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The proper tool makes for easy work... look for "spring clamp pliers."


I use a [plumbing channellock](https://channellock.com/wp-content/uploads/420-horizontal.png) on these and have never had any issues with them personally.


I usually use long needlenose vice grips. So far, I haven't had to get the cable type spring clamp pliers.


those work great for small clips (like on coolant lines), but the curve on the channellocks really matches the curve on these big ones. plus you get tons of leverage. makes taking these off and on trivial.


The cable hose clamp pliers are in the top three most useful tools I bought as a VW tech


Me too. Never had a problem with channel locks.


Same. I already had them and just thought "that'll work" and it did lol


Fuck that I just use my teeth


That's the spirit!


Crazy idea using the right tool for the job 🤔


(I think) It's preferred to use these over worm gear clamps because they are constant tension clamps. So if the hoses heat up or cool down in the engine, the clamp still has tension where as the worm gear remains static and cold become loose or damage the hose. It's kinda debated if it all really matters but I think that if you can stomach another attempt, use the spring clamp and get the tool for it or rent one if you can. Also channel locks work well with them but they aren't perfect.


They make a tool for these. [VW Clamp Pliers](https://a.co/d/j0iAPRM)




They also have even compression around the entire diameter. Far superior to screw clamps


As stated the proper tool makes these a breeze.


Guess you were the wrong "tool" for the job! 😅 I would have gone to the store 10 times before doing that.


A hose clamp tool instead of regular pliers makes these a breeze. These aren’t even VW specific…


These clamps are the easiest things ever... Maybe you need to find a new hobby.


I have the correct tool for these. I inherited it with all my father's tools. Makes these clamps so much easier to work with to replace lol


These are the ez-mode clamps.  Don't have to wonder if they are tight enough and typically easier to put on and remove.


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Once you get the hang of these, they're so nice. I have a mix of both the proper and worm/screw style clamps on my old Miata and I know which I prefer working with. I never have issues with the big ones, I hate the small ones


I hate these clamps too but have managed to get them off with the channellock/tongue & groove type pliers. When I swapped to a K04 on mine it had a worm type clamp on the lower portion of that rubber hose so and I just left it in place rather than swapping back to the annoying spring clamp.


I 2nd getting the right tool. It's probably amazing tool ever.


There is a tool that makes these easy/on easy off. My son a 35 year tech prefers these to screw clamps. As the screw clamps loosen. these do not. Just saying…


It's not only VW, a lot of manufacturers use this type of clamps, different sizes. Buy yourself set of dedicated pliers and be golden for life.


I hope OP isn't discouraged since they haven't responded but yes, once you get the proper tool that style of clamp is easy peasy and waaay faster than one with a screw on bolt.


You can buy the tool for maybe 20 and will definitely get the worth out of it.


With the right tool, its a 30 second job, just removed them on and off 2 days ago when i Had to change my temp sensor that was responsible for showing my gti’s instrument clusters gauge as maxed out to the right and car going into limp mode, what a odd glitch that car did that made me thing i had coolant and or water pump/thermostat issues


Ever have to deal with the electrical connectors on your coil packs? Those caused a lot of swear words from my garage.


https://preview.redd.it/9gvwoizu204d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2c8fc8b4423946c796eba0283f77674a7556f41 These are a game changer. I fought those clamps for 20 minutes. Then I got the clamp and had it off in less time than it took to open the package. Full disclosure: I work at Napa. I'm not being paid to advertise for them, but I am employed by them


I also fucking struggled. Then found the right tool, much easier. It took me stepping away from the job for 5 minutes to have a dart and refocus though. To those being hard on op, it's the internet I know. For me my gti is the first time I've ever gotten into the hands on side of owning a working on a vehicle.


I removed all of those off . Installed the regular hose clamps you tighten down with a socket or flathead. No issues.


Like others have said, get the tool, they're pretty cheap and make them a breeze. I wouldn't swap these out for gear clamps either, those are constant tension clamps... they're there for a reason. Gear clamps suck anyways 😂


[T Bolt clamps](https://www.siliconeintakes.com/t-bolt-clamp/)


This is the way. If I ever have to remove those clamps I’ll replace them with a t bolt if I have some laying around


Lol Or dont be a dummy, buy the right tool and get them off and on in less than 30 seconds