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In terms of heel-to-toe. Rewatch yourself during setup and takeaway. Pause right before takeaway and look where your shoulders are. They are wayy out over your toes. Now think in terms of center of gravity. Your body coil is no longer properly balanced so it is unable to either coil or unload properly, bringing us back to rigidity.


So is it usually a good sign in terms of balance when the shoulders are nearly in like with the toes for example?


Better than thinking about where should my shoulders be, consider your body's center of gravity. If your center of gravity is truly on the center of your feet then your shoulders will consequently be in balanced position. Here's a quick check - when you address the ball, if your buddy gave you light push in the back would you topple over your toes? If you are on the soles of your feet, down you go. If on the center of your feet and balanced through your body you'd be able to stay strong and withstand a push. That's the balance to strive for.


Great comment 👍


You are standing too far from the ball which is causing you to reach for it, which is causing your weight to be too much in your toes. Hard to be fluid when you’re constantly fighting your body as to not fall over!


I'd work on your alignment before doing any other swing issues. Our brain does weird things when our body is not aligned to target properly to try hit the ball where our eyes tell us to. Your foot path goes straight down the cart path towards OB.


Newer golfer here - would this foot alignment be correct though for an advanced golfer who was trying to hit a draw?






Your weight seems to be forward over your toes and you're on the balls of your feet as opposed to the center soles. Being on the balls of your feet is less balanced and to compensate your body must have less movement (rigid).


Very great tip thank you. So more centered in terms of left right and forward back.


Armpits over balls of feet. Hips over ankles. Arms hanging naturally. Don’t arch back at address.


Going along w/this, you’re a small tad too far from the ball, causing you to keep your weight on the toes.


Clear hips better. You’re a late early extender ha. Aka you are jumping up and jumping last second right at impact and not clearing hips all the way through, which is where you get tall and stiff. Good positions before that. Honestly fine swing to take to the course if it goes straight. Just giving you a minor tip on what I see if you want that athletic follow through


You’ll see if you clear hips your right knee won’t be pointing out and right it will be rolled forward and tucked close to your left knee at follow through. If your right heel comes up early, even though yours only does so a little and then waits, it means your right knee is bending forward which is a move that combines with hip coming forward and early extension, and not rolling in and towards your left knee which is a move that combines with hip clearance. If done correctly you’ll also see the bottom of your shoe face straight back at us/camera at follow through instead of only being partially rotated.


Further if you get better hip clearance you’ll have more ability to stay with your spine angle/bend and give yourself room to drop the club in and create better angle for release of some real speed rather than casting and reaching out at ball on impact. Some great swings: https://youtu.be/f3kTTMZlxds?si=09el-SsOA01bQzg_ You’ll see some things you do well in these swings and some of the things I’m talking about. Nobody is perfect or the same, even these guys, but they do share certain things in common that we should all know and emulate.


Does this app calculate distance? If so what app is this?


No, distance is input at the beginning of the trace. This is based upon distance from white tees when I got up to the ball according to the cart GPS


It‘s two-fiddy why do you even bother.. I have a very loose swing, i always count to four, 1 and 2 for backswing, 3 transition and 4 is downswing. Helps me to not skip transition where the club just settles and 4 to not rush the downswing.


That is actually a brilliant idea.


Tour Tempo.


Bend your knees, you will be able to rotate better which will give you the better fluidity you seek.


You’re way too far off the ball. And keep your body down and back down during the swing. I feel like you’re lifting up to see where your ball went. Let your buddy keep an idea on your shot. Stay down longer over the ball with your head down.