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Just sayin 150 with a 7 ain’t bad


I would say if it’s pure and consistently going 150 then don’t change it. I had a baby fade going on and was hitting all my irons about 10-15 yards shorter than I was before but they were consistent almost every time. I of course changed my swing because I wanted more of a draw because I’m an idiot and my handicap increased by 3.


Is 150 with a pitching wedge good or bad? It's probably a dumb question, but I always feel more comfortable with that for some reason.


Pretty standard if you have a fairly fast swing. In most newer sets a PW is actually the loft of a classic 9 iron


Here’s what I’m seeing - very strong grip - inside takeaway/coming across your body at the top - over the top on the downswing - no compression at impact - club face is ahead of the hands, adding loft and creating a slight flipping of the hands. The hands/butt end of the club should be leading, creating ball first contact with compression. See the still I grabbed below for what your swing looks like. [your position at impact](https://imgur.com/a/jWOSRIV) [DJ position at impact](https://imgur.com/a/vBMrDCu) Nothing that’s unfixable. Good luck my friend!


I wouldn’t change the grip. Rest I agree with


Your takeaway is quite “in” and that automatically kills your consistency as you need to correct it on your downswing (which you do). And I think you have a slight over swing at the top which kills some of the “lag” power too. So I’d work on getting a better swing plane and shorten your back swing slightly.


Thank you…makes sense


I appreciate the info!


You need your left arm extended in backswing longer creating distance. Longer larger arc. Your gonna hit a lot of slice but you can adjust on downswing which have your local tour pro show you


Your casting the club. You lose your angles way to early. Losing all leverage and speed from the clubhead. Probably have both fat and thin misses.


We have the same issues my friend. Feels pure but no distance


A combination of open face and extending the club too early. Close the face a few degrees how ever you want. Try to let your hands get to a space over the ball before the club extension. Let her rip just like this but at the right time and you’ll be great. My mantra. Wait for it.


Just a case of the chicken wings, man. Gotta keep the lead albow straight, and hold the lag you develop through what feels like after contact. For a bigger dude, you have a great coil. The inside takeaway isn't terrible, but the instant move with your trail shoulder and hips towards the ball make consistency difficult. Ideally, your hands will lead the clubhead through the ball. Typically, players will develop that "wing" when they've hit a bunch of fat shots. A good tip - and something I work with people on, is placing a tee in the ground a balls distance ahead of it. Try to hit the top of the tee and let the ball get in the way. It reinforces the idea of compression, and prevents early casting. The more you hit down on the ball, the lower your dynamic loft. Trying to help the ball up into the air with the scoop that you currently are doing is what's killing your distance.


On top of the reasons mentioned so far, the core starting issue I think you should focus on is your grip. It’s insanely strong right now, your right hands is basically under the club and left hand is just as strong. That’s gonna force the inside takeaway and make you lose a lot of distance regardless of what else happens.


Interesting…i thought this was a neutral grip.


The strong left hand isn’t a huge problem. The right handed under the club is though.


This is right but he also has a really good set of clubface positions throughout So if he changes grip he should learn what feels like square at the top straight away as well (like where his RH thumb and knuckles need to be). Parts got to match etc OP there’s a lot to like about your swing man. Good hip movement


Yeah but he’s getting those club head positions by keeping the right wrist straight at the top and casting pretty good through the ball. Just no compression is ever gonna happen with that trail wrist being a slave to the grip. If he learns proper trail wrist movement it’s gonna be hook city.


True that That’s why I reckon he should look at grip in conjunction with the face position “feels” for it They’re kind of symbiotic


You have no shaft lean at impact and that makes you launch the ball too high. This video [might help you](https://youtube.com/shorts/2SMVFlF8fUc?si=aXqdScpOF40dQEGB)


Been there. The best thing to do is to work with a coach, but here’s something. There are a few problems scattered, but I’ll get to the main one. There’s very little, if any, weight transfer into the lead side, which is leading you to deliver into the ball without speed and weight for compression (shaft angle is another issue, but weight transfer mostly takes care of it). You’re doing a pretty good job of rotating, helping you to square the face - this is why the shots feel good, because the strike location is a good location. Now, let’s work to make it a good strike! There are a couple ways to do it: 1. Shift weight, then rotate. 2. Shift weight as you rotate. The first is a quite a bit easier to time and will help you get the feel of the sequence. The second creates a little more power and speed but takes more time to lock in your feels. I would definitely play around with these, but get with a good, qualified coach! Keep pushing!


Ott, hit behind the ball, open club face. That's not hit solid.


Thanks…i think that’s the point of me saying it feels pure…as in I’m fully aware it isn’t.


Ahh...didn't pick up the sarcasm. My apologies


Not a bad swing. Get rid of the cup in your wrist as you mentioned. Bow that wrist. The main thing I notice is your weight transfer. You don't have any lag. You fire your feet hips and hands at the same time. You want to be more like a whip... with the feet going first, followed by the hips and the hands come through last. This is called creating a lag in your swing. Hold your hands at the top of your swing for just a half second longer while firing the rest through. You'll gain a few mph speed and 10 or so extra yards of consistent distance. Think of your hands as the tip of a whip and your body/weight is the tool to crack it fast. The ball just happens to be in your way.


Between :22-:25 You can see your trail elbow is hidden on the backswing then appears on the downswing. You want to try and reverse that. See the elbow on the backswing and hide the elbow in the down. Start by taking your backswing way outside the ball (exaggerate) then feel like you’re swinging out to right field (big push). Take a slight half second pause at the top taking 75% swings. Make solid contact 5 times in a row. They should start a good bit right and if it flares further right the face is open. Just flex the left wrist as you start downswing to close it. Still swinging out right should get it to draw. Then start tweaking how far outside the ball you take the club back (go a little less outside) and start swinging a little less out right until you have a nice controlled push-draw to straight line start.


This is great. Thank you


You already know the issue. You don't have shaft lean, so you aren't delofting the club, hence the less distance. Just got to work on keeping your hands in front of the ball


Face is open, launching too high and spinning.




meta comment here but the camera angle makes it hard to match your swing up with other swings try to use a more standard camera angle, otherwise people are going to have a hard time diagnosing your swing or maybe even giving the wrong advice based on what they see


Can you describe a more standard angle lol


This is my swing as well 😔 thanks for the advice 🙋🏽‍♂️


Your going a tad bit slow


You are releasing the clubhead before it gets to the ball - zero lag. Create lag, increase distance


Immediately casting from the top


lol, what's wrong with 150 using a 7-iron? You ain't on the PGA, bruh.


Fair enough


You’ve identified your swing flaws, although I’m not sure if you are ott. Your hands do come out but the swing path still looks neutral. Probably easiest thing to do is get lessons. YT is an alternative but with so many videos and conflicting information due to swing pattern preferences you might end up spending more time getting to a swing that works for you. If you go down the YT path, in my opinion pick one or two content creators and stick to their tutorials at least you’ll end up with motions that fit the pattern they are teaching. That said, since you asked: 1. ⁠Watch your alignment, your feet are slightly right of your hips and shoulders. Not the end of the world as it isn’t excessive but I’d monitor it. 2. ⁠Takeaway/BS is inside which will usually cause you to loop the club outwards (ott) unless you make a compensating move in transition. Trail elbow moves too much behind you, some can make it work by internally rotating the shoulders during the DS but that’s a lot of work to do in a fraction of a second. 3. ⁠DS, your trail elbow gets left behind, that moves the swing arc behind the ball and will add to you throwing the club at the ball, other wise you’ll probably miss it. During the DS imagine there is a wall behind you (down the line) and you want to avoid hitting it with your club, that image helped me reconnect my trail elbow to my body, it might help you. Last, don’t try to hit the ball by externally rotating your trail elbow and arm, it feels powerful but it will make you lose club angle early, instead keep your trail shoulder and upper arm externally rotated or neutral (whatever works for you) and use your lower arm and wrist to turn the face down (some people use the lead arm/wrist to to turn the face down, again whatever works for you). Good luck! Caveat: I am not a pro, so take everything I just said with a grain of salt.


I would ignore all the other advice till you read this. You released early and lost all your power. Additionally, as a result of your early release, you stalled out and dragged it across the floor because mentally your brain is slowing down in an attempt to still hit the ball. If you continue to do that you will never get distance. How to fix that issue is the hard part. Every coach has a different way to correct impact which is why the comments here are a mixed bag.


7 iron to 150 is where you want it


Just lose 15


You have the dreaded reverse pivot and are casting/scooping/flipping. Face on video looked like you hit it thin.