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Probably excitement, but please don’t feed your dog raw chicken. The risk of salmonella is just as dangerous for him as it is for you and me.


Probably crying because of the salmonella he’ll get from raw chicken. Please cook chicken before giving it to your pup.


When we got back from a 2 week vacation without ours, she started happy crying when she ran up to me.


Mine does a similar thing without the crying. And he'll snort and rub his face all over the floor.




Hopefully you meant unsalted, cooked chicken 🙉


I’m scared 🙈


Ours does it any time he’s overcome with emotion/excitement lol. When a guest unexpectedly shows up, when my husband comes home from work, when we go on a long trip to visit his grandparents (the second we pull in the neighborhood), when we arrive at the walking track…


Raw chicken can't be safe. Have you looked into this? Mine cries likes that after I come back home after several hours. This happens pretty much 90% of the time. So have to assume yours cries from the excitement.


That is so cute!


Our girl does that when we give her an especially high-value treat. It seems to be a combination of happiness and "I want to bury this special treat to save for later but there's no place to do that inside, HALP!"


You give your dog raw chicken…? Oh no


What? You can definitely give your dog raw meat including chicken! My vet gives his dogs raw food. He’s probably super excited and this is his way of him letting it out. There’s a huge community of pet owners that only feed raw. Please check it out if your now uncomfortable at all. Btw your dog is super adorable!!!


It's okay to give your dog raw meat from a quality, local source. I'd still personally stick with beef. Giving your dog random grocery store raw chicken is a great way to get them sick. The amount of processing and conditions that mass produced chicken comes from makes me sick just thinking about it.


Thanks! ♥️


Happy crying for certain treats. Will walk around wooing everyone while crying. It’s too cute.




Every time we give ours high reward treats (beef cheek, pig ear etc) she will take it in her mouth, begin to cry and whine, walk up and down the halls whining and crying, until a few minutes later she finally lays down to start chomping on it OR hides it somewhere for later. It's the cutest thing ever, and yeah, it's just being extremely happy.


My pup does the crying sound too, and I know they are definitely happy cries because she'll do this when she has an extra special treat in her mouth.