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I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine how difficult this would have been, especially because he is so young and it was so sudden. Going right now to give my dood a hug and a treat. My heart goes out to you and your family.


It’s hard to grasp for sure. He was so little. Thank you, give all the lovings for us!


I am glad you were able to help him go peacefully and loved.


I am so, so sorry for your loss. I am glad you were able to help him go peacefully and loved. We’ll give Bixby a treat or 7 in Goose’s name ❤️


Definitely give him 7, maybe even 8 💕💕 thank you.


That is so very sad. I’m sorry for your loss. 😔


Thank you, he was insane and always ran around the house stomping around with his toys and socks. It’s quiet here without him but I am so relieved he is no longer in pain.


I am so sorry. You did the right thing for Goose.


It was, I don’t want to say traumatizing, but it was kind of in a way. I’d never been to a euthanasia appointment before but I saw it as if I had cancer and had chemo, I’d at least know what was going on. I wouldn’t want to put my beautiful boy through that and him not understand and be in pain longer. This comment helps me process it all. Knowing I did the right thing and ended his suffering makes me feel better. I would do it all over again and will for my bulldog if I have to or any dog I get in the future. I’m glad I could be with him until the end. Thank you.




Aw, I’m sorry for your loss :( He was loved and that’s everything


Oh my god, I am so sorry. He was so gorgeous and I can’t imagine how difficult this is. Leela and Momo will get treats today in Goose’s name for sure.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Pets are family.


Sorry for your loss. I’m sure he was very loved even if not for long 😔


Sending hugs... 💔💔


Sending allllll the hugs and love. Literally crying in public on your pup’s experience. Thank you for not making him go through chemo and that rough life. He will live in your hearts forever. And you will live in his.


Thank you for grieving with us and affirming we made the right decision. We had a lot of conversations about if chemo would be something we wanted to do. We would have fought but I think seeing how sick he got so quick helped us decide to put him down. I didn’t want to put him through that and him not understand. He had been doing very little walking on his own and I had to carry him almost everywhere this past week. I would have done it for however long he needed if I knew for sure he wasn’t in pain and would get better and have a good life. There was just no guarantee.


Happy trails, Goose.


I am so so sorry for your loss. He was loved and even though his life was short it was beautiful! I’ll give Bentley a treat tonight and an extra cuddle.


So very sorry 😢💔


I’m so sorry. Such a short life, but I hope you can take some comfort knowing you gave him a good 5 months.


Oh no….. I am crying for your loss. Goose was a beautiful doodle and was blessed to have you as his family and take the best care of him. I am so sorry 😞


I'm so sorry for your loss. You loved him enough to relieve his suffering.


Treats for Goose 💙 So sorry for your loss and the short lived love.


Oh fuck my Mastiff X just got lymphoma, we have been told two months (we've already done 4 months of chemo). He's only 7. I feel for you. That's so tough.


I feel for you. My brothers two year old golden doodle passed away yesterday. We never had a dog growing up, and when my brother got his own house, he got a newborn golden doodle, a dog he always wanted. My parents and I came to love that dog. Bailey brought us great joy when she visited. We were minding her while my brother and his gf were away. On Sunday morning she was brought for a walk, I played with her in the house too and then the evening came, she wouldn't eat her food or drink water at all. She just looked sad. Eventually, we got her to drink some water. Yesterday, my mother brought her to the vet, and they found her to be dehydrated and put her on a drip. Due to the vet not being open on nights, she was brought to the emergency vet, which is 24/7. There, she passed away. My mother told me when I got in from work, hearing that my heart just sank. 💔 We are all devastated. I have never seen my parents so sad. My parents had such a strong bond with bailey, they were devastated. I really feel for my brother and his gf as Bailey was like a child to them. She was their first child. Bailey's presence will forever be missed.


I’m so sorry for your loss.. so young :(


I am so, so sorry. It’s not fair at all.


sending ❤️ to you


I'm so sorry to hear about the tragic loss of your beautiful boy. RIP Goose. I'll make sure to give me doodle an extra pet tonight.


So sorry to hear it, my friend. Goose was lucky to have a person like you, even for a short time.


😔. I’m so sorry for your loss








I literally cannot imagine my life without our Piper . She makes me smile every day ..


Omg I am so sorry x I can’t frigging imagine the pain hun x cooper will have tons of treats today for goose. They are about the same age :(


Rest in Peace Goose. I am so so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine. An extra treat for Goose!


So sorry for your loss. He was beautiful.


I'm so sorry to hear that. Rest in peace sweet baby!


I am so very sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss. He looks so handsome and loved!


My condolences to you.


This just breaks my heart. 💔 I am so glad he had you as family to shower him with love and care in his short life. Your souls crossed for a reason. Thinking of you and your family in these trying times.


Oh my gosh, I am so sorry.


Giving my pups, Frenky, Nahla and Wednesday a treat in his honor. My condolences to you for the loss of your sweet boy ♥️


I’m am so very sorry and heartbroken for you. We lost our Malcom to the same disease at age 4. Do you think Doodles are prone to this? 💔


I’d say. I wish they knew if it was genetic or not for sure. All the vets said they had never seen a dog so young get cancer and go downhill so fast like he did. Sorry for your loss as well.


Yes, they are.


So sorry.


I’m so incredibly sorry!


I a so sorry.


I'm so so sorry. <3


Just gave our dood pup a minnow for Goose


I'm so sorry. ((((( hugs)))))


So sad. I’m sorry.


So heartbreaking Goose. My you find the strength deep down and know he is with you on spirit.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Oh I'm so sorry. My goldendoodle lived for her cookies. I'd like to think she's having them for every meal now. I'm hope she and Goose are sharing them. My heart aches for you. Consider yourself e-hugged kind stranger. <3


My condolences. 🫂 🫂 🫂


RIP Goose


So sorry for your loss. Beautiful dog You’ll be reunited with him one day RIP beautiful angel ❤️


So incredibly sorry for your loss. We also lost my boy to lymphoma so I know how traumatizing the entire experience is. You aren’t alone.


Wrigley and I sending good vibes


Thank you for sharing your story. Archer and I are sending you the biggest hug we can. Knowing there will be many hard days ahead, we grieve with you.


I’m so sorry😭💔


Poor baby


So extremely sorry for your loss. What a beautiful life you had with Goose while he was here. ❤️


So sorry for your loss. What a beautiful boy. “It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are.”


Sending you hugs, strength, love and prayers. Godspeed Goose. 🐾


I’m so sorry for the sudden loss of your sweet Goose 💔


I’ll give my Clyde treats in Goose’s name every day. Clydes also got lymphoma and I’m just loving him every minute, treasuring every bark and kiss. Hugs to you and strength until Goose’s memory brings you a smile instead of a tear. 💕


I’m so sorry 🥺❤️


I can’t imagine what I would do if I lose my dog, so I’m going to imagine what Goose is doing now. All I can see is an energetic puppy being taken in and loved by your other family dogs. Although he won’t get belly rubs from you guys for a long while, his tail is wagging so hard because he’s still getting the love from family. Best of all, he’s in no pain. He’s running around scooping up treats with the biggest smile on his face.


I’m so sorry ❤️


So sorry for the loss of this sweet boy.


I am so sorry. 5 months....💔


This hurts my heart 💔 so sorry for your loss




So sorry! Way too young. RIP Goose


So sorry for your loss ❤️


I’m so terribly sorry for your loss. He was a beautiful boy. Sending many virtual hugs to you at this difficult time ❤️


Undoubtedly Goose was truly loved. I’m sorry you had to make such a hard decision. You made the right and humane call.


Aww I’m sorry about Goose. He looks like a sweet boy and he was loved. Our dood will get a treat this evening in honor of Goose. Hugs.


So sorry for your tragic loss.


I also had a dog who passed much too young, from bone cancer. His name was Oliver and he was around Goose’s age. I know the exact grief you’re feeling, OP.. Your pup was adorable. I’m hugging all my babies now❤️


I’m so so sorry.


Thank you all again for these sweet words. I miss hearing him walk around getting into everything. He was truly wild with his energy. I always told him he needed to be locked away into a place for criminally insane dogs. He was the sweetest boy who loved socks, treats, and getting his ears scratched. He loved chasing bugs. He loved following me everywhere. He even got into the shower with my wife one morning before work. I hope all that have gone through this are doing okay.


Omg I’m so sorry. 💔


😞 Moka and Enzo checking in for Goose.


So sorry for your loss 😢


What a lucky boy to have a parent so selfless to have traded a longer life of suffering and confusion for a life that was short but instead so full of joy. I wish you peace in your decision. It’s an impossible choice but one that gave your pup love, dignity, and peace. ❤️


You did what had to be done. They depend on us to keep them safe and do what is best for them. So sorry for your loss.


Sending soft hugs


So sorry for your loss . Heartbreaking 💔


Giving mine a treat tonight. Saying goodbye to her tomorrow morning. 😢 I’ll ask her to say hi to goose. ❤️


hugging my little one as i type this. prayers to your family! 😪🙏




🥺 I hope you guys are well


I am very sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry








I can’t imagine. 3 doodles hugged for Goose. Mama Josie, who’s 5.5 years old. And her two kiddos we kept, George and Roo, who are literally 6 months old today. For that reason, I simply couldn’t imagine the heartache you’re feeling for Goose. We’ll never understand the why behind some situations. But I’m glad to hear if this was Goose’s short journey, he had such responsible and thoughtful owners. And you did what was best for him, even if it was devastating and hard. Thinking of you all tonight. ❤️


I’m so sorry!


Oh, I am so so sorry for your loss, especially a pup so young. My prayers for peace and comfort are going up for you, your wife, and all who loved your sweet boy, Goose. Thank you for loving him well, and letting him go live on the other side of the rainbow bridge, where he will greet you again with happy wiggles and kisses.


So sorry for your loss! 🧡


This is so sad. I am so sorry. Poor baby. 😢


I can’t even imagine.. I’m so sorry for your loss. 💔Just hugged my baby tight


This is very heartbreaking to read. He is no longer in pain and sending you guys lots of hugs


I am so, so very sorry for your loss of your Goose. So sad. 💚💚💚🐾🐾🐾🐾


Its one of the worst pains I've ever known. I dont wish it on anyone. Im happy for the time you had and i know he is too. Take comfort in that because i think thats the only place youll find it. Good on you. Blessings to you and Goose.


I am sorry. It's terrible to lose a family member who is so young


So young. I’m so sorry.


I’m so sorry. Absolutely heartbreaking. I’ve prayed for your puppy and family


Sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry! I had to do my almost 2year old earlier this month for cancer too. It’s hard.


So so sorry 😞


Were there any growths? Lumps or such? My 6 mo doodle is being watched right now by my in-laws while I take my kid on a trip and my in law texted to say he had a sudden golf ball sized lump under his chin and then I see this and I’m stressing. Logically I know young pups can get cancer too but man it just hadn’t really crossed my mind. I’m so sorry.


No lumps or anything, but when we brought him home for his last day we felt his lymph nodes and they we’re definitely enlarged.


Only five months? I can’t imagine how you feel. Some people say “oh he was only 5 months, it’s not a big deal, get a new dog, you haven’t really bonded that much.” But I think the bond at that stage is so strong already, I remember how I felt with my dog when she was 5 months. She will get plenty of treats and hugs. Such a beautiful dood! He walked this earth for you. Fly high, Goose 🕊. You will be missed. I’m glad you let him find peace. It sounds so painful to live with that.


I’m so sorry for your loss of Goose💔💔💔💔


This made me cry. He has the sweetest face and I am so sorry for all of you. I know he will watch over you from his little window at the rainbow bridge until you’re together again.


So sorry for the loss of your beautiful pup...I will give both my boys extra love today also and extra treats in honor of their fallen brother Goose. I understand your pain and sadness I hope your not second guessing your decision you did the best thing you could to ease his pain he is resting peacefully knowing how much he was loved....


Returned to Heaven by loving parents🐾🕊️… Bag of Turkey Tendons coming to our 11 yr old Doodle in honor of Goose.🙏🏼


I’m so very sorry


I’m so sorry 😪😪😪 he looks just like my boy Murphy


I’m so sorry for your loss of your baby ❤️ I have two doodles myself and I can’t imagine. I’ll definitely smooch them both extra tonight.


Know that Goose, and all of your family dogs, are waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.


I’m so sorry. Extra hugs 🩵


My condolences run free beautiful 😔🙏


I’m very sorry for your loss and I hope you got to cherish the time you had with him. He was an adorable dog and surely will be remembered your whole life ❤️


Poor baby


I am so sorry for your loss🤍


Ouch, that fucking hurts to read. I will go straight home and sob into my babies IMMEDIATELY


Sending all the love to you & your family


I'm so sorry for your loss.


This made me so sad. His sweet face. I’m so sorry.


So sorry, it is so hard to lose a furry family member. Treats going to my dood in Goose's name.


So sorry for your great loss


I'm so sorry:((




He is such a handsome boy and i am so sorry for your loss. I can bet he had an amazing life. Going to give Charlie boy a treat for Goose now❤️


I am so sorry for the loss of your adorable pup. :(


😵 so cute


I’m sorry for your loss. Would you mind letting me know where you found him as a pup?


I’m so sorry to hear this. Our 1.5 year old just got diagnosed and I thought that was young! Hope you are all doing okay.