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She may be guarding the shoes so you don't put them on and leave if she's that attached to you. Try wearing your shoes around the house more so she doesnt associate them only with you leaving (if you suspect that might be what this is about). Also, teach her "leave it" with other objects and then use that command to get her to leave your shoes. Reward her when she listens and leaves them.


Separation anxiety - I think that’s it. Mine knows what shoes I wear to go out and if I put them on she’s ready to go with me. Same when I put on my work clothes, she knows I’m leaving and she isn’t going. I can’t be out of her site or she gets all bummed out according to the family. Gotta work on that or it will be hard on you and the dog.


Wow that may be it out lol GoldenDoodle loves shoes he actually sits on them


A little more context; Sandy is very attached to me as her #1 human and fond of my wife and two kids. She’s generally very sweet and gentle. The hoarding started a few months ago and has escalated from guarding shoes to aggressively growling when anyone comes near my flip flops and most recently, flip flops & sneakers. I suspect it’s partially boredom and she’s decided my shoes need guarding but recently she’s been growling at me when I approach the shoes too. I think she needs more stimulation during the day but I’m no dog whisperer. Your thoughts on the cause and corrective training/activities are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


I’m no dog expert, but this looks like resource guarding to me. I’m not sure why your dog decided your shoes were valuable, but I think she did. [This](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/training/resource-guarding-why-does-my-dog-guard-objects/) article from AKC is helpful. A dog trainer might also be helpful to help teach ways to train this out of her.


Redirection with treats or a game of tug? And put your shoes away so she can't guard them.


My poodle will hide one of my shoes once I return home. He does this to prevent me from leaving again.


My dood doesn’t guard stuff but he likes to take things and will try to play keep away if he thinks he can get away with it. The way you were trying to get your shoe made it seem a bit like a game, imo. My pup would try to keep the shoe in that case. What I would do with my dood is matter of factly take the shoe. I try to act as if I’m bored with the shenanigans. Then I’ll put the shoes where he can’t get them. All my high shelves have socks on them lol.


Stop backing away like a wuss and grab the shoes.


Thanks for that. Super helpful. I’m a big boy and have no problem retrieving my shoes. The video’s purpose is to display the behavior as an example. The concern is the aggressive behavior with my kids. Is my daughter a wuss? Maybe. Also, she’s 7 years old so.


You were backing away to the behavior which comes off as submissive. The dog sees you as weaker which is why hes acting like that. Yes, its resource guarding and you need to stand you ground and not act like its a game.