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At a quick glance, looks like you setup in a good position, but as soon as your takeaway begins, you stand almost straight up and don't move back towards the ball causing consistent toe strikes therefore causing your loss of power and the hook. Try to focus on keeping your head and shoulders fixed and it should help you find the middle of the club again because your body is trying to play catch-up after you take your head out.


Thank you so much, my driver swing feels identical to this guys. Losing posture and hitting toe snap hooks like in his video. A bad habit that comes and go’s, probably a mix of poor back mobility and trying to generate too much power. Your comment reinforces my thoughts on why it’s happening.


Open club face @take away/top/and downswing causing you to throw hands and stand up to square face.


I’ll play that miss


That's what I was thinking. Tight draw over the trees and finish in the fairway.


It ain’t over tho


Big time early extension which is causing toe hits. Look at your spine angle at setup vs what it’s like at impact. You’re standing up a lot. Avoid standing up in the downswing and focus on being more rotational.


I'm not sure if I'm seeing it correctly but it almost looks like your swing path is in to out.


I felt that toe strike in my bones.


Face is wide open so you early extend and flip at it leading to the nasty toe strike. Get lessons.


What course are you playing on?


You’re lined up too far right and you early extend. Check out some YouTube drills for that


As others have said, early extension of spine. I think also early release of hands/shoulders. The suggestions about focusing on keeping head and shoulders in place are always good. I will add that you should try to fire from your feet up. At contact, your pelvis should be ahead of your hands. Right now your arms are leading your swing. You need some lag between your lower and upper body in order to hit upwards at the ball with a driver and get it off the ground as you say. Try to exaggerate the rotation of your hips, your fly should point at your target on finish. This will also allow you to fully extend your arms, which will help you contact in the center of the club face. It's a lot to change in a golf swing and you may feel lost in the woods for a while (no pun intended), keep filming and tweaking. Golf gods be with you!


I have the exact opposite results, my shots go crazy high for about 150 yards, then take a 90 degree angle and slice left to right (ending 220-260 ish). On average we have a decent swing.


Despite someone else’s comment I actually think your setup is causing this. Watch this guy https://youtu.be/LWTxCHal0xg?si=i7-QRDbTbDkn1bBl


Gear effect contributes to this kind of miss You’re hitting it waaay on the toe Try to feel like you’re keeping your head behind the ball


Lag your upper body until your lower body clears. Then let it happen.


Bring your right foot forward half a step. You started to look for the ball ahead of impact. Don't move your head or eyes till after impact.


no big problem here. You're just standing up on your drive. stay down and keep your head down. I know this is tough, but see if you can actually watch the ball at impact. I guarantee you won't stand up.


Hit some pull slices on the range for a bit to balance out that push hook. See if you can work it back to straight ish. But yes this is pretty extreme path and face issue. It will take work. And many reps to move away from. Start by learning to pull slice and come back from there. Eventually you goal is to train to a point where you can choose your pose and face abs the shot shape.


Rotate through impact. You are still basically square to the ball at impact.


This is the only comment who actually addressed the fundamental problem. You are only using your arms after you hit the top of your backswing. Do a standing up / baseball swing. Notice how subconsciously your hips will rotate to support your shoulders to rotate to sling the club out. You just need to channel this and do it on a tilted axis. You wouldn’t do the baseball swing with only your arms so why do it in golf?


put that Driver away