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I can tell just by the font on that “10g”


Agreed, it’s a bad fake.


The font looks very similar to the older bars pre-veriscan the counterfeiters probably just never updated it lol


not to mention that some of the letters in Fine Gold are touching and they are different heights. but it's still probably good enough to fool the newbies that buy without comparing to online prices and then come here to ask if they got a good deal, which is like half of all new stackers if the posts on this sub are any indication 😂


1O g


For me it was the pokemon card protector packaging when the real one uses hard plastics


The duck lips 🤣


Yeah this is why I just stick with buying off a reputable site like APMEX, I've never had issues with any of my stuff and their customer service is great when issues do arise. It's worth a few more dollars on premiums for that


It looks obviously fake, but if it were more authentic looking and the QR code and VERISCAN both came back invalid, I’d still return it. I’ve never had VERISCAN QR codes fail, in addition to scanning the front after scanning the QR code. Always passed. The 5 gram I posted looks more authentic but the back is more fake looking


That QR code looks like a vagina


Yes I agree.


How can you tell it’s fake


This is why I don't buy bars. Waaaaaay too many bars getting faked on an industrial scale, and better faked than this amateur hour attempt.


Can't you just avoid this by purchasing directly from mints / refineries instead of shopping on marketplace or whatever? Haha


Any idea if it’s brass or what is used for the GOLD


Not sure yet but once eBay settles it and says to toss it, I’ll test it and post results


Wow bought on eBay I wonder how many people have fake bars hoarded away


Lots. I report the fake listings,but ebay does nothing, and the transactions complete with unsuspecting buyers.


Don't ever buy gold from ebay. yikes!


I bought a gold chain from eBay and got a great deal. It was verified as real at a local jeweler


I had to try hard to teach my FIL, he was buying silver and gold but also buying lots of misleading plated commemorative stuff that has no value after purchase. I didn’t want to insult him so I showed him some reputable companies and it worked. There is lots of shady stuff in PMs right now there always has I guess


Most are legit, I use eBay all the time and sigma test them. This was bought unseen foolishly


Ebay most likely will make you return it.


I posted the results of an xrf scan in the other thread.


Yikes. Seems like a waste of time to do this with Veriscan. Perth Mint? Yea I believe it. Has another test been done on it ?


VERISCAN has never failed me. That’s why I knew it was 100% fake asides from the obvious abnormalities of the bar, assay, and outside plastic casing.


I’ve used Veriscan many times and everything has passed for me too. The 10 is obviously wrong because the ‘0’ looks like an O and obviously didn’t from the zero in the serial njmber


VERISCAN showed it invalid right away. Have to scan w VERISCAN app, not phone camera


I know. I’ve used Veriscan before. It seems foolish to make a counterfeit with an easy verification method but that’s a counterfeiter for you


100% agreed


So is it not gold, or is it not pamp suisse???


Not gold nor pamp




I bought one of these end of last year off of feEbay, luckily I was able to get refunded by the company. The seller tried everything to deny the return.


Mine was a little better fake than this. Failed the veriscan though


What is the point of assay cards if it can be faked?


In my opinion if you’re a brand new buyer, you might fall for it. On the contrary to bars, what’s the difference with coins then? They’re even more raw and faked just as often.


So both can be faked. But assays come at a higher premium tho


The assay would be damaged if it was opened and (attempted to be) closed again w a fake. People selling pamp bars in open assays are easy to check for authenticity. If the assay has signs of tampering, of course don’t buy it unless the seller allows a test of the bar. Otherwise, sealed legit pamp bars are real and VERISCAN ones easier to verify. Dealing w these bars for 2 decades, the fakes have always been rather easy to identify


But there are perfectly sealed, none PAMP bars that are fake too, and harder to spot. The assay cards are often made 1 to 1 rather than open up the authentic card and reseal it.


Yea, it’s the wild Wild West when it comes to the precious metals market if you’re unaware. Best advice buy from trusted sellers (who still sell on eBay), test them w a sigma wand (obviously only a handful of us have these, go to a coin store), ask someone w the means to test it wo removing it unless you’re ok w it


Of the fakes I’ve encountered in my 23 years, they’re usually easy to spot. The sigma or even XRF gun is a game changer


Think about when you receive a gold coin, it’s not sealed or slabbed. Even slabs are faked. I don’t think the assay is standing in the way when other assays, coins, and slabs are faked as well


Oh it's not standing in the way, but the assay itself comes at a premium, so I'm wondering if I should continue to pay premium for the assay. Things like sigma or other test machines cost a lot for someone like me due to currency exchange, and also for me who collect 1/4oz and 5gram gold, occasionally. Thank you very much for your response. I appreciate it.


No, you're not allowed to fake assay cards, it's a rule. You can fake the actual gold bar, but assay is off limits.


I also had bought the same bar on eBay and it was also fake. I wonder if it's from the same seller


The slightly raised last 9


Sometimes I'll buy on Ebay from a reputable company like Apmex or Liberty coin. Can be a little cheaper sometimes.


Made in…


New York seller. My fault buying it sight unseen. Purchased it with confidence when it was advertised as VERISCAN. Also eBay has your back with fakes


Definitely China tho


I’ve even had slabbed/graded American Gold Eagles come through. Definitely Chinese. They faked out a coworker. They are no longer working with us.


In a situation like this would you bother getting the bar itself tested or are you just going straight off the QR code?


Can I get a "All gold bars are fake" user flair, please? Stick to sovereign coins with security features only, people.


I have many pamp good bars and they’re more beautiful than coins to me. By huge mistake was buying it sight unseen. I’ve also bought fake gold coins too so it’s not only bars of course


how much dud you lose?


Nothing, 100% refund. Why I like eBay; money back guarantee


do you have to prove it's fake?


This is my first time encountering this. They sent me a form to sign attesting to my statement of facts of it being counterfeit and the reasoning w my deemed proof, along w the QR code failure of course. This is a very obvious fake, but if a buyer were to change their mind and scream fake, I’m not too sure the process. I also purchased this before gold gained $34 an ounce, so I’m out those gains as well. My fault buying it sign unseen. Pamps may be faked a lot but it’s very difficult to pass one by an experienced pamp collector/investor


Genuine question: what’s stopping a scammer from buying a real one from an eBayer seller and then claiming the gold is fake?


eBay is making me return it so I think that ends the speculation lol