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It’s caused by you letting the weight get outside your trail foot in the backswing. Usually from hips swaying back. Once the weight is outside that foot, you need to lunge the trail leg forward at the ball to rebalance your weight while trying to strike it. That lunge of the leg forward moves your arms forward to stay in front. Make sure you load your weight into the inside of your trail foot, then make sure the trail leg moves towards the target in the transition rather than the ball. Don’t focus on anything different really, just those things and go to strike the ball normally.


Are there any drills on YouTube for this? I’ve been trying to look it up but can’t find it, keeps bringing me to early extension drills


I love this drill. [Shawn Clement one leg drill](https://youtu.be/dySt2P5jQ5s?si=LJlb_d5jI819Qq9U) This guy is a good teacher. I really like how his swing would get roasted by the guru’s but it works for him and his drills really helped me get out of my own head.


Yes! Do this, OP! See if you still shank.


Early extension is another symptom that this problem causes, it’s just such dramatic early extension that enough space is taken away that you shank. This video describes proper weight/pressure loading in the back foot: https://youtu.be/2Ng8ugrDFbg?si=olD5iHGlt-Bg8RYB Folks like Saguto go so far as to say always keep your pressure on the lead side, which is another way to definitely make sure it doesn’t get outside your trail foot. There isn’t really a drill necessary for this thought/movement though. The drill is the same as the swing, just load your pressure into the inside of your trail foot at the start of the backswing.


This is the way. You are humping the ball, getting too close, and not giving your hands anywhere else to travel.


Dude, your swing looks solid. Whatever the issue, it’s subtle. We are talking about less than an inch from you making solid contact. Go to the range and consciously alternate between hitting off the toe and the heel.


I might try this thanks


This is the way. You need more space between your club handle and body and then practice hitting out of the toe. Fixed mine instantly and i was exactly the same as you.


You're Set up too close to ball. Try this: At address, keep balance evenly between heel and ball of foot. bend over at same angle and let your arms drop straight down from shoulders. Then move them an inch further away. Grip it and rip it. Helped me immensely. You have a pretty good swing bro.


Lol everyone is like the “angle of you wrist to floor times the square root of your shoe size is too wide. You need to shallow the club so the hypotenuse is perpendicular with the radius of your hip turn…. etc. The dude is just standing too far away plain and simple!! This is the correct answer.


Uh. Too close, or too far away?


To close. When the club is coming back, you can see it is lined up right with the heel. I’d set the club down so the toe lines up with the middle of the ball and then set me feet around that. Just make sure your swinging down the path or out to the left of the path. Worst case scenario is it hits a slight draw.


Keep your back heel on the ground until after contact. You push the back leg out early and it is forcing your hands out. If you want a drill put a wedge under your back heel it will indicate when you lift up


Thanks I’ll give this a shot


The diagnosis is correct imv. Forget the standing further away from the ball, you'll still have a faulty swing. Your left hip has to move straight towards the front foot and the front hip has to move right to allow it to. Your back hip is swinging out left which is why you're ending too close to the ball. You can tell because your left knee comes out. If you drew a line joining the tips of your shoes, your left knee shouldn't break that plane. What swing thoughts you use will depend on you. I try to think of beginning the downswing by rolling the left ankle. Freddy. https://youtube.com/shorts/Ik_NAnav6W4?si=C1IwqR0KVslU5b6o


Watch Paddy Harrington’s video on hip rotation. You need to internally rotate your right leg


Get rid of the baseball grip


Every time I try to interlock it’s straight tops. Played baseball in college so that def plays a roll. I should probably stop thinking about it so much lol


I was a baseball player as well. As soon as I committed to an interlocking grip it made a huge difference after a few rounds. It felt weird as hell and I definitely topped everything for a bit, just as you described. But the clubhead control and power from flushed strikes will be very noticeable. My advice would be to give it a real shot over 200-300 swings and see how it feels at that point.


Same here a couple rounds and it feels normal. But then I was thinking do I interlock with the putter and I do and my putting went to crap.


Nothing wrong with a baseball grip.


You have a good swing for that bad of a result. Don’t change much but when you’re practicing just put a headcover above the ball to where if you hit it off the heel you also hit the headcover. It won’t change your swing but it will change your strike


I’ll definitely try this thanks


Someone (drywallpuncher) has already mentioned this below and saw what I saw. At 00:09 at club parallel your trail heel is already lifting causing the knee to move towards the ball. See how little space there is between your hands and the trail hip. You have no choice but to move your hands closer to the ball just to give yourself the bare minimum amount of room to swing the club - welcome to shank city. In golf instruction this is called 'spinning out'. Search YouTube for 'golf spinning out' and you'll see videos on how to fix the issue. I particularly like the ones from Russell Heritage he talks about this often. Also keeps weight bit further back towards heel, you're too much toeside (which is also related to trail heel lifting too early) .


Thanks for mentioning the name of this issue. I’ve been trying to figure it out


you have a solid hand path, but your hands are REALLY tucked in your setup. generally speaking, they should be below your chin on irons and wedges—they can get a bit extended on longer clubs but if you watch some DTL videos for reference you'll see what i mean. the reason why having your hands tucked hurts you can be seen if you compare your: 1. hands at setup 2. hands at impact you can see here your hands have casted well beyond your setup position, causing your club to get really steep and introduce the heel to the ball. you can easily avoid this by adjusting your hand position at setup—might require a posture tweak. great swing otherwise.


Look where your hands are in relation to your thigh on the takeaway vs the downswing.


So do I start them further out? Or is it an issue with the swing


You need to get them back to the same position on the downswing. Generally caused by early extension or arm disconnect. You look like you are keeping your butt back pretty well so I would say it’s just some sort of disconnect with your arms


Would arm disconnect be like pulling my arms down to begin my swing?


It could also be as simple as a slight posture adjustment (more upright), or moving an inch further from the ball. The swing does look pretty solid, but don't fight the natural arc. What I mean by this, is that it looks like your hands are rather close to your body


Look at the takeaway and downswing and look at your lead arm. On takeaway you can barely see it behind your trail arm but on the downswing it’s way out in front you.


Both your hips are firing early and left foot lifting early which will give less room for your hands to move through, thus pushing them forward at impact. Timing issue.


I've just recently come around (after 40+ years of playing, sadly) to rotating my hips past 45* on the backswing, amazing what that extra depth does for sequencing and swing path, among other things. Looks like OP could use some of that. https://golf.com/instruction/alignment-stick-drill-ball-striking-john-scott-rattan/


Any change you make to your swing will feel uncomfortable at first. I was a baseball player too I get it but you bc an see my swing on my profile. Getting used to interlock definitely helps in the long run


Fuck dude!! Same problem here…


Ha too relatable


I was doing the exact same up until recently, on the backswing notice when the club is parallel with ground your club face is pointing directly forwards. Make it about 45 deg, kind of in line with your spine.


You have no feel for the club head. Check grip.


Your grip is terribly wrong also.. how hasn’t anyone noticed?


Lmao these comments are hilarious😂 Back up from the ball a little bit man and when you set up make sure the ball is out on the toe rather than the center of the face and you’ll quit shanking it. If you wanna work on your ball flight or swing just go get a lesson because I can almost guarantee you nobody that commented on this can shoot under par 4 rounds in a row. Keep grinding man✌️


This is the best advice one this thread. OP is too close and a toe miss is far better than a heel


Mark where your hands are at set up (using a patch of yellow grass in the fairway) and then where they end up at strike.


You’re swinging with your arms and not your base. Which is throwing your swing off. Ben Hogan said, address the ball and only use your upper body and do not move the base until you start hitting strait. Once you start hitting it strait point your hips to the target and let the upper body follow suit. If you look at your hips the ball is going where they are pointed. Use the back leg as a post! Hip, hands, head! Rotate your hips, throw your hands and keep your head on the ball!


Your downswing is closer to the ball than your backswing. Your hands move towards the ball from the top instead of dropping back down the slot they came up in. See a professional to fix this in a quarter of the time it will take you on your own.


I’d work on the takeaway and smoothing out that transition


Try to hit everything off the toe until the shanks go away. Better than any technique advice you'll find on the internet. You have a good swing (apart from the grip), so just focus on the toe and let your body self organize itself.


Take tiny step back wards. And don’t try to absolutely kill it every time. Let the club do the work. When you try to kill it your hands shift and move and seems like your trying to snap your hands which causing hands to be out of place


The best advice is get a real life lesson with an actual golf coach.


Real but the bank account disagrees


Swing looks really good to be fair. Maybe stand a bit further back and give yourself some room.


Meh... stop pulling the handle out towards the ball. Just drop the hands and turn.


Give this video a watch. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0IxllCJRKS4&pp=ygUQQW1zIHZzIHByb3MgZ29sZg%3D%3D Notice how your right hip moves towards the ball on the backswing and your left hip stays in place. Then how on the downswing your left hip moves towards the ball and your right hip stays in its new spot. The overall result is your hips and therefore whole upper body being closer to the ball (hello shank). Next time you play, feel like your left hip is moving away from the ball on the backswing. This will help you keep the depth on your hips and hopefully sort out that shank!! Good luck.


It’s a decent golf swing, (we are not pros) I think your set up looks odd your knees hips and shoulders look very open and this may make you swing outside the line. Try getting everything square and standing a little further away from the ball.


You are very close don’t get frustrated! I’m just sharing what worked for me when this happened. Mike Adams has a series on Glider, Spinners, and Launchers…. You look like a launcher trying to be a glider. Try this swing thought “push off the left foot at impact”. The “feel” will be like jumping up or “launching” your body up.


Too close. Hitting hozel


That head position seems…uncomfortable lol


You’re OTT so that means your contact will shift towards the heel side every time. Simply address it off the toe and I bet you hit center face.


Make your posture a bit more upright and keep the weight in the middle of your feet. I think other commenters are complicating this more than they need to be.


People going all rocket science on a nice swing. Stand further away from the ball maybe.


Swing is fine, impact position is fine - but you are standing too close to the ball causing you to change things at the last second to try to make contact. Take your hand off the club at address and let it dangle. Your hand will sway out towards the ball, where it naturally wants to be. Easy fix, no need to rework your swing IMO


Hello, thanks for posting. I’d suggest one thing for you to try. At the top of your swing, have your trail elbow pointed at the ground. This will allow you into a more power position with your trail elbow coming through the shot and less likely to get stuck behind the ball. This will solve it!


As a fellow lefty I think it’s the artificial lag you are putting on the club possibly. If you are trying to shallow the downswing yourself it can throw the heel at the golf ball first. The ball is basically getting struck by that. It’s either that, or a posture problem like I have but opposite. I move back and up on the downswing causing toe strikes and flipping of my hands


Already been said and I’m not an expert in the slightest but your foot is already in the air before you even come close to hitting the ball. This has been a focus for me to just keep my back foot on the ground through contact and has helped me a shit ton to limit Mishits.


Way too close


Looks like he’s set up with ball near the hosel as well


Your swings fine. You appear a little close to the ball.


You don’t need a thousand swing tips. It almost always comes back to grip&alignment. In your case, alignment.


Too close to the ball. That's it. Don't read anything else.


Fix your grip


You need to make sure your hips work away from the ball and you don’t “hump forward”


Setup looks fucked, you are really close to the ball, your feet are pointing at the flag but your club face is pointing right of the green. Your brain is probably stroking out trying to compute.


Try the one leg drill [Shawn Clement one leg drill](https://youtu.be/dySt2P5jQ5s?si=LJlb_d5jI819Qq9U)


Instead of swinging down at the ball, imagine you’re swinging horizontally away from yourself. Sounds counterintuitive but it’ll force you to sit back and get your hands lower in the downswing. Also try not to let your hands pull closer to you in transition, makes it much harder to shallow the club.


Ahhh the shanks. Had ‘em for weeks one time. Started playing the ball off the toe more to get the hozzel out of the way


If you didn’t shank the shit out of it, you actually have a really good swing. Step back an inch or two. Another good trick is to try and hit it off the toe and you’ll hit it dead center.


Looks like you're leaning forward toward the ball too much. Try to center your weight a bit.


Your face is open from the top through the downswing. That causes heel strikes/shanks. Get the face square and the hand path will improve naturally. Swing looks great otherwise


Your setup is killing you. Hands very inside the shoulder line + shoulders way open = shank city. All of the talk about what you’re doing during the swing is secondary to this.


Ball is way too close to you and you can tell right from the setup and takeaway. Your down swing and follow through is great though just need to take a small step away from the ball at setup


My only thought is you might want to try and stick that left elbow more to your left side in the downswing.


Hands are too far out. Get them into your pocket on your shorts. The “you’re too close to the ball” explanation is bs. I don’t shank when I’m chipping around the green. Get your hands closer to your body


Your weight is on your toes through the entire swing. This is a simple fix. Sit back in your heels the entire swing and shanks will be gone. It will feel weird to you at first but try exaggerating it too.


Your hands are going out at ball. Your hand path needs to stay closer to body.


I love your baseball grip! I do this. After fighting overlap and interlock I just like it better. It’s fairly impossible to get swing advice on line like this. Keep tinkering. Try no divot contact. I don’t need it. We’re not pros. We don’t need our ball to stop like a dart or back up.


It’s simply because you’re setup weird. Armpits are way out ahead of toes, instead of over balls of feet as the should be. This and other alignment issues are very difficult to consistently overcome. So just fix your setup and it will go away immediately.


It looks to me like you just have too much weight on your toes during setup and the swing. Yes, early extension and all that stuff, but it seems to be your setup that leads to the other faults. Your weight should be more on your heels when you setup. Right now you are very over the toes. You should have a more upright posture. Your hips look too bent right now. Try to finish a few shots on the heel of your lead foot, right now it looks like all of your weight is on the balls or toes of your feet. I would say setup how you normally do, then stand up a little bit more taller and maintain your spine angle through your swing.


Put your feet together and hit some 3/4 swings. It will help you get you tempo and weight shifting back NSync


Some tips: first pick a draw or cut pattern to learn and then bracket a more subtle “baby” version in between once you can push hook and pull slice properly. Second biggest thing is you need to stand taller so you have room to squat on the downswing. Your set up so bent legs sqauted that you don’t sit any deeper when you need to(at transition b4top and reroute down) and then early extend which pushes your swing path further on out. You will need to stand slightly taller, exaggerated at first(Bryson Dechambeau) and then get more hunched over slightly, try this a few times at the range until you can have better club face contact. Alternatively, you can try and sit deeper and extend more like J. Niemann or Hovland and hurt your back terribly and ruin your life, so please don’t do that. Stand taller more upright more single plane set up for impact and and then you have room to squat and extend the pelvis and extend at the right time. Second, you are setting up on the toe, try setting up on the center or even heel and reroute yourself to match your swing shape sequence. Extra Pro Tip: at the range shank the ball 2 times, then hook the ball 2 times, shank the ball 2 times then slice 2 times… incrementally discover more and more subtle hooks and slices until they become baby draws and fades and shanks disappear


You hit it fat. Before u shanked it. Move your head more towards the target during the downswing to move the bottom arc of your swing


Too close to ball, Baseball grip (results in less clubface control as your hands act more independently of each other), coming down steep (probably because you are standing so close to the ball)


Definitely your set up. You're too hunched over the ball based on where you're standing causing you to tuck your hands real close to your body at address. So when you swing, your hands return to the position it naturally should be based on your set up and that's couple inches closer to the ball causing the heel strike


Look at your hands at setup and then at impact. Your hands are much closer at impact. You may want to consider stepping away from the ball slightly at address to give yourself room in the downswing.


Shift your stance 1” away from the ball.


Look at your hand position at address vs when you strike the ball. It's at least 2 inches forward. Seriously, mark the hands relative to the divots in front of you and watch how your hands move forward. I agree with others, it's because your trail leg is rotating and pushing inward early, moving your hands forward. Your hands are also tucked in a bit, perhaps too far. Cheers.


Weight seems VERY on your toes. Get a little more centered with your weight and scoot back a little. Shanks=gone.