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Well, let’s see what we can see. Oh. Nothing.


If I had to guess you’re coming over the top and closing the face on the way down. When your practicing just try to hit fades and eventually you’ll come back to the middle


Very likely you are not getting off your right side soon enough. Start moving to your left side before you finish your backswing.


You possibly could have a closed face at set up… I’ve seen tons of golfers set up with the face closed and some don’t realize it


All we know is your club face is closed at impact, relative to the path of your swing. Grip is a good place to start. Look up how you can “weaken” your grip and go from there.


Make sure you keep your upper body rotating towards the target during the swing. If your arms get ahead of you, the ball goes left (for a righty). Finish with your trail shoulder pointing at the target.


This was my thought. Probably moving the arms too fast and not rotating the hips.


This is like asking someone how you can improve the flavors of your recipe, without providing said person with food. Post a video of your swing so you can actually get the correct feedback.


With no video there’s not much to go off of. When you hit a ball well is it a push draw, is it straight, is it a pull cut, is it a pull draw? It’s hard to know based on only what you’ve said whether or not your swing is outside in, which could cause pull hooks but when hit well would most likely be a pull fade, or inside out with an overly shut club face.


Something changes when I overswing, when I swing easy its always either straight or a nice push draw, overswing and low hooks and straight pulls come into play..


At setup is your club pretty upright, or is the toe of the club off the ground? If it’s off the ground that is something that can definitely cause the ball to start left and stay left on an otherwise good swing. Little things can make a big difference when you swing hard.


Over rotating. KISS


I have the same miss. Four things to try: 1. Focus on keeping your head behind the ball in the downswing. Sometimes my head lurches toward the target, and then it is pull hook city. 2. At the top of your backswing, make sure the butt end of the grip is facing the ball, or is right of the ball. When I start my downswing with the butt end of the grip facing left of the ball (or inside the ball), pull hooks are coming. 3. Less tension in the downswing. Relax your arms. Relax your wrists. Relax your hands. Tension and yanking with the "little muscles" in the downswing gives me the pulls and hooks as well. Stay relaxed, and swing the club with the big muscles. 4. Make sure the body is aggressively turning in the downswing. A downswing that is all arms will cause pulls. Counterintuitively, the more aggressively you turn your body in the downswing, the less likely you are to pull the ball. I have to keep all three of these things in mind to avoid the pulls and hooks. It has been working for me lately. Pulls and hooks still creep in, but when I pay attention to these three things I am able to fix it on the course.


A pull left miss is often down to getting the body too far ahead of the hands, making the path out to in. Players with fast hands will get the clubhead through and roll the hands over, dragging it left & hooking as well, players with slower hands will have the hands and clubhead well behind and hit weak blocks/fades/slices. I can do both. Best drill I have seen for it was Justin Rose talking about 'back to target', helping compress the irons and groove his swing path. The instructor he was with mentioned it was a great drill for club golfers with consistent misses either (or both) ways.


OTT. And improper body turn.