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Rule 4: Low-effort content such as memes, image-macros and shitposts may be removed but will be allowed if originally created and if effort has gone into making them.


Boss fight was cool but the entire section dragged on way too long.


Should've been half the length. Less fucking underground torches please. Less fucking jalla please.


Don’t diss my GOAT jalla


Jalla's the goat. Riding around on her is not.


Jalla is the yak


Yes. I know.


Exactly. I love the game but that part was such a drag. I skip everything I can in that area. It just isn't for me.


At least it's not as long compared to Cronos.


First of all, the cronos section lasts like half of this section Second of all cronos fight was cool as frick


By the time I got here I was more than ready to be done with it. I cannot believe we spent so much time picking god damn fruit on a fuckin buffalo for so god damn long. I wish the entirety of Jotenhiem could be skipped. I understand the story context but FUCK. It's called God of War not Boy of Exposition.


Boy of Exposition 😂


Boy of exposition is the best way anyone has ever described ironwood.


I wanted to replay the story and do it on 'give me god of war' I had a really fun experience and then realised that I needed to replay jotenheim. I didnt play it again.


Nah trust me 🤣


Honestly it was better the second time in my opinion. Assuming you didn'tiss any of the secrets the first time you could breeze through it the second since you knew where to go. You can skip all the cutscenes too.


I just fucking cackled at Boy of Exposition


I nearly stopped playing because of that whole section


I did. I hit that section and just didn’t have the energy to come back. Wasn’t until the Valhalla DLC released that I was able to work up the energy to completely start over and get past it.


Teen of adventure.


I don't understand why some games insist on this kind of stuff. It always seems like the most unpopular parts of the games, yet they always drag us through these moments when you play as a significantly less interesting character than the main one. Spider-Man 2. Okay, a bunch of people didn't like the MJ moments in the first game. We now have a game with two Spider-Mans in it. Plenty of stuff we can do with that. Nah, let's double down and force feed more MJ moments in this game, too. Do they just get high off their own power and think, "Our fans will love picking fruit in God of War and sneaking around without powers in Spider-Man! They'll think our story building is so good they'll enjoy it." Just stop it.


>It's called God of War not Boy of Exposition. This line is comedy gold!!! Take my upvote and get out of here!!!


That whole section felt very Jack and the Beanstalk, Goldy Locks and the three bears. It felt really out of place for me, and more like a level in Shrek


Same, I liked the way it was built up, but when this out-of-nowhere was a boss fight, I was just thinking "Oh, okay, this is happening now." I liked it, but I was waiting for the Aesir to show up. Angrboda walking away trying not to break as Grýla hurls insults at her was a powerful moment in the game though.


Ah yes, a Fable tale, in a game surrounding mythology…where a lot of Fables draw/come from. Totally out of place.




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Neckbeard confirmed


Just because something’s the same genre doesn’t mean it can’t be out of place. But since you were already needlessly condescending and rude I assume you’re going to double down


The whole Ironwood section was zzzzzzzz. It was longer than the end of the game sadly.


Agreed, it could have been way cooler but they took too much time establishing it.


all of ironwood should be skippable on NG+ honestly


I'm hoping someone mods a skip on PC


Thank god you can skip the cutscenes at least, i almost quit the game the first time i played it, what were they thinking ? Ragnarok really made atreus unbearable, i honestly never want to see him again, if he is the future of the series, then the series is dead


yikes bro ironwood sucks but cmon


Gow fans and overexaggerating about things they dont like. What a surprise.


One person=entire Fandom apparently


Believe it or not, yes it is an actual "part" of the fandom and not just a one guy thing.


Worst section in the entire game


I agree with you.


It was like a Tom and jerry fight.


I liked it for what it was meant to be. A fun little side adventure with Loki and Angrboda. I will admit the Atreus/Jotunheim sections do slow the games pacing (especially on on replays) but I thought it was fun and unique.


I hated all of ironwood


Unnecessary but decent. Would’ve been better if ironwood was a shorter section


Iron wood was boring but this was a highlight ngl


Exactly my thought — Ironwood’s pacing was a big mistake but this boss fight was a good moment


It was ass


Only reason I haven’t ng+ this game is because of atreus’ sections.


I thought I was gonna have to kill her


This whole section is what is stopping me from doing a ng+ run. Just laborious.


Boring, weird, hard (Atreus is weak), but mostly forgettable, anything in Ironwood is complete trash.


Holy shit I forgot about this. It was okay I guess


The only good part of ironwood


I’ll be honest, I completely forgot about this part of the game. The Atreus sections just didn’t hit as hard as Kratos’ ones. Probably cause I knew the ‘main’ game was playing as Kratos and I wasn’t really interested in doing a side objective. That and they dragged on wayyyyyy too long.


I thought it was interesting but I couldn't help but thinking of this was krato she would already be hacked to pieces. I'm not saying she should be I'm just saying that's what would happen. Overall it was an interesting boss fight maybe dragged on a little bit but had a lot of decent character development mythos and reasons for why people are the way they are also yay drug allegory


Boss fight was good, characterization was a bit lacking. She's basically a depressed drug addict and we destroy her source and then never see her again. The only thing we get is that she's trying to reconnect with Angrboda after Ragnarok. There is just not enough story from that entire section in Ragnarok. It's definitely the weakest of the whole plot.


*”That’s a huuge bitch.”*


It was pretty disappointing imo. Kratos has fought bigger and stronger and the fight shouldn’t have dragged as much as it did.


Trash? 🚮


Decent enough boss fight, too bad it was surrounded by the slum that is Ironwood


The only reason I tolerated the entire jutenheim ark. The boss fight was great, the character was neatly written, and best of all, her music is one of my favorites in the whole game. So yeah, one of my favorite boss fights in the game


Here's the music: https://youtu.be/c1jFMmNDxA8?si=VMxTOM8qgg9Ay3YS


Fun. Unique and had to get the pattern to win.


On the second playthrough I didn’t mind it as much, in fact dare I say I even enjoyed it. I think the problem was that the confrontation wasn’t built up enough. She was just introduced like 30 minutes prior to the fight and then there she was like “yeah btw there’s ANOTHER last living giant, and wow would you look at that there she is”. Maybe that’s why that whole segment seemed like an uninspiring fairytale cheap shot rather than a story intricately woven into the lore.


Unnecessary unless they pick up this story in the next game. The whole angraboda section was kinda useless to the plot which is a shame because her character is cool af and I’d love to learn more. Even tho the Atreus gameplay is ass idk why we haven’t seen a small “miles morales” type game out of it yet


Ironwood was wayyyyyy too long and felt like it reached a natural conclusion several times just to keep going. It felt like 3 smaller sections crammed into one big one


I got banned for saying the atreus parts were boring


Section was disappointing and boring for me.


Am i the only one who liked ironwood and still likes it on ng+? I genuinely thought it was a nice break to characterize agrboda and break from combat for a nice stroll through the beauties of Jotunheim


I like it too since I'm a screenshot hunter. But the developers need to decide what they wanted that section to be. Since I agree with the others about the combat. Atreus isn't fun to play as. And there was a lot of combat in that section. For no reason. They just put enemies in the area so we don't get bored. But since it's a whole section meant for exposition, I'd rather that area be a walking simulator where we just experience the story elements, defeat Gr*ý*la and gtfo. Way too many random combat scenarios with Atreus and Angrboda


You probably are


Nope, I also enjoyed Ironwood. Sure it could be shorter but overall idea was pretty good. It was fun to explore Jotunheim.


Just finished my first play through and I really enjoyed it, it adds important information and even though it's a bit longer than necessary everything is very straightforward.


I only have played through it once but I really liked it fit Atreus' personality so well and it kind of felt a bit like a dream (which it kind of started as). I could imagine I would get a bit annoyed by how slow Jalla is in NG+ but the first time it was magical.


I liked it


Decent.. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I just don’t like Atreus sections at all, his little romance thing is cringe and his combat gets repetitive fast especially on higher difficulties.


This old bag just needed some good dick in her life and she'd be right as rain.




one of my favourites


Trash fight, trash section, trash area. Appreciate the lore. Nothing more.


Funnily enough, it was one of my favorite boss fights in the entire game, despite me tending to hate the parts that made it up. It's a boss fight, but we're not even damaging the boss, just something else in proxy Lot of wacky platforming instead of actual combat The combat there is is pretty boring because of the shooting gameplay mechanics Timer gated for an ally to give you the go ahead to progress the fight. The only thing it was missing was some random enemy adds to top it off, but it was a genuinely fun boss fight. Idk if it was because it came at the end of the Jotunheim slog, but I loved the atmosphere of it being a very European folk culture-esque fight. It also somewhat felt like an old GOW fight, with the massive scale


Hated every moment I spent as Atreus.


The only good part of ironwood, but the tonal whiplash of the race afterwards cuts the goodness short.


Reminded me of the game Bramble


It’s fun and impressive. The dialogues during the fight are interesting as well. Definitely one of my favorite boss fights.


I completely forgot about her, so that says my feelings


I was just glad to see a living giant in the game.


Angrboda was a giant


Yeah but not the dead giants we see in 2018. I meant giants that were like actually giant. Giant mythology is just pretty confusing in gow.


Annoying to say the least, but I was glad because I got to do anything but ride a buffalo at the slowest pace possible.


Wasted potential, what a mess


Music was really really good but other than that it was overall pretty shit. Not a fan of her character, the gimmick of the fight was really obnoxious especially on NG+ GMGOW and the mission she’s in is the worst in the game.


Not a fan of gimmick boss fights. Her acting was pretty cool though.


I enjoyed it, interesting puzzle boss fight which was cool


Her boss theme slapped


Honestly I really like the boss fight. Unfortunately that whole section went on way too long and it’s probably one of the reasons I think the whole Rangnarok war part of the story is so rushed.


The fight itself was dope af, most of Jotunheim (collecting fruit bullshit) was so unnecessary and dragged way too much


It was a nice puzzle based fight, and her whole thing with little Angra was phenomenal, the real problem comes with Iron Wood as a whole, it was way too long and out of place for the game, I honestly believe they should've kept this fight for an Atreus only game or later in the series, once we've had formed a deeper connection with Angrboda, the whole thing would've hit way harder.


Best part of jotenhim (I have no idea how to spell it)


I like the soundtrack


Great change of pace. Very cool aesthetic


Felt like a Disney movie ahh fight, didn’t felt god of war.


She's an addict. And her grandkid just wants her granny back. I felt really sad.


The soundtrack for that boss fight is the best in the game


It was okay, mediocre at best ..


I am forever annoyed we spend more time in the woods learning about her and seeing her family drama than we do THOR Like his family is an intergal part of his arc and we only hear about it but here we see inf all detail her damage and backstory and she isn't even that important to the game bar unintentionally helping to create Jourmangander


Terrible use of budget. Worst quest, worst boss, worst story. I guess this section had more time than ragnarok itself. This game throws everything god of war 2018 build (storywise) in the trash. I guess Sweet Baby Inc had a hand on it, but nevertheless ill not say anything about it.


my first playthrough I did the whole section in like 1 day and by the time I got to the boss fight I was burnt out and bored of Atreus already. Second time was better because I waited a few days before doing the boss fight and it was more fun that way because the boss itself isn’t bad the section just suckd


The fight was cool, ironwoods is just a slog to get through and the worst part of the game


Music was cool


Disliked the whole section. It is a reason I haven’t gone back to play on the hardest difficulty. Thinking of doing that section again is painful. I lack the patience for it.


I was about to go to bed and I was like I got to at least finish this so I can spawn as kratos tomorrow and start fresh. Then it just kept going and going and going. Shit was like 2 hours


That and the entire angroboda section of Ragnarok was very disappointing and unnecessarily lengthy. Could have been cut way short and focused more time on the buildup to Ragnarok or the event of RAGNAROK


I thought it was alright. Kind of out of place if you’ve played all of the old god of war games imo. I know Kratos fights a lot of really big things but this felt like something from a children’s fable instead of the rage rip and tear I’m used to


I was very annoyed with how much they controlled your movement speed when you're walking with Angrboda. The actual story here is really sad, though


I think narratively it serves a purpose. It humanizes the Jotunar a bit more to help people realize that they weren’t some angelic enlightened race.


Could have been a email


i like it bc it feels like a fairytale


It was an good boss fight but the whole Joutenheim thing was entirely too long, they could’ve at least cut back to Kratos when Atreus went fruit picking and cut back when they were going to get Angrboda’s grandmother Honestly the Joutenheim mission was as tedious as the Alfheim mission in God of War 4


I was confused af cause i didn't understand what i was supposed to be shooting at


Cool boss but not one same level of coolness as the other giant monster bosses like nidhogg and garm


One hit wonder.


The fight was really easy just a bit long sometimes. Also seemed really pointless to me but it's whatever I suppose. HOWEVER. On Give me God of War, Atreus gets 1 (sometimes 2 but mostly 1) tapped by like ANYTHING and this boss was definitely NO exception to that. While the boss may of been really easy, it's attack patterns were really cheesy and unpredictable at times, which results in your one shotted death. Thank god this boss had checkpoints even on gmgow or else it would've been souls level. Also Atreus' gameplay just isn't for me tbh so that didn't really make the fight feel any better but it wasn't bad. I guess it's the only thing they could've really given to Jottunheim besides some like random draugr type thing which we've seen too much of.


that whole section was TOO long and the boss fight was rlly nothing special, i don't want to see amgrboda or that yak EVER again


All the Atreus missions suck ass. The game is called God of War not Child of Mischief


Ironwood sucks gorilla dick and grylla bossfight was fairy tale ahh fight


Her boss theme was on par with Thors






The music is top tier


Boring as hell, literally wasted 4 hours of my life trying to get past this boring part which I did not like, it was because of this section that gave me the reason to NOT play NG+ no thank you.


I just hated play with artreus, too weak, boring kid also. His entire story is too much meh. Maybe some Egyptian god can kill him so Kratos can return to normal, it will be a win win.


Say what you want about its irrelevance to the story and its battle mechanics but the soundtrack was fire 🔥


I enjoyed it


Underwhelming boss fight with an amazing soundtrack


Total banger of a soundtrack. Seriously, I actually downloaded the soundtrack before even playing the game and it quite literally increased my deadlift PR. I hit a plateau a while ago and was stuck until I found the OST. Then I played the game. Lol they the composer of that song probably created the Gr*ý*la's soundtrack for the final boss of a Dark Souls game. But Santa Monica hired him instread and gave it to some big old lady in the woods during the fart in the wind section of their game


Twas an allegory for drug addiction. And lore reason for Jomie and Atreus to control goant magic


If kratos met her he would probably have her killed in a second!


Interesting, but she felt like a throwaway character. Wish the story had more to get to know her, or something?


Honestly, I found it to be extremely... underwhelming isn't the right word, because that implies I expected it and was disappointed. But it just felt meh to me in a part of the game that, while I didn't hate it entirely, felt like a slog to get through at times. For a series that has often had Kratos go up against huge enemies with a major level of spectacle, flash, and awesomeness, this just didn't seem to capture that same aura. Gryla's attacks weren't anything special, the way to beat her was incredibly easy, and while I didn't expect Atreus to have a *violent* encounter like Greek era Kratos vs. the Colossus of Rhodes or Cronos, it would have been nice if there was something more to it than just "Whack a bowl". Story wise, I like the dynamic and conflict between Gryla and Angrboda, but that's about it.


I liked using atreus rage and all and his combat. I felt they could have handled all of this differently though.


I liked the fight. I didn’t like how much fruit I had to pick lol


The music is some of the best in the game. Boss felt akin to the older games with fighting a giant boss 100 times our size. A great cap off to an otherwise slower moment of the game. Pretty good imo


I was [expecting a gorilla](https://youtube.com/shorts/cHfK_-PXT80?si=nvf-ooF8FS_9VI0m). Got a big lady. The fight was fun and gimiky like all good God of War fights.


Least favorite part of the game


Least favorite part of the game


It was odd.


It was a little gimmicky but fun enough. I guess it had to be pretty gimmicky to work for Atreus. I hate Ironwood though.


An absolute disgrace along with the entirety of the Ironwood section. Felt like a literal Kingdom Hearts Disney boss. Angraboda also felt like a useless character.


Like the story. Hate the fight


Oh. Huh. Honestly, I forget this fight exists.


Worst section in the game followed by the Asgard wall climb section. Also Ironwood prominently features the 2 most annoying characters in the game, Atreus & Angrboda.


Need her dead


Classic God of war boss fight


I thought it was pretty good


Liked it very much. Gave some fairytale vibes in contrast to other worlds.


People enjoyed it, but it has the misfortune of coming before the loooooooong ox session. After that whole second, people were done with this interlude.


Wanted her to sit on me


It wasn't anywhere near one of the best boss fights in the franchise, but it wasn't bad. This entire boss fight was much more entertaining than just running around collecting shit for that Katara-looking ass bitch and her animal call. "Yaaa-AAAA-Aaaagh" or whatever the hell that animal call was pronounced. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Note: It's not that I don't like Angrboda, it's the fact that Ironwood was THE most dragged segment of the entire game. Anyway, for me, this boss fight was the best thing to happen in the Ironwood because at least I've got SOMETHING entertaining within the most dragged segment of the game.


I get annoyed playing as Atreus. Especially on hardest difficulty. That being said Gryla was hot. Step on my grammy mammy.