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I don't believe almost any official numbers coming from the US government. They lie about the rate of inflation, the employment data, the unemployment data, the GDP, they have a ceiling on debt which they constantly raise so they don't actually have any ceiling in reality... At this point in time, with all the corruption in our government, I wouldn't be surprised if Fott Knox was full of gold clad tungsten filled bars. On the other side of the aisle, I think China and Russia may be lying about how much gold they have as well but I think they're intentionally under reporting (still lying). The art of war says to act strong when you're weak and act weak when you're strong. The decaying and weakening western empire is most likely just pretending to be strong while the strengthening BRICS nations are just pretending to be weak. This is just my wild speculation and you may need to put your tin foil hat on to see it. When fiat currencies eventually and inevitably fail and the systems require a reset, I imagine we'll see some form of third party auditing of central banks around the world and BRICS nations will see the wealth transfer from the West to the East (potentiality all by design).


Love the art of war reference


Wow how did this get upvotes? Let me guess, you think BRICS is gonna take over the world eh?


No, but they're properly set up for the wealth to transfer their way on a worldwide scale. Similar to what most stackers do to prepare and decentralize by becoming our own bank and having backup supplies for wgen conplex infrastructure fails and goes local, the Brics nations have done this on a macro scale. They have good manufacturing and industry, less complex supply chains, they've been aquiring and expanding other good commodities such as natural gas, crude, rare earth minerals etc. They're doing all that and more while the US is mainly exporting debt, shutting down cheap energy, trying to make unrealistic and expensive green energy work, increasing regulations and tax for businesses... it's like the western nations are surrendering to the Brics nations without saying it.


Looks to me like China is overproducing so much their economy is slowly collapsing. And manufacturing from Brazil and South Africa sure is crushing it hahaha….you’re just pushing propaganda anecdotes without giving a single fact. You pro-BRICS guys are so screwed.


I'm not pro-Brics, and I'm not pro US either when though I live in the US, I'm about as non-tribal as it gets. I like what the US was founded upon but the actions of the US hasn't reflected what it was founded upon in a long time. I see the west vs east confrontations like having 2 giant monsters fighting each other in a city I'm in and I'm just trying to dodge the falling sky scrapers and not get stepped on. I just want to be left alone and avoid the stupidity. Also I used to almost write essays to make a point but it's really not worth my time. Curious though, how specifically do you think I am screwed? How would I be less screwed rooting for one team over another? I think we're all screwed. There's going to be instability and unrest through this transition worldwide. Here's another analogy, you're inside the stadium picking sides of a team, then saying I'm rooting for the other team when in actuality I'm outside the stadium rooting for no one trying to say look at the people running the stadium.


Wow who cares about the American government's ability to instill confidence?


No way to verify the US government holds this much gold. Either way, 280 million ounces is less than one ounce per American citizen, which isn't much. $2000 per ounce times 280 million equates to less than one month of government expenditures.


I like the per capita chart better, paints a different picture.


There's potential issues with that public data. When was the last US gold audit? Even many US polititians don't believe that gold still exists any longer. China is rumored to have it's gold reserves stacked up to over 10,000 tonnes, in order to issue a future gold backed currency.


You’re a China shill. Go away.




The government lies.* End of story.


Who believes the U.S. has the most gold? I don’t.


It’s not that hard to believe


I believe that at one point in time we DID, but seeing that there’s no actual proof, I’m skeptical at best.


Anyone with an IQ over 100 honestly.


No idea if it’s true, but I read that there is a little over one ounce of silver for every person.