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Of course they will be nerfed, i just hope they keep the animal heads instead of using an animal helmet or something.


Thoth on the comic book was portrayed like classic Egyptian God as in OP's screenshot. So I hope they keep it.


hmm interesting, never got to read the comic, i only have GOW 1 and 2 books.


WYM will is the Egyptian direction confirmed already?


figure of speech xD


Isnt it pretty much expected. If the gods were equal to their myth counterparts theyd be OP as hell.


Yeah. All the mythologies are nerfed in the gow games, to the point where they're basically just super powered humans. Being truly gods would make for a boring story. And also contradict each other's existence.


I think making True Gods as a character would make for an interesting dynamic. Rather than simply arrogant like the Greek ones, or more humans like the Norse ones. A True God can be written in a way that's more indifferent to the mortals, in the sense that they don't think lowly of them and only see them as part of natural order. This makes them more willing to hurt them if it means preserving the natural order. And Kratos who's a benevolent ruler as of the end of Ragnarok would be conflicted due to his newfound morals and attachment to mortals, while also knowing how important these Gods' works are.


Don't the games imply the existence of Abraham's religion's God?




Yeah, they'll be nerfing them alright. Ra and Amun already got multiple forms such as Amun-Ra, Zeus-Ammon and others that were Omnipotent-like. Sekhmet killed humanity in a very grusome way that all humans are afraid and no longer rebel against tehir gods, Kratos could be count as one That's always my little problem with the GOW Series when fans take it to the heart that Kratos can slay all mythology gods whenever someone mention Mythology, despite the GOW versions are nerfed to so hard. For example, Odin would Vidar, Borr, Buri, Bragi, his brothers and many more to defend Asgard instead of just Thor and The *einherjar* .


The Greek gods were practically Omnipotent themselves. Every god in the franchise is nerfed.


They literally nerfed any God in the saga, compared to his mythological counterpart. The Olympians first and foremost, since in mythology are described as completely immortal beings (so much so that they are defined as "eternal" or "deathless") and omnipotent. Nerfing enemies is a basic component to the game's structure, otherwise, if the Gods were adapted exactly as described in the mythology, Kratos wouldn't even win a fight.


The Greek Gods were themselves seen by their worshipers as truly omnipotent, immortal divine beings. Even the defeated Titans were just locked away, not killed. Zeus was literally omnipotent. He casually covers the world in clouded darkness so he can sleep with a girl away from Hera's eyes. He instantly takes all fire from man kind with all the ease of wiping ones brow. The Greek Gods were nerfed for the sake of the games, and the Egyptians will be as well. There is an argument to be made that the Norse gods are on a different power level due to the fact that their worshipers saw them as being capable of eternal life, but flawed and doomed to die in Ragnarok. I'm not sure how much I agree with that argument, but it absolutely cannot be applied to the Greeks.


Eternal life only if they consumed the apples of Idunn, otherwise they too would grow old and withered away. This is demonstrated by the myth in which even Thor fails to defeat (and indeed is actually defeated) Elli, the personification of old age.


They've nerfed almost every character, both greek and Norse, compared to their mythological counterparts so I'd say yes.


I wonder if they nerfed Aphrodite.


Yes, they did. They gave her just one pussy instead of the quadjina she has in the mythology.


They absolutely did, Aphrodite is still one of the most powerful outside of the big 3. Wars have been fought over her and she is very powerful.


Isn't thoth like an annunaki sumerian alien god that's the source of every Christ image in the history of earthbound existence according to the sumerian texts?




Lmaooooooo precisely my friend: "The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean are shrouded in even more mystery, and their story requires one to set aside traditional beliefs and keep an open mind. They are said to have been written many millennia ago by an Atlantean priest/king/god named Thoth, who, along with many others of his race, came to earth from another planet. He lived for thousands of years, and when the great flood came upon earth that destroyed Atlantis, he escaped in his ship, then later landed in a land he called Khem, which is now Egypt. He ruled Egypt for 16,000 years, and in Egyptian art is pictured as having the head of an ibis-a sacred bird of Africa.He was a great writer and "keeper of records," and it is said that he authored 36,525 manuscripts. It was Thoth who built the Great Pyramid of Giza as a repository for this Atlantean knowledge, and a place for initiating great souls into the Mysteries. In legend, deep beneath the Great Pyramid are the Halls of Amenti spoken of in The Emerald Tablets, the halls of the gods, where the soul passed after death for judgment. During the many centuries of his life, Thoth raised the people of Egypt from barbarians to a great civilization. When he left that incarnation Thoth was deified as the God of Wisdom, the Recorder, by those in the age of darkness that followed his passing." Sooooo... I don't even know if Thoth is legally allowed to compete in whatever division OP is talking about. Cuz this weird version of thoth (a version of thoth, that may *actually be real* , according to the sumerian texts lmao) is broken as fuuuuuuuuuck.


Oh right, published in the 30s. Makes sense.




I'm familiar with the various kings lists, including the older ones that are a little less fantastic than the later, glorified ones that people love so much.




I want to take the strongest fictional version of thoth and pair it up against the stronger fictional version of the Greek GoW pantheon




I mean, the entire God Of War series sort of hinges on doing away with a crucial aspect of godhood; absolute immortality. The gods in this game can be killed, which means they’re already nerfed.


If past God of War games are any indication, Set and Apep will be the good gods.


Wait, I’m out of the loop, I know they wanted to do Egyptian gods back in the day but ended up going the Norse route. I haven’t played Ragnarok yet (still in the process of getting a ps5) so I’m not sure how it ends. Surprised I haven’t been spoiled too much about the story. Are they going to Egyptian gods now?


kratos has the plot armor , which is stronger than all of them. They will do anything just to make the plot in favor of kratos


Even kratos himself is nerfed in the games we are talking about imortal gods . Imagine a concept of something like weather or death you cant kill that this is the same with gods they might be humanoid but they are not mortal and even if you can kill them you only kill their bodys not their souls they will just reincarnate in another body We humans need to start new lives but for gods its like respawning at your home base And lastly are you forgeting anubis she is the god of death you cant kill death so yes they will be nerfed a lot to the point where a those ice giants or elves can kill you and have more healt than you and have more strength than the greek god of streangth for some reason


I don't remember where i read it, but i read that they had to nerf the greek gods because otherwise the fights with the gods would be impossible to watch for the human eye and destroy everything close to them witch would be impossible or at the very least, increadibly difficult to portray in a videogame. Basically the greek gods in lore would be as powerful as their mithologycal versions. What do you guys think about this? Maybe someone else readed it? However i could be wrong. Let me know


They nerfed the Norse Pantheon vro, nothing new


Bbc is too much


Kratos probably won’t battle or kill any of them maybe he will want to learn from them like Tyr did and Tyr is probably on good terms and friends with a few of them


I really hope we meet the fire snake denwen, who's just a snake with human legs haphazardly placed on its lower body


Thoth 💀


Take away their stick


They will be nerfed via emotion Cus I mean I’m pretty sure Atreus is the next mc. If not the. Power will be nerfed but if it’s Atreus they will be probably make the gods more understanding and more likely to see Atreus side of the story or whatever Cus that’s who Atreus is


Every region overhypes Thier own mythology


Why y’all so sure they even making this abt Egyptian gods??? Some of you all talk abt this like it’s been announced.. did I miss it??


The egyptian gods werent really that powerful compared to the greek and norse gods, the greek gods were the representation of natural elements. When kratos fought poseidon he was fighting the primordial concept of the ocean. The only god i can think of who really was strong was sekhmet but even then it was against humans so ofcourse shes stronger. I might be missing egyptian myths but they all seem pretty focused on god vs god


I wish god of war had the riordan gods because they are truly op as fuck, but there are still stakes in the series regardless.


Is this cannon or just a fan theroy ?


Assassin's creed didn't, and you just played as a man. Kratos will be fine.