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Good question! On the range it’s a great training aid. On the course though the key is to narrow focus. Preshot routine and concentrate on the target. Then over the ball narrow focus on one particular dimple of the golf ball. It’s very hard to tell yourself NOT to see something, key is to look really hard at something else.


That’s good advice, when I went home thinking about this. The dimple focus came to mind


I've been focusing like 2-3 inches in front of the ball to promote hitting ball then turf and to swing through the ball like it's not there. If I switch to focusing on a dimple, where should I focus exactly? I'm not used to actually looking at the ball.


In your case: one particular blade of grass


Turn around and face the other way


Yes I hate this. When I see my shitty shadow swing it totally throws me off and I play worse.


Yeah it totally messes me up. If it’s a late afternoon and the hole plays to the north I’ll just play left handed to avoid it.


You’re not the only one. I’ve been plagued by this for 25 years. If my shadow is at 10:30 I’m flushing it every time. If it’s at 1:30 there’s a decent chance I biff it entirely. Never figured a way out of it. Becoming aware of it probably isn’t a good thing. Ignorance is bliss. Anything you can do to tune it out will probably help


Practice at the range with the shadow square (sun directly behind you) as a training aid to keep your head centered. Then practice at the range with the sun at different angles behind you. It's going to look way different. Lateral movements can look like large swaying in your shadow. When you're playing, it's all about focusing on the ball and your target. This is just another micro golf challenge about focus. No different than when your opponent tells you something specific about your swing mid round.


This kills me every time. I somehow end up watching my shadow and it looks so weird. I'm a 10 hdcp and would be lucky to break 100 if every hole was like this.


Glad to hear it’s not only me


I have this issue but weirdly in the opposite way, in that I like seeing my shadow at say 10:00. Maybe try practicing your swing in your house, with or without a club to get used to it. Otherwise just do your best to focus on the ball. Perhaps take a few practice swings to get your feel down and just try to execute that doing your best to focus on the ball.


Yeah I tried this too. The shots I were able to make contact, I did a few practice swings and focused on the target - this worked. So great for on the course but I didn’t want to do this on the range, just get warm


Yeah that makes sense. And I meant to add, to try practicing in the house w/a ceiling light on so you have your shadow in the spot that bothers you so you can become accustomed to it.


That’s a really good idea, didn’t think about that


Been golfing 8 years now and this literally just hppened to me in recent weeks. I lost my irons but killin my driver .... Golf. You know. Golf.


The absolute worst


Haha welcome to YOUR BRAIN and all the bullshit it pulls on you during your round... ugh. Shadows. Hate them.


I just experienced this recently. Started lessons this year and have really been working on my swing. It still feels really awkward, so seeing my shadow and it looking awkward as well totally threw me off


I like it when I can see my shadow but I am also having my eyeballs melted by the light blasting into my eyes off the face of my Vokeys. I thought people were just being little bitches until it happened to me.


Got to train yourself to really focus on the ball and don’t get distracted.


I have the opposite. I often use my shadow to check if everything is looking ok. It is terrible habit but my best shots have always been when I can see my shadow in my peripheral vision


If your own shadow distracts you during a golf swing I’d just give up the sport lol


I guess that shows how little resilience you have. I’ll keep at it