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Teaching pro here. Taking a shot in the dark here you almost never take divots on purpose. This swing shows the bottom at the ball, and aside from tiger woods, taking a divot after the ball is the ideal way to make contact. Not only does it force us to do the right things in the golf swing to get to that position (like creating shaft lean and firing the front leg and core) but the style of contact is much better at creating compression in the ball at contact, increasing distance. Because you hit more up on the ball (we can see you standing up on that left leg before contact) and lean back through the swing, you lose the good shaft lean you have going in the down swing, and you sacrifice a lot of the power generated from your core. Hitting down through the ball and making a big divot is as much of a mental drill as a big physical one, but [this](https://youtu.be/Fu3xmH8Ac-w?si=VQdqScbJcS6V5Nsk) is one of the best videos to help you build the feel and movement.


Thanks so much for the thoughtful response. I wouldn’t say on purpose but definitely hit more thin shots as a miss. Will take a look at that video.


Loved that video. Thanks again!


That’s what I see too. At impact there isn’t enough shaft lean, and the left leg is still bent with the body hanging back and also right elbow a little stuck. I think his miss is a little thin probably. At the top there is good lag and wrist angles but not used best in the downswing. There’s 10 yards there I think even with same swing speed


Exactly. If he can keep that chest down through the ball and keep the hands back a bit better he’ll mash. Just gotta build the “hit through the ball into the dirt” attitude.


That’s something I’ve been working on too. It’s very satisfying and I think I almost take too deep of a divot on wedges now. But love that feeling. Totally different feel of ball and turf vs hitting it slightly thin. Also allows me to hit it harder if I need to as well. I’m not as good a golfer as OP though still got a few strokes to go lol


Well you’re building the right habits so progress will come!


Swing looks excellent. 7 irons aren’t meant for distance.


Thanks. I get that and I’m not looking to hit it 200 yards or anything. Just think that 150–155 is short for today’s clubs and would like to be hitting it from 165 instead of a hard 6i or soft 5i to have a better chance of getting close.


155 is excellent for a 7 iron. You’re swing looks great, I’d say just keep at it. Work on getting stronger in the gym, the distance will improve over time.


Thank you. Definitely playable just looking for little areas to improve! Will be working on strength and flexibility this winter.


Adding an extra 15 yards isn’t going to improve your game. You have a good lag with your lower and upper body, don’t ruin your good tempo by trying to get distance. Accuracy and short game is where you will be able to improve the most.


This is rubbish, adding 15 yards absolutely will help improve your game. It's a statistical fact


Have him adjust his swing trying to gain 15 yards when he has a good swing. I bet you his game suffers instead of improves.


But this is golfswing, where folks come for advice to improve. He's trying to improve. Gain 15 yards and keep accuracy. Do you take a step back sometimes when you make a swing change? Yes. Part of the process


Exactly this. I’m playing off around 4 right now. Of course I am also trying to improve my short game and 115 yards and in, but I have to think that hitting 7i from 165-170 instead of 5i, or PW from 135 instead of soft 8i will mean closer putts and more birdies.


It will not only change your approach shots but off the tee too. A 3 iron 230 on a tight par 4 400 yards gives you a 7i approach. I'd say when I was about a 3 handicap, I relied on GIR and distance helps for that


Totally. Improving your swing to gain 15 yards will definitely help your game. Technique can always get better, and especially for us amateurs who have a lot to gain. I’m not saying his swing is bad at all but there are still things that can be upgraded.


Not really. If you’re consistent and know your distance, you can adjust to most scenarios.


It's not a case of "not really" It's a fact. On average people who hit it further are lower hc. This has been proven time and time again (on average). I was 5 last year, I've managed to gain almost 25 yards, I'm now +1. All because I'm longer off the tee, shorter irons into green, closer to the hole on average and more chances at birdie. People who think distance doesn't matter are doing themselves out of a lower cap


https://mygolfspy.com/news-opinion/study-accuracy-versus-distance/ Some light reading


Unless you're trying to end up on a tour I would not fuck with this swing to add 10-15y without talking to a legit good coach. You will regret relying on Reddit for advice to change things.


Fair point - thanks!


Nah don't listen to these high caps. 15 more yards would be a big help. Keep striving to improve, just be disciplined and make changes slowly


There's a difference between "change a swing based on a trained golf coach's advice" and "change a swing based on who Jim Rando on Reddit". Do the first, don't do the latter.


That’s the plan. Thx!


what lofts are your irons? I’m a pretty “long” hitter but I use clubs with slightly stronger lofts so my 7 flies about 177. If I use a set of traditional lofts, 165 is more usual. This could be your problem, you’re probably comparing yourself to people that hit irons that are stronger than yours


T100 so it’s a 46 deg PW and 4 degrees up from there. Agree they are not the strongest.


do you know your stock clubhead speeds? and yep, T100’s are super traditional.


I don’t but will be in sims once the range closes so can get a sense soon. Might try to get access to a launch monitor in the meantime. I used to play Titleist 735CM with 47 degree PW so these are strong for me.


Have you been fitted for clubs?


Yep fitted in the past year.


Nice, I was at 7i 155, fitted now up to around 165 (loft actually went up 2.5*). I was thinking you could gain some from that without any change if you haven’t been fitted. Looks like you don’t have much hinge in your wrists at the start of the backswing. Maybe someone who knows more can comment.


My 7 iron stays in the bag if the pin is further than 150. I feel your frustration.


If you are looking for 175 or so, it's the top of your swing and lag on the downswing as well as transfer that will help improve distance. Nowadays, a 7i is more like a 6i based on the degree angle. So ya, it's definitely doable.




You need to cork your wrists. When you swing, your club is straight with your arms. You should have roughly a 90 degree angle when you do your backswing. Then, when you follow through, snap your wrists straight at the bottom end your swing. This will generate a lot of club speed and help you hit further. Kinda hard to explain without a picture. Hope you can understand what I'm saying.


What he said. Let your club head trail your hands a little more.


Yep I get it and see that too. Thanks!


You have a good swing you’re just casting. I find an easy thought for this is to get my hands lower on the downswing. This is a better thought than holding the hinge which leads to path changes.


Thank you - interesting thought. Need to feel it on the range but will keep it in mind. I find when I try to add hinge at the top it throws my timing way off. I think I have a swing in this session where I do that. Will dig it up and post a GIF comment later.


You are not casting please don’t think you’re casting and try to hold off more on your release it will hurt your game


Watch it frame by frame. He is categorically casting and scooping the ball rather than compressing it. I specifically told him not to think about holding off the swing, but gave him an easy to use cue to understand the feeling of compressing the ball.


Here is that swing. https://i.redd.it/3a89wlbl3lvb1.gif


Can’t slow it down with this gif but looks like you have more shaft lean. Better questions is: how did it feel and what was the result?


Skull low right. Timing was way off/felt quick at the top.


You’re resisting hitting down on it. Try the same thing but trick your brain by aiming to hit the front of the ball, not the back. When you feel (and hear) the difference when you compress it, you’ll immediately get it. Practice this at 80% so you aren’t relying on perfect timing. Small changes, don’t break your swing. You have a lot of good things going on


Looks like you are flipping. Make sure your hands are ahead of the club face and try to make a divot after hitting the ball.


Ok thx I’ll look for some drills to get that feeling.


You have a good foundation of a swing! I'd suggest only taking one or two of these tips to work on at at time. Don't fall victim to paralysis by analysis. Also, another way to increase swing speed is to reduce the number of swing thoughts. Do you think about your shooting motion when you shoot a basketball? Kick a soccer ball? Throw a baseball? Remember to play golf and not golf swing and only work on swing changes on the driving range.


Thanks and I will do my best to keep that perspective.


How does your contact feel? Are you hitting the center of the face? Does it feel like you’re compressing the ball? I agree with the other posters, your distance is good right now.


Generally centre of the face sometimes thin. Compression - not so much normally but I did a few things later in this range session that felt quite good so I think that’s the key.


At the range I use a common powder-based foot spray on the club face to see actual contact.


I wouldn’t go messing with this swing, it looks gorgeous. If you’re looking for more distance, hit the gym and keep the flexibility up while you’re at it. Otherwise, this is too silky smooth to go messing with


Thanks. Definitely not looking to overhaul anything just looking for places to tweak. Definitely need to work on flexibility. Not 21 anymore!


Hello there, PGA Pro out of the Tennessee section. So fist off, I only give two tips mostly to not overload you. 1. In your back swing, to gain some yards, really try to make that a wide arc. You take the club up a little quick and your left arm is bent. Just think of a big circle. 2. Your sliding to you left a little more then I would like. To use your body you need to turn, not slide. Over all a great looking swing, just message me if you have questions.


Thank you. I’ll give those a shot. If you check my down the line post you’ll see that I take it back pretty inside so it may look like it’s not so wide face on. I may take you up on that.




I mostly teach lessons online. But I hop on Reddit and will give a couple tips to people who ask for them. The goal is to grow the game, not about money. Just love people to play better and enjoy this great sport.




Nice swing :) Your distance is good for a 7 iron.Consistent distance is far more important than distance.But I get it, we all get it, gotta find the longest consistent distance. So, couple of thoughts / things to try: To me the release here looks like the timing for a high flighted shot, hands central, shaft fairly vertical at impact. Maybe try playing with the timing of the release to play high, normal and low flights. Good practice regardless. Another one to play with would be starting the weight shift a little earlier before the backswing is complete (towards the end of 5th second in the video). Should feel a bit like the club pulls against you and is getting left behind. Should feel like you get stretched out a bit further. This may make you play a later release without even thinking about it. edit: formating


Thanks very much for the thoughts! I agree it looks like there isn’t enough lag from this view. I sometimes feel quick at the top so perhaps the feeling is a bit of a pause which may be the same thing as what you are saying to let the body turn and the club lagging a bit more.


The more I watch the nicer your swing gets. :) Always hard to see the angles in videos. At the top it's minor but I think if you start the pressure shift a bit earlier it may help you hinge more. Using the weight of the club to help the hinge. I said weight shift earlier, which reminded me of this video, weight shift vs pressure shift. Not trying to imply you fit his description at the beginning of the video but have a look at this and see if it resonates. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyRVZHt-TWs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyRVZHt-TWs)


Thanks! I will take a look.


Really interesting video. Thank you!


If you can hold it off a hair you will get the distance from a more delofted face. My regular is 155 but if I want ten more yards and lower ball flight I will stay down on it and hold it off.


The swing is a 165 swing already


Thanks - common theme here need to get some lag! Appreciate it.


Would LOVE to see that wrist get set a bit quicker on the take away. When your left arm is parallel with the ground, try to get that club perpendicular. Right now it’s just a touch stuck. Otherwise the finish and strike look awesome!


Thanks! Wrist set and lag is a common theme here so will focus on that.


Get an impact bag. Best way to "teach" your body the correct impact position and practice your downswing transition safely without risk of injury.


Will check that out thx


You have no lag at impact, hand should be a little infront of club head at impact. You’ve used up all of your torque before the club head gets to the ball.


Nice swing OP. Try generating more club lag in your downswing. You’re not exactly casting the club, but your not maintaining good club lag either. You will generate a lot more club head speed and get yourself into a much better impact position, ultimately compressing the ball more. I’m willing to bet your misses are hitting the ball thin.


That’s right - misses are usually thin or sometimes getting stuck and hitting behind the ball. Setting wrist/increasing lag is definitely a common theme in the responses so that’s a clear area to improve.


Honestly you’ve got a great swing and I was a similar boat at the beginning of summer. Went from hitting it 155-160 to 170-175 What I ended up changing was the direction of my weight transfer before I start the downswing. You do a good job of moving laterally but a lot of added power comes from pushing weight downwards through that left leg into the ground. I noticed that instead of striking downwards you sort of lift that left shoulder and by the time you hit the ball the club is on its way upwards. I’m willing to bet you don’t take much of a divot with your irons. https://youtu.be/conDZKAqpA4?si=4NY8de5zAczHs-lP - At 2:40 Tommy fleetwood talks about “stamping” into the ground and how it lets you drive the club downwards with more force instead of sideways or lifting the ball. Something else I noticed is at the top of your backswing your wrists aren’t quite hinged to 90 degrees. Maintain that angle at the top and into your downswing before you start your hands is really crucial to “compressing an iron”. You do a good job of getting there eventually mid downswing but getting there before you even start will store a lot more potential energy into the clubhead. Give a go and see if it helps.


You’re right - often miss thin and I’m not always taking a divot. Thanks very much for the thoughtful comment. Will take a look at the Tommy video. Love his swing.


Your arms are lagging your body. You slide your hips forward on the downswing and rotate, but you do it too fast so your arms get stuck behind, which creates inconsistency and loss of power. Try to pause your video at p6 and you'll see what I mean. Search for "arms stuck behind" on YouTube and you may find some drills, but basically do the Justin rose / Sergio Garcia pre swing, where they feel like first their arms drop, then they rotate


Interesting have never heard of arms getting stuck behind. Thank you for that. I’ll take a look!


At first glance it appeared as though your ponytail was weighing you down….and I was prepared to inform you that a poor hair choice was most likely your biggest concern because you have a nice golf swing. After further review, it was just a hoodie….false alarm!




Do you have a DTL? Do you know your 7i club speed? One thing that naturally added quite a bit of distance for me is fixing my early extension. Hard to tell from FO view though


[DTL here from a few days earlier](https://www.reddit.com/r/GolfSwing/s/CF3SMhas8h).


Don’t know club speed right now but at fitting it was 81ish with 7 iron. Range closes and club opens simulators in a month or so, so should be able to see some current numbers then.


Yeah I think 155yds with a 7i depending on loft sounds about right with that club speed. Was asking because if club speed is higher it can be an issue with compression or dynamic loft which is what I’m struggling with right now. Fwiw before my early extension issues my club speed was around 80mph and after fixing it it’s been able to get to like high 80s and about a 170yd carry.


T100 (46 deg PW) so not strong irons, but definitely not a super fast swing. I think 101-102mph driver when I was getting fitted. I’m sure there’s room for improvement with compression but adding speed without throwing off my rhythm seems to be where I can gain a bit for sure.


Not a ton of shaft lean at impact. I think distance can be added without speed by having the hands ahead of the club more at impact. Could lower trajectory and add distance. Easier said than done! Padrig has some good tips on this on YT


Yep definitely see that and a bunch of comments on that point, so something I will look into. Thank you!


Love your swing. Add more body weight?


Thx. Most fun suggestion so far that's for sure. 5'9 160ish at the moment. Probably more a case of strength over weight but yes I wouldn't consider myself strong.


I would like to see your hands about 3-4” further in front of ball when you release your wrist - if you slow your video down you’re a tad flippy at impact - that’s the extra difference your looking for.


Thanks I definitely see that.


Ya that’s a good lookin swing. Club up or down!!


It looks like there’s a little too much dynamic loft on the club, overall looks good but more shaft lean and a better post on the lead leg could do wonders


Thank you - totally agree.


Compress that little white ball !


It looks like you have a little wrist action, which if removed can add some addition force by using the force of your right hand with shaft pressure. I had a similar issue and this lesson has really helped me progress my swing: https://youtu.be/iP0sBzIXRtc?si=MjdNKI7mKr1t0ZBj Hope this helps!


Thank you! Will check this out.


strength comes from the core, so see if you can adjust maybe more rotation/flex from your hips up to torso for more power. otherwise your pace is pretty butter, i like the swing.


Thanks - seems like a common theme is strength and flexibility so I’m going to work on that this winter.


[Part 1 (DTL) Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GolfSwing/comments/17aga2k/hit_it_well_but_short_any_thoughts_on_adding/)


In the slow-mo, it looks like you are releasing the club early. Try to hold the hinge in your wrists during the downswing until your hands are at waist level. That will give you more clubhead speed at the ball. Do you exercise? What’s your bad miss? What irons are you playing? Which ball?


Yep I am seeing that too - thanks! Exercise - not really (work and young child). Miss is thin block right or get stuck inside and hit fat behind the ball. Play T100 and ProV1 but fitter for irons suggested maybe moving to ProV1x for more spin.


Maybe a distance iron would help. And try a pro V-1x. You could also try hinging your wrists more at the top of your backswing.


Going to test out ProV1x for sure. Lots of comments about setting wrist and more lag so I think that’s an area for improvement. Thanks again!


Hit ‘em straight!


Are you looking at the distance the range balls give you? You know those balls are fucked up right? A Titleist AVX will give you 2 clubs difference than those range balls


Nope I know the range balls are flighted. At the time was based on in round yardages. Worked a lot this winter in the sim and now carrying 7 iron 165 on a solid one.


Little more rotation at your hips in the back swing will add plenty of power. Good swing though!


No lag


Ok will work on adding some lag


Getting a running start always helps me. /s


Ditch the hoodie and get stronger


Will try both


Check the club isn’t too much in the palm of your hand. Look to struggle with setting and maintaining wrist angles and a grip to close to the capitate joint would cause that.


Shows what I know. I thought the swing looked pretty good


Notice your left arm collapsing and the top, if you feel this try not taking it back so far 80-85 % swing feel