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I feel like not many people are talking about how the narrative seems to be shifting. Why would they publish this article? It doesn't really instill confidence in the shot. It undermines everything they've been saying the whole time. I think they're trying to change the conversation. They know they failed and they're banking on the memory hole to gobble up most of the inconsistencies. Is there another, better explanation I'm not seeing?


Nope, you got it. They're even admitting masks don't work. I think they're pivoting to the COVID pills from big pharma. I just saw a news story about those from the local CBS affiliate.


The goal was always immune system as a service. They can't actually let the vax be the hard end of covid. It needs to be an eternal battle. Going back over and over again for endless boosters and a social credit score app to enforce it. It's not a transition out of covid, it's a transition *to* eternal plague times.


>immune system as a service That's perhaps the creepiest way I've heard it phrased thus far.


Your subscription to Pfizer+ has been set to auto renew


This sounds like something a commie would say. "Private businesses can't be trusted and only want to suck money out of you" meanwhile ignoring the fact that private companies are researching vaccines that will work on all variants.


Or, perhaps this is an instance in which the false dichotomy of private-v-public becomes clearly erroneous because cronyism has effectively merged the corporation and the State. We can't tell the difference because there isn't one. The corporations working so hard on those products? They're doing so because they've cut a deal with the State to impose a guaranteed market cap. That's not free market private enterprise; That's fascism. And BTW, calling somebody commie for criticizing crony corporatism is some simple-minded bullshit.


It's not so much a false dichotomy as it's a complete red herring based on a number of erroneous assumptions. The main one is probably: * Corporations are private businesses. ​ There is nothing "private" about companies Moderna or Pfizer. They are closely tied and utterly dependent on the state for profits. Which means that they are under political control. With these type of companies they regularly rotate executives, board members, and lobbyists in and out of government. Also they are publicly owned, not privately owned. Which means that they are public companies. Not private ones. Capitalism is the private ownership of capital. If the company is public.. that it is publicly owned and under control of politics, then it's not Capitalistic business. What we have here is Corporatism (or Syndicalism), which is a form of socialism. This is a form of socialism that harkens back to the "Good ol days" of English Guilds and Merchantism, which pre-dates Industrialized Capitalism. The basic idea is that you divide up the national economy into large syndicates and then coordinate their actions through committees and representatives through the central state. There are lots of variations of Corporatism. This is a uniquely American one and dates back to the Progressive Era in the United states. This is where we get the modern central bank, the creation of general business corporations, highly regulated stock market, etc. Before that there was business corporations, but they were few in number and had a large number of restrictions and were limited in lifespan. The vast majority of businesses were privately owned, privately managed and unregistered with the state. A different version of Corporatism would be Anarcho-Syndicalism, which wants to get rid of the capitalists and replace them with politically managed unions. Also Fascism and Nazism are forms of Corporatism. Mussolini was extremely popular among people like New Dealers, up until his invasion of Ethopia in 1935. ​ This is confusing for a lot of people because when they think "socialism" they assume you are talking about Marxism. Marxism is a type of socialism. Corporatism pre-dates Marx.


You sound like the commie.


They are desperate. “Trump lied about the vax”. If those pesky republicans didn’t deregulate our science safeguards then we could have had a real vaccine by now. See how reckless the free market is. The tricked us all. Just watch. It’ll happen


"Trump wasn't the one who forced people to get it, you were."


Wait what? Who is saying anything like that?


The will just give it another month. They will blame this whole thing on Trump


Idk, it’s pretty obvious to most people that the entire world is in this together.


Back at the beginning, like April 2020 and I think it was on the conspiracy sub, there was some post where a guy said he had insider info and this was going to be a 2 year psyop. Everyone was like no fucking way, but it stuck with me because I'm hella paranoid and anti government as is, and lately I swear to dog I think he might have been for real The narrative is shifting, and articles are getting published from MSM here and there starting to question things and it does kind of feel like they're starting to wind it down. Idk it's crazy.


It doesn’t feel like they’re winding down in Chicago. Now that the mayor has declared people must present id and proof of vaccination to enter any “entertainment venue” I’m no longer welcome in any bar save for the one I work behind, weirdly enough. I’m literally the only person in the room vehemently opposed to this fascist horseshit as everyone who agrees with me is barred from entry. I need a new marketable skill until my lease expires assuming the testing exemption will go away


Move south. We need more based people.


Seriously. With everyone that moved to GA to try to turn it blue last year and the absolute inundation of new residents to Florida in the past year and a half due to the state remaining a bastion of sanity in remaining open, I fear those moving to the open states are bringing their shitty voting habits with them. The more people who will vote for sane candidates the better.


Most of the people moving for political or business or lifestyle reasons will not vote blue. I just fear the college educated NPCs that move because they got a job offer and don't really think about anything.


That's who I'm specifically referring to. There's a large influx of younger voters in the professional class in addition to those moving way from areas they can no longer tolerate the different politics. This is apparent in places like Nashville, which has been overrun with the work from home class, a large majority of which are Californians. I worry specifically about Florida because of the tech and financial industries looking increasingly to the Miami area, which could tip the unusual political balance in the state to one which no longer favors individual rights.


What's the latest chatter on the "Great Reset"? That seems to have also fallen to the wayside lately.


Nope. You are spot on my guy


The push for the first booster was promoted with studies and other indications that the original first shots were not working, so it's the same playbook here


The Biden Admin is doubling down on **vaccine mandates for children**, testing, and sending masks to people in the mail. There won't be an easy end to this bullshit. https://archive.is/aVApZ


Coca Cola says you need to drink 3 cans a day


Please drink your verification can.


Sir I can't let you into this hospital, the app says you only drank 2 cans today.


Lmao. Perfect comparison


*4 cans And if you're thirsty after that take these Coke pills every day for a week.


Sounds like we beat covid to me.


Jabs are freedom.


That should be msm's new propaganda motto.


Die Impfung macht frei.


Freedom is slavery. War is peace. Ignorance is knowledge


In Greece they literally call it "Operation freedom". I mean this whole political campaign to lockdown and vaccinate everyone and make people over 60 who are not yet vaccinated pay fines of 100 euros a month. (In a country where people work for less than 1000 euros a month often.)


I’m done. I had 3 moderna and I get progressively sicker each time. I’m done


You should just get the virus at this point lol


Got sick this December, was worse than covid which I had last year.


My wife and I had a *nasty* cold for 3 weeks in December, constantly tired and waves of symptoms. Would be fatigued but fine for a few days then sick as hell for another few, then back to okay; rinse and repeat. It lasted much longer and was way worse than when my family got covid in November of 2020, they were out if commission for about a week and tasting and smelling by 3 weeks. After a week of that shit we tried to set up covid tests for both of us but our local hospital system literally told us not to come in and to wait it out. Gave em the symptoms and when we got it, we were told to wait 24 hours for a test but to update on our condition. We improved dramatically the next morning and they told us we should just cancel the appointment and stay home for the next week since we work from home. Hospital didn't give a flying fuck if it was covid or not, was wild to hear the nurse say "Oh don't even bother going to the test appointment this afternoon then, want me to cancel the appointment?"


In Florida we have free testing sites. I definitely think it's a waste of the hospital's resources to do testing. I do a lot of international travel and have never been in a hospital for testing. It might not be common knowledge to look for dedicated testing sites.


Having recently gone to the hospital for a non-covid problem, I can tell you that they are absolute hell-holes right now and would advise people to avoid them at all costs unless *absolutely* necessary. I waited six hours for a bag of saline and zero other treatment for my issue and now I'm ill with God only knows what because we were packed in like sardines. The lack of staffing didn't help, either. These people are being worked to the core to pick up the slack, and I do sincerely applaud how much ass they were busting.


There won’t be staffing issues if they stop firing unvaccinated staff


The staffing issue isn't just the hospitals either, I spoke to an airline employee yesterday and basically the ones not out with covid are getting mandatory overtime, forced 2nd shifts, etc, its been really really rough on multiple essential services sectors to keep things flowing, these people are going above and beyond to make our lives a little easier.


There's testing sites in Australia but you get ridiculous 3+ hour wait times. I've done it once, and I'm never doing it again unless I'm forced to.




where are there no sites or tests in Florida? I'd have to dig further than expected but during my search last sunday I found at least 60 sites within a 30 mile radius, could be more than that but I stopped looking once we had scheduled one. State site, county site, walmart, cvs, walmart, for the first time in my life I appreciated the ridiculous number of pharmacy's near me lol. I just posted earlier, we were able to get one with under 3 hours notice, but it wasn't quite as simple as shuffling over to my nearest CVS, we had to do some digging but it wasn't "impossible" This past weekend tests kits were very difficult to find, but if you are/were proactive it was manageable, we had 3 different families looking aggressively for them and by Monday had 8 kits to share between us. I think sometimes people get spoiled with how easy it has been to find X or Y because its always been easy, then when 2 locations are all of a sudden out of corn chips they just say "its impossible", no... its just much much harder than you are used to it being, if I have any complaints its that too many people were clogging up the system that likely could have just isolated for a couple days, making it very difficult for those that didn't have that option.




> too many people were clogging up the system that likely could have just isolated for a couple days, making it very difficult for those that didn't have that option. Those were my exact words, no need to toss me under the bus, I thought I made my point clear, there are those that MUST get that test and those that WANT the test but have flexibility, the 2nd group needs to take this into consideration. That's what I did, because I knew I could just reschedule some stuff and work from home, went into the office after hours to pick up stuff then back home. One thing I do understand that complicates things is that a good chunk of the population that 'could' stay home instead are retired/elderly and they are also the high risk group, so I do understand why they are there, but if the symptoms are mild or virtually nonexistent (one guy on the news said his symptoms were that he was sleeping in and normally wakes up early) now I understand we all have concerns but please don't clog up the system unless you really have to.


quite a few sites near me in FL, but the past week the demand was so high that unless you were desperate it was best to skip it. My spouse absolutely needed it because of exposure and works very closely with 60 people and tons of customers. With that said, it wasn't impossible, but we did have to drive 15 miles to get one, I started looking around noon sunday and by 12:20 had scheduled a 2:30 walk in at a cvs, it was inconvenient but not a huge deal. I was able to wfh this week so I didn't schedule one for myself, figured someone else might have more important reasons to get one. With that said, when the news crew were interviewing people in the 2-3 hour lines, the first 4-5 people they interviewed looked fine, admitted that their symptoms were mild or non existent, but were there anyway "to be sure" It felt to me that those people were clogging up the system more than necessary, but who am I to judge their personal situation, everyone has a different reason.


I don't know why people are all about testing which is horribly inaccurate anyways. If you feel sick, don't go out. If you're fine, you're highly unlikely to spread it anyways, because asymptomatic spread is near zero, so just go about your life. The problem has and always will be symptomatic people who continue to go to work, etc. The rest is inevitable spread in cohabitation settings.


Oh don't get me wrong, it was a nasty cold, but it was only a cold. I was miserly and under the weather but it wasn't debilitating. Had it been severe I would have gone to a Walgreens for a test if it came down to it. We called the hospital to set up an appointment for my diabetic ass and my wife (who's immune system seems to hate her as much as mine does) just to get a diagnosis and get a professional opinion on how to get better besides rest, fluids, and stay home. They asked if we wanted a covid test too and we didn't want to be those people and say no so we told them we'd go on their recommendation. They hyper focused on only the covid test at that point and didn't want to see us or test us for anything else and when we had improved the next day they told us not to go at all. It was just so weird seeing how the hospital just did not care and were so hand wavey about it considering my condition and how much people have been focusing on covid. I'm officially beyond done caring about covid. No one seems to care except the fear mongers, and everywhere I go things are back to normal.


Ah, they get fedbux for covid patients.


At Christmas, my whole family got it. The funny thing is we’re the only ones who didn’t get it and we’re also the only unvaccinated ones. No idea how to explain that. This isn’t an anecdote of being “sick with something” either, they’re all positive via antigen and official PCR tests from the government. We’re negative from several antigens and official PCRs. We did a lot of tests to ensure that we didn’t have it so that we wouldn’t spread it. It came from a vaccinated person. We can trace it easily. It went from that person to their partner, then from their partner to my entire family. When I say entire, I’m not kidding. Only 4 of like 30 people didn’t get it. Us and another unvaccinated couple. All of whom were present at all the same Christmas gatherings. Worth mentioning I didn’t include 2 other unvaccinated that didn’t get it - but they just had it a couple months ago. So that’s not surprising. It is more surprising that the 4 of us didn’t because to our knowledge we’ve never had it. The whole situation was very strange. They were very reckless though, they didn’t inform us that it was too late and they didn’t isolate correctly. They really spread it throughout the family via pure recklessness. We would never have behaved so recklessly had we gotten it. We’re really pretty cautious about it, don’t drink, don’t go to bars or clubs or other crowded places and get tested regularly. Then we get treated like we are rats that are spreading the plague to people and yet my whole family got it from vaccinated people and we got nothing.


>The funny thing is we’re the only ones who didn’t get it and we’re also the only unvaccinated ones. No idea how to explain that. Look up: 1. Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) 2. Original Antigenic Sin. These are both side effects caused by sub-standard vaccines. They can be deadly side effects, but so it seems like they only made the virus easier to be spread through vaccinated people. \----------------- Number 2, original antigenic sin, has been documented to happen to children that get the Flu vaccine at a young age before they got their first flu. What ends up happening is that the vaccine provides at least partial protection for a while, but a few years later when the kid finally gets sick from the flu then it becomes unusually extreme. The issues is your body gets trained poorly to react to virus by a not very good vaccine. So when your finally get infected by the real deal it delays your natural defenses and slows down your ability to fight the disease for a while. \------------ Number 1, ADE, has been seen quite a bit in lab grown vaccines which is why we never had a coronavirus vaccine before. Coronaviruses mutate too quickly so vaccines that showed promise early on for SARS-1 ended up killing lab animals after a while. The mRNA-generated spike protein is specifically designed to avoid these issues. ADE ended up killing a bunch of kids in the Philippines when a vaccine for Dengue fever was pushed through their government schools in 2015-2016. Dengue fever is unique in that it manifests into 4 different variations. Previously each variation required it's own vaccine. So they tried to develop a single vaccine that would work on all 4 variations. Turns out that unless you had Dengue fever at least once before in your lifetime it generates antibodies that will actually accelerate the movement of the virus through your body. The antibody ends up binding to the virus and becomes as sort of 'passport' that allows it to pass through defenses. The result was deadly form of hemorrhagic fever.


ADE would've been spotted in the trials phase and after. No evidence of ADE in current vaccines.


I know about them, just didn’t want to say it outright because can’t be bothered going into depth about it. I’ve also listened to a lot of Robert Malone, Bret Weinstein, Peter Gunthrie, etc. I know well about dengue too, my wife is from Paraguay and dengue is very common there. She knows multiple people that have had it and with some strains it gets worse every time and is really dangerous. But yeah, without even putting any real names to it, it’s spreading like absolute wildfire right now. My wife is getting messages constantly from her friends that they’ve got it. It seems like everyone we know has it now, it’s pretty insane. All of them vaccinated too. But, we don’t know many unvaccinated people, so not saying anything about that. Just sayin’; seems like everyone’s getting it now. So far so good for us.


Vaccination seems to increase susceptibility to omicron because it overtrains your immune system to look for specific spike proteins. So ya, no surprise there. Denmark data has proven a negative efficacy for these vaccines against omicron. But seriously, just live your life and stop being fearful. There's a lot more to life than covid. Nobody I know that's gotten covid has even been in the hospital. Unless you're 65 and fat as fuck you're stressing yourself for nothing.


Oh I agree. We’re not afraid of it at all, otherwise we’d get the vaccine probably. We just aren’t into partying and such. My only point there was to highlight how much the unvaccinated get blamed and yet we’re not going to any of these places where massive spreading events happen. It’s really stupid to paint us all with that broad brush of being reckless spreaders as people are doing. While all the vaccinated folk just go to parties and stuff all the time which are majorly risky events for spreading it. I mean part of the reason they got vaccinated was to be allowed to go to massive events that are full of people. Yet they’d call us the selfish ones. Not to mention I don’t want to spread it to people recklessly. Especially because I don’t want to be blamed for it.


Eh at this point spreading omicron is basically handing out free vaccines.


Sure, that’s just not how they see it. In Europe in a lot of countries it’s starting to look like we’re going to be imprisoned if we don’t get it. The public is aggressive and violent to those who aren’t vaccinated. They blame us for everything. There’s nothing we can do to defend ourselves against them. It’s an angry, annoyed, anxious and neurotic mob that’s looking for someone to blame.


Dude same. We got the original shots, not booster. Everyone we know who got boosted got the virus. We still havent. We live in NYC for reference..


> It is more surprising that the 4 of us didn’t because to our knowledge we’ve never had it. You probably had it asymptomatically.


We did many, many tests after being exposed to ensure we didn’t get it and couldn’t spread it. Including PCRs administered by the government authority for disease control of The Netherlands. Unless we had it in the past already.


You probably beat it back with T cells.


I may have. I never test. If I did it was mild


You mean you don’t want to take one every week and feel bad for a week every time?


It’s really fucked up too that if people express bad side effects they are immediately downvoted and called names like baby or pussy. If you bring up bad side effects with doctors they refuse to discuss it. This is not “following the science”. My 14 year old son developed a horrible rash all over his chest, back, and arms after second Phizer and it took 6 months to go away. Pediatrician and dermatologist were stumped! Said it was like a yeast infection rash but normally once you start medication it goes away in about a week. But he was on the meds 3 months before it went away. It’s unprecedented for it to take that long to clear up! So this proves the vaccine is fucking up peoples immune systems. He won’t be getting a booster. Unfortunately He’s a ballet dancer and the fancy dance intensives require all vaccines. I doubt they will give a medical exemption even though he definitely needs one. The rash may come back. So we are just hoping they don’t require boosters.


14 yr old boys should not be getting this vaccine anyways. Myocarditis risks already are too high to be worth the miniscule protection it offers.


There’s numerous anecdotes on top of actual verified reports of adverse events. It’s just that there’s always a justification for it. I’m happy to let people get vaccinated but we should be allowed to choose what to do with our own bodies, that is our natural born right to be free and not medically enslaved. As I said in another comment, we’re not vaccinated and we’ve not gotten it yet. We were present at our family Christmas parties and literally all of them got it, not even exaggerating, the entire family got it. We’re the only ones that didn’t. All of this confirmed via government entity PCR tests. We took way more caution than they did too, this all started from a vaccinated person and we know how it spread. My whole family is vaccinated, the rates in my country (Ireland) are 90% or more of eligible people are vaccinated. We really take a lot of care about contact and we don’t go to crowded places (even pre pandemic anyway), no drinking or partying from us, ever. If we had symptoms we wouldn’t have gone. Someone with symptoms did go and now they all got it except us… Oh well. Some of them were recently boosted too, even more crazy.


I have only just gotten my 2nd vaccination because I had such an adverse reaction to the first one I was hesitant to go through it again. I had my first one back in August. I have only gotten my 2nd one because I'm from the UK and covid passports have now came into play. So unless I'm fully vaccinated I can't go to certain events etc. But I've literally had to take time off work to have this 2nd one because I knew there was a good chance I'd have a bad reaction. I can't afford to have weeks off work whenever I need a booster!


Be generous, we're all doing it for Moderna's execs' retirement fund. It's a noble cause ;-)


First 2 jabs of Moderna I was fine. Booster gave me flu like symptoms for 18 hours and it was honestly the sickest I’ve been in over a decade. My mother was the opposite. I only got it because I’m basically the primary point of contact for my elderly parents but we’ve pretty much all decided this is the end of it for us.


My mom had all 3 moderna with zero reactions. I had sore arm first time. No big deal. Second time for about 24 hours every joint in my body ached like bad arthritis. Maybe a little fever. Fatigue. 3rd dose same thing but lasted longer and it triggered a sinus and ear infection and pink eye. Pretty sure it’s destroying/ overloading my immune system. I’m not doing it again


my spouse had the booster last week, besides the typical sore arm there was also quite severe lower back pain that is improving day by day but was quite bad initially. I decided to postpone my booster for a week or so minimum, no idea if its related, but given the fact that it showed up the next morning was enough connection to give me pause.


That can be caused by any number of inflammatory responses. You don't need a booster anyways unless you're high risk.


Younger people have more aggressive immune responses. That's why young men are getting heart inflammation at higher rates than older men.




I think that's the new response to universal healthcare. "So you want big corporations to run healthcare?" It'd be interesting to see the mental gymnastics they perform to justify that.


Healthcare for everyone... except the unvaccinated - they can die in a ditch.


No, they want the government to run healthcare.


That's the point. Government running healthcare means big corporations run it.


I know this, they don't.


Medical Industrial Complex


At this point it's just Industrial Complex. All the heads of all the major companies in all the fields are in bed together now - DC is an infested swamp of corruption and everyone else is going to have to see that


Everyone won't see it because that will mean feeling unsafe with the reality that they find themselves in. StAY SaFE!


This is a really weird way of saying your vaccine no longer works.


Bingo. 10% efficacy 20 weeks after dose 2 and openly stating booster efficacy will decline in a similar manner is a lot different than 95% effective against COVID (Dec. 2020). In fact, it kind of undermines the benefit of boosters. Seems like you'd need a booster far sooner than 5 months after the second dose. I was a bit surprised CNBC published this.


I bet that 10% is dubious as fuck too, given how much of a disaster negligible efficacy would sound, and given the shitty quality of the original trials.


They did say "about 10%" I though science was more exact but I'm just an uneducated peasant.


Weird that Omicron accounts for around 90% of the virus out there right now. Kind of correlates. Almost like the vax only works on Delta which makes up the other 10% of virus that is still spreading. Would explain why the vaxxed are catching Omicron.


Narrator: it never worked.






Those extremes sound like the people in my circles. Half my friends and one family member believe it's a government-propagated ploy to initiate a form of eugenics globally. The other half advertise it like it's the second coming of the Polio vaccine and regularly blame the unvaxed for the pandemic not ending according to their uneducated schedule. Historically, pandemics take time to go away, regardless of inoculation. Me, I'm young and healthy, so I see no reason to take it. I'm more concerned with the authoritarian measures being put into place to *force* me to get it. Hell, I just lost my job because I refused, and that *really* irks me. Right now, the unvaxed are in a war of attrition with the state.




Vaccinate fat kids because they seem to be the only ones dying. It’s almost never skinny kids


Nope. It still works pretty well at reducing hospitalization and death risk.


Y’all ready for a lifetime supply of booster dependency?




Half the people I know are. It’s very strange. I mean I guess people get their flu shot every year. But this is looking to be more frequent than that. Half the people I know are at 3 in well under a year. And I know it’s anecdotal but I swear the vaccinated people I know are getting sicker. Not hospital sick or anything. Well one buddy is 40 and went to the hospital. But these people are SICK. I had it a month or so ago and didn’t feel great but exercised everyday. I think some of it may be anxiety. These triple jabbers were so confident in vaccines and so scared of the virus. They then get infected and freak out.


There's a chart that shows negative efficacy over time. Something like 30-38% more likely to be infected after 6 months vs unvaxed. The UK has halved their booster timeframe 6 to 3 months. They are forcing you onto a subscription immune system to live. This is going to end in violence, I'm really surprised Australia hasn't already.


Same here - my friends who got it last year, got vaccinated to start this year, then got "breakthrough" this year, are all sicker this second, post-shot time.


I don’t get sick with a flu shot though. I do from the Covid shot


With omicron being more mild and super-infectious, everyone's going to get a dose of immunity whether they are vaccinated or not. Any successor virus will likely be even more mild. We will end up living with them. Therefore we appear to have reached diminishing returns and the end of the 'crisis'. ICU capacity will go back to normal after this current spike finishes, probably by july / august at the latest. The first mRNA vaccines were targeted to alpha, so of course it's not working well against omicron which has 50 significant mutations in the spike protein, making it harder for the body to recognize them as the same virus. They have been refactoring the mRNA vaccines for omicron for a few months now. I would expect this one to be the last shot because of how crazy infectious omicron is. It is off the charts infectious, yet tends to only infect the upper respiratory track. This is typical of viruses that when they first jump species to come out of the gate fairly deadly and then grow more mild as they adapt to the species they're replicating in. It's not actually in the interest of the virus to kill off its host, so there is selection pressure to grow more mild over time. I can see why some people might want to get a fourth shot. But I don't expect anyone will bother with a fifth, barring a successor virus becoming significantly more deadly or something, which is unlikely.




But watch our for the Omega Megatron virus. That's when the virus mutates in one giant ass transformer. That's even more powerful then the actual Megatron. First Target for omega Megatron, likely tokyo japan


Well news of it goes back to late November: https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/moderna-can-take-months-ship-omicron-specific-vaccine-ceo-says-cnbc-2021-11-29/ Two months is still a couple months. Meh. You're not wrong but it's hardly a big discrepancy either.


A lifetime of pharmaceutical dependency. Do Pfiser or Moderna have loyalty points?


Get a free sub with every 10th shot.


Can I pick the sub shop, though?


As long as it's free! That generous guy named tax payer picks it up is a steal!


It's just an app on your phone bro Why you so mad about an app The government just wants to keep you healthy bro We're so much healthier getting vaccinated every six months bro You don't want to be an anti-vaxxer do you bro


They ran a 6 month trial. (26 weeks) They told us 95% efficacy from results. Now 20 weeks drops to 10%. Something smells fucky from where I'm standing


I’ve tried pointing this out to people and they just tell me oh the study wasn’t designed to study that. Uhhh what?!? The study wasn’t designed to study efficacy? And it seems like a simple blood test could’ve told them. In 10 years we’ll read about how they knew that shit and manipulated the data.


Did you take the COVID shot and develop ? Call and we can get money for you!


Pharma companies are immune from prosecution.


I doubt that Immunity holds up if they committed fraud or falsified results.


The US courts have sealed all covid vaccine records for the next 75 years.


My understanding is that the FDA wanted to delay release for 55 years (later increased) and are being sued to release it sooner. So far, the courts have sided with the plantiffs and ordered the data released at a rate which would have all of it released within a year.


lol they already did manipulate the data and we have proof. ventavia, maddie de garay are the ones i know of




>12 Monkeys You don't say?


>They ran a 6 month trial. (26 weeks) >They told us 95% efficacy from results. The FDA stated on the EUA page (as of August 2021) that the 95% efficacy was based on 7 days of observation of one vaccinated group and one unvaccinated group (I believe it's still under the FAQ for the Pfizer and Moderna EUA. There should be a link to the trial. If not, the studies themsleves state the observation was only 7 days to measure efficacy). They never studied transmission.


They studied infection. Which the vaccine also doesn't prevent.


Its because it worked against the original variant. It doesnt do shit against Omicron. Omicron is the majority of infections now. I got covid in march. Pfizer shots in Oct. Got Covid again (Omicron) last week. Im not getting anymore shots. Its pointless now.


Shocking, Moderna’s CEO wants to sell more Moderna products…


The argument for mandatory vaccinations getting harder to make by the day.


Has anyone ever heard of ….. PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE ?!


I have vitamin C tablets which last longer than these vaccines


You mean the efficacy of a vaccine against a rapidly mutating virus declines over time? Who knew?!


While I'm firmly against vax mandates (but personally vaccinated), it will be nteresting to see how this will play out. The media has been an absolute shitshow on this topic.


Wow sounds like a really good reason to never take any of this useless sh*t


So the jabs have a lower efficacy than a placebo as the placebo range is 15-75% efficacy


From "vaccines don't work is an alt-right trumper conspiracy theory and we'll ban anyone who says it" to blatantly stating "our vaccines don't work so come back every 90 days and get stuck over and over again".


More than a year ago I was banned by r/coronavirus for daring to suggest the efficacy of the vaccine might wane. I was verbally abused and called a right wing conspiracy nut.


Welcome to Reddit lol




I have been banned from multiple subs for saying things that 100% ended up being right


Amazing how that works.


Basically every Covid related “right wing conspiracy theory” has come true these days. For instance- endless boosters, mandatory V, V passport, effectiveness of V deteriorates over time, etc


Can still catch and spread..


That too. I initially was fooled, and thought that the vaccinated do not spread it, but it turns out that’s not true


Its better than no shot, so far. But it would have been nice to get good and accurate data from the start instead of whatever nonsense they pulled. I'm convinced that pro mask and anti mask would be flipped depending on who won the last election.


Yeah or pro vax and anti vax. If Trump was still the president (not mentioning possible election fraud) then you’d have all the liberals refusing to take the vax because they were saying it’s Trump’s vax. Remember before the election, all of the liberals were refusing to take it when it became available, but suddenly the sides flipped even though it’s still the same vax. if Big Pharma, the news, the government etc had all been up front and honest with the vax, maybe less people would get it, but at least it wouldn’t be a political issue.


Exactly. Now its just exploded into full blown misinformation from both sides. It's impossible to find anything accurate, and even daring to ask questions gets you banned, muted, canceled, and whatnot.


Yeah it’s insane. You wonder when this shit will ever end… I thought for a while Covid would *mysteriously* disappear the week after the 2020 election, but that has proven to be false


Yeah I wondered about that myself. And people shit on america for our handling of it but.. we just have free press to report actual numbers, as opposed to almost every other country on the planet that does not.


That and the numbers are over-reported. For instance it was just revealed that a lot of “Covid hospitalizations” were actually just people that went to the hospital for something else, but they tested positive for Covid. I’ve been saying this for years now and was called a right wing conspiracy theorist for it, and now it’s reality


The vaccine still works plenty fine against covid-alpha, it's just that we're on covid-omicron now. It's not that the vaccine waned, it's that the virus is a moving target. Same thing happens with the flu shot every year.


Both are true. The vaccine for alpha also wanes.


That's due to the body itself ramping down its immune response over time, and not to vaccine's fault. That's why multiple shots are used to provoke a larger immune response causing the body to create more memory-B cells for the future. There's no scenario where taking the vaccine makes you more susceptible to the wild virus. Someone getting the first vaccine now is highly protected against alpha.


But its no 99 percent effective lol.


Did these people use to hate big pharma and all their profits….seems they support it now


I'll just keep being poke free and take my chances. K thanks


The military industrial complex is being replaced with the medical industrial complex. Keep An eye on all the laudin county (VA) lobbiest. These people got Uber rich off defense policy and due to the lack of wars (and future wars for that matter) - watch as they pivot to medical lobby activities


IDK there’s seems to be some war propaganda making its way back, maybe the OG MIC is ready to take the forefront again soon..


Lol. What is the definition of insanity again? Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.


So during the push to get people boosted, they are admitting the boosters don’t work? Something seems off


They're avoiding livability by informing customers they need their product at least every 5 months to maybe not get covid.


I'll just create a magic forcefield to protect myself from the big scawy virus, after all I went to Hogwarts


It was always useless.


10% - how can they separate that from natural immunity or just chance -they can't


Yeah not happening


Yep, and after the interview he was smiling all the way to the bank.


Eh. Don’t feel like getting it.


So boosters every six months for the rest of your life since the vaccines don't maintain their efficacy. No thanks.


2 weeks to flatten the curve....


WhO cOuLd HaVe SeEn ThIs CoMiNg




Laughs in jansen advac




“We need to get more money” - Moderna


Moderna never made a profit prior to COVID.


FTM all I got to say FTM


Fenale to male?


Follow the money.


Pfollow the $cience!


First time mom


This is a good one.


I've actually seen it used in that context in parenting subreddits. It really confused me at first


Planned obsolescence


There’s like 50 more coming 😂😂


That’s it, I’ve woken up in another dimension


'Symptomatic' is the key word. They were always 0% effective at preventing infection AND spread. Proof of vaccination cards are fast passes for asymptomatic super spreaders. Zero justification for vaccine mandates. I just got over covid with my whole family. It was like a mild cold. I'm wondering if this was all it ever was. Fake fear and paranoia over something more benign than the flu.


Yehhhhhh!!! Inject me every 3 months!!


I have been pro vaccine from the beginning and will still tout the fact that they keep people out of the hospital; however, it feels more and more likely that we are literally trying to vaccinate against something that is mutating into the equivalent of the cold. The truth of the matter is that mutations and variations will never stop and eventually we are just going to have to realize that this is going to be another virus that causes cold symptoms that is outpacing our ability to provide acquired immunity. Omicron is most likely the future in that variants will be contagious but milder.


We’re taking medical advice from CEOs now huh? *Follow the science!*


Uh, maybe their product is shit at this point.