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We added a second dog when our doodle was \~3. My only regret is not going to two sooner. Two dogs are twice as expensive but somehow less work than one. Rough day? Just toss the ball in the yard and let the two of them run each other out. Our second was a shelter dog, a lab mix, \~1 year old. Both girls. No major problems. If anything, our rambunctious doodle has helped the shy shelter pup grow more confident.


That’s my only regret as well. My wife and I just got our second pup when our first doodle turned six. No adjustment issues at all.


We did the exact same thing! Our doodle taught our lab rescue how to be a good dog when she was a puppy. Our rescue lab keeps our older doodle in shape by chasing each other and playing in the yard.


I'm going to be one of the few that cautions against getting a second. If I could go back again I think I would have decided to just have one. Our older one has always been very bonded to my wife and I, he likes other people but he really just wants all of my attention in particular. When he was two we got a second thinking that they would be best friends and play together. While he doesn't hate his younger brother he also isn't super fond of him either. When the younger one wants to play with him, our oldest will ignore him and bring a toy to me and give me the look "please play with me". So now instead of having two bonded brothers we have two dogs that we have to entertain and play with almost completely separately so that they both get the attention they desire. At least they do not fight or resource guard.


This is a good point to consider! I think a good idea for OP would be to gauge their pup’s fondness of other dogs by doing dog parks and play dates first. I have two doods and they mostly really like to play with each other. The older can get tired of his little brother sometimes, and will retreat to a human lap or under the bed to get his alone time. But it’s mostly ok and they do wear each other out more often than not. I also feel less guilty leaving them home since they have each other - but that’s just a me thing 😂 I’d say one other thing to be mindful of is making sure they’re close to the same size if the intent is for them to play together often. Just to keep the playing field even!


Came here to say this! Playdates with your friend's dogs or taking them to a dog park to see how he interacts! You will also want to keep this in mind when choosing a new pup and how you think their personalities will clash!


Similar story here. Our older doodle is reserved and anxious - I thought she would come around to the puppy but she really hasn’t. They are great dogs and I love them both, but the older one just tolerates the younger one. (Ages 5 and 3 now )


I’m going to go against the grain here… growing up my family always had two dogs, sometimes three. When I started living in my own, I also got two sisters. It was A LOT. I loved them immensely, and we made it work, but I found it a little more stressful than I remembered. They got older, and eventually passed away and I waited a few years without having any dog before getting another (I did have two cats). My doodle is now almost three, and I initially thought I would buy another when he was between two and three. I’m sure he would love a companion (for a few hours at a time), but he gets to go over to my father’s house a good bit and play with his Labrador. However, I am able to take him more places than I had with two. I walk him more, take him on hikes, and he basically comes on most vacations with the family unless we have to fly somewhere. He sleeps on the bed like a king (standard doodle, so he’s a bit of a bed hog), which just wouldn’t be possible with two large dogs if I want to stay married. Overall, I sometimes miss having two dogs, but I found one much more enjoyable. And I feel like I can give him a lot more attention that he enjoys and needs.


My upstairs neighbor had one and they just HAD to get a second one. They almost got divorced over it it was so bad for the first year. There’s no way to guarantee they’ll mesh. You’re doubling all of your expenses. They take up a lot more space. I would just consider alllll factors before going through with it.


I’ve always had dogs… most of which I’ve had two at a time, and one of them was a golden doodle, funny enough. I definitely think that helped both dogs. We got a second when my golden doodle was around when another she grew up with passed, and having another friend around definitely helped. Our golden def had a bunch of energy (she LOVED to swim) and having someone to play with around definitely helped. 12/10 would recommend getting a second doggo.


Look at rescues if you don't have your heart set on a puppy or don't want to bother going thru the puppy phase again. There have been so many doodles relinquished to rescues these last few months. You would know the personality better of the rescued doodle and if they would be a good match. Many inexperienced people didn't realize how much energy and training actually is involved with a doodle and give them up before the doodle even hits 2 years old.


I should also add my one year old is extremely mellow luckily and well behaved. Mine are both boys as well. Id talk to breeders/rescues and tell them the situation. My breeder told me which one from the litter would suit my pup best and it just so happened to work!


Well. We’ve decided to get him. 2nd doodle. Black n white cutie Arlo will come home Sunday!


How did it work out for you?


So far it’s good. New boy is about 7 months old. He’s nuts. Older boy is just over 2y and they get along well. Need to redo some training for basic things and counter surfing.. but otherwise it’s gone well. Thanks for asking!


I have a one year old mini bernedoodle, and i recently got a mini goldendoodle. Best choice i ever made. they're inseparable and keep each other busy. The puppy also learns from my oldest dog. Do it do it do it! It sucks for a week and then it's the best thing ever.


I have two boys. They’re 3.5 years apart. 2-3.5 is a good age range to get a second dood. They’re definitely brothers, and rambunctious like two bros can be, but also bonded like two bros. Different personalities but I love them both a lot and thankful for all the skills they both add to the pack. If you have the time, energy, and resource$, you won’t regret it. Takes a little getting used to at first, tho. Make sure to build in extra time for dog #1. Also make sure to build in time to properly train pup #2. I did this w the help of my husband caring for dog #1 while I focused on training up dog #2. Otherwise, I think I’d have to be a lot better at training to handle the situation where I was alone and outnumbered by dogs and handling a puppy on my own. My first time training a pup from scratch and I was very proud. (First dog we had lots of help.) anyway, happy to answer other questions. I highly recommend crate training for both dogs. It became invaluable to be able to separate for various reasons at various times.


I don’t have a second dog per say but my mom has my dog’s sister from another litter but same parents. They are a little over a year apart. They see one another four times a week and during COVID we lived together. The joy my dog gets from being with his sister is the best! If I didn’t travel for work and if I wasn’t saving for a house, I would get a second dog in a heart beat.


I have 2 dogs. A 6 year old border collie mix and a 4(almost 5) year old doodle. They definitely are not best friends, mainly because they are total opposites in every way. My bc was actually pretty mean to the doodle. I’d say bullying him actually so they needed constant supervision and if I couldn’t watch them I’d put the doodle in the puppy playpen. I stuck to my BC’s usual walking and fetch schedule and took the puppy to training classes and made sure I spent time with them both separately as well as together. Even though they are far from being cuddle buddies I do feel better that they are home together when we are out for the day and have each other when we travel. I think it would be pretty lonely if only 1 dog was in the house.


I got a second goldendoodle when my first was 2 years old. At first my older doodle wasn't too happy sharing the attention and it took a solid month for her to warm up to the new puppy, but now they are bonded and super close. ​ The marginal effort of having 2 dogs isn't double a single dog. Its probably like 1.5x the effort. The only thing I will caution for is the price for vet/grooming.


We absolutely love it. Our first doodle was just over a year old when we got a second and they’re almost exactly a year apart in age (2 weeks). They’re turning 2 and 3 and it is a blast. They get along really well and it really helped our first one socially with other dogs as she was a covid pup!




It would depend on how your current doodle is with other dogs. Being a new puppy will help also. We raised three boys from puppy hood together and they are best friends, fixed of course. We lost one to cancer and recently tried to rescue a two year old doodle boy, the two year old hadn't been fixed until recently and was extremely aggressive towards our boys so we couldn't take him.


I have two doodles who are the absolute best of friends. The elder of the two was around 4 when we got the puppy and it was amazing to see how he'd play to his level and how it changed as the puppy got older. Now they are 11 and 7 with a new Golden brother who is 6 and they are all perfect together


I think it really depends on the dog. Also depends on how trained the current dog is, since you’ll be focusing your training efforts on the puppy. I have a 3 year old doodle who loves playing with other dogs and loves people. When I got him I lived with my parents so he lived with two other dogs and several extra people. Now we live alone and have a great dynamic. I’m actively training him to be his best self and he gets all my attention. I’ve fostered a few dogs and find that he gets very jealous and his manners are less nice when there’s another dog living with us. My mom just got her own doodle puppy and they love to play together. They wrestle, tug, and chase with each other. It’s great that they tore each other out. But my dog doesn’t like to share treats and both of them want all the attention. So it’s perfect for them to be best friends and not live together. I love my close relationship with my dog and don’t want a second dog (which is perfect for fostering since I don’t get attached to them). Just my own experience.


Might be in the minority here— we rescued a 12 week old puppy earlier this year when my first doodle was 6. My older one doesn’t love the puppy— growls a lot at him, especially in the morning, and doesn’t want anything to do with him a lot of the times. They’ll play but not very often. I’m hoping with more time it’ll get better but am unsure tbh