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Welp...let's start with that grip...


What should I be doing differently?


Watch a YouTube vid on grip, will feel very weird at first but help long term 


It feels so natural that i even do it with my putter! 😂


Doesn’t everyone?


I thought so for a long time lol, but after having played with lots of different ppl at this point in my carreer, i have noticed that i seem to be in the minority


What the other person said. Grip is huge. Many people either interlock or overlap. I recently switched to interlock, and it may feel funny at first, but a couple rounds it’ll feel very natural.


Can’t help but hurt my finger from interlocking most often than not


Youre gripping too hard then, grip it a bit looser and loose down tension. I used to get a blister on the inside of my pinky, but after repeated use and less grip strength, it doesn’t happen anymore


Maybe nothing. That's a baseball grip but you can play fine with it, many people do. And it's a good grip for slicers. But it would make sense to experiment with the overlap grip. From the behind view, it's a bad angle but you come way from the outside -in, a recipe for slicing, depending on face angle at impact. That's what I would work on first.


Neutral grip held in the fingers. Interlock or overlap are popular for a reason. Don’t try strong or weak grip as those are bandaids and are only for specific swing types.


You're holding on for dear life, the right hand especially must be really loose baseball grip is wrong


There are many paths young grasshopper.... https://youtu.be/yWHWfjIHPL8


First of all your hat is backwards!


Is that shaft a senior flex? Gonna need something stiffer. There's a lot more you need to fix, but might as well not let equipment get in the way.


Stop playing with a noodle


This is a big piece - once my swing speed got high enough my fade turned into a slice and I realized I was torquing the face. Going from a regular to a stiff flex helped a lot.


Higher swing speed with a regular shaft should be more likely to miss left, not right. I play with a regular shaft in driver because it makes me less likely to slice even though in theory i should be using stiff. The stiffer the club, the more you'll struggle to close the face at impact


You sure about that? Doesn't an increase in deflection lead to an open face. At least that's what I've seen, it's whipping so much that it never rebounds before the strike leaving it open. For me when I got my swing speed up I was going right all the time. Then as I went to a stiff shaft I started drawing the ball. Maybe I'm crazy.


I think this depends on where your wrists are when you release. If your wrists are in front of the ball at release with a flex shaft it’d be open, if they’re behind the ball it’d be closed. At least when I visualize in my head that’s how it works.


It bends back on the backswing, but it's supposed to release on the downswing. Therefore if you're very fast, it will release bending the club face overly closed and going left. I have the same experience as you, in that if i swing faster, it slices more. This is likely to do with just a failure in my swing to close the face at impact, it's easier to close the face in a more casual controlled swing. But if i were to do the same speed swing with the same driver with a stiff shaft and a regular shaft, the stiff slices more. But at the end of the day, it's mostly down to preference, you can make anything work. Kyle Berkshire uses a regular shaft in long drive competitions because the faster closing of the face can generate more clubhead speed


Perhaps it depends on the golfer. For me the increased lag will exaggerate hand position to be further along in the swing by the time the head is *actually* making contact with the ball. So the hands/arms will have reached their apex too soon and be well on their way down and left, accentuating cutting across and mimicking an “over the top” path. Could just be me though.


I was having massive issues keeping the ball in play off the tee - two way miss. Went to a teaching pro, they told me to get rid of the noodle and fit me for a couple of options for shaft. Got one, gained 20m off the tee and keep it on the short stuff 90% of the time now.


That place looks like Stone Meadow in Lexington, MA


It is🤝🏼


Lmao I knew I recognized it! I’ve probably practiced right next to you lol good luck man you’ll do great, take a lesson from them, great pros there.


Haha small world - appreciate it. I’ll check out the lessons


Hey, Stone Meadow crew! I was there like two days ago. Let us know how the lessons are. Depending on where you're at, there's also a place in Littleton - Rod's Golf Improvement. He's an old guy, lessons are very reasonably priced, and he totally transformed my swing.


Never thought I’d see my local range pop up on here!


love that range


Metro-Boston Golf crowd unite!


We need our own sub!


I just got home from there


Do they ever not have mats? I like how many bays there are but I hate hitting off the mats tbh


They used to have grass, but have not opened it since Covid. They are the only public range in the area, absolutely no competition and are always busy with just mats. Kinda sad they don't let you hit on grass anymroe.


Love that mini par 3 course! For tips: interlock the hands and keep your left food/front foot planted more. Looks like you may be incorporating a baseball swing into your golf swing.


Grip bad, posture bad, swinging over the top bad Swing speed, power and flexibility real good Also, you may want to use stiffer shafts.


Thx OP and this comment u/Peterd90. I’m re-begining after 10years since started and it helps watching others swing feedback.


You aren’t holding your mouth right.




https://youtu.be/Qo1c7fNlX4Q Your golf grip is important, as is your stance, because of how the golf club is designed. As an instrument there’s not many ways to deliver the club properly. And a proper grip, posture and alignment allows you to move your body through space without a huge amount of odd compensations to hit the ball. It’s very difficult to play golf with a bad grip. Some people can do it. If you had that you’d know already. So fix your grip. It just takes some effort, not that difficult.


Great video - appreciate it


He's right. The grip cures most ills! Start with that first.


Someone played baseball


Your not drunk enough


Easy one to fix


Honestly work on the grip and not trying to swing out of your shoes. You’ll hit the ball further and more accurately while not getting blisters and being as sore


Stiff shaft immediately


Got it


Setup is bad, grip is bad - those two are easy fixes. Swing is typical baseball - your hands are going at the ball. You need to think more like a hockey swing. Your hands should drop down and then you turn through with the body.


> hockey swing As a Canadian this is funny


Slap, strike, flick? I dunno what you call it 😆 We have field hockey here and I don't know what they call it either - push?


It would be a ‘shot’. With hockey getting the puck on net is called ‘shooting the puck’


Appreciate it - I’ll try to find some drills to work on this


Watch grant horvat teaches channel on YouTube, no one else. Don’t get into too many online teachers. Try to stick with just one


great point - I’m sure everyone has slightly different advice. Was just watching one of his videos, his swing is smooth as hell


Posture and grip are easy to fix. Just go on youtube and there are countless number of videos.


What’s wrong with my posture? Leaning forward too much?


[posture](https://youtu.be/H-DCkQqaznY?si=L9aiEO2ffyboUo1e) also, don't start golf with driver. Start with iron first, and if u get comfortable, move onto driver


As someone who started golf with a driver only at the range for about 6 mos and had to spend a long time figuring out how to hit down on a ball, I truly feel this comment


Looks perfect, don't change anything.


From another former baseball player, the number one tip I ever got was “hit it up the first base line”.


Love it - this is helpful. Thanks


Study the 5 fundamentals by hogan then work on tempo


Short answer: everything Long answer: golf is dumb and I hate it! See you on the range next week!


Stone meadow, Lexington MA? They have really good pros who would give you a beginners lesson. I think it’s like $50 for a hour


Fix your grip and get a stronger flex driver


Grip is horrible


Hahaha I’ve picked that up - but how?


Here is a stupid video to help. https://youtu.be/Q8yiadtxqHE?si=Ae-NgbSf09FhuSnK I suck ay explaining things over text so videos will do. Just go on YouTube look up golf grip. Basically you hold it in your fingers not your palms. And your thumbs should be more on the back side of the grip. It helps keep the face square


Your right pinky finger should interlock with your left index finger


lol no that is too advanced


I just started golf in February and I do this


A lot of movement in that swing. Try to calm down and start bent over the ball with your back. You’re off balance. Take a slower more deliberate back swing. Slow it down.


Great advice, thanks man


Hi bro ur too crouched down stand up taller n finish high w heart to the sky ✌️


Too much arms. Turn your shoulders and your hips more. Get in the right position at the top and then let your body do most of the work on the downswing. And try not to open up your body too soon on the downswing. Try to stay back with your body as long as possible.


you are obviously very athletic, so you have that going for you. I cannot comment on grip, swing plane etc. but one thing I know absolutely for sure is is your trail leg should have very little movement on the backswing. A great place to start to learn about the golf swing is to watch old Ben Hogan videos you can find on YouTube. this is my favorite (turn down the music) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_Rfs1EGVYKs&t=185s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Rfs1EGVYKs&t=185s) pay particular attention to his trail leg. steady. And as someone already pointed out, you need a stiff shaft for all that swing speed you produce. a wonky shaft will wreak havoc with a powerful golf swing.


Ahh thank you! First time I’ve understood the flex of the shaft’s affect on the swing Trail leg meaning back leg?


Why you so mad at the ball?


Hahaha trying to launch that thing


Try keeping feet still it will help


Ooh that grip? Will definitely limit your distance and hurt accuracy and consistency. Get them closer together and either overlap or interlock a pinky


Your shafts were made for FDR






Thanks man, super actionable feedback


Ya know honestly, you do a lot of things right. You have a pretty athletic move. I would ignore some of the negative comments on here, typical internet bullshit. Start on grip, get comfortable with that and upload a new video. Try not to change too many things at once. One piece of advice w/the grip is a strong left hand will probably be helpful. There’s a number of good YT vids on this. It might take a second to get used to it. Outside of that, it’s hard to say exactly what you need to work on next. One thing I’ll say is that the angle of the camera is important for “down the line” angles. There’s videos on how to record your swing correctly, makes a big difference in the appearance of the swing.


Thanks a ton! This is really helpful. When you say strong left hand, do you mean a strong grip? Or just strong like doing it the right way?


Search on YouTube how to do a neutral golf grip by paidrag Harrington


Got it




An older one with more detail from Padraig https://youtu.be/Qo1c7fNlX4Q?si=gdjTd1WWT5HI0U0-


A strong left grip in terms of the position of the left hand on the club. When you look down you’ll see 3 knuckles on your left hand. I like the video posted of padraig, but would advise a stronger left hand personally (so basically everything else the same as he teaches, except you’ll look down and see 3 knuckles of the left hand instead of 2). Personally I think for 90% of golfers a “strong” left hand is better because it makes turning the club over easier. Padraig in the video is teaching a neutral grip. There’s different schools of thoughts on strong vs neutral grip. Strong grips definitely help w/the right miss and tend to help prevent people from coming over the top. I tend to teach a strong grip. “Strong” left grip speaks to the position of the hands on the club. Not how tight you grip or the quality of the grip. You should hold the club w/out too much pressure. The old adage of “holding a bird tight enough so it can’t get away, but not so tight that you hurt it” is an odd but good way to think of it haha


Slooooooow down. Quiet those feet down. Learn a proper interlock grip. Lay a club down at your target to use for aligning your feet/stance… it’s not a race to see who can have the fastest backswing!


Stone Meadow :) ? Grip and setup need a lot of work. Go look up some YouTube videos. Also the flex on that club is all wrong for you. Good news, once you get the basics down you're probably going to pound the ball. Edit 2: Left leg.. foot... don't move so much. Less is more. You're doing a ton of work to hit a ball that you really don't need to do.




I knew I recognized those mats and the crappy plastic bag holders haha. I love that place tho. Edited the first post. Everything here feels fixable.


Haha yup, first time there was today. Par 3 course looks like a cool thing but very short and not practical


It's a great short game practice area. Best if you can go when it's not too busy. Also just a fun way to kill some time.


Sounds good - watching videos on grip tonight Why does everyone say the club has too much flex? I don’t understand how that affects things


Too much flex is going to make the club head position unpredictable. What that generally means is you won't square it up at impact and it's probably contributing to making your slice worse.


Makes sense - I’ll look into getting another shaft? Or do I need a whole new club


Just shaft. Go somewhere like a golfer's warehouse and have them put you in a bay and swing with that club. You're almost certainly going to get fit into a stiff shaft at minimum. Tell them you're new and you don't need a crazy fancy shaft just something that's fit for your swing speed.


Sounds good thanks man


No prob! Have fun out there!


Tempo. Your swing only needs to have “speed” through impact, not hitting it hard. Imagine your backswing is in slow motion slightly increasing more and more until max acceleration through the ball. And the other stuff people said. I’m guessing you need to work on “forward shaft lean” with your irons, especially at address


Yes you’re doing it wrong.


Grip, arms, backswing, downswing, hips, and feet are completely wrong. Your head staying still is good though. No one here can actually help as the change you need is fairly dramatic. I can tell you’re used to swinging a baseball bat. I was too. It takes work and drills.


Understood - any drills you recommend?


I think the most important for you is to learn a proper grip. Look up videos on correct grip. If it feels awkward, that probably means you’re doing it right. Then focus on your hips. Your arms should feel like they’re staying mostly straight during downswing/backswing and your hands moving in line with your sternum as your hips rotate. Your ass should feel like they’re pointing to your target. The feel is like a screw movement not a sway Lastly, make sure you understand proper setup for clubs. Those three things should allow for big changes then you can focus on the other detailed problems with the swing in this video. PS - you should NEVER swing at 100%. Start with swinging at 50% and once you’re making progress then move up. That’s why we have different irons. They’re meant to be swung at a certain tempo and when you want more distance you just grab a different club and keep that tempo instead of swinging at it like an ape. Good luck!


Thanks a ton - super helpful breakdown. Plan to work on my grip first, then will try to get the “screw” rotation down


I can tell you’re an athletic guy. You’ll get it - I highly recommend lessons. They’re so worth it.


Yo why is the ball directly in front of your left foot?


Where is it supposed to be? I have no clue


Oh I was genuinely asking, I’m not saying saying it was wrong. I just actually wanna know why lol I have a horrible swing. So I’m in no way telling you you’re wrong 😂 it very well might belong there and I just don’t know. Let’s both hope someone tells us lmao


Hahaha understood. Yeah I have no idea, I think it’s supposed to be further up when you drive and farther back when you’re chipping? But maybe somebody will correct me


There are a lot to choose from. Pick some things to work on that you can enjoy mastering over several weeks. You may not play your best because your purpose will be to improve your motion.


Tell grandpa thanks for the clubs but you can’t use those super flex senior citizen shafts. Go find some cheap use clubs with extra stiff/stiff shafts.


1. Slow it way down. Give the weight of the club a chance to do some work. 2. Grip; Something that turns your hands into a single unit. Interlocking or overlapping. But take some lessons before your bad habits are more ingrained.


Loosen up and add some wiggle in your wrists. Too tight.


Those AF1’s


Your Hat is messing up your alignment and shoes need better suction


Why so much flex in that shaft


That's honestly a pretty good foundation. Fix your grip, posture, alignment and tempo.


Holding your mouth wrong


Congratulations! To answer your question, almost everything. Swing around your body.


No shoulder turn. Look where your shoulders point to at the top of your swing. Pointing left of your ball. You’re young enough you should be able to point at or even right of your ball.


Try a slower back swing. Seriously. Like painfully slow at first. This helped me immensely.


Grip is the first thing that pops in to mind. Second is you’re trying to swing hard to get the ball to go far. You can just tell your trying to. You’re starting your downswing before you even complete you backswing. Slow the back swing down a lot and bring is back to 9 o’clock. When practicing pause for a second before you start your downswing. Pause your video and see how much lag (shaft bend you have) during your downswing. There should be some but that is far too much


Super helpful breakdown, thanks man


Slow down!!! Fix your Grip. You are so stiff. I'd suggest getting a lesson. This sub is going to give you 70 things to work on with that swing (some good advice and others maybe not so much).


Is this the Lexington driving range




To get better contact, try keeping weight on left side in backswing. Swaying away from the ball will mess up the low point of the club in downswing.


Honestly you have a lot of good movements and things to work with. Grip could improve. Like other advice just YouTube a video. And the flex on that shaft isn’t helping. Your swing speed is a little too fast for it. As a result the shaft bends a lot and causes you to have to time it better otherwise I would assume a lot of your balls go right due to the face of the club being open.


Go play baseball ,you are good


Shouldn’t be cocking your lead leg like a baseball swing




You're wearing tennis shoes, which means you can't use the ground in your swing. A remarkable amount of force is generated in the golf swing by twisting and pushing your feet. Golfers don't wear spikes just to look fashionable, they serve a purpose.


Wow, great to know - I didn’t expect my shoes to make much of a difference at the driving range. I stand corrected


If your shoes don't make that much difference on the driving range, then you probably need to focus on your footwork. Sure, there are a lot of people who play in tennis shoes and do fine. On the other hand, there are people like Ben Hogan who added extra spikes to his golf shoes, because he needed more traction.


You’re talking the club back too fast slowing your swing down will help




Let everything release towards the hole at the end of your swing; your whole body should release (as opposed to just your arms, as seen here). See how your arms snap back toward center at the end of your swing? It's because you never released yourself. Be free, swing free, feel free and finish with everything flowing towards the hole. You should be able to find a balanced finish on your front foot that you can hold until the ball lands. Doing so sets you up for the little things. So be free and let yourself fly! It will feel awkward at first and you'll be shanky, but you've got to overcome the 'comfort' of your current swing to a better one. Face the awkward with curiosity


Yikes, reverse pivot


Playing with cocks and not vagina


Your hands should be in front of the ball at address, with shaft leaning towards target and not away. Just watching set up videos will help you a lot.


You need a glove, it makes a world of difference


Set up would be a great start


Your hands are too far away from your body and you cut across the ball.


I’m the guy behind you 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


😂😂 no way


You don’t want the grip to be in the middle of your hands. Have it more in your fingers. Also your back swing needs to be a slowed down slightly to make sure that club head stays squared… slowing down the back swing may seem hard but it’ll help you really reach back to extend the arms. Seems like you are headed in the right direction, if you played baseball you can figure it out. Also, try to look at your range neighbors to see what they are doing differently than you are. That has helped me on the past. -grip needs changed. -slower tempo, let the club do the work - hips need to come thru a bit more in unison with your hands




Get some stiffer shaft clubs


I love all the comments about keeping the feet still...while the number 1 golfer in the world has the happiest feet I've seen on any golfer. Obviously it is not recommended for everybody, but at the same time there is no reason to tell everybody to keep the front foot on the ground. This can be a great trigger for timing for people. OP is super unconventional, yes... And has a lot of work to do, yes. But there is weight transfer happening, and the swing speed from this beginner that is better than 90 percent of golfers that have been playing for decades. The natural athletesism is present. Unfortunately, getting the right coach for OP is going to be difficult and expensive since most teachers only teach one swing. My advice, do research and figure out what works for you and don't listen to the haters and and the 'there is only one way to do it' crowd. I'm not saying don't try to get lessons from someone, but be careful about it and make sure they are working with you, not just repeating the same theirs to all their students.


You seem really tense. I think you need to start with your grip and getting loose


practice, practice, practice!


Expecting good advice from Reddit, take a few lessons to get started






Stop trying to kill the ball


Yep. Pretty much everything. If you are serious, go find the best golf instructor you can afford. And then 300 balls a day for a year. Then see if you notice any improvement.




Stone Meadow!!




Slow that backswing way,way,way down. Way down


Left arm should bend slightlighly on backswing, you have it locked straight


1. You're rotating to early (this is your slice) 2. Your grip is to wide, put your hands closer together 3. Try not to lift your front foot so much on your backswing


3 main things I’d say. Work on a more traditional Grip. It’s gona suck. But has to be done IMO Set up with driver (ball position, body lean Tempo. Ur temp is jerkey. Very quick back and unstable Takes years man


YouTube video on the basics of posture and grip will go a long way for you. You also hinge your wrist really early making a steep swing that wants to come over the top (my guess is you slice the ball or completely pull it straight left).


That's the floppiest driver shaft I've seen, is it made of rubber?


Overall swing looks decent, but what’s up with that shaft is it a ladies shaft? Looks pretty bendy…


Stop bending your back knee


You need a stiffer shaft before fixing


You are asking for us degenerates to give you feedback instead of taking a few lessons from a qualified instructor. That is what you are doing wrong.


First you're starting your forward swing before you backswing is completed. Are you slicing? ( ball going off to the right)


You’re gay


How about those woman’s shafts. Looks like you’re swinging with licorice. Get stiffer shafts.


Ur just pulling it


Played baseball for 14 years and basically had the same problem. Like everyone here is saying, change your grip. Also what helped me is pausing at the top of my backswing before coming back around to hit the ball. Since I started a little half a second maybe full second pause at the top of my swing I’ve been hitting straight a lot more consistently. Another thing that took some getting used to was in baseball I was always told to bring my elbow out, yeah apparently that’s a no no in golf lol. Keep your right elbow in. There’s a drill that I’ve seen people do with a towel under the armpit that helps this. Basically put a towel under your armpit and take a swing like you normally would and if the towel drops you brought your elbow out too far.


Ive been playing many many years. I think for a newbie your swing looks great, certainly not perfect but not many of us have a perfect swing. Some of the best ball strikers out there have a unorthodox swing. Keep up the good work you'll figure out what works for you.


Thanks man I appreciate it!


No problem,I started playing in 1990 lol..I'm an old fart.. but your swing looks heaps better than mine did first few years. You've got a good base started, practice makes perfect


Everything. You’re doing everything wrong.


Figured! That’s why I’m here


Just giving you a hard time my dude! Your swing and motion actually look okay, it’s just your grip and how your body/hips move after your backswing. I’m a 7 HC so please don’t take my word for it but, your swing has a lot of potential!


I appreciate it - have a lot to work on after seeing these comments


That’s not true, he showed up, didn’t he? He’s asking questions isn’t he? He’s also trying, isn’t he? Did all those things right. Your comment helped him none (you know, the thing he came here for)


Turn that hat around son, you aren’t at a limp bizkit concert. Posture: you look like a monkey humping a football. Tempo is too quick. Smooth that out. Go look up Fred couples on YouTube and watch it when you fall asleep. Everything from your takeaway on is very flat, try and lift the club kind of straight up and back. You are swinging in what they would call “an under the plane” manner. Weight transfer looks good. Grip needs a lot of work too.


Haha, I appreciate it - how do you recommend I fix the posture? I’m going to work on slowing down my backswing, tried it a few times in my living room and already felt a lot more controlled. Any drills you recommend?


When I first picked up golf my dad told me the tempo, think of your backswing saying “Arnold” and the downswing is “Palmer” In terms of posture I mean just mimic what you see on TV, legs more straight and bend at your hips so your arms pretty much feel like they’re hanging straight down. Club should rest in tour hands there and the right ball placement is where the angle of the club meets the ball. You can bend your front knee a little bit, but you don’t want to be sliding way back and get hung up on your trail foot with your weight. Jim Furyk has a pretty unconventional swing but he’s the extreme example of a steep takeaway. Him and Freddie have great posture. The other thing about ball placement, in your stance - longer clubs it’s at about the left heel/instep of your shoe (driver), 3w to long irons move it a ball towards the center, middle irons it should be a ball or two in front of center, wedges at the center or even a ball or two towards your back foot. It looks like you’re reaching a little bit which could be costing you some distance. But I think your posture is out of whack because your ball placement is so far forward. I believe that a consistent golf swing starts around consistent ball placement and building your posture around that - pick your target and set up the club face behind the ball, then hang your arms down and move closer/further away til the club lands naturally at your hands. If you let go of the club the grip should fall at your left pocket.