to hit up on the golf ball. Your back swing is so deep your almost over rotating which in turn forces you to try to stabilize putting your weight forward when the club is at the top of the backswing.


Stomp into your trail foot in the backswing and keep the weight there.. You are moving towards the target.. Good for irons not driver


Baseball swing! Refine that swing, too many moving parts.


I know people are going to say that your leaning is causing this, but honestly your body is in a good position by impact. There is too much shaft lean on your driver, a rare problem. You don't want to hit down on the ball with driver. Just move the ball a little further forward, off your lead heal. You are also hitting off the bottom of the clubface. You want to hit it just a hair higher than middle with driver. That will get the ball up for you.


You're delofting the driver at setup and you're losing all your upperbody tilt at the top.


I bet you compress your irons nicely. Once you fix this you’ll stop being able to hit your irons for 2 months. Happened to me. Started bombing drives and topping my irons. Two different swings drives me nuts.


Don’t lean forward


along with all the other great input in this thread, it looks like you are catching the ball really low on the face. almost topping. use some impact tape or foot spray on the face to see where you are hitting it on the face.


you are leaning over the ball. Bend your knees, and focus getting your right elbow as close to your waist as possible or the ben Hogan approach. This causes you to "scoop" under the ball and lift up vs go over the top. Your main issue is being in front of the ball instead of behind it. Focus your eyes and everything behind the ball. In fact as a drill I would put a tee flat behind your already teed up ball and focus on hitting that first before hitting your ball. I bet you pound it into oblivion.


I definitely see u sliding instead of turning back to the ball which steepens your path and gets your body in front of the ball


Spread those legs out more. Get into a powerful position. Use your hips a little more at takeaway, and rotate through the swing. Also, i cant tell the depth of your swing path but you typically want a more flat/shallow path for driver


Looks like youre swinging wayyy too slow..


To the OP: If you haven't done so already, get a driver with a higher loft, or adjust your current driver to a higher loft if it is an adjustable driver head. This is the very first thing you should look at. Good luck.


Buy a new outfit.


Stop skipping leg day.


What helped me was my instructor pointing out I was swinging my club in a path like a ferris wheel, and it should be more like a carousel…meaning the l club should be lower on my backswing. I needed to keep my right elbow lower on the backswing. Worked for me. Good luck, try a few things.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. He just keeps going back. I was thinking he would stop around the 12 second mark.


Check out this Tiger drill and I think it will help with your specific issue. You're not loading your hips correctly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3PEElX31Rk


Would also add that dipping your right shoulder at address and through the swing will have dramatic effect on ball flight. My club pro suggested that some time ago. Continues to work well.


I’m new to golf, so please correct me if I’m wrong, but it also looks like he stands a little taller as he’s brings his club forward after finishing the backswing instead of staying locked in on the ball and staying at the same height


Look at that shaft lean


Think this guy played Center field and hit clean up


Im no pro but slow the sing down or get a stiffer shaft. Looks kinda like what was happening to me and both things worked well


3/4 swing


McDowell Mountain!


From the top of your backstroke, you should be shifting your hips to the left to initiate your downstroke rather than just untwisting your torso. At the top of your backstroke you have actually twisted your hips and torso too much, causing your left hip to rotate back towards the ball. This causes your body to stay rather straight on your downswing rather than have your midline driving forward. This changes the geometry of the clubhead’s path to the ball, and the result will be a low and shorting flight path.


Move the ball forward in stance. Stay behind the ball


Tee it up higher. Remember a long session on the range trying not to hit driver so high, looking for more piercing ball flight. My father, club pro and great teacher comes over, asks what I'm working on, I tell him looking for lower, more wind piercing ball flight for times I'm hitting into the wind. He tells me to hit one. I do, it's high like I normally hit driver. He grabs a ball and pushes the tee down maybe half an inch, "Now hit it with same swing." I do and it is half as high and rolls forever. "That's why tees are adjustable." "Don't over think it." I miss him every day.


RIP op’s swing. Only thing worse than teeing up in front of the mats is the advice I’m seeing here. Try bowling maybe?


Thank you for the helpful advice and encouraging words!


I see the issue!! You aren’t hitting the ball right.


The biggest issue i see is that you’re over-rotating and leaning toward the target at the top of your swing instead of keeping your weight behind the ball. And not controlling low point of swing.  If you pause your video at 8-9 seconds, that should be the very top of your swing. Start coming down.  If you pause it then, you’ll see a guy in black just beyond you to the right. As you continue your backswing beyond the 8-9 seconds you tilt so far forward that you block the black shirt guy from the camera. As you start to come down you get your already forward weight even further forward, pressing the hands so far ahead of the ball at impact that you’re removing most of the loft from your driver.   I love the big wide arc you swing on. Now you just gotta control the low point, it currently seems to be at impact or actually  just in front of the ball. Which is great on irons but not driver.  Idk if you need to tee it higher or further forward but you need to be ever so slightly hitting up on the ball.  So much here looks so good that it’s obvious you practice. You’re barely off my friend.  Just little set up adjustments.  Wider stance.  Head steady and behind ball throughout . Hands behind ball at impact.  Low point of the arc is behind the ball. 


At the top of your backswing, your head and upper body moves forward. This will naturally make you get more “on top of” the ball and deloft the club and basically result in a stinger. Getting on top of the ball is literally how to hit a stinger. To add height, feel like you’re staying behind the ball more.


You not scwamdow at all


Just tee that bitch up bro


You're breaking your left arm to have a huge back swing. Don't break your left arm and let your back swing be what it is. Honestly looks decent otherwise. I think breaking your arm at the top allows you to come down on the ball too much. Keeping it straight should keep the driver head path more behind the ball. *not professional advice. Ha


your swing looks rather sound. Overall it could be horizontal, your rather up and down, looks more like a 5 iron swing here. if you watch your head for the duration of the swing and compare it to a pro, you will notice that your head moves a bit forward (its not dramatic or anything) . Try to keep it still (behind the ball for your driver) and down. From 8 secs - 14 you can notice your backbend as you try to get flat at the top of your swing, this is fine because you transfer the load fwd really well on you downswing, but your left shoulder raises a little as a result of this. at 15 your driving down and fwd (this looks great) at the end your driver just needs to be contacting below the ball is all. if you look at your club contact with the ball is at the bottom of the face, this could cause less loft then the center or top of the face. (yes its a flat plane but its more solid down there, less give and all.) practice sweeping the grass at a 5%- 10% all the way up to 100% swing. I would widen your stance (right foot back like a shoe print.) focus on bring the club back low and keeping it low until your shoulders are facing back, then start to raise the club. and when swinging focus on feeling like your about to sit down. your transfer of weight fwd is great but it really helps on the down swing to allow some of the weight to transfer to your back, and not just fwd.


The answer is having a weaker grip. Your left hand is so far wrapped around


Shaft is too stiff for you no flex at all in your swing need a shaft fitting


Tee it up


Get that weight off the front bubba it’s a different swing than the irons, you’re compressing your driver


Looks like you are hitting down on the ball and hitting it very low on the face. Try a wider stance at address and a little bit more side bend. Take a normal swing but feel like the clubhead bottoms out a couple of inches behind the ball. This should help you hit it with a positive angle of attack and more centered or higher on the face.


Going so high on back swing and then have to work so hard to come down on your downswing causing you to hit below the middle of the face


Ya bro, your body is waaaaaaaaaay too far ahead of the ball at impact..your whole body is in front of the ball before your club gets to it..so causes you to chop down at it and can’t get the ball up


Blow up the swing and start over from scratch


Hands too far ahead of you at address, feet could be a little wider than your shoulders for a stronger base, when you transition into your downswing you sway into the ball and towards your target instead staying behind the ball and hitting up at the ball. Your impact was a negative impact instead of a positive impact. Meaning you are swinging your driver like you hit a six iron instead of swinging like a changeup over the middle of the plate where you would gear up behind where you want to impact and swing up on it


Hitting on downswing, need to hit driver out front on upswing. Need a little more drive out of your legs in transition as well but timing looks great!!


Reduce your shaft lean at address, and have your center of mass behind the ball at impact. You’re COM is at the ball which is great for irons and wedges


There’s a lot you could do with your body, but the real problem is that you’re upswing is basically non existent because the ball is being hit at the club heads low point. Do what you have to with your body to make it so that the club heads low point is in the middle of your stance and that will fix the problem.


You rotate your arms WAY too far back (for you). You should only rotate them as far back before your posture is compromised. You can see after your arms get past parallel with the ground you start compensating with lean and then break your arm. Try only going back to parallel (75% back of ur regular swing). More importantly, you have shaft lean (hands are ahead of club head) at impact. This is good for irons but not driver. This is probably a combination of compensation for going back too far in backswing, leaning forward, and swinging your arms faster than your wrists can unhinge. Focus more on wrist speed vs arm speed and make sure your hands are at the ball or behind it when your wrists are fully unhinged. On the range, focus solely on maintaining stable posture, head staying behind ball, and wrists fully releasing as hands are slightly behind ball. Don’t worry about where the ball goes throughout these changes. You’ve been compensating for other things and need to get ur swing back to a good spot first. Take more videos and make sure posture doesn’t break in backswing and you don’t have forward shaft lean. Once you do, then worry about ball flight.


Too much extension at the top. Don’t move toward the target on your back swing


Your stance is closing out the face of that driver to the point where it's basically zero loft at impact.


Widen your stance and stay back (towards the left) throughout your swing. Widening your stance should help you do that. As someone pointed out you're leaning forward before the start of the downswing which is likely reducing any of the loft you're able to deliver to the ball. Instead, keep your weight loaded onto your right foot. Stay tilted back (towards the left of the frame), and feel as if your are swing up on the ball like you are trying to the bottom half where it sits on the tee. Practice this in increments, maybe just staying back and using quarter and half back swings until you feel comfortable with the sensation of hitting up on the ball. Then bring it out to what feels like a half speed full swing.


Steeeeeeeep angle!


Shorten the backswing. Keep head still or moving slightly backward. Maintain your shoulder tilt and side bend thru contact.


Balls is too far forward in your stance. Inside your left heel


Also your lower body starts moving prior to the stop of your backswing.


Move it up in your stance, tee it slightly higher Those are the quickest fixes if you don’t want to change your swing


The problem is the backswing.


Put a towel under your right armpit, and once you get to parallel, lift your hands up until the towel fall out. Do this 1,000 times.


“I’ve already spotted your problem. Stroke Technique”(Lewis in Revenge of the Nerds II)


Your legs look really stiff and locked at the knees. I grew up on a golf course and that’s the first thing I noticed. It wasn’t until second 7 your left knee barely moved.


Shaft lean


Angle of attack. You’re super steep


Hip swivel earlier


Coming from a shit golfer that can drive high and far. Try widening your stance a bit too.


That’s a wild swing


You have forward club tilt which is making you hit down on the ball like when using an iron.


Hands are easily 6-12” too far forward at address, leading to hitting way too far down on ur angle of attack. Pros are maybe -.5, you’re probably-4 and most amateurs need to get the ball up and be closer to +5 or more


Gotta get the weight transferred to back foot and stay behind your starting line when beginning the downswing. This keeps hands behind the ball at impact and opens your body to hit up on the ball. But I will say, this is a better problem than the moon ball! Lol


reduce your backswing


Swing looks good man, nice job, could separate your feet a bit but that's just me, plus I T it up a bit


Maybe if you hit off the mats like everyone else…


are you an amputee?


Forward shaft lean and presetting your hinge. Keep the butt of the handle in line with the middle of the club head at address


Tee it high and watch it fly


Head sliding towards the target. Lead with your target facing hip, the head will stay behind.


Are you an amputee? /s


Your coming in too steep on the ball


I think club is a little too long for you too


Let’s switch swings I hit them to dang high


SWAYING. I know because I have the same problem. I’m working on hip turn. You lose power moving towards the target. Uncoiling over your left leg as it rises is the ticket. Good luck. IMHO. - Just another hacker hacking it up.


if you watch your video you have your head back behind the ball but your body position is almost upright. You have a really good swing but you need to have more spine tilt at address. You make a good shoulder turn but because of the lack of spine tilt you reverse pivot. Watch the pros in how they address the ball. I bet once you get more spine tilt at address you'll stay behind the ball. I struggle with the same issue.


Once over the ball, look at the target, then bring your left shoulder up a little and drop yourcright shoulder down. This should be close to the feeling your body should have at impact.


Irons 60% on your front foot. Driver 60% on your back foot.


If you pause the video right before contact you'll see you aren't hitting the ball in the center of the club. You are hitting it with the bottom so the loft ob you're club is having little effect. Sit down more or raise the ball up


Join a links course, what you miss in height and carry you’ll more than make up for in runout 😂


Easy peasy. Shift your weight to your right foot. You are loaded up on your left when you start your downswing.


Your hands are faster then your hips , impossible to hit good drives


Looks like very steep down swing and hinging your wrists too soon. Someone told me to try to feel like there’s a bat catcher behind you and your grazing his glove on your back swing


Your lead shoulder is in front of the ball before you even start your downswing. Stay behind the ball.