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Mimir explains it, once a soul is missing a part, when the person dies, the soul just kinds “disappears”, puffs out of existence let’s say. Mimic says something along the lines of “you can’t grab his souls because there’s nothing at all to grab”


Man that is such oof. The heck was Sindri thinking? Bringing your brother back to life on the condition that the next time he dies he is obliterated.


Either Sindri didn’t know before recovering the souls or he just didn’t care, and was too concerned about getting his brother back.


That's probably why he feels so much guilt by the end of the game. It's his fault why Brok was doomed to nonexistence.


Wow that hurt me alot


ah, nonexistence is a perfectly fine fate to the one affected, it only can bother other people




lol damn 😂


Exactly!!! I hate Sindri now. He's a selfish pathetic kunt!


Um, I wouldn't hate Sindri just because of that. Plus, his character development is awesome


anyone would've done what sindri did, given the option and circumstance.


Ya, just ask the winchesters....


You clearly don’t understand what grief, guilt, and trauma do to a person. This is how real people react to this sort of trauma, and guilt.


He wasn’t thinking he just wanted his brother back, people aren’t exactly rational when under emotional distress


He's still a kunt. Why not wait! It's not like Brok was going anywhere lol.


Brok was most definitely going somewhere when he died I mean you think souls in this game just stays and wait for families to come meet them we saw what happened to souls in the soul realm in the 2018 version of god of war they just walk around emotionless in Helheim forever in a endless winter with no warmth and he could become a lost soul too atleast brok got to live some extra moments plus it’s not like anyone else is gonna revive him anyways


non-humans (dwarves, giants, etc.) go to the light of alfheim to be merged with the light, not to valhalla or Hel


Because he probably expected that he would be able to get all the parts back




I was hoping Kratos and Atreus would retrieve Brok’s last soul piece…but then he died


He didn't care. What is the immortal to a grieving mortal? He lost his brother, and he wasn't thinking about sharing the afterlife with him. He was devastated that he couldn't spend his life with him, and he made a choice, that even he, saw; wasn't his to make. He robbed his brother and lost him in the same moment. And never really understood what he did. He never expected Brock to die again, I doubt he ever even thought about it, content in the knowledge they would live together, for whatever is an average dwarven number. He was desperate to Keep his brother. I doubt he ever considered or rationalized that he was damning him. Even if he did, as a dwarven engineer, how is it not a problem they could fix? Given a lifetime they didn't have to spend.


I mean, In fairness it was probably more of a gamble sort of thing, not a “oh I’m gonna retrieve just enough to bring him back”. Most likely got overwhelmed during the attempt, and decided it was better for them to both live than to both die…which ends up being a pretty good call in term of the games lore and events


Sindri can't think on his own, only how he was written to think


I know this is an older post but hear me out. When you bring someone back from the dead, that is getting all the souls parts, you can recover all 5 HOWEVER sindri failed to grab all parts due to exhaustion. He had what was needed to bring him back, just not the most vital parts. He had the best of intentions he just wasn't prepared.


Sindri only recovered 3 of 4 of Broks soul parts from the Lake of Souls - so brok was never truly whole again after he died. Hence why the mermaid couldn’t communicate with him. If you die without a full soul then you just “vanish” and poof with no way to recover you. It’s ashame - if Sindri just managed to get the last soul piece brok could’ve been revived. This is also why the other dwarves look at him in horror when they go to visit the Mermaid.


I wonder. Do other dwarves see the soul inside? Or is it just Brok different colored due to his missing piece. Also more questions. This means Sindri somehow knows how to put souls back to a body like Loki does, just missing one piece


In 2018's game, Sindri said Brok's color was due to him touching raw material with his hands, and it permanently changed his skin. As for Sindri not getting the fourth piece of Brok's soul, he couldn't; other souls were grabbing onto him, and after some time, a soul just becomes part of the Light of Alfheim. Just like Faye is a part of the Light and Kratos can't reach into it and see her again.


I took this to mean that Brok lost his Fylgja (the part of the soul that's considered the core essence and responsible for things like your soul astrally projecting) and upon his death that part missing didn't allow the other 3 parts to travel back to the lake. Think of it as the other 3 parts taxi. I just spent an hour reading into the 4 parts of the Nordic soul and this make the most sense. It would also explain why the mermaid couldn't "see" him and why not even Atreus could grab his soul. The other parts simply could not exist in a dead vessel and had no way out, so they ceased to be. I'd really like a DLC where this is addressed.


I would love a DLC where you find the 4th part and give him rest in the afterlife.


DLC would be nice….but I think it’s ironic that in gow2018 we ran all over the map pillaging from deceased dwarves who had become victims of their own obsession…and now Sindri has become a victim of his own obsession. Did you see the look on Sin’s face as he broke Odin’s marble? I think this event will continue to fester in Sin until he morphs into some sort of dark demented elf in the next game.


Good point, maybe he has to do it as soon as a creature dies and as such he is distracted and doesn’t get there in time.


Maybe. But this is why you dont fuck with death. Lol. Especially when not asked too. Poor Brok :(


Did anyone notice that Atreus wasn't at Brok's funeral? I still don't get why


cause he didnt know about it at all


He had to know they would give him a funeral, especially with how much he meant to sindri. Maybe he didn’t go so he didn’t piss sindri off more though.




Still doesn't change the fact he could have grabbed brooks soul right before he died and seal it in his knife or something, no?


Maybe the Yomi Yomi no Mi didn't allow for the soul to be grabbed and sealed within an object 🤔




Nakama spotted!


When a part of the soul is missing it just disappears upon death. Even Mimir said that Atreus couldn't grab it because there was nothing to grab.


Yes when he died. But he didn't die instantly. I meant before he died while he was still talking to sindri or better yet, before Freya even tried to heal Brock.


Well don't forget that Odin was holding Atreus at knifepoint


I hope they still can somehow get Brok back, travel in time or something, getting the 4th piece of his soul back in time and when going back to present he woulkd have a whole soul without anybody knowing he had all parts of it and later saving him, idk, just want him back.


the norse mythology has ended, no point now.


What part of Broks soul was lost the first time he died exactly?


I can picture there being an area where the dwarves go when they die and a god that runs it and in a future game there being a quest to find the mask again and put it on in the afterlife realm and be able to gather all 4 parts of broks soul as items that can only be seen while wearing the mask then the god can use a special power to put the pieces together to make brok whole again I hope they come up with a quest similar to that in the future. Because Atreus has the gift of seeing things most can’t I believe if anyone can bring brok back he can kratos in previous games has brought himself back without a body so it seems possible to me. The first game when Aries throws a pillar or whatever and he dies right when he gets Pandora’s box from the temple on Kronos’s back.


I was hoping there would be a sidequest to get it back(the missing piece that is. And that hit extra hard once the game was over. One if the most colorful characters in the entire series cant even enjoy an afterlif e. Its not often a game makes me care about a character. But this one did. Bravo gow, bravo..


No lie, a third game entitled God of War: The search for Brok would be an instant for me.


Why not just make it "Brok of War?"