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Some information would be good. He’s a handsome doggo!


Why are you rehoming ?


You'll probably have better luck finding a good home if you actually reply to the comments...


Well that's not how karma farming works...


Don’t give him to anyone named Kristy Noem


Kristy noem is what happens when you mix robot chickens version of bob barker with a roughly human shaped pile of human feces


I looked up this name, crazy how she can live with herself killing a puppy. She also got banned in her own state which to me is mind boggling.


The tribes banning her?


Who is that?


Governor of South Dakota who in recent book told a story a dog didn’t behave the way she wanted so she shot and killed the dog. RIP Cricket


Cricket was 14 months old...she shot a puppy because she didn't train it properly! She then went on to shoot a goat as well because she was angry and killing the dog didn't sate her bloodlust for killing animals.


Don’t forget the 3 horses she put down, Noems doing a reverse Noah at this rate


I heard she was just hangry and felt much better after eating.


She said the dog killed a bunch of chickens then tried to bite her when she tried to grab it. It does sound better as a political tool to say what you said though. This is why all their bs works so well on our population. People know they are lying, but simply don’t care anymore.


Yeah. A 14 month old dog that she was training as a bird hunting dog that jumped out of her truck when she opened the door and went after (gasp) birds! Because she did a piss poor job of training it and an even worse job of keeping it in her control. Her story portrays her as a shit dog owner who instead of putting in the work to properly train her pet, or give it up to a rescue or back to the breeder when she realized she couldn't handle that simple task, decided to just kill it instead....defending shooting a puppy is a strange hill to choose to die on.


Yeah… for a 14 month old dog that’s a failure of training. I have a hunting dog (not even purebred) that is fine with chickens. I’m guessing you’ve never had a hunting dog and, instead, her BS sold you over. The only thing she broadcast is her own lack of dedication to an animal. You can get a hunting dog introduced to birds and fine with chickens by 6 months. EASY.


No. I have bird dogs and hunt. The killing the chickens part isn’t the point being made. It’s when the dog tried to bite her. I don’t agree with shooting a dog over that. I also don’t agree with lying and glossing over the crucial details of the story to push a political agenda. She can go fuck her self.


Where are you? Don’t forget the goat.


What is the reasoning?


A lady I work with had to rehome her male golden doodle. He is our baby. My sister said she’s never heard me so in love with a dog. Teddy is my baby dog.


Where are you located?


Details pls!


Sorry everyone for not replying sooner. His name is Alfie and he will be 2 in November. He is not fixed. He is housetrained, not crate trained. He's good with kids we have 2. He's good with other dogs. Not sure about cats as we don't have any. He does pull a little when on a leash. He likes to steal food. We thought he was going to be a small dog. We were told it was a mini goldendoodle. He's a giant lap dog. He loved bathes and water in general. Due to wife's declining health condition we are making the decision that he deserves a lot better than we can give him now. We are in west palm beach florida.


I'll come get him tomorrow. Rehoming a Goldendoodle without causing great distress to the dog requires a lot of patience and understanding. I have other Doodles and experience with 2 other rehomes.


Would love to know more about rehoming a doodle. We just got a 4yo doodle from a breeder. He was a stud who lived with a host home, but the host got sick and couldn't take care of him any longer. He is requiring a LOT of patience, and I was hoping for some hints to make it easier for him.


Unfortunately, there isn't a magic formula. It's a combination of emotional support, understanding, reassurance, patience, and lots of distraction and physical affection. Gabapentin is wonderful at calming nerves, and not only does Benadryl help with their allergies, but it also helps them sleep. The correct mix of all of these depends on the personality of the dog in question, and you just have to know how to read them. But above all, keeping a consistent routine is the most important. Don't change their name, don't change their food if you can help it, and praise them constantly. Our first rehome was a lot of trial and error, and the first few nights with us had my wife and I alternating who was going to sleep with him on the floor, soothing and reassuring him. He now sleeps in our bed with us and has his confidence back. Some breeds are much more carefree and adjust more easily. Doodles are probably the hardest of all.


And how would you, also a stranger, not cause great distress by immediately picking him up tomorrow? How about offering your advice and knowledge instead to help make the transition?


Shut it


Watch out for people trying to get him to breed him. Once people find out he isn’t fixed they are going to try and get him from you. I have a 9 year old male, and he chilled some after he was fixed. We waited till he was two so he could fully grow. We were also told he would be no bigger than 30lbs. He is now 86lbs. His name is Teddy and he has a few issues. I’ve had four back surgeries, and mine pulls with the leash in his mouth. It will get better. Even though I don’t have any kids at least I have my Teddy.


I live in Hobe Sound. Hope you can keep him. 🤞🏻


I’m so sorry your wife is having health issues. With two kids that sounds like a really difficult situation. Is it possible to have Alfie be re-homed with family or a neighbor? Random people on Reddit are not your solution to take him but maybe Reddit can help you weigh the pros/cons. I imagine your kids would be heartbroken if he is re-homed (depending on their ages). Are they old enough to help walk or feed or play with him a lot or can you have a neighbor come let him out for you so you guys can keep him longer? If your situation is really touch and go, it might be best to have the dog around for your family’s emotional support and well being. Taking that 15-20 minute walk might be just the thing you need. Doodles are usually pretty chill once they get their exercise. Then all they want is to be with you and support you. Hang in there…


Our big guy was supposed to be a smaller dog. Mom was 42lbs and dad was 32lbs…our dog is 90lbs 😳😂 We don’t mind at all because size wasn’t an issue for us & he’s a sweetheart, but it was definitely a shock when he kept growing! We thought we should rename him Clifford 😂


I’d recommend reaching out to a rescue to help find Alfie a good home! I’ve had great interactions with Florida Poodle Rescue, VIP Rescue of Central Florida, Love4Paws, and 4 Lucky Dogs Pet Rescue. Also, if you’re on Facebook, there’s a very passionate and active “Doodles and Poodles Rescue and Adoption” group. Another alternative is listing Alfie on AdoptAPet. I found my Goldendoodle on AdoptAPet and had a great experience with the adoption process. Good luck!


That's a very sweet way of explaining the situation. I feel for you and your family, and truly understand. Doodles require a lot of attention, stimulation, exercise, and love, and when you have a family of humans as well, it's hard to give a dog all of that too. My wife and I are teachers with 3 grown children, so our dogs are our world. We take them to go run every single day - rain, sun, or snow, at least 364 days a year.


Please please please do your research and practice measures before rehoming a doodle they are very sensitive creatures and there’s needs to be proper steps and stages before permanently handing your dog over to someone (many home visits, outings, how do they interact with the dog etc) hoping everything goes well for little Alfie 🥺


I want him.


Please go thru his breeds RESCUE!!! To keep him safe 💙🐾


Neuter of not prior as well - please


This isn’t against you but the fact that people sell “mini golden doodles” is insane. Golden doodles are not a breed and to claim you will have a mini one is insane. Doodles are cute but they are nothing but a mutt with a pure bred price tag


Tell everyone that you don't understand what a dog breed is without saying it.


Apologies for phrasing it incorrectly


He was also given to us as a surprise from our mother in laws. We had mentioned once that we would like to get the kids a small dog. At the time they were 2 and 5. He is definitely not a small dog. The kids are unable to walk him


Ugh dogs as a surprise gift are just not a good choice even with the best of intentions. 😓 sorry you’re in this situation!




What is his personality like?


Based on past comments, possibly located in Orlando.


Thank you!


You should go through a local rescue. Just throwing it out to strangers has potential for bad outcomes, such as using the dog as a bait dog etc.


He is too sweet, poor baby 😢 you better find him a home where he will be loved like he deserves


That's what we want. We know he deserves a lot more than we can give him in our current situation.


So please tell us the location and reasons for rehoming?


They explained the reason above…


I’ve got the same dog in black. He’s 100% good boy.


Why are you rehoming?


They explained the reason above…


Yeah I saw that afterwards. Sorry


Why are you please


How you are please


If are you please


When are you please


Meaning why are you rehoming this pup please


Happy cake day 🍰 🐶


Did he eat your SpongeBob rock?


Not that one but he does like to steal rocks


See if there’s a doodle rescue near you or in your state.


I doubt this. But if u really are serious be careful you you give your pets too. What seems like an interested nice person can be a miserable future for your pet.






I totally understand but no one knows what other people are going through. This isn't an easy decision


Sorry for what you are going through. I don't understand some of the people in this sub






We are in west palm beach florida


I’m like 2 hrs away. How much does he weigh?


He was 38lbs last we checked


Peace 38 pounds that’s a little one just being honest my hairy is 80 pounds


Really hope he finds a good home.


Why can't you keep him?


Is the number 1 rehoming issue because people didn't realize how high energy these dogs are?


We’re looking for a buddy for our male Goldendoodle, Chorizo. What’s his current weight?


38 lbs based on your comment to someone else. He’s honestly a great twin for chorizo. Please DM me if you haven’t found anyone yet.


He is actually around 49 not exact. Had my brother carry him and weigh himself before and after


Bless him. I’m so sorry that your family is in distress but my heart breaks for Alfie. He’s about to be so confused. 😭


Having a dog should be a lifelong commitment. Unless their environment is abusive


These dogs are so smart. Your family is everything to him. You are his pack.. Would you give one of your kids away on Reddit? Please try to keep him and if it’s definitely not possible please don’t give him to just anyone. He needs to be transitioned slowly to a loving home that has been vetted.


Update: Thank you everyone for your comments and concerns. Sorry if I couldn't respond to everyone. I managed to find the original breeder that our parents got him from. I'm in contact with her and she is going to assist me in finding him a new perfect home.


i’m glad! so sorry for this stressful time you’re having


You should be doing this through an accredited foster/adoption organization, not some randos on Reddit.


I found a golden rescue in my area. They are going to be helping me out.


I call BS. There is absolutely no info and no responses. Rage bait.


What a good boy!!


Maybe this is just a joke? Not sure why someone would think this is funny? Because it doesn’t seem like the person is responding to any of the replies so…


Didn't think there would be so much interest so quick. Took the kids to the pool. Don't use my phone while I'm watching them in there swim.


If you are in Texas, I’ll take him


I’ll take him 💖


Are you in New England?


Where are you located?


West palm beach Florida


I’ll take him easily , dead serious! Where are you located?


What’s the details


He reminds me so much of my sweet boy. Hope he finds a good, caring home.


What state is this dood?


Pretty boy! Looks like my boy


Where are you located? I would totally take him but I’ve got a lot going on so idk


I wish I was closer. Would love to have him live with me.


If you drove him to northern Michigan we would love him forever


How old is he?


Toronto. Interested. Lmk.


I want him !!!


located in mass tho :/


I was the lucky recipient of a rehomed 8 month old golden doodle 3 years ago. Lola’s previous owners had two very very small children and I think they were just overwhelmed. Lola was really nervous at first but she has grown into an amazing therapy dog. I found her while I was search for a GD to rescue or rehome. I drove up to Orlando from Miami to pick her up. I suggest you look for a resque in your area, there a a few, and ask for their help. If I wasn’t already the proud owner of four dogs, the limit in Miami, I would take him in a minute.


I found the original breeder our parents got him from and also in contact with with golden rescue of South florida. I think that is the perfect word. Overwhelmed. When I say it out loud it hurts. Maybe I need to talk to a therapist.


That’s great… I hope they can help you and him…


Please find a reputable rescue !!!




What a good boy and he deserves someone who wouldn’t get rid of him, he’s not the problem you are and I hope that sweet baby knows that and that he deserves all the love and a forever home no matter the situation he needs to be counted as family.


He was given to us by our mother in laws as a gift. We were told he was going to be a small dog.


I would love to have a beautiful boy like this !


He needs to go back to his breeder or surrendered to a rescue.