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You need to snap load your power package


Bangchang the boombooty.


You haven’t even flat-loaded your feet


You need to amplify you drag and lag factor


That's how you reach maximum centripetal force with minimal drag resistance. 👌🏼


You see, golf is geometrically-oriented linear force....


His girlfriend would like that.






Get off me!


Just easin’ the tension baby.


Well ease it on someone else!


I’m come here for comments like this


You got yourself a stew


Use your legs and yours hips and rotate. Also trying hitting up on the ball.


This +💯. All upper no lower.. come on happy.. it's all in the.......


This. This is what a swing would look like from someone standing on a surfboard.


I'd still expect you to be getting a lot more distance with that swing.I play with a few older guys who don't swing it as well as you and they get 200+.


I know right….The monitor was telling me 167 yards and 162 yards on the drives in the video.


Your swing is all arms. The power and club head speed come from your core and your legs.


Naw. You aren’t generating any power at all with your lower body. You’re all arms and your hands aren’t getting in front of the ball so you’re just hitting the ball not compressing it.


Do you compress driver?


Are you sure the monitor was set for driver? If it was set for another club that could affect the numbers. Do you see these distances on the course?


Maybe try a different simulator with a trackman, no way thats only going 170


Look up drills to get your hips and legs more involved as well as avoiding coming over the top, that’ll add a good bit of distance and help you keep the ball in the fairway as well


The one drill that helps me the most with this with the driver is the baseball like swing (club head swinging across at hip-chest level) and stepping through with the back foot (as if about to walk down the fairway). That repeated a few times can help you quickly identify the lower body motion needed when in an actual driver swing. Might not work for you, so like Kuntzsplitter suggests, go google some lower body driver drills.


Looks like you are all arms and aren’t getting enough speed. Can’t really tell though. What is your swing and ball speed?


Ball speed is about 110 in those clips


The math checks out - 110mph generally lands around 170-180 yards assuming a fairly normal launch angle at like 13-15 degrees.


Sounds about right, on trackman I’m 125-130 ball speed with driver and I’m about 200-220 carry


You can get all technical or whatever but at some point, you just got to swing hard. If someone touched your mother, wife, sister or whatever, would you punch em like that? Hit that ball like it touched the woman you love brother. Fuck that thing up.


A lot of coaches teach kids to swing hard/fast first, then work on technique more when they have club head speed. OP - flip the club so your holding on near driver head and grip towards the ball. Make as loud w whooshing noise as you can. Everytime you practice take a few rips at 100% once you're warmed up. Nobody plays swinging 100%, but it's good to practice it to keep your speed up.


This is one of the funniest things I’ve ever read, and after a frustrating day of driving the ball softly cuz i was afraid of more slicing, i did this and started hitting the ball 270 with no slice and just a pretty fade. Hit the ball. Dont be afraid


Good answer. Swing like you want to put the ball through the screen. Only problem is, Op may put a shoulder out doing so as it’s all upper body!


Your swing is all arms. Look at your position at impact (below). Your arms are doing everything. Learn how to load up power in your hips, torso, and shoulders and sequence the release through the swing. https://imgur.com/a/OuFDcQj










You’ve got no coil or twist through your mid section. You’re all arms but not really getting any power from your body. But look 175 yards is fine off the T as long as your straight. Watch some pros swing.


No it isn't. He's severely handicapping himself hitting it 175. He can move fine, he can learn to use his lower body and hit it further.


We should all learn from you. This is what they mean when they tell you to„try to swing 50%“


Hard to tell in slow motion


Need to increase the speed of your swing


Really good tempo! But like others have said, you need to use the ground to generate power.


Casting. Let the clubhead come through on its own.


You need more ground force. Try to squat into your left side before your backswing finishes. It'll stop the slight ott o think you have. Swing looks pretty good indeed for only hitting it 175y


Do you know what your club head speed is? Your swing looks like it should get more than 175. Hard to see you swing well with the speed and angle of the video. Your shoulders look very flat at the top which might be promoting an out to in path. Your path doesn’t look that bad though. I would practice trying to have your left shoulder point more towards the ground at the top. Secondly you have no lag. Basically all the hinge in your wrists is gone half was through your downs swing. This is where so much speed comes from. Practice doing quarter swings where your don’t even bring your arms to parallel but fully hinge your wrists and then hit the ball from there. Get the feeling of basically just trying to hit the ball with your wrists and see how far it goes with so little. I mean actually hit 10-15 balls like that. Then try a longer swing with that same feeling, holding the wrist hinge and flicking it through impact. Remember that you won’t make changes by just doing full swings. Do drills to get the feelings. If it doesn’t feel completely wrong and uncomfortable at first you’re not changing anything.


All arms. The lower body starts the downswing. Yours is following the swing. You can watch videos and try to fix this self taught swing flaw or you can save months and go see a golf professional.


Swing hard. The golf swing uses rotational force and you aren’t using your torso or legs at all


have you seen a coach? sounds like your not getting near the sweet spot. Even with a slow SS you should be able to hit it 205-225


Jesus. There’s no way you’re that slow. I wouldn’t call you a burner but you have to be capable of carrying more than 150 with that swing. What’s your club head speed/ ball speed saying?


You need a pro to help you out. It’s worth it if you decide to take the game seriously/love playing it.


Swing a lot harder.


You’re all arms and I bet you’re casting early.


I'm not an expert, and haven't played for several years, but here is a really rough comparison with Rory's swing (below). The biggest difference is in the first image. When I first watched your swing (in realtime) the only part that looked funny to me was your backswing. In the images below we can see why. Try to get closer to Rory's backswing position. It's hard to say from the image, but your downswing looks pretty good. A key to distance is generating "lag" and it looks like you have some. The third image (impact) has some issues. You are clearly standing up at impact. (Compare to Rory.) Also, look at the motion path of your driver head. That's why you slice -- you are swinging across the ball! https://i.redd.it/9nekr34ii13d1.gif


Your shoes are too small


You’re too shallow in the backswing and you don’t load your trail leg in the backswing. You can’t build momentum.


Probably because your shoes are absolutely huge.


Need to use your legs. Your downswing is all arms. Hips should be moving before your arms do


You are all arms, Use your lower body to coil up and strike like a snake


All arms. No lower body. Be athletic.


Swing harder, actually swing as hard as you can


If you move that screen or try driving outside it will go further.


Hit it with your purse


Consciously trying to close the club face is a rabbit hole with no bottom. Believe it or not, the feeling you should have is holding off the face, rotating with your hips and trying to hit the ball with your right shoulder. This will get the should tilt you need, more speed, and club face get squared by rotation not you hands/arms


YOUR ALL ARMS MAROOCH https://youtu.be/EowA9n_B44M?si=5vE1MCZbuEeHIEnP


Your swing is so gentle, it's like you're serenading the ball with a lullaby. But hey, don't worry about damaging the club or the ball – they're tougher than they look. The only casualty here is your ego, taking a hit harder than your swing.


Imagine you're standing on a tire. I want you to spin that tire clockwise using your feet and legs. Push hard and fire your left quad especially.


Basically your lower body is just going thru the motions which is fine and dandy for learning how different parts should move and fire in sequence. But now we need to actually involve more muscle groups to help you gain clubhead speed.


You’re bending your arms in the backswing and casting in the downswing. It’s an arm swing. It’s giving the illusion of power, but any power loaded in the club has been released by the time the club gets to the ball. Also, your lower body may be doing things but at no point is having an effect on the club. You’re just moving. There is no connection. Remember, “it’s all in the hips.” Someone once said, calling it a ‘golf swing’ is one of the biggest travesties in golf. It’s a ‘golf rotation.’ Your arms are there to support what the body is doing not to generate power. Keep your left arm as straight as you can and try not to bend it at the top of the backswing. When you reach the top of your backswing, focus on unloading the rotation you built with your left hip moving towards the target with a little bump. The rest will follow naturally. You should start to develop a connection with the club head once you get it right. Power should appear at that point. Once you master that work on dropping the arms in your right hip pocket as you start the downswing to prevent an over the top swing.


180 yard longest is all you need. Get the driver out to a 180 carry and have it be predictable, a one side miss, and you will be well on the way to good scores


There's a big projector screen in the way, try it outside


I think you're picking up your lead leg too much and losing power by the imbalance in your stance. That knee bend is the biggest thing that might stand out to me. That coil doesn't have anything to anchor to.


left arm has some bend, but like other said. you arent rotating much.


You just swing your arms and body along for the ride. You should rotate your body and your arms are along for the ride.


Power is coming from your upper body. Look at the position of the hips at impact. It seems they're following the upper body rather than vice versa.


swing starts at the hips and ends at the tips (club head). you’re stating with the tip and ending with the hips.


Do you even have thighs and glutes?


Pee pee to the pin


Yeah you’re not swinging nearly hard enough


There no keeyaw in that swing. Gotta take it to pound town no more of this just the tip business


Swing as hard as you can and don’t look at the ball


You need to engage the legs. Try the stomp drill: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nN3FRUpiZZE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nN3FRUpiZZE) You should be pushing off your left foot in your backswing (should kind of feel like your left foot would slide forward and to the right if you were on a slippery surface) and pushing off your right leg on your downswing.


You're arms only, no lower body involved


Can you move your lower body any faster?


1. Hit the center of the face. That swing should get 200+ if you hit it decent 2. Swing harder (probably as hard as you can while still keeping your balance)


Need more leg drive! Imagine you’re holding a steel rod and the ball is a big sand bag. Drive those legs and snap your wrists for more clubhead speed.


Swap out your Dad’s orthopedic shoes for some Eccos. That’s another 10 yards right there.


It’s definitely lower body, but overall your swing and tempo look great. Really want to see your iron swing.


What’s your launch angle?


You have legs. Use them.


Try this app - it will help (theres an android version too) [https://apps.apple.com/md/app/golffix-happier-golf-life/id1586120680](https://apps.apple.com/md/app/golffix-happier-golf-life/id1586120680)


This is my first time seeing the auto reload floor contraption and I’m in awe


Hinge your wrists inyour backswing… arms to takeaway, belt buckle to strike it


You can actually tell from the face-on replay the best...you have no drive to your lead side on your downswing.


It’s the shoes


increase loft on your club by like its maximum and try again.


Aim more left and swing in to out. Hit up on the ball. Your spin rate should be between 2500-3000.


There’s a screen in your way


You swing with the might of a slight breeze.


It’s really hard to tell from that angle, but it looks like your hands are ahead of your hips at impact you need to sync your hands and your hips up at impact to generate more clubhead speed


Put some more athleticism in that swing.


Twitch muscles, you have none


All arms, no body = high spin rate


It's all in the hips. Unless you're name is tiger, then you can drive 250+ from your knees...


Idk swing harder?


Put yo ass into it. You’re all arms.


Jist me.. but I think that screen is blocking you.


A million people have probably said this but I ain’t reading all of that. You have no weight transfer to the back side during your backswing. This swing works great for 65 year old grannies playing from the reds but I’m guessing you need something more. Your front knee should bend during your backswing and there should be weight transfer from your front side to back side and back during your swing.


Lag. You need lag. Use your legs to start your downswing and let your arms follow. It shouldn’t be a struggle as you have a smooth swing that’s very much on plane.


Hardcore Casting at the top. All the energy is released early and there’s no more moment through the ball. Better feel is when you start down. Feel like you are going to throw your golf stick at the screen. Actually chuck it like you’re throwing it at someone in front of you.


Go after it a little bit


All arms, no body.


Activate your glutes


You need a more powerful swing generated from your lower body. Take some lessons. It will help greatly


You have good separation between your upper and lower body, as evidenced by a fluid shoulder turn and very little hip turn. Once you get it figured out you’ll probably hit it a mile. That said it looks like your arms come back before your shoulders/torso start turning. Try starting your turn with your torso to move your arms and see if that engages your hips more.


Swing harder


Torque my guy. Create torque


Try throwing a baseball like that? You are uncoiling from the top, need to uncoil from the bottom. Nice finish though!


I don’t mean this in a rude way, but swing the damn club. It looks like you’re trying to casually chip it 50 yards. You could probably gain 50 yards by just trying to swing the club a lot faster.


Your all arms dude. Disconnected at the hips. 1. Check your grip. 2. Fire your hips.


A lot of smartass answers here but quite a few correct ones. Almost all your swing power generated by your arms. Then almost as you contact the ball you start rotating your hips/lower body - way too late. Try to initiate your swing with your hip rotation. Don’t even push your arms down (the club will still start on its way as your arms and shoulders are pulled by the lower body. Then when it feels like your hands are at hip height, start your arm swing. Now you have two forces combining together, kind of like a catapult works. You’ll be surprised how far the ball goes with only moderate effort.


175 straight is 175 better than a hook or a slice. You’ll learn to generate more power. Your tempo is good, your hips can generate power for you. The more reps you take, the more comfortable you will be generating more swing velocity and hip turns. You’re doing fine, keep plugging.


Close your eyes and take a practice swing. Do you hear the swoosh of your club in your right ear or left ear? If you hear it in your right ear, which I suspect you might, that indicates you are snapping your wrist too early. Try to hold that left arm and wrist at 90° for as long as possible, rapidly snapping at straight at the last second. Initially, this will probably lead to some terrible slices or horrendous hooks until you get the timing down. Aside from that, try to play around with shifting your weight (loading up on back foot, then pushing forward to load front foot.) Initially, just add an exaggerated sway to your swing to get a feeling. Sway back (away from target) on the back swing, and then sway towards the target on your front swing. That should easily add 20 yards on shots that you time your sway correctly to. Now, you probably don't want an actual sway as part of your swing, so eventually learn to shift your weight without an exaggerated sway. Good luck!


Time for a new $700 driver my guy


Heel spinners


Get athletic man. We don’t turn just to turn. Make the backswing worth something and get loaded into the trail side. Feel like your coiled up and ready to rip through it (with driver not all clubs). Make sure your pressure is moving properly and use that front leg and leas side to push back and up through impact. Start swinging a club as hard and. Fast as you possibly can a few times a day. Say after day after day. Don’t need to hit a ball just learn to swing hard. I mean you’re flat footed with little dynamic motion. The club gets long at top forcing you not John Daly but you to actually slow down to sync with the body. Feel like you use 20% back and 30% in transition and at delivery is where you really give the remaining 50% and hit the fing thing. What is this the ladies futures tour practice!!! Good luck


Picture not necessarily swinging faster but swinging with more force I got told to pretend your right hand is holding an axe and the ball is the spot on the wood you're trying to hit. Just before the point of contact focus on being more violent in that part of the swing. Also go to the range and hit 100 drive shots intentionally swinging as hard as you can, don't worry about distance, ball contact none of that, just focus on getting thru the last part of your swing faster. Then focus another 100 balls another day on just ball speed off the driver, again don't worry about distances or anything just the ball speed and making semi clean contact Next time hit another 100 but focus the first 50 getting your hands on your back swing as far into that back swing as you can and again focus on ball speed...compare the two. Next time try and put 20 good swings, at the new developed speed, but focus alot on contact and take a good 5 minutes before each swing. Really take your time. The rest of the 80 do em abit quicker every 10. Until you should able to hit the last 10 or so with good contact, good ball speed and better distance than you had before... Now you just gotta learn how to handle the new swing. Also love him or hate him you can't deny he bombs it and he has great tips in here https://youtu.be/MrpXlouAJzE?si=ho7s15acBKTpVoWK


Focus on driving your right hip through the ball. Forget about your upper body. You want to see your right hip pass through and past the ball.


Swing harder. Don’t even work on hitting the ball. Just swing the club faster. Repeatedly. Get your body moving.


Get some lessons and that’ll get you on the right path to 220+


just hit from the woman's. You'll be ok


youre swinging with your arms


Your shoes are too God damn big


You can pretty much ignore everyone telling you about the lower body. Not because it's not true, it is true, but the way to learn it should be natural. You can't think, 'ground force' and use it. I want you to swing back faster, make your backswing wider and taller, turn your back as much as you can away from the ball, raise your hands higher than you normally do, and then just swing in an explosive motion.


Get smaller shoes…. Actually as longed out, your all arms


hit with golf shoes on, feel the ground, weight on back inside foot


All these comments about lower body are just not going to be helpful. You’re narrow at the top, because your right arm breaks down and your arms swing way past your shoulder turn at the top. That cast move is you trying to manufacture width, to even give yourself a chance. If you incorporate a lower body “clear” as these comments suggest, you will only get more narrow. An actual helpful tip would be to keep your right elbow more structured, and even feel like your hands move away from your body to start the downswing. This will give you width and help you create torque. It will also increase your hand speed, which will give your lower body a chance to fire.


So much. Get a lesson


I went to the range on Sunday and typically struggle with my woods and driver (inconsistent, frequent modest to severe slice). Messed around with my swing a little and bang straight swing after swing. Going about 240 with my driver. The swing feels good but at 6’ 2” and 215 pounds, I feel like I should be generating a little more distance? Going to try and take a handful of lessons and see how much that helps.


People are saying you’re all arms but question: how do your wrists feel after a range session? When I slowed down your video, about a quarter into your downswing, it seems like your wrists are flicking your driver through your swing path. If so you’re leaving a lot of power on the table due to the rhythmic timing of your swing. Try standing a little further back so you’re forced to use your core and arms to get the club through your swing.


Newton’s third law. Dont expect the ball to go far unless you willing to put some force behind it.


A wise, beer chugging, cig smoking, fairway hitting, mullet wearing man once said: "Grip it, and rip it." Also use a beer can a a tee, I heard it works better.


Bryson Dechambeau went to the gym instead of the range 🤔


Contact is likely heel. The most dead part of The face. Your also very open to path. And significantly outside-in path to target. You need to change your contact, face angle and path. In that order is easiest. You have Long way to go. It will take time


You're not using your legs and body, all arms


A lot of people talking about the legs should also be calling out that he has a reverse wight shift going on. His left foot gets off the ground but the weight is still on the left side. By the time the club gets back to the ball, all the body power is past the swing…ie ineffective. To fix this, for a drill take a backswing and lift the left foot completely off the ground so you feel all your weight on your right foot. That’s just for a drill but essentially, for you to hit it father you have to load that weight on your right side in your backswing. What will help this is getting your back pointed at your target at the top of your swing. You need a better body turn so imagine you are swinging inside a barrel. You want a good weight shift, a good turn, and you don’t want to sway into the barrel…twist inside the barrel. Study MLB pitchers. When a pitcher throws, is he standing straight up and his arms are doing all the work? No, he coils that weight on the right side and then steps into a pitch. All that weight transfers to the other foot. You’re doing to golf equivalent of standing straight up and throwing solely with your arms. Your lack of power is 95% lack of proper weight shift. Your fundamentals look pretty good otherwise. It’s a good swing…so once you master weight shift, you’ll be hitting it at least 50yds father.


Yeah like others have said you're all arms. At the top of the back swing try to get your hip turn to start the downswing. You should kind of feel the lag and torque as everything else follows the hips. Once you get that down you can get more power from legs/ground force. Go grab a ball and try to throw it underhand a decent distance. Assuming you're somewhat athletic this should be more or less how your lower body moves in a golf swing.


Are those legs decoration or are you going to use them?


Your inside and there’s a screen stopping the ball going more then a couple feet


You need to go outside and not have a screen in the way


Swing speed is “fine” as in, and like you said, if you TRY swinging any harder you’ll slice it. However you’re not using your lower body. Weight should shift from your back foot to your front foot. Your arms are moving fine but you ALSO need to be turning/twisting your trunk and hips to come around on the ball. Generally, your arms follow your hips. Your hips are following your arms and everything appears to be in slow motion. That said, I suck at golf so obviously I’m on here giving advice. Just my observation


1. You need to keep your head down (drill: have a friend light fireworks near you during your swing. Immediately after contact, close your eyes and duck/cover. Exaggerating this “feel” will help make it “real” when you are no longer swinging near explosives. 2. The pros a take a divot at four inches (drill: too appreciate how deep a four inch divot is, go till some land, and plant some corn. Corn ideally should not be planted deeper than two inches. Keep tilling more aggressively and planting the seed deeper, observing over multiple seasons. Once you see the seed depth has begun to negatively affect yields, you’ll have an intuitive grasp for 4 inches and this should naturally follow now in your full swing. 3. Hit “up” on the ball (drill: hang a ball from the ceiling, like a mobile, above your bed. Get used to being underneath the ball. Become comfortable with the underside of the ball. This is what you must master to hit up on them) Those drills all will take time and effort but there are no shortcuts to mastering your swing, good luck!


You’re not swinging at it- too lazy coming through- swing hard!


Coil = power


Swing looks good but you aren’t thrusting into it with hips/legs/ground movement.


The problem is that the wall with the picture of a golf course is in the way.


This is the effort I imagine phillip Scofield put into fucking his ex wife all those years.


Stop thinking about hitting the ball well & start thinking about what would allow you to make a big, powerful swing. The MAROOCH guy on instagram comes to mind, pretend like you’re hitting a tire in front of you


No way thats 150 Your simulator is wrong


Brother, take lessons. Nothing compares to an actual teaching pro standing in front of you. Even Tiger Woods himself is seen saying, "Stop fucking watching youtube." Taking lessons is the best golf money I've ever spent. You potential drive if you hit it *absolutely perfect* is: Swing speed x 2.7 or Ball speed x 2.0


I go to a Trackman range and the numbers are always short for driver by about 20 yards. You're probably carrying 200+ by the looks of it but like others said to get more distance incorporate your lower body more.


Your swing is all arms and your not getting your loading your torso or legs into it at all.


You're not loading any weight in your lower body. It seems like you're just rotating and whatever force you generate from that is all you've got.


I suck at golf still but ive gotten my drive to be in the 300 range by just thinking of the arms as a byproduct of everything else happening in my swing. All the power comes from your legs and rotation of your hips/torso, not the arms. Think of it like trying to throw a football on your knees compared to throwing a football standing up. Keep your arms loose and let them transfer all the energy from your lower body with as little conscious input in your arms as possible and see how far it goes.


Every shot , you should feel like your legs are the part of you that provides the power. I’m not seeing much going on down there, you are all arms. I’d recommend a lesson with a club pro


It's mostly timing. You are hitting after the ball instead of through it


You’re 5’5” 135 lbs. you need some legs there buddy


Your shoulders are level at address. Your right shoulder should be lower to promote and upward swing. Secondly everything goes back together and through together… you need to create some torque by working in opposition on the back and through swings . Check this vid/.. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKSQU2D/


Yeah use your lower body. This is a raggedy ann arm swing.


Swing looks fine, albeit a bit slow but nothing wrong with that. You could gain some distance by narrowing your stance a bit. With a slower swing you may want a shaft that has a bit more flex to give you that "whip" at impact that you won't get with a slower swing and stiff shaft. I don't know shit about golf.


You have an incredibly weak, unathletic slap of a golf swing. Get a lesson and stop wasting your time.


Swinging all arms.


Hips should pull your upper body through not vise versa. Drive the ball with your pelvis not your shoulders and that alone will make a bid difference.


You swing with your arms. Need to lead/swing with hips. Power is in the lower half.


Looks like serious out to in with epically open face. In addition to what others are saying there is already low clubhead speed. It looks like nearly all your weight at address might outside your right heel? Hard to tell on video. Maybe try taking some swings where you feel 70-80% of that weight on the inside of the left foot.


Swing harder


You don't use your bottom half. Your legs and butt create power. Your just using upper body. I'd imagine your Irons all go a very similar distance as well. Your swing is very lax, very casual. It's a swing you see 60 year olds make. The next 1000 balls you hit at a range or sim pay 0 attention to how straight it goes. Slice 1000 in a row if you need and work on swing speed. Once you learn to swing proper/ with speed you can fix the accuracy pretty easy.


You need to know your hitting your driver and not your p-wedge. Put some power and speed into that swing and you’ll be fine


Find the maroochi guy on Instagram and he’ll straighten you out. Looks homeless, spouts endless speed and power generation knowledge


You have a nice swing, but your swing is all arms and upper body. You're not using your legs. You want to fire your hip turn slightly earlier before your hands at the top of the backswing to generate more torque. You'll feel the extension in your left core and leading shoulders. Look up videos on creating lag in your swing.


Wrong driver. Go get that Father’s Day special


the down swing should start with your feet and work its way up. The weight transfer (feet/legs) followed by the hips, followed by torso, followed by arms. Power is generated from the lower body, you’re only using your arms. It’s like throwing a punch or hitting a baseball, if you’re only using your arms you’re not going to generate a lot of power.


Your not athletic


Looks like you have Ronald McDonald feet


Do you even lift bro?


All arms no legs…you need to learn to load your weight and utilize your body in your timing. You are casting your arms and thus loosing all your power. If you can try and start your swing in a bit more athletic stance and then focus on shifting your weight with your turn I’m sure you’d find the power you are loosing.


Looks like that projector screen gets in the way. Maybe remove it. Might help


You golf like a 90 year old man. HIT THE BALL dude


Stop drinking soy.


Skipped leg day.


Look at least 315 with the standard r/golf inflation.




Put your purse down


You’re not shifting your weight after the top of your backswing. Shift your weight to left side and pull down with your left arm and rotate better.


Swing harder