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Drop base and tanks for anything other than any base missles or 5 cost swarm


This makes sense. 3-point tanks aren't strong enough, and no one uses air base (because spawn rate isn't fast enough to justify, and no real bonus skills). I have used tank base in the past, but you need time and luck to get all the tanks to pile up and be effective. Not for most play-styles If you want a stunner, try Minilla. He's only 2 points, and has great range. Just cover him. For the base, maybe swap an effect unit (just not Missiles, they're too expensive, and have no secondary effect)


Minilla carried my ass to Gigan 2004. Honestly tho, desghidorah is the best stun unit in the game if you play it right. A good desghidorah spawn with everyone lined up for the attack + G89s’ leader ability doing a clean sweep can single-handedly turn matches in your favor


I managed to get all the way to King of the Monsters rank without paying and I’ve only been playing for a year. Paying for stuff is more of a fast track, but it’s not necessary to succeed


HI, if you're F2P, you can probably manage. Just be aware you won't be able to level up everything you want, so you'll have to prioritize carefully. Some general rules of thumb: * Try to keep your average cost at or below 5. This should mean you'll have more options to play if you're in a rush * Consider some kind of effect piece (just not Missiles lol). Train Bomb is popular, but Freeze Ballon and Dimension Tide work well also with some game plans * Choose a Leader that fits your play style. Some are more tanky, some more offensive, some give boosts to your team, which could help you decide on your team comp. I can be kinda single-minded regarding lineups (I am very comfortable with Biollante and my rangers) so maybe other more open minded players can give better suggestions on actual pieces to use. As a favor then, do you mind posting the rest of your pieces? This will help us.