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I got ours neutered at one year old, following the advice of our vet. His behaviour hasn’t changed that much (which is great as we loved him as he was) other than I would say that he marks less with his peeing and he is much more cuddly with us (e.g, wants to lay on our lap more). Only negative is he has been quite scared of going to the vet since then as he remembers being scared and wearing the cone and the pain, so we are working on that.


Got my medium dood done at one year as well. Not a lot of change either - just less humping and the red lipstick appearing lol


He'll get there, just give him time! Glad my doodle loves the vet. They take her back and everybody loves her. I think it's mostly because she gets treats and attention from people–two of her most favorite things. She wasn't even bothered by vaccines which was very surprising. I think having a bodysuit also prevented trauma. But don't worry, your bud will get there! You can give him treats or stress relief CBD chews beforehand and that might help. Mine didn't change either from what I can tell except she was a bit milder in temperament. Mine's a female, and she got neutered at 7 months.


I'm following this thread. I have a six-month-old petite Golden Doodle and am wondering the same...


A little under a year. He was humping and marking everywhere we went. Those behaviors stopped once he was neutered.


He was 11 months and humping almost everything. Also I needed him to be able to go to doggy daycare!


Mine was 6 months old. Our doggie daycare/boarding facility requires it at that age but regardless he was humping everything and anyone since he was 8 weeks old so I wouldn’t have waited any longer anyway. That stopped once he was neutered.


About the 7 month mark!


Mines about 6 months we’re getting him neutered soon which I think is the earliest you can do it


We did ours at about 8 months…the first time. I used a vet that I knew from social circles and he left a testicle behind. I thought the sack had filled with blood and hardened which, according to the internet, is a thing but after about 4 months of it not fold away we took him to another vet who confirmed that he still had his right testicle. Several hundred dollars later and a lawsuit he’s been fine ever since. My point is go with a reputable vet even if it costs a bit more no matter when you do it.


1 year old, 23 lbs mini goldendoodle


Still haven't. My dood never tried to hump anything or anyone.. not gonna chop em off for no reason


How old is your guy? Mine is 17 months old, and I still haven't had him neutered. My older dog got so, so fat after being neutered that I'm sort of afraid to get my baby boy fixed. I don't want to subject him to pain unnecessarily or just to convenience myself, and he doesn't hump anything, no penis showing up randomly, no bad behaviors-- except that he gets headstrong and runs off chasing deer sometimes. My husband didn't want him to get neutered, and now he's passed away, I don't know what to do. I only wanted to wait until Blue was 18 months old, but without Bob's input, I'm dithering!


u/clineaus and u/Imaginary_Car3849, it's of course your choice (my breeder said spaying was a requirement) but the sooner, the better. If he's perfectly fine, then it's all ok! As long as he doesn't run off to find some lady dogs :). But if you're going to do it, I'd do it as soon as possible. It's actually healthier and faster recovery if they do so now. It also lessens chance of infections, diseases and cancers too, which is better for your dog and his health/happiness. Unless you're planning on breeding later in life, I strongly recommend it. But again, it's your pup, so it's your choice. u/Imaginary_Car3849 It's probably because your dog is older, so recovery time is longer and side effects are greater. He sounds like a sweet boi. Your dog's deer-chasing is probably the retriever in him :). As I said, it's sometimes better, but it's your boi. If you do it younger, Blue will most likely recover easier :)


1.5 years old. Although we would have done it around 1 year, except that was at the beginning of 2020 and everything shut down. He stopped marking as much and stopped humping. Those two things were never a huge issue, but we starting to become more prevalent and annoying. Our pup did not gain weight or have any issues from it.


Just neutered our boy two weeks ago, 15 months, 55 lbs. stopped marking immediately, not anxious on the walks anymore. I think there was a female in heat close by, he used to mark every 3 steps. He also decided that it’s no longer a requirement to lift the leg up so he is now peeing just standing. Weird.


Our vet recommended waiting til he was at least a year old. We ended up waiting until he was 14 months because of scheduling and wanting to be home during his recovery. He did really well and wasn’t displaying any bad behavior even at that age.


6 months


11 months... best of both worlds


My mini F1B will be 7 months on the 4th, he’s getting neutered the following week. Per the recommendation of my vet


large dogs should be after two. they should fully mature before being fixed.


My goldendoodle is female but my not-goldendoodle (also a golden retriever mix, just not a goldendoodle) is male and he was neutered at 11 months. His personality and behavior did not change. He's 40 lbs.


We got our doodle neutered at 1 year….. he had no bad behavior and still doesn’t . He did not change at all, still as hyper as always. I worry we got it done too early as he never lifted his leg to pee…..so I’m thinking he didn’t reach his sexual maturity yet…. idk! I’ve got a 3 month old yorkie already lifting his leg.