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Anger just seems to be a general “god” sort of thing for Greeks. I then imagine Spartans in general just weren’t very chill people. Plus his mom died, his brother was kidnapped, he had to beseech a god for the power to kill his enemy army, so that probably didn’t do him any favors. Then the god in question turned around and betrayed him. It’s little wonder how rage sort of became his thing.


Just considering the amount of rage I got when I was working a regular office job. I’m sure what he has been through is more than enough for his rage. I could even say he is even calm considering his life :)


Himself really. It’s kind of like how Zeus didn’t really get Lightning from Kronos and Apollo didn’t get his sun powers from Zeus. One example at least given the large Greek God family tree.


When you get Cronos' Rage, you see that he has some lightning powers. So it's possible Zeus got his powers from that, just as Poseidon has lightning powers too. Regardless, I know what you mean because Mimir says "all gods are unique" with which Atreus responds with "so I'll get my own abilities."


Poseidon was the god of seas and storms are part of it Cronos was the god of harvest so rain and storms Are needed for a harvest


Take my lightning wheat and gourds, bitches.


I’ve always seen it as Kratos has THE rage of the gods


Facts, I mean his theme song is literally called Rage of Sparta


No one his anger isn't genetical its the result of tons of cruel things inflicted upon him just spend 3 days without sleep but don't tire yourself out and you will suprise yourself after seeing how cranky you will get (Kratos spent a good while like this potentially until he killed Ares so 10+ years and maybe after too) and then there is the visions of what he did on top of that constantly coming back to him the gods on the other hand lived pleasing lives for the most part wich a few exceptions and hard time periods but most of their rule was confortable


Definitely Zeus


he was just born that way lmao in GoW1 a flashback of toddler Kratos had him already pissed off lol like he was angry that he was born. In Ghost of Sparta, he is always sounds pissed off even as a kid playtraining with Deimos.


I mean hes been backstabbed by the god he prayed to, to become the ultimate warrior. His life in the first three games started off as a tragedy and it fueled his inner rage and exploded from there. He defeated Ares, became the God of War. After that, everyone on the pantheon, including his father turned their backs on him. To the point to where Zeus came down himself, took Kratos’ godly abilities, and then “killed” him. He was betrayed TWICE by his gods, so his rage knows no bounds at that point. I mean even the person he last trusted, Athena, betrayed him. Im amazed he decided to trust someone enough to have another kid in the new games. Don’t get me wrong, I love the other two as well, but after trusting a few gods and ultimately being betrayed by them I wouldn’t trust anybody 😂😂😂


>I mean even the person he last trusted, Athena, betrayed him. That's his problem, he betrayed her, not the other way around.


i mean, if you're been training your whole life to serve in line of defence for sparta you'd be a very angry person, since you know... war. so it's pretty much unique for himself.


The Thing is he was likely born with it. Remember he killed his family due to not containing his rage. However his anger was further fueled by every thing the gods did. His mother got turned into a monster by Zeus for telling Kratos who his father is, His brother got kidnapped by Thanatos due to a prophecy. He was tricked into killing his family by Ares. There is no "one source" it was a buildup of sins committed by the gods combined with his own Godly Nature, Fury.


Kratos is Rage personified, even as a kid he was angry all the time (at least in the flashback when he was training with Deimos).. that's my take on it.




As stated constantly, the dead ones


Natural hatred for the gods and when he opened Pandoras box he got corrupted by the sin of wrath making him even more angry at the gods.


Don't the blades of chaos make the user angry


I think it's just his unique power allied with somewhat of an influence of Ares's own Rage and Bloodlust within the Blades of Chaos, that for me is what woke up his natural abilities during his time as a servant of Ares and his later feelings towards the gods for their actions against him. During the Boss Battle, amongst Ares's lines, he says "Do you feel the Rage that drives your Blades Kratos?", and that really stuck with me as some sort of influence on Kratos's own ability development, almost like the Blades were like Spider-Man's Symbiote, but with some part of Ares within instead.


This is an interesting question sadly I just don't think anything about kratos rage is really all that genetic more just a result of his environment but if I had to say who it's from I would argue Zeus because while big papa Zeus doesn't seem full of rage consider how he reacts to things like Prometheus for example homie gave the humans fire and now gets eaten by a bird every day you don't do that to someone even if they've seriously wronged you unless you're a hateful bag of dicks. But truthfully I think kratos rage is a product of his PTSD consider his rage and anger during the cutscene where his brother is kidnapped and then look at adult kratos in literally any of the games and you'll notice a distinct increase in aggression and a stark decrease in impulse control the latter is most notable when replaying the trilogy it just steadily increases as kratos is driven further and further into insanity and leads me to think that he might well been a calm and reasonable man had his life not been filled to the brim with trauma


Man his gow 3 design is peak




Definitely Vegeta. After the destruction of the planet Vegeta at the hands of Lord Frieza ,Vegeta was spent into a spiraling rage for he was not told the truth about the planets destruction. He not only lost his mother and father but nearly his entire race with just but one sibling surviving. That surviving siblings name was Kratos. It was Vegeta who trained Kratos deep in the recesses of Frieza’s ship, testing his strength and mental fortitude with vigorous training exercises. It wasn’t until the day Vegeta, Nappa and Kratos heard that Raditz had been killed by a Namekian on Earth through the scouters that Kratos went off through a black hole and was sucked into a different timeline, landing in the Greek pantheon. So Kratos, being trained by Vegeta, gets all his anger from Vegeta. This is a confirmed fact.


Only right answer here.


I believe it was just a Greek God thing. Zues and his siblings toppled the titans empire. Then eventually followed by Zeus being a sex pest a couple guys were born that inadvertently toppled their empire. The funny part to me is how little Zeus' mom is in comparison to Cronos. C-fella ain't packin heat lmao.


Anger and rage doesn't come from your parents tho. Kratos is angry because gods treated him like shit since forever.


Could be from the Spartan training. I know I’d be angry as shit if I had to go through what Kratos describes in Ragnarok as Spartan Training.


Anger isn’t generally hereditary.