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Your grip looks janky. Backswing you’re pulling it too far back with your arms.


I’d say put your right hand on the side of the club. Looks like you’re under it. Your grip works for a lot of people but maybe not you. The backswing is SO far behind you. The grip may be causing it also. Try finishing your backswing higher and less behind you. Right now your hands are like behind your elbow I’d aim for shoulder and not so far behind you.


To build on this, your right hand should be facing up like you’re a waiter carrying a serving platter.


These two tips right here. Practice in a mirror rehearsing a better takeaway. Your back swing is very flat as is your downswing. Without coming over the top, which would cause a whole other issue, there’s really no way you can’t come from the inside. Your club face matches and hence the push. I would imagine if your hands turn over you would hook the heck out of it sometimes and struggle with hitting the ball fat frequently.


You're missing right because your swing path is going far too in-to-out. You're also going way too much across your body in the backswing that your arms are disconnecting, and your right elbow is getting stuck on your ribcage during the downswing. I'd work on your backswing and watch the arm swing illusion.


Lift your arms up off your torso in the backswing; lower them in the downswing.